I dont get it

i dont get it
what does it do?

Attached: USNS-Comfort-1800.jpg (621x414, 42.26K)

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 3 rolls per day. If you have a family of 25, that's 814 rolls a week. Over 6790 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

You don't want to know.

magnets bruh

A hospital for the people that don't have airborne AIDS. Treating people for actual problems and not just flu overload.

goes in circles apparently

unironically im gonna guess theres like 200 spics with thermometers and wet wipes in there with like maybe an MRI machine

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Ships niggers to the Bermuda Triangle to feed the keepers of C'thulu

They're going to throw all of the infected in the sea, like they did with Bin Laden lmao

mobile incinerator

Transport weapons.

Big if true.

It rounds up criminals to take them to the newly refurbished guantanamo bay.

It's a floating hospital used near warzones.
It's better equipped than a field hospital.
It's being used now to allow people who aren't infected with corona to receive care without coming into contact with corona patients.

You use over 200 dollars in toilet paper every month retard. ...



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It's a hospital, what the fuck do you think it does?

They literally BTFO the holohoax by posting facts

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haha boat go "BROOOM BROOM"

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it used to hold oil but that lost value

If it sails into international waters it can do the fuck that it wants to do

>Bat soup flag posting

It’s just for show while the pentagon continues to purchase $700 hammers with our tax money.

Saved lmao

USNS Comfort is extremely large, 1000 beds, 12 operating rooms. It's about the size of four regular hospitals. Made to be a hospital in a war zone.

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Attached: IT'S A FEMA CAMP.jpg (1024x512, 58.08K)

It's Boaty McBoatface

Pedophile Boat to load up some irl lolis and shotas to take away.

how the fuck does somebody use that much toilet paper daily? what kind of fat fuck eats and wastes that much that they need to wipe up three rolls of dingle berries from their ass?

answer: typical user larper.

i dont get it
what does it do?

It makes shark bait if you know what I mean. (no body, no crime)

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This, two ships for billions a year, China hasn't dropped a single bomb and they are winning countries, USA is a one trick dog

PR stunt

Kys Chang.

it's a floating gas chamber bro

Cremates bodies.

>The average person uses 3 rolls per day.
Average *healthy* person in America. And that number is for men only. Women's use of tp is an order of magnitude greater.

brings christianity

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It's a hospital that floats.

it is an oil tanker rebuilt into some kind of hospital ship, no wonder murica shoves it in everyones faces, everything is oil related in murica

Coronavirus is a scam only the dumbest of retards would fall for. Look into 5G mmWaves and how it absorbs oxygen (which resonates at 60GHz). Wuhan was the test city for unlicensed 60GHz mmWaves 5G; followed by Italy and Iran. Lack of oxygen results in pulmonary problems and flu like symptoms. 5G is Direct Energy Weapon(D.E.W.) military technology.

Pic related is from the Qfag theory that Fagronavirus is a smokescreen and plot to arrest pedos and faggot elites.

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It's such a big old black golden buzz.

It brings comfort :3

>i dont get it
what does it do?

Floating Hotel California. You can check out anytime you like but you can never leave.

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If I remember correctly, it's a mobile hospital.

Thank you for your service based TP poster

it has red cross so presumably it crosses the seas?

An extremely unnecessarily expensive to maintain floating hospital with sub-par equipment and resources.

>not using 3 rolls per shit and shitting 9 times a day

user you ngmi

Spreads all kinds of viruses all over the world.

>i dont get it
>what does it do?
I have no clue, user
What does an hospital do?
I guess it's used to fry eggs or some shit

Our enemies hide in metal boxes! The cowards! The fools! We should take away their metal boxes.

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We had these in my day too, called em the booboo boats. Lots of times when we got real sick, they'd send us to these booboo boats, and get us patched up. Had one guy, went by the name of cheerio, cause he was a cheery guy, believe me. But he fell of his horse, got thrown off and busted an ankle. We said well chuck it's time to get on that boat. Time to get healed up. So we took him over there, and they got him healed up, got him some crutches and he was running on the track in three, four weeks so you can take that to the bank

It's kinda like Florida, a comfortable place for old people to go and die.

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will this ever stop getting (You)s?

wastes money

Great story Joe

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>i dont get it
>what does it do?
portable sex change clinic for all the trannies you have been admitting into your special forces. takes the biscuit, huh?

Kike shill spotted,

>The average person uses 3 rolls per day
How much do you eat you fat fuck?

ship is full of corona infected niggers who will all be released into NY to rape pigeons
you heard it here first

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>Literally has red targets painted on it.

only a degenerate that wants to get nuked would openly attack something with world-recognized infirmary symbols on it

it screws cuomo, cuomo is a piece of shit


burns jews as fuel

It comforts you in your time of Sneed.

It's a prison

All the traitors go in their cells and sent to gitmo

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It's about to be an incubation chamber for Corona-Chan to have more children. The idea you can have a hospital parked in Manhattan and not ONE COVID patient makes it in there is dreadfully silly. Even if the goal is to treat non-COVID patients, it's just going to become a COVID repository as the crew eventually gets sick and subsequently, the patients.

It has enough hospitals beds for the infected and since it's aboard a ship, maritime law dictate they can throw the bodies overboard when they die. Saves on cremation. The more you know!

What you are seeing is an example of liberal shitholes like NYC and LA consuming all available disaster relief ahead of nation wide shortages. There wont be any aid left for your city or mine by the time the crisis reaches the rest of us.

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tell that to the baste nips

>Saves on cremation.
But user, cremating massive amouts of bodies is super easy. You use the children as tinder.
...or are you a Holocaust denier?

corpsman gang gonna off sum boomers n shit

They gonna drive all the Wu Flu niggers out to the middle of the ocean and throw them in.

they did get nuked