Sicc bois report in. I'm about 1.5 weeks into fighting this virus at home and I have to admit...

sicc bois report in. I'm about 1.5 weeks into fighting this virus at home and I have to admit, I'm drained and can't taste/smell anything. I feel really bad for immunelets if it's making a 30yo athlete with 11/10 immune system and no preexisting conditions feel this exhausted.

How has your fight been?

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take your hydroxychloroquine and stfu

Don’t have it. Hope I don’t cause my lungs are shot. I’m a Smoking Drinking machine but I eat pussy on the regular soooooooo. I’ll just suck on the O2

had it for nearly 2 months now, taking 73mg/kg oral L-ascorbic acid every 4 hours or sooner if my heart starts racing or breathing gets hard.

instant relief that lasts. only thing that works.

Day 17.
Infrequent clearing of throat cough.
Healthy enough to sport but being cautious.

Pink eye
Coughing up black green crud
Cough occasionally

Just a bit of chest pain and heavy leaded lungs. Doing anything physically exerting makes my lungs feel like they're on fire. No fever and slight cough. Been like this since the 19th and was most likely exposed on the 16th. Must be good genetics, I've been going out regularly and no one expects a thing.

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Cytokine storms will fuck you
Rip in peace

I’ve got it. Bleeding out of my asshole for 3 hours a day. Screaming. Farting. Jumping up and down. All those things I usually do but I can’t do them now because of the Batflu , Batflu, Batflu nana nana nana nana na! BATFLU!

Whatever you do do not look up what happens on wave 2 when the Batflu uses your antibodies from wave 1 to attack you and stop your heart.

Lay off the curry and maybe you'll stop bleeding from your ass pajeet

nice larp, fagget


Yet prince Charles was over it in five days. Tom Hanks the diabetic shook it off, too

shit is truly scary, basically the immune system goes into last resort measures and uses itself like suicide bombers blowing everything up

That's not how any of this works.


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athletes are the sickest people on the planet, retard
what do you think happens when you exert your body to its limit every day

Some of you idiots just have the flu or a cold and not corona.

It's literally cold and flu season.

>I'm about 1.5 weeks into fighting this virus
No, you're not. Post proof. inb4 op flees from the thread.

Have been fighting the virus for a week from home. It started with a really strange fever. It felt really different from a fever you get when you have a cold or flu. I also felt kinda tired but not alot.

8 days in and I am spending most of my day in bed drinking tea. It feels like only 60% of my lungs work. I feel extremely exhausted and I sleep like 14 hours a day usually. Fever has calmed down a bit. My muscles are also quite sore and the coughing is driving me insane. Yesterday was the worst day so far. Pretty much could not get out of bed. Felt like I was sleeping while being awake. I was pretty much a vegetable throughout most of the day and had almost 40c fever I expected this to be way worse though. It is quite worse than the regular flu.

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not a LARP but it's a weird sickness. It's not so bad if you aren't an immunelet but it's a tier stronger than your average sickness.
you're right, I'll give you that. I bike for a living and I will agree, it can be really unhealthy to ride 30-50 miles a day, 4-6 days a week. (I'm also a 6min/mile runner) Where it shines is when I'm forced to rest

What? Modern athletic training is based on working out hard only 2-3 times a week with plenty of rest and good food.

When I was playing soccer, I never got sick for years.

>making a 30yo athlete with 11/10 immune system
This as larp written all over it. But if it‘s genuine your immun system is garbage. Somebody in his 40th with beer belly did just get a soar throat and slight night sweets. Female cancer survivor in her 50th who also has a lot of other stuff only had slightly bad breathing.

>I expected this to be way worse though. It is quite worse than the regular flu.
This, it's bad but not THAT bad. The fever is kinda weird too, chills and cold sweats all night.

How much ADVIL have you taken ?

Pink eye , nearly 3 weeks of fatigue, and a loss of taste. That's nothing I've ever experienced before.

>I bike for a living
lol faggot

I am kinda used to lung shit. Had bronchitis like 14 times total in my teenage years. Doctors were quite annoyed to see me show up like every 3 months with bronchitis. Had the flu twice too.

Also this. Very close family member on the front lines in ER. New England and a 30 yr old athlete came in friday and died yesterday, also 31 yr old Marathoner currently intubated & not looking good.

Wim Hof method user. God loves you but he doesn't want you to die like this. Take care.

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Do u even take selenium vitamin c or d3 in high dosages? Sheesh also heard hydroxychloroqhine works geez spit in ur doctors face for being so useless

Stop sleeping with pillows that have been farted on.

You and the dead people are faking being sick because you're an NWO stooge. Fuck off.

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Professional and semi professional long endurance athletes seem to be the only healthy people with severe and critical conditions or even death. 21 or 23 I don’t remember year old female football player in Iran, 38 year old patient zero in Italy and allegedly the young Chinese doctor. Well maybe you‘re legit.

