Why are they getting so BTFO by the virus?

Why are they getting so BTFO by the virus?

Meanwhile we are fine here in Sweden, business as usual and very low deaths.

I thought meds were superior to us nords... maybe not I guess :)

Attached: italy-spain-news.jpg (400x320, 63.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If we weren’t superior then they wouldn’t want us dead.

The jew fears the med alliance

I dont understand why polcels are so upset with the way we deal with the situation. We are constantly being proven right that this is a nothing burger going by the numbers in every country.

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It would've been nice if Sweden had a high death rate and only effected immigrants.

nobody wants you to be dead
you brought this on yourselves by not washing your hands, and being disorganized chaotic marios and luigis

Sweden has having higher death rate than gook and spic shitholes

>The jew fears the med alliance


Meds are a naturally chaotic people. But Nords are too complacent and Sweden will be suffering, give it 3 weeks.

Sweden has higher death rate than everyone in pic related

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oh, its a nothingburger in those countries too? nice

real shame its hit you so hard

That's right Italbro,I hope you and your family are ok

At least our women don't get raped by gangs of niggers and muzis and our men don't stand there wilhile it happens and wank it,you dirty furniture fucking cuck

True. Med confederacy will unkike Europe.

Eat a Somali grenade, cuck

hmmm lots of hate from the brownskin meds in this thread lol
btw i cannot see the difference in how you guys look from turks :)

You're awfully talkative today. Have you drank all of your Somali cum?

Main reason is that old people in med countries actually go outside and get visited by their families. Sure the suicide rates, seasonal depression and muslim rapes might be bad here but at least we do slightly better in flu pandemics, g-great

PIIGS finally leaving the Eu or nah?

Based. The globalists fear the MED BVULL.

Will you be around in ten days? make another post in ten days about how good are you doing, cucks.

I can't distinguish you from bantu niggers either, no harm done bro

so angry lol, eat your pasta little mario

Nice VPN shlomo. Also nice slide thread, let me post some meaningful material instead.

Courtesy of meds

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Way less of a nothing burger than in sweden for now, cause theyre stronger races u know

>visited by their families

Nigga they are LIVING with their families.

>rought this on yourselves by not washing your hands,

He probably really believes this

Someone should overlay large chinese communities in Europe with the hotspots to see if there's a link.

Thats even more based

oh look a retarded mutt.. what a surprise

Attached: washing-hands-source.jpg (650x596, 182.78K)

it kills somalis so thats a big plus

> Highest longevity in the world.

> Tourism superpowers.

> Lots of socialization.

> Very small peripersonal space.

> Elder lifes valued over economy.

> Stats provided are actually REAL unlike many others.

How does pic related work, Rabbi Heimgoldensteinshekelblattowitzbergman?

Please explain to us stupid goyim :)

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Plus you got to be totally Fashy and everyone just forgot about it

>Elder lifes valued over economy.
so why do meds love their boomers so much?

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Just read this in a spanish forum :( i used google translate

>My mother will probably die today

>I wrote a thread yesterday about the expectations that a patient with coronavirus pneumonia had, and everyone was cheering me on and that it is likely that I would succeed.

>But today they gave me the big stick, the oxygen saturation is very low, and surely throughout the day I end up dying.

>Today I went to see her, because they only allowed one person to attend, and she was extremely weak and could barely speak (she was wearing a mask and they had given her morphine so she would not suffer).

>They have also told me that they could not admit her to the ICU (being a private hospital), due to government guidelines, that is, my mother will be assassinated.

>I am between destroyed, sorry and enraged by all this situation that I have had to live.

>And I had a question, to what extent is it possible that we can make the criminals who have led us to this situation end up behind bars if many people join us?

