African-American artist drakes reveals his son, who is blonde hair blue eyed. Adolf Hitler never had a strand of blonde hair in his life, he was already ((swarthy)) as a child. How does it feel that your “Aryan” hero is less white than a black mans offspring?

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You mean Ashkenazi-Canadian.

What's surprising about a quadroon looking whiteish? His hair will most likely darken with age, possibly even his eyes. Babies of all races look similar in the face so as far as that goes it's too early to judge. It's a 75% white baby anyway so who the fuck cares I don't understand

Gene editing should be illegal.

Only whites are allowed to have different eye folors.

Why is fp always bp?

Yeah this isn't even a meme. This is literally what he is.

Thats a leaf, lad.


Now post the other pictures of this goblino before you start pretending you know what an Aryan is, faggot

Best genes always surface. That´s why we are the MASTER RACE

>his son

Hitler was a jew and nazism was baded off Zionism and the Nazi party was funded by jewish bankers as part of the dialectic to create and populate Israel

Nazis being stupid = fire being hot

No shit, basing any kind of human value on arbitrary phenotypes instead of personal accomplishment and legitimate merit is always a stupid line of thinking.
Saying "Nazis BTFO" is like saying "ISIS killing themselves"

I meant canadian btw, still doesnt change the fact that a literal negro had a whiter offspring then hitler ever could have

Yeah, because he fucked a white bitch. That's why the disgusting little bastard has "blonde hair" you Communist cocksucker.

No one believes that's his son

also low quality b8

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A literal black Jew is whiter than 99% of pol.

We're literally in another decade and still this 'muh blonde hair blue eyes' nonsensical propaganda is parroted out by mouth breathing retards.
This is the same as believing people who call themselves the 'chosen race' when they tell you that others call themselves the 'master race' despite 0 actual evidence they did.

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>You mean Ashkenazi-Canadian.

You mean designer baby.

Name a single Blonde hair war Criminal from any point in history

Reinhard heydrich

Can barely think of any war criminals at all off the top of my head. This is a stupid question.

Still, I'll go with my grandpa for $900

Lmao, what a cuck! Hahahahaha.
Time for a paternity test.

“Aryan” doesn't mean blonde hair and blue eyes. Lurk more you retard.

Nope. Imagine if the world was white and caucasiod.

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Most babies are born with blue eyes. Also recessive genes popping up after being dormant for a few generations is common.

The baby has the same facial structure.

Still would be full of idiots. Just more blonde and white ones.

No Nazi actually looks up to Adolf

what a cute kid

literally a mutt

Still looks like a nigger.

Except all of the third reich. The Nazi backpedal is absurd. Every time you people get caught being contradictory you amend the story.

Drake is a cuck. Look at the mom. She couldn't pop out a kid looking like after after getting fucked by Drake.

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kill the mutated son of a bitch!!

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Hahahaha. What an ugly jewess.

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niggers don’t belong in civil societies

The blonde hair blue eye thing is a meme. The word blonde is used once in all of mein kampf.

Easily could. Look how sharp the baby's chin is. Super narrow like drake.

Isn’t she part north african? I am sure she even had a hamsa necklace on in one of her pictures.

>basing any kind of human value on arbitrary phenotypes
Literally no one makes that stupid argument and it's such a dead unicorn. There is nothing arbitrary about tribalism and there is certainly nothing arbitrary about basing the value of a collective on it's accomplishments if you really insist on a worldview based on meritocracy. I could list the accomplishments of the 3rd Reich to play that point but you are so so obviously too far gone with the libertarian koolaid it's not worth my time. Lurk way way more newfriend.

Well someone got cucked. I wouldn't believe celebrity lies anyways. Look at Prince Harry. Looks nothing like Charles.

Why is it that every nigger nation is a fourth world shithole?

Most of Yas Forums doesn't belong in a civilized society. I'd hire a black over you any day of the week.


>No shit, basing any kind of human value on arbitrary phenotypes

>implying shitskins don’t do this as well as everyone else

that's because you're a nigger yourself

> his son.


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Well yeah. Yas Forums is unironically more racially diverse than any Western lefty movement, which are usually white as shit

>LuRk mOrE
Apparently the third reich's accomplishments weren't enough or they would be here today. You go play with you nazi fanfics. I'll stay here in reality where we use our brains. Natural selection should be visiting you soon anyhow.

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high guality bost OBee

u show those nazees +1

Nice try paco you can still clearly see hitlers hair is far darker

Lmao ok spictoid. Nobody wants to work in your burrito shop.

This is true. Its absurd how many different people gather here, but at the same time they are all basement dwellers anyhow.
Most of the world is probably nigger to you.

That's not his kid, it's a stolen baby from Eastern Europe

funny troll chang, tell me about all of your fetishes

>I'd hire a black over you any day of the week.
>Get robbed

nice cope


Drake isn't black he's a jew from israel. And this just proves how easy it is for them to convince everybody that they're "white".

>Apparently the third reich's accomplishments weren't enough or they would be here today.
That's specious reasoning


>You mean designer baby.
What do you mean bro?

t. retarded 'white nationalist'

Still better than how it is now

If we are just "basement dwellers" why do you even care?

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