I have a weird feeling in my throat for about 2 weeks already, but no coughing or sneezing. from time to time my nose is running. I dont feel good overall, never have felt that bad for such a long time. guess I have corona. thank god it did not attack my lungs too bad.

Yeah, was gonna post this. Shit works & it's simpler than tricker breathing exercises like pranayama.

you mean ibuprofen, trademarked names is not halal. Also, I know to avoid ibuprofen
you're just jealous I'm sexy in a skinsuit

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This nigga fighting the wu flu with Warheads and Dr. Pepper

Get tested. Maybe you just have a cold but it's worth it to know. Felt similarly when my corona kicked in. Very weird "unwell" feeling. Haven't experienced anything like it before that.

smoking weed and drinking helps, also porn

Proven to lower inflammatory cytokines which is what im concerned about. My immune system will kill this shit but I definitely don't want it killing me too. Haven't gotten it though thank god. Been in quarantine for 1.5 weeks.

they wont test you in Germany for mild symptoms, without being in Italy, China or German hot spots like Heinsberg.

But seriously though

-22mg ABSORBED of vitamin C per pound of bodyweight
-5,000 iu or more vitamin d
-Up Vitamin A

-CHAGA tea every hour (sourced from birch tree preferably)
- If expierencing lung issues, get some Usnea.

Three days and you'll feel better.

>sick with chink virus
>11/10 immune system

Pick one faggot. I’m immune to chink disease.

Spanish flu killed the young and healthy because their immune systems reacted too quickly and strong, the disease would stop but their semi-allergic immune reaction killed them dead. Kind of like jordan petersons daughter when her immune system ate her knees and they needed replaced

Sunlight helps as well. Free vitamin D

Wtf her knees had to be replaced telll me more

Prove you're sick.

only during summer, the sunlight during winter is to weak. iam taking 2000 IE D3 and K2 daily

>it’s a paranoid lying retard kike shills on Yas Forums say that have covid thread

can we get the jannies to move this shit to trash? i hate you stupid retards

stop taking the cock. now is not the time for degeneracy.

In that case, just wait to see if the symptoms get any worse.

What the fuck even is this 'sickness' you speak of?


op is a soiled faggot with a prolapsed anus

>pink eye

nigger you got AIDS playing the fart game with your faggot boyfriend


I wonder how long the illness will last, its already at least 14 days in my case. I am already tired of that shit

dont listen to this serpent.

imagine contracting the virus this early on lmfao. that seems impossible. god, you're an idiot op.

just the coof bro.

when was the last time you took any meds?

>11/10 immune
ROFL YOU WISH! You have bad genetics and are deluded beyond hope, no flu makes a resilient man and healthy man this sick.

Oh shit... you know your smell/taste isnt coming back right? The virus got into your spinal fluid... you literally have brain damage now.

fake news
fake virus

I'm in USDA hardiness zone 9a-9b. sunlight was out in full force the past couple of days.


2 months? Why have you not tried megadosing with the vitamin c?

back to plebbit you fat pedo

You're fighting panic attacks, not covid.

t. MDfaggot swamped in all facets of this shit show

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>only thing that works
>had it for nearly 2 months

>Had dry cough for 2 weeks
>Nothing else really
>Govt as I recover "We've confirmed symptoms involve a dry cough. Lockdown time!"
See ya, oldfags. Love being on the clear and immune side.


you think 73mg/kg every 4h is not a megadose? lol, i weigh 160 lbs and I'm taking 5.4g basically IV every 4h.

its the most mega of doses to ever dose

yes you fucking chink motherfucker, we've had it for 2 months, i know full well it's permanent and everyone will die, and yes, liposomal C holds it down with an iron boot.

you fucks are going to have all the world's nukes in your faces within a month. no chink chips controlling those.

How are your test levels, user?

seems that vitamin c crystallized in your brain lmao

and if not, if somehow our leadership fails and you motherfuckers just stroll on in expecting to get comfy, i have saved many, many people and you will still be facing a gun behind every blade of grass because FUCK YOU.

wherever you are chink, whatever office building or apartment you're posting from, better start taking some fucking iodine because you are going to be nuked into fucking oblivion for this.

Anons, the disease is not going away from your system.
Unless Glaxo lets Gilead produce the pill, you will die from it eventually.
Make peace with those around you.
Find God.

Thank you for the shitposting
I'll be praying for you.

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You only thought you were in good shape. you are a loser of the genetic lottery my friend

Liposomal C, oral, 73mg/kg, every 4 hours. Spread the word and get ready for war with the bugmen.

Should be taking antipsychotics instead of vitamins. But The Church of Scientology says otherwise. So you're stuck with ineffective vitamins. Sad.