What a horrible situation, I don't want my mom to ever die

cant tell the difference between a "normal" nordcuck and a trisomy 9 patient, pic related

Attached: med v nords lol.jpg (663x667, 165.87K)

Swedish posters on this board are arguably the stupidest, most retarded and autistic in everything. To surpass Canadians, Aussies and Americans

Every single argument, about anything, is:
>muh pale skin
>muh blonde hair
>muh blue eyes

Always trying to banter with Meds for no reason whatsoever. Why do they do this? Probably an inferiority complex. Not only their pathetic useless country can't sustain itself and close the borders, which is why they can't even have an actual quarantine, but they boast about achievements and We Wuz harder than niggers

What was that meme where they claimed to be descendants of Maximinus Thrax (born in proto-Bulgaria) saying "we took da Roman crown by force" and yet the big guy died while sieging some random city, killed by other Romans.
But there's more. They portray themselves as superior despite they have contributed to almost nothing historically.
Their entire history is of chimpouts and establishing an "Empire" conquering caveman-tier Finngolians, just to get their entire army wiped out by the HRE who called some SPANISH special forces to win.

Nowadays, they are self hating cucks that pretend to be alpha online while outside Muslims and niggers breed their women with ease and take it over demographically at unseen speeds

All of this, just to prove that the most ""pure"" Europeans have and still are a bunch of cute birches with recessive genes and a desperate need for attention

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That's terrible man


you wouldn't post like this if you didn't feel humiliated by their accomplishments, comparing the mafia code to law of jante simply reminds me of pic related. Born lemmings and faggoty as fuck

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accurate post, fuck em

>Another swedish cuck sperging about meds.
Why are these people so butthurt towards us tho?

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Cope and seethe med nigger. Your nation is poor and your people are ugly

humiliated by your accomplishments

Historical irrelevance
kys you vile piece of shit

Italy and Spain are full of tourists and foreign businessman, meanwhile who the fuck goes to Sweden ?

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>your people are ugly

lmao, post your pig nose and balding head svencurck, then see this and tell me who is ugly:


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irrelevant faggot nation, you bring niggers with you wherever you go, see Minnesota in my country

genetic cuckold faggot

the norsk girl is hot, you just have shit taste because you are a brownskinned mutt from mexico

she is ghastly, post your hairline and nose, nordicniggershit

I can keep this up all day moshe

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That's a lot of text but you still a cucked shitskin Pablo

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stop de railing the thread

>Cope and seethe med nigger. Your nation is poor and your people are ugly

You know that what I told you is true.
Nonetheless, we are a richer, bigger and more important country than yours
You can boast about "muh" GPD all you want, those good-boi-points that the EU gave you will amount to nothing when your heathen will be wiped out from the face of the earth
I hope you have the idea, that there's no going back from the situation you're in now. You'll be the next Brazil/America and there's nothing you'll do about it

Attached: 2f7.jpg (601x508, 93.75K)

based ivan


>Nonetheless, we are a richer, bigger and more important country than yours

Attached: Nords vs Meds.png (1030x1378, 653.46K)

>Russian defending a swede


Lol enjoy your corona Italocuck

Ah yes, the famous Albanian white Supremacist under a Russian flag

Very funny, you're an immigrant in a country that's already plenty multi-ethnic in its own

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keep embarrassing your flag Swedecuck, you have the most deaths of the Nordic countries. today we had 5 deaths, you had 42 deaths. I hope the Coronavirus wipes out as many Swedecucks as possible, you really deserve it

Italians built the first nuclear reactor retard, you don't have a civilization so much as you have essentially a giant playground for nigger rape

I think med countries have as much potential as the nordic countries. Now you are probably going to say that doesn't make any sense because med countries are in a shitty situation, but the reality is that med countries had profit and growth until the 2008 crisis. When this started to happen, the goverments of Spain or Italy didn't apply these changes. Now for Spain, do you know the country that was in power in 2008? the answer is the socialdemocrat party, when the crisis hit the country, Spain didn't do anything but ingreasing public jobs and stuff wich made debt for the country, I suppose the same happened with Italy, and Greece. Now, you're going to think, med countries have changed parties, well, the reality is that at least in Spain, the Socialdemocrats are still in power, making the most horrible decisions, exanding public spending, and subsequently, increasing debt. Now the med countries want "coronabonos" (Idk how you guys would say it) and Merkel doesn't want them because she knows that Spain won't pay that back.
We are actually one of the most hardworking countries in Europe, but that money is destinated to excesive public spending, wich is ruining med countries. Hopefully we can take the left in the next elections, if not, we are fucked.

