How can we stop China from eating exotic animals?
How can we stop China from eating exotic animals?
How can we stop israel china and us from being disgusting globalist faggots?
How about you stop obsessing over what Chinese people eat?
If you are so concerned about animal welfare you should start your activism at factory farms in your own country.
what the fuck is this?
how can we stop op from being a fag
I dont know how to feel about this to be honest. Like on one hand it sucks for the animal and shit. And I dont want them to disappear from the world. However tigers in their nature are horrifically cruel animals so its kind hard to sympathize with bondage tiger.
Tbh.. i want to know what tiger meats taste like
How satisfying would killing Chinks in a world war be? I have en erection thinking about it.
Once you've tasted baby rats in pangolin sauce you can never go back to regular food.
Actually this
Apparently our equal, since were all the "same"
Last I checked, we don't roast dogs alive in boiling oil you fucking jack-toothed faggot.
Fuck off chinks
Look at what happened in nanking
Killing chinks really give you erection
animal welfare is far better here than in evil china
i hope this virus wipes out these degenerate chink faggots
Ive met chinks with faces like this, dental projection aka ape face is common in certain parts of China no doubt and it looks fucking disgusting.
>who cares if chinese people spread plagues
was gonna post this. General MacArthur was ahead of his time.
kill them
You pump crippling levels of hormones into chicken and force feeding geese is a common method for making foi gras, hypocrite.
you kill off all the low born chinks in the poorest areas
M8 the entire US army doesn't have enough bullets to kill all of them
First thing I thought, absolute subhuman.
Bullshit. Texas alone has enough bullets for everyone of them.
Are you retarded? Cats break the neck of their prey its one of the quickest deaths in nature.
there is only one thing left that we can do - kill all chinks
Tactical drone strikes on exotic meat markets.
Factory farms don't cause species extinction with all its potential consequences and spread pandemics.
Redpill family and friends about bugs, until we meme ww3 into reality.
White Republican rednecks situated in the rural suburbs otherwise known as "hicks" continue to brandish rifles to hunt animals for "sport".
When the Chinese kill an animal for sustenance and medicinal benefits suddenly everyone cries foul.
This blatant "muh China is bad" narrative isn't going to fly with anyone with an above average IQ.
I am the staunchest animal rights activist there is. While I disagree with some of the methods a select few Chinese use before eating an animal delicacy, the stuff the Japs do killing whales and dolphins or American retards hunting elephant, lions and rhinos is inexcusable by comparison
>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
>yeah, thats me. You may wonder how I ended up here.
When we run out of bullets, we'll use knives. When our knives are too dull to cut chinks, we'll use our fists. Once our fists are worn down to nubs that end at our forearm, we will have almost killed them all.
Nuclear hellfire
We tried treating you like a nation of adults. Look where that got us. So looks like we are going to have to straighten you chinks out on your filthy ways
Chinks burning animals alive and skinning them alive vs a quick painless death. God I hate you fucking chinks so much.
Eat Chinese people
I don't give a shit about animal welfare. I give a shit about endangered species. Like in pic related.
Go eat something farmed or domesticated, chang.
>How can we stop China from eating exotic animals?
They were not going to eat that tiger, you racist.
They where going to FUCK it.
well at least they're not raping the animals
It’s not that they are eating them, it’s how they treat them.
Eating a tiger isn’t much different than eating a hare, per se.
Sure it does. USA USA USA USA
eat them
>cat in bondage
I unironically wish that was me
Exterminate a few regions of mainland China where they still do that kind of shit. Easy.
Nobody eats foie gras except the fucking French and faggots who wish they were French, and those assholes will get what they have coming too.
We're gonna have to start eating chinks to make a point about this.
You will never be a cat anime boy, stop thinking you will be.
We don't fucking pulverize tiger bones in some useless attempts to get our dicks hard nor do we eat fucking rats, bats, pangolins or dogs
>You will never be a cat anime boy
say it isnt so, user
Nuke from orbit
It's the only way to be sure
I don't casually call for bombs but fuck how many times are these apes going to ban and unban wild life farming just so their kings and queens can eat tigers so they can pretend their tiny dicks get bigger in fantasy land, porn was a mistake
chinese people...
And eating dogs does?
daily reminder
china has no federal laws banning the mistreatment of animals
say what you want mate, but the gooks know how to cook
This guy gets it
There is no "we" you stupid collectivist. There is only "I". If I'm upset by another individual's consumption of exotic animals then I can challenge him to a duel in which one of us will die.
Last time I checked you were feeding pigs their own brains for human consumption, also unlike the Swedish the Chinese don’t ferment sharks in their own vomit
its funny that you can get banned for those japanese dog gore videos where they are killing them with high heeled shoes and shit, the anti-china glowniggers must have gotten an exception to post dog gore to influence opinion against china
Shut up you bug eating faggot, go shill elsewhere.
We need to start destroying their culture and subverting their people way worse than jews do to whites and niggers
Not an argument
Absolute Annihilation
I'll stop caring when they stop being plague factories, you FUCKING CHINK.
When this is all over, the world will hunt you Chinese apes into extinction.
Well except Pandas.
Pretty sure Pandas are the only animal china has any respect for.
Try hunting down something that outnumbers you 50:1, idiot
Yeah, but your mom's still a whore
Tiger Woods, age 8, watching his tied up brother in a cage being beheaded.
HUNGRY, that's what
Just looking at the tiger got his stomach rumbling
Like rats and roaches? Numbers aren't everything, Chang
Faggot, where do you think their plagues come from, fucking dumbass gook lover.
VX nerve gas every chink on the planet
Fuck you chink. I can’t wait until this is over and you insects get fucking sent back to your he’ll come country then NUKED.
So what makes you think that you’ll be successful?
Drive them to extinction.