Do you fucking get it now? Yes, YOU. There is something very very wrong with the system if a CEO makes 1000x what his employees make. The system is rotten and all you defending it ARE part of the problem
Do you fucking get it now? Yes, YOU...
>There is something very very wrong with the system if a CEO makes 1000x what his employees make.
Why? The CEO has 1000x responsibility than a grocery bagger.
The CEO has 1000x responsibility than a grocery bagger.
So when the company goes out of business why does the CEO get a bonus and the bagger get nothing shouldn't it be reversed because the CEO is more responsible?
Because he can. Fuck off faggot
Probably because of weird tax loopholes introduced by well-meaning but naive gentlemen such as yourself. Usually a business owner suffers when his company becomes bankrupt.
I think Yas Forums in general is populist rather than elitist about the econony.
Tell me what the CEO does that is 1000x more productive than his employee. You do agree salary should reflect productivity, right?
Wrong, Yas Forums is filled with boot lickers. Just look at the landlord apologists in here. Of course there are good people here too but a lot of trash
>You do agree salary should reflect productivity, right?
No, because I see no way to compare the productivity of bagging someone's groceries to the productivity of managing a hundred branches of a chain. Hell, how do you even compare the productivity of a bagger to the productivity of a shelver? Which of those two is more productive?
If not productivity then what? You seem to be able to quantify and compare ”responsibility” whatever that means which is DEFINITELY a deflection and purposefully blurry to wave away any concerns. Boot licker asshole
OP's image is exactly how poor people think. You really think CEOs running some of the biggest companies in the world work for million dollar salaries? Pull up one of these companies' earnings and see what they are relative to CEO's cash compensation.
Waaaaaaaah daddy gubment take care of meeeeeeee lick lick
It's like the people in charge of those hospitals didn't run them very well.
This represents most left-wing people on the planet. They aren’t good enough for anything but it’s not them, it’s the system the one in the wrong.
The reason you are always losing political arguments is less that you are wrong than that you're obviously crazy and irresponsible. A great number of people believe the fundamental point you are making is correct, but further understand that having such crazy and irresponsible people as yourself in power would be much worse.
>actually working
You are a dumb nigger. Kys
Here are two ways to quantify responsibilty
>number of employees that your decisions impact
>amount of money that your decisions impacts
both of which will assign >1000x responsibility to a CEO than a bagger.
Can you answer my question? Is a bagger more productive than a shelver?
i fucking hate swedes
enjoy your 2000+% rape rates !
mo money is good
cry commie cry
death is coming to you soon
What do you do for work, Muhammed?
Of course this shit is a feel good gesture. Annual salary of a CEO of most fortune 500s likely wouldn't cover the company payroll for a few hours.
The only people defending it are shills. NatSocs/Fascists/etc despise capitalism and consumer culture.
But, obviously you have a mental block that prevents you from actually even understanding what their views are - because if you did you'd be NatSoc.
But he relies on baggers to do good work. If he is worth that much more than a bagger, then the massive success he brings to the company can afford to pay their baggers better.
Everybody knows CEOs don't work, they spend all their time golfing and maniacally laughing in boardrooms. What no, my entire worldview wasn't created by Hollywood, that's absurd
>boot lickers
Guaranteed you're unemployed and unemployable.
What would it actually take for these people to stop bitching?
Watch what happens to the stock of a company (and then the company itself) that selects a CEO who is willing to work for relative peanuts
No. I don’t care about brown people. We shouldn’t have to live with them in our societies and if we didn’t then we wouldn’t have economic problems.
>pic. unironically how temporarily embarassed retards think of themselves
Im nazbol, dont mind natsoc people just not too big on the race thing
The question is irrelevant, its hard to give you a number like he is 1.25% more productive than a shelver or a trucker. I can guarantee you though that the CEO isnt as productive as 1000 of his employees
That's negotiated in the deal they signed to bring him onboard
>an american voices his opinion about socialism
Would you like to listen to a lecture about american gun rights?
Anti-monopoly laws worked the last time. The only way a free system remains free is when it polices the abusers of that system from time to time. Otherwise, they abuse the system until it is free for nobody but them. This is basic stuff. This pattern includes economic markets.
Want to know something funny? The SEC made it so that companies had to make their CEO's pay public. The thought process was people will be disgusted and outraged and that it will make it all go down, or something What actually happened was that CEO of Company A saw CEO of Company B made 10 million more than him so he want 15 million more in compensation. This went on and on and still does.
>The CEO has 1000x responsibility than a grocery bagger.
- everything goes right: gets a bonus
- everything goes wrong: gets a bonus and a bailout
>Tell me what the CEO does that is 1000x more productive than his employee.
Controls the direction of the company, which has a decisive impact on how well the company performs. CEOs are under constant pressure to deliver results to stockholders, and if they make even one mistake, the welfare of millions may suffer for it. A CEO can and will be fired for making a decision that takes the company in a bad direction. A CEO can and will be fired for merely coasting along instead of constantly improving a company. Compare that to an entry-level drone, for whom making mistakes is expected and can be used as a learning experience.
So what do you do for work, Muhammed?
Everyone has the skill to be a shop assistant.