Attached: Spain_map_blank.png (2500x2500, 168.86K)

sorry I cannot hear irrelevant countries speaking

>Seething Medmud
You are all shitskins so technically you would not even be able to identify a mudslime rape from a greekcuck rape

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been snacking on antibiotics like candy
secondary infections are a helluva way to die

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>Italians built the first nuclear reactor

Attached: shitalian nuclear test.jpg (500x372, 71.3K)

thats a really nice frog. saved

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Of course, someone has to stand up to your D&C Schlomo

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*gargle* *gargle*

oh that's the sound of Swedecucks drowing in their lung fluid I hear


pic related

show me the Nordic Fermi, go ahead, you don't have one you uncharismatic, humorless weirdo fuck

Attached: amalie cunt.png (1109x819, 1.33M)

There’s always a n*Rdoid incel posting D&C bait threads, isn’t there?

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>We are actually one of the most hardworking countries in Europe
LOL no you are lazy as fuck. go take your 9th siesta of the day

seething. we owned your country for 100 years


Attached: this kills the danecuck.jpg (1538x766, 357.63K)

>tfw meds are so based jews had to released a virus specifically tailored to kill us

you have always been our punching bag, and you are still obsessed with us
you are the dumbass redneck of scandinavia

>invented nuclear weapons
the first nuclear reactor was created by Enrico Fermi, an Italian
>weapons and artillery
just behind the Chinese, who mastered gunpowder way before any European
>is graciously a cuck who opens borders
glad that you acknowledge it
>can defend himself and his allies
Germany lost both world wars, got invaded and the second time it got mass raped and divided for 50 years.

Such accomplishments...

Attached: actual-master-race.jpg (1080x1747, 885.99K)

>Daneshits actually believe this
All coutnries in union were equal. Then you got cucked and ruled by a German prince

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-30 Treaty of Roskilde - Wikipedia.png (366x986, 89.22K)

>dumbass redneck of scandinavia

someone needs to actually know how to fix a car and build a house while you go around suckin nigger dicks

>I thought meds were superior to us nords... maybe not I guess :)

What? Why would you ever think that?

>16 posts by this ID

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>cant see the difference
Too busy jerking off while they fuck your dad.

Because of debt they had to reduce their healthcare.
They have a bad handwashing habit.
Family is very intense, that enables the virus to spread.
Than they both have big tourist economics while some chinese with the virus slipped through the grid.
Some say that there was a champions league football match between valencia and atalanta bergamo. Someone who got infected was there and infected the valencia fans.

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I think the primary reason Italy and Spain are not doing well is because they have higher population density, and did not take it seriously at first. They are not the only ones to do so. Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria are not doing good as well. Portugal is doing pretty good, and so is Ireland.

more accomplished than you, Svennebög

lmao. Swedecucks had an independence war to get rid of us. We are France and Sweden is our Algeria

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Whatever you say Ahmed. I always check before posting, seems like your 98 iq brain can't handle doing the same.

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>Med broke loose from the tree again
Gotta have to stick you with another sword Medcuck

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nice map lol, you are such irrelevant that you arent even on it, just part of Germany LMAO
you btfod yourself

Italy just reported more dead.
Will these be included in tomorrows report or how does it work there?

These additional reports also don't seem to be included in worldometer.

what's with the hate :'(

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>Gets cucked in all wars. Shifts to "muh shekels"

Attached: so so.png (875x675, 46.38K)

Actually most of those italians who are dyeing are either terroni or terroni diaspora in the North. Ask yourself why people are dying at rate similars to middle eastern shitholes like iran istead to those of civilized White Western countries like France or Germany, it's genetic.

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this particular kike doesn't like it very much when you call his bluff

Wecould bring back fascism with our big dick power alone, albino niggers cant compite

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Swedecope, the border is clearly marked. gl with your Islamic tier healthcare

Attached: Swedish superior healthcare.jpg (960x684, 122.38K)

swede fags don't have anything that comes close to this level of brazen charismatic bravado:
