Good parenting thread

Good parenting thread

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Already saw this gif once today. You are a fucking nigger tier thief

Based goblina


Is that a picture of trump

Dios mio...

funny/sad thing is those thots will become goblinas verrrry soon

Based mom.


They got the chancla.

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Built for BBC

good parenting teaches you why something is wrong, all this does is reinforce the idea that sexuality is risque

Send your kids to SSPX schools, user.

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this ones pretty much a classic by now

Hard to argue with results.

>just beat your kids instead of actually teaching them anything
This is how you create niggers, beating your kids should be a last resort not your first reaction to anything bad they do.

shut up accursed femoid


How chinese of him.

i ate fuck

My fucking sides

Beating your kids is something very common in Latin America.

Considering how much of the youth there is involved in crime, drugs and promiscuity, it's clear as daylight that beating your kids doesn't work.



how about no ?

Where is Belle Delphine these days?

Attached: Belle Delphine banana.webm (640x360, 2.64M)

king moment

"La Chancla" FTW!!!!!

I saw it, just another example of a brain dead single mother and her retarded children

What is it with you T*rkroaches and BBC, you oiled up, closet faggots. Filthy scum.

i want to punch her right between the fucking eyes

staged. and if not.. well this is bad parenting if your kids do this (ie you've already effed up)

its funny though.
no father in the house most likely, tax payers raised those pieces of trash

Attached: holuhhnigga.jpg (640x400, 63.04K)

Can't tell if low iq or high iq

You forgot to turn on your memeflag, Roach

Who cares?
That bitch isnt hot
Dressing like video game character is peak cringe, you faggits need help

kek, it looks like it, doesn't it?

have s-
yeah nvm im with ya, user

Attached: tranny.jpg (400x225, 18.21K)

I guess it's easier than explaining why they're in the wrong or what they should be doing instead. These people deserve the rope more than anyone else, so much child abuse goes on and nobody cares unless it's sexual even though physical and mental abuse can be just as bad, if not worse.

>i want to punch her right between the fucking eyes
Dude, you might need to do something about your anger management. Belle deserves, hugs, kisses, and patreon donations.

Attached: Belle Delphine aheago.png (451x472, 297.21K)


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So I saw this .gif and did this with my 1 and 4 month old son.

It didn't work.

He's either a Chad or I'm just a basic bitch of a dad or both.

>That bitch isnt hot
Found the gay homosexual.

Attached: Belle Delphine 6.jpg (1331x2000, 574.2K)

>he doesnt know thots must be patrolled
How do you know this is the first time she's done this? Maybe this is the 10th time madre de goblina caught her daughter being a dirty whore.

Getting prison raped afaik. Unless those were fake news few months ago

Based and shit geyser pilled.

The truth is that no matter what you do, niggers gonna be niggers and spics gonna be spics.



They are also a low iq society/race

Swatting them with a shoe is not beating, you giant pussy. Kids do worse than that to each other when they're just simply rough housing. It's more about sending the message that you have disappointed someone who cares about you so much that they will resort to violence to get you to stop whatever it is that you did. The belt and switch kept me in line growing up and I have discipline, a work ethic and a few million dollars now. At one time it was called corporal punishment, and our crime statistics pre-1980 when the PC Movement started were exponentially lower.


Why? What?

For real, pics of her without makeup and a filter will bring you back to reality. Don't be a simp.

She has an HSV1 infection on her lip. That is the most common cause of genital herpes. Disgusting.

I'm sure you only date 10s

fear the Chankla

She is extraordinarily punchable.

ok tranny

Anyone have the video of that nig beating his daughter with a belt and shaving her head for being a hoe on Snapchat?

So what, if you fuck thots you basically accept catching this shit.

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Probably ran away laughing with all those incel bux she earned. She probably made enough to retire off of from them.

Correct me if im wrong but didnt she legit get arrested few months ago for some bs?

Fucking die

Drown yourself in semen turkroach!

Attached: 149E72FD-80DC-403A-9278-1FD2F76FACDA.jpg (567x689, 51.08K)

The kid will become a psychopath

>For real, pics of her without makeup and a filter will bring you back to reality. Don't be a simp.
Here you do. So beautiful!

>She has an HSV1 infection on her lip. That is the most common cause of genital herpes. Disgusting.
I would still accept a bj from her.

Attached: Belle Delphine no makeup.jpg (1080x600, 94.53K)

Found the virgin coomer that's easily deceived by make-up, wigs/hair dye angles and filters. You people are a cancer to this planet and the main reason feminist bullshit is even taken seriously

Fuck you faggit

Gonna be a hard pass. My wife doesn't have herpes. Never had to worry about that. Sex isn't something worth sacrificing a lifetime of health for. Truly vile.

Maybe you're one of those bug-chaser faggots. Who knows.

Lmao, based

you need to beat your wife as well

That kid will have a trauma for life, wtf

Found the nigger

How do I watch webms on iPhone

Plz no bully

What I mean is: who the fuck is that whore bitch and why did she go to prison (genuinely curious about the latter part). I do find her very punchable, like some other anons here stated and I kind of want her to be roughed up by other inmates in prison right now.

>memeflag likes a ethot
Kill yourself my man

Youre such a fucking faggot
She isnt hot and video game characters are fucking gay

There's still a filter. Drooling over egirls is pretty beta.


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her mouth is huge

Beating your kids shouldn't be treated as an objective moral wrong. It is unfortunately though a practise usually used by grugs, because grugs are too stupid to explain to their kids why they should do something or where their morals come from.

It is like the hating niggers bell curve. Midwits go "awww don't hit the kids" while the bright folks and the grugs realize it can be positive in some instances.

>thinking she would step within 10 miles of you
the absolute state of this simp

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You'll get herpes on your dick. Do you think one blowjob is worth being in agony for the rest of your life? I don't. Seems like something only a shortsighted nigger would agree to.

>sacrificing a lifetime of health

nigger it's herpes, not HIV.

Your wife is going to get the herp when she fucks tyrone cause her husband us such a pussy.

Jesus Christ, that father is fucked in the head.

He'll be lucky if his son doesn't grow up to cut his throat.

>My wife doesn't have herpes.

She is literally a millionaire now. Not exaggerating.

>implying this mid grade bitch is a 10
No, but Ive fucked 8s and 9s in the past, which is better looking than this retarded bitch dresaing like GAY anime characters
You fucki g faggit

It was fake


I Kek'd


WTF... is there a pepe FOR EVERYTHING?

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Extreme delusion on your part. Find someone closer to your punching weight and stop fantasizing about anyone above a 5/10.


Confirmed nigger.

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Some internet thot worshipped and sponsored by incel orbiters. She made bank of off these idiots untill she got banned from instagram and then pretty much vanished from the internet afterwards

That doesnt even look like the same person. Look at the smile


Why are niggers so fucking retarded? Nobody ever went to jail for $2 headphones, not even the niggest of niggers.

She doesn't get oozing lesions on her lips or genitals. If you want to get Asperger's level detailed she's had chicken pox before. Those don't cause oozing mouth lesions until you die though.

>nigger it's herpes, not HIV.
Phahahahah, you fucking faggit. Then go get, GO AND FUCKING GET IT, I dare you, I double dare you you flaming faggit degenerate.
God I am so happy I never had any of that shit and my dick is pristine.

You don't know just HOW valuable your health and sound sleep are until you lose them... particularly if you lose them over an aching, itching, highly infectious blemish that you will carry like a cattle's branding for







Jesus christ. Clean your nails.

that just means that digital girlbots that are 3d printed will replace fake filter girls

If this is the first time you've seen this webm, welcome to Yas Forums, please lurk more before posting.

why did you say your wife doesn't have herpes if you do? is it that you are gay and you never kiss or fuck your wife?

Stop rationalizing how much money you've thrown at a herpes tainted degenerate.

Clearly you need more beatings

it was just an excuse to beat that kids ass and chimp out for worrll staar
they already hated him

You're low hanging fruit, no wonder you've donated money to an internet prostitute. Hivemind shit is scary.

I've always had a strong urge to smack these tik tok thots with

the back of a hovel


Probably. It's in their genes.

Kill yourself, literally.

Bewf pewp!

She might be medicating it behind your back without you knowing.
>You're low hanging fruit, no wonder you've donated money to an internet prostitute. Hivemind shit is scary.
Why are you getting so defensive? Sounds like you both have herpes desu.

That's not a Pepe you nigger.

>Literally has herpes
>Show pictures of her with actual terminal herpes
>Looks like a faggot larping as an elf from LOTR

He probably bought her bath water and it gave him herpes so he's trying to cope

My wife's son beats me

>doubling down on defending a woman they'll never meet let alone have sex with.

Everyone has a purpose I guess.


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My brother rawdogged tinder thots until he got herpes from a morbid obese sloot, now he lives with her

Try reading the posts before replying to them you brain dead faggot