He PROMISED to re-open America and end all this social distancing shit by April 12:

>So I think Easter Sunday, you'll have packed churches all over our country. I think it'll be a beautiful time.
>--Donald J. Trump

Now this lying faggot has extended everything through April 30. Why does this snake speak with a forked tongue, Yas Forums?

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Because he and you for that matter are both golem serving israel as their guardians and penis washers.

its all about him, user. Thats all he cares about. a reporter asked him last week why he wanted to open on the 12th when scientists and doctors advised him not too and he literally said to her that the media and the dems are against him and are trying to ruin his reelection and his excuse for opening on the 12th was just so he could make himself happy again.

this pussy needs to get cucked. he's turning me into a liberal over all of this c-virus shit.

Same here.

that's what shills do. they lie.

Because this shitstorm is getting stinkier, creamier and more voluminous.

get a life you fucking faggot

He never promised. He said he'd "like to" reopen by Easter. Are you even paying attention?

>believing anything drumpf says

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I am growing weary of his total lack of consistency. Saying shit and then not doing it; suddenly doing shit he DIDN'T say he would do, etc. It's all so tiresome. I get the sense that he doesn't know what the fuck he is even doing right now.

Do you even read bruh?

And what is preventing that? According to /ptg/, in any case, Wuhan flu has already been cured with malaria and GRIDS medications. And yet, Trump still flip-flopped today.

I've pretty much accepted that we're probably gonna be in lockdown for the rest of the year.

If the lockdown continues further than April 30th, then it will be time to prepare for the worst, as it's possible confirmation of Project Zyphr. Some here still don't believe it, but the measures that various countries and regions are implanting are nothing short of draconian and are even increasing the measures even more as weeks go by.

Well, elites, you might very well get to rule in the hell you've created. I'm just thankful that all of the good folks might not get to live in it.

Oh I don't know user, the fact that it is continuing to spread rapidly? Or do we now not believe the left owned media? Which is it?

You're suffering from TDS. Get help.

He probably didn't meant that. He probably just wanted to give a fuck you to them. It would have been based on some advice somewhere.

Easter is April 19th this year heathen.

Easter's looking probable

No, /ptg/ is suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

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bona fide trump supporter here. he's completely fucking everything up big time by cucking to health experts again on this. we need to ignore this shit and go back to work.

>And what is preventing that?
The tens of thousands of Shanghai Shivers cases we still have and the potentially fuckloads more that are currently incubating.

He just expressed his aspirations to the virus. It didn't listen.


Unironically kys

he said we cant let the cure be worse than the disease. when he said that the cure was already far worse. its only moreso now. we need to get back to work.

Why was he being optimistic? I dunno user. Maybe he should get on TV and panic and tell everyone they are going to die tomorrow.

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goat fuckers are fucking degenerates
goats are disgusting fucking filthy animals
why dont they fuck sheep like a normal midwestern american

At least I'll go to heaven.

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>still spreading rabidly
so we should keep damaging the economy with health policies that dont work?

Fuck... That's pretty true...

I cannot fucking believe you get paid for this low effort shit. I could do such a better job but I'm not working for $.50 a post.

OP is a retard. That is not a promise, that is an aspiration.

muh shills

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>okay we'll push it back

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you and /ptg/ can be faggots simultaneously jew know

It's called "rapidly changing situation", giant faggot OP

>Project Zyphr
reminder that EVERYTHING i post here is SATIRE

reminder that if any agent of the state ever comes to my home they will be removed from my property by force at the first mention of internet activity.

OP, how much do they pay you? like doesn't it hurt to kvetch this hard?


Fuck you Jew

Guess it wasn't a beautiful enough timeline


Have sex

Fuck this orange cheeto. I'm with her now!

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It shall last until Hanukah.

He knows the lockdown is going to last through the summer. He is just going to keep pushing it out in increments so it doesn't scare the stock market.

>we need to get back to work.
>he doesn't have an emergency fund with at least one year of living expenses

Ooof, they might hire you as surge capacity at Wal-mart if you get desperate.. You aren't going back to work until at least August.

He didn't promise April 12 lmao he said it would be nice. Btw anyone who uses the meme you used in your image is an obvious shill.

drumpf lied, easter died (good riddance)

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don't worry, in 3 days it'll rise again

the fed cant make up for a complete and total loss of public entertainment and travel for 6 months. 100% guaranteed recession and (((financial crisis))) if we miss memorial day & and all the big stimulus bullets have already been spent. pactically speaking that means its game over if we dont start reversing course by easter.

>He PROMISED to re-open America
WTF? But what about muh open borders?
omg how do you commies cope?

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>the plight of the open borders commie
i feel for you.

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my job is extremely secure and unemployment is paying better than work these days anyway. point is my job and millions of others are going to be a lot less secure if we let this shit drag out and trigger another 2008 style financial crisis.

Holy shit you shills are way too obvious.

I'm enjoying watching Americans bewildered by the fact that a fake billionaire orange retard celebrity TV game show host is acting like a retard.

You could watch a broadcast of a service and you know, not spread the disease.

Listening to you histrionic dipshits screech for the last 3 years has been a source for endless entertainment.
Almost 5 to go.
Screech and seethe about orange man bad, it's fucking hilarious.

This won’t be over until well into September

Lol I love this

He didn't promise shit.
He said he had hopes that we would be able to end social distancing by then. He was trying to do something about the panic that was setting in. You're a retarded faggot.

>I am growing weary of his total lack of consistency.
I wanted him to drop the hammer on the tedious H1B scam... but, no, something like RICO on the big-tech companies would hurt the economy.

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He never "promised" anything you dumb fucking sub80 IQ mouth breather.

because people would literally freak the fuck out if he told everyone it's going to be a shitshow indefinitely

>100% guaranteed recession and (((financial crisis)))

That is already baked into the cake. You can't take a 1/3 hit to the stock market and avoid a recession. It's probably not a good idea to stack a bunch of plague deaths on top of that recession.

>>>He PROMISED to re-open America
>WTF? But what about muh open borders?
>omg how do you commies cope?
What if the twist is that we're under lock-down and the borders are being opened for 'refugees' and 'migrants'? As a covert way to finally complete the replacement of the native US Citizen.

we'll see what happens user, we'll see what happens.

theres no telling when it will be over. they shut everything down over a few dozen cases. we will never have numbers that low again. and because we shut everything down the virus wont spread like it would and leaving hundreds of millions of people at risk when we open up again. We're literally just waiting for the (((experts))) to declare its nothing to worry about anymore. its a hoax

They want more ventilators, as long as there's no shortage of ventilators he can't be blamed for 80 year old fossils dying

>Trump controls the virus spread
Keep the fucking niggers and spics in lockdown and we can solve this in two weeks.

Scanner darkly on autopilot.

fuck you, we're in a national code orange

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