What's the point of social distancing if you go in public to get groceries and stuff...

What's the point of social distancing if you go in public to get groceries and stuff? You're still touching everything everyone else touched

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Quit touching yourself.

>posting underage girls

The only groceries I touch are the items I buy. Are you one of the sub human faggots that has to paw everything in the store?

You're being trained to not mingle too much with your fellow human beings and to do as you're told. That's the whole point of this.

(read through all the updates)



>touch dirty groceries
>don't pick nose until you get home
>disinfect door knobs, light switch, phone, wallet
>Wash hands
>Put away groceries
>Wash hands again

Wew lad that was hard, guess I should just give up and lick water bottles after I take my daily shart in the mart

minimizing exposure spaghetti bro. I hear y'all ain't doing so hot.

Because you can wash stuff as soon as you get back to your house

Don’t ask these kinds of questions goy!

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It's in the wind. They already have sprayed you with it. You are already infected.

trust me, I live in the present day early puberty estrogen-filled world.

>The only groceries I touch are the items I buy.
Did you see whether the shelf-stacker was wearing gloves?
And they certainly didn't cough or sneeze, right?

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you forgot the part where you wash the groceries, dumbass. Or do you put the potentially infected goods with all your other things?

> touching
We know there is droplet spread and increasing evidence of aerosols, too. In which case not even a mask will help you. There is no safe trip into an indoor space with strangers right now. Stop going to the grocery store.

>Italians touch groceries they same way they touch people
It's amazing you've lasted as long as you have.

what's the point of wearing body armor if someone can shoot your hat?

Order online and pick up wipe down all your shit


>you forgot the part where you wash the groceries, dumbass.

Wear gloves/use hand sanitizer fucking brainlet

went to wally world today. A clearly sick employee stocking baby formula, coughing on every single can and bottle.

inb4 the copefags show up to screech just wash your hands and that it’s just the flu. Not going to save you but keep coping.

I just let people delive groceries they come straight from storage, less contact.

Also less chance someone will sneeze on you in the store if you distance..

No one will ever trust you you piece of shit, you should have been drowned in the toilet by your own mother you fuckin' worthless little fag. Shut the fuck up.

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You sanitize the packaging once you bring it home, euroshit.

>trust me
red-flag phrase

This OP is a titan of intellect amongst his people.

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You know corono doesn't last long on plastic packages. So just put them away wash your hands and use them the day after.


Touching something an infected person touched often isn't enough to get you infected. There is a threshold of viruses (depending on your body) required to enter in order to fuck you up. If you're even moderately careful (washing hands, wearing gloves/mask, disinfecting the shit ur buying) you will eliminate 99,999% chance of infection. The real risk is if you are around someone who's infected for a prolonged period of time. This is the reason doctors and nurses are getting reckt so hard.

What game is this

Boys we cracked it! Italians are dumb fucks.

>Did you see whether the shelf-stacker was wearing gloves?
As a matter of fact yes.

The little amount of virus on the products is not going to kill you, actually it will give you a mild disease and will immunize you. The problem is if someone coughs or sneezes on your face.

>will immunize you
That is not what actual scientists say, user.

Yeah but who packaged those items im drinking bottled water that comes from korea and last i heard theyre fucked

Exactly which is why it’s pointless. We’re only supposed to go to these “essential” places so everybody funnels through them meaning they’re the most infected places around and unless you stocked up and prepped for weeks you’ll have to go there at some point and risk being exposed then bring it back and expose your families. I don’t see how the spread would be at a lower rate, the spread is either the same or possibly even worse.

(((actual scientists)))


How could we get this far along the timeline and you still don’t know how to disinfect shopping and wear gloves/masks/anoraks? Use your door like the airlock on a fallout shelter if you don’t want a bio weapon grade virus in your living room. I spray the soles of my shoes with disinfectant even, there’s no vector I can think of that I don’t cover.
I have been masked since the end of last month. Even fruit & veg I wash with soap.
I’m a survivor
You’re a safety skiver

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>Hurr Durr don't bother mitigating any risks because there are some small other risks

I fucking hate Europeans. Literally the dumbest people on Earth. Even Africans understand simple risk analysis

found the Fifteenth-Century peasant

I was just in Walmart and one of the shelf stockers was coughing like crazy and not even covering her mouth! I'm fucking having a panic attack.

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Fuck corona I'm living life normally minus going to the restaurant


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The virus isn't magic, retard. You're limiting potential contact with it, not trying to eradicate it from your life entirely.

Ricin microdoses. Some get more than others. Truth.

The virus doesn't last on anything longer than a week. Buy it, bring it home, put it in a safe place that you can easily avoid and wait for a week for it to just die on its own.

How exactly does one sanitize fruits/vegetables, aside from ones that are cooked at high heat?

doing gods work

I have never understood this.
Why the fuck do people drink bottled water? unless you live in Flint, it's got to be one of the dumbest things ever.

Haven’t you all felt that throat tickle past three weeks?

It’s called wearin gloves and then rubbing them with hand sanitizer afterwards.

This is why I prepped 3 months worth of food and supplies starting in early January. We have gone for hikes in the forest and fishing, but my family and I haven't been around people for almost three weeks.

I won't go to a store for as long as possible. This was the whole idea behind prepping for this: I wasn't deluding myself with apocalyptic scenarios, it was all about being able to hunker down for as long as possible, especially as things start to ramp up and reach the peak.

>doesnt understand the concept of home decontamination zones, and not picking his nose while he is shopping

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yeah but you're minimizing your exposure. That's the point.

So 0% under 70. Bs.

don’t forgot the debit/credit card, that’s what it’s spreading from

Soap. Washing up liquid doesn’t leave any traces.

old enough to bleed, old enough to butcher

but my bananas will be brown???

I was thinking more "Facebook mom"


When you bring your food home wash the packages with disinfectant. Beats dying.

Gloves aren't magic. Once they touch something contaminated, they're contaminated and contaminate everything they touch from that point on. Glove are fine if they're removed and replaced each time they get contaminated. You're not going to get that in a grocery store. It's up to you self decontaminate your hands and your purchases.

>The virus doesn't last on anything longer than a week.
RNA was detected 17 days after the last person was evacuated off that cruise ship.