1 in 1000 people have what it takes to be a CEO.
Therefore you have to pay a CEO 1000x more, because if you don’t, some other company will, he’ll leave and you’ll be left without anyone who can run the company. Then all the grocery baggers lose their jobs.
It’s called demand and supply, when did Yas Forums get infested with emotional children.
>but muh bankruptcy bonus
Wow, who’d have thought the few large companies who go bust have the worst people running them.
Go back.
It's almost as if the CEO just has the right connections or something I don't know.
Enough of this bullshit already
Close borders. Implement UBI that provides enough to live on. Tie it to national average cost of living. See how quickly wages rise for the proletariat whose labor value suddenly skyrockets while they no longer have to take shitty jobs just to survive. Also, better rent control and higher taxes for landlords holding multiple properties.
Yes, corporate socialism is bad
false, you have no concept of value, maybe because you're swedish.
CEOs had to do much more than most people to get to where they are. they've had to be ruthless, build business relationship, know how to spin things on tv, would have had to step over colleagues to gain promotions year upon year, paid large sums of money on study (e.g. law, commerce etc..).
CEOs are married to their job. they live and breathe it.
the company relies on their decisions to survive. a wrong move and thousands of employees can lose their job.
if you're prepared to put in the effort they did, then you can have a shot at the top too. but instead you'll whine about other people's success.
Not an argument
A CEO can open a single store and bring more money and jobs into an area of the world and support dozens of families. How many eggs do you need to bag to have that type of impact? You can bag groceries for 100 years and not come close to that type of impact. Frankly most people would rather bag their own because baggers usually suck. They bag groceries for a reason, not because they're good at it.
Why did CEOs only make 30x more than baggers in the 1980's? You know this 1000x more than their lowest employee is a new development, right?
Bullshit, suck ass
The masses, everyone.
Get the fuck out of here, Redddit fag.
Go circle jerk with your faggot friends.
Ok then limit what basketball players can make as well.
>What would it actually take for these people to stop bitching?
everyone else being poorer than they are
We live in an oligarchy.
What do you think that entails?
Fucking moron
Removing all executive compensation at most companies would not even result in a $1 a week raise for the rest of the employees. It would just guarantee they would all be out of work very soon.
Murdoch-chan is a nasty stink bitch. She never bathes or showers. Pig.
If a CEO makes 100x his employees and there are 200 employees then removing his salary to give the employees would result in about 50% salary increase
>a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution
so every country ever?
>you're a bootlicker if you support landlords
your commie is showing.
landlords offer a service and if you've entered into a contract with them then that's on your head. if you don't want to rent, then buy a place or move to another country where you have more purchasing power. you're only staying put because you value your current lifestyle more than any rent you pay.
People who think this are the same people that think that bloomberg spending 500 million dollars on ads could result in each 327 million americans getting 1 million
No one cares about your communist pet peeves right now, swedecuck.
Companies that have CEOs typically have more than 200 employees. For example Costco has 214,000. This would result in a .046% increase for everybody. Now instead of making $11 an hour, they will make $11.005 an hour, which I'm sure they will cherish.
It bothers me that people like you make up the majority in our country.
And for real, do you honestly believe that the CEO wage cut can balance out to pay all other employees? It's about sending a signal of solidarity within a company.
why aren't you a CEO?
imagine actually believing this unironically
Do you get all your opinions from reddit?
Kill them. Kill them all.
If it's so easy why don't you become a CEO? You just want society to provide for you and cede power to you because of feels. You're a weakling and you think you're going to impact powerful people by whining. The saddest part is that they're pretending to appease you because you always vote for stronger ties between the government and the corporate elites, which ironically cements their hold on power. R-selected fucktards like you should be disenfranchised ASAP and the whole system should be geared towards denying you any political rights. Basically, people like you are the reason we have civilizational collapses.
>removing his salary
Also, it would end all future paychecks. Aren't you killing the goose that pays the golden egg here? I mean, still 'kill them kill them all' why not, but
the cost of production decreased since then, so there is more profit. this profit has been distributed to shareholders as dividends. the shareholders voted to increase the CEO's remuneration so long as they keep delivering.
I know a guy who had a multi million business go up in smoke, all employees lost their jobs, so did he. Then he declared bankruptcy and all debt is forgiven. So where is the extra responsibility? He is starting a new business btw...
prove it wrong then, and stating that it's only 666x more is a cop out
Bullshit. Shareholders and stocks didn't appear in the 90's. You're full of shit.
Amazing how people can't into business. CEO's have ZERO responsibility. All they do is make decisions with information given to them by their staff. Literally a basic computer program could perform their function based off of cost/benefit analysis if given the appropriate input.
Without a good CEO the company is doomed to fail, imagine grabbing a random bagger and making him ceo and adding all the responsibilities to him, the salary of a CEO is justified since he's had to prove himself, not only that leads the company would you trust someone incompetent to run your company? you need to incentivize them to make it the best possible company, people just like scapegoats due to our human nature.
fuck off swede, your country is irrevelent and poor. your ideas are poison. countries that matter have huge companies producing trillions of dollars in gdp, supply the world with what it needs. nobody needs anything sweden makes.