Hey guys, how do I learn about geopolitics without an expensive college degree that gets me nowhere? Int relations too I guess
Post book recomendations pls
Pic not related. It was either this or a dog
Hey guys, how do I learn about geopolitics without an expensive college degree that gets me nowhere? Int relations too I guess
Post book recomendations pls
Pic not related. It was either this or a dog
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Start with geography also college degree on it, meh...maybe if you were to study diplomacy or something. Anyway here are some.
Alfred Thayer Mahan - The Influence of Sea Power upon History
Kissinger - Diplomacy
Thucydides - Peloponnese War
Marshal - prisoners of geography
Zeihan (meh) - The Absent Superpower
Samuelson - clash of civilizations (dont like this one but I guess its mainstream, you will understand some events better by ppl who did like him)....
ill post more
Well you can read a bunch of books about people’s interpretation of events. But you should also study real events as they are happening and form your own conclusions about things. Quite a lot going on right now, should be easy to find worthwhile information.
Thank you!
Honestly, I just want to understand stuff a bit better. I will look these up
Niccolò Machiavelli - The prince
Nicholas J. Spykman - The Geography of peace
Hobbes - Leviathan
actually...lemme give you a shortcut. Here is few good channels
I read the news and try to stay informed.. Just feels like I will never understand basic stuff. I know I am a midwit, so I want to read stuff to understand stuff
This guy is a shill but if you read between the lines there is ok stuff, sometimes he is blunt and on point, for example this clip:
Here is big brain patrician choice one:
Thanks, user!
Do you have any opinions on Dugin? Just curious
Machiavelli the prince is super easy read, its also a classic and general culture, you might start there.
Kissingers diplomacy has a good overview of diplomacy and in a sense it covers historic events from that perspective, its hard read though and he is a jew.
Spykman is important if you want to understand Russians and their influential polititian Dugin...guess you could read him as well, but I rather go with older sources if I know then chewed up versions and Dugin is a bit crazy..
I read the prince, but I guess a reread would be a good idea. Kissinger strikes me as a complete cunthole
He builds on Mackinders heartland theory, but then again that theory was then sorta challenged by Spykman.
>Kissinger strikes me as a complete cunthole
He absolutely is. And he says, yes I am. But entire system is cunthole and lets be real, cuntholes can keep each other at bay and so, balance can be achieved.
You have free course here its cool coz you can listen and its not absolute amateurs
Thucydides is also classic and the way he describes events of war is really like a sober geopolitical analyst (for that time at least) and some speeches are amazing (Pericles funeral orations)
Marshal and Zeihan are kinda modern, not bad though, also ok start
Wow thank you very much.
And yes, I guess it stems from that whole realpolitik thing. Everyone has to be a bit of a cunthole
Also studying wars but through aspects such as logistics, resources and relations is great way to connect the dots.
>Everyone has to be a bit of a cunthole
kinda its more like everyone IS cunthole and if we are real about it, we might come to some balance, bear in mind this is not people this is states, those entities are different than humans, you cant really expect inhuman constructs to be moral, they are calculated survivalists.
Then on other hand you have idealism like Woodrow Wilsons fantasies...dont like it personally I liked big stick diplomacy teddy, but yeah, those are 2 main lines in int relations, realism and idealism.
Atlantic council, Brookings Institution, Center for Strategic Studies put their stuff of youtube. It's pretty great, just research where they are from and what their agendas are. They have significant angles that favour their political leanings, but behind that chatter is a lot of factual stuff discussed by very capable people.
In general, think tanks love to put their stuff out to public use.
Search "Climate wars" by Gwynne Dyer, lots of interesting predictions that showed their truth in 2015 and is only from 2008. Best vid is the 1hour30min he does at a university with QandA afterwards
Peter Zeihan does some good stuff as well, but take his words with a grain of salt as many of his predictions fall flat constantly, HOWEVER, the underlying premises and trends hold true, he just isn't an oracle and is very much yeehaw cowboy favoring the US despite all its underlying problems that can hamper growth
My conclusion after my bit of reading on the topic is that best idea would be:
United Euroasia (pic related)
Ethnic focus (europeans, not multicultural shit)
Democracy is bs none of that
It would be invincible, noone could invade it, it could attack at any second from 3 oceans, you newer know, you always have to be safe (being safe costs money) and if it is ethnic focused and not democratic it could not be jewed so easy.
>Atlantic council, Brookings Institution, Center for Strategic Studies
Yeah those, but they are pretty kiked as well, you need to have background knowledge to be able to read between the lines.
P.S. are you that schizo dane from my love general?
Wouldn't we just start to kill each other at that point? Man needs conflict. Those many nations and ethnic backrounds under the same banner....
Yes, background knowledge is important.
No I don't know what you are talking about.
Also OP. Read the news, watch the news. Get your news from many news sites. The more news you see from different sources, the better you can put together the pieces.
Read the news in your own language, from at least 3-4 different sites of different political leanings. Like you have the left leaning, the libeal business friendly etc.
Then read the news from
RT (Russia Today)
Maybe Aljazera if you don't mind being put on a terrorist watchlist.
That gives you a good generalized view of what is happening, with a wide variety of angles on the same news. Giving you the best information to make an informed decision.
Here are some channels I found in my subs that are related
They are all shit imo
grab a history and geography books from both sides. get real involvement with the people you're interested into (say move to Spain or the UK for a while, so you understand what's their deal). Drop your all your biases and build new ones based on real experiences. It's an eye opener
>t. I used to pride myself on not being racist, then I met IRL chinks
Start with this guy, you wont be sorry
Based pic
some dane was bullying me that I was a jew for making love Europe threads and that I need to post anti jew redpills so I thought maybe it was this one, hence the links to other threads
probably VPN rabbi now that I look back
Okay, I will.
Thank you all very much
Fuck no, they are just heavily biased.
When you read them all everyday, as I do, the facts are the same.
The MEANING of the facts is presented differently. That's why I recommend reading them all. Also, normies use these sources, and they are huge news networks that have skilled reporters on the ground. You can't rely on some memy youtube influencer for your news, you NEED the big boys that actually have reporters on the ground and generally show facts. They just coat their facts with a HEAVY layer of bias, which is why you need to cast a wide net and especially RT is a great counterpoint to Western media
I mean what’s “basic stuff” to you? Do you struggle with maps and geography?
Yeah he is ok too, but I dunno why I like SAHO! this is Sherwan more :)
>Those many nations and ethnic backrounds under the same banner....
It can be done, especially when you look at how similar we are when you zoom out and look at others, we had empires in Europe for centuries, look for example HRE
He's super comfy and very impartial, KJvids is more biased
Familiar with Guillaume Faye?
Just with why States act the way they do. What are the motives to this war or that deal etc. I always seem to fall on easy explanations for hard questions, and deep down I know its not the truth. Just want to stop being a complete abyss brained grug
“God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.”
Otto von Bismarck
Meaning they are blessed aka their geography.
I wont go on a rant, just link to info you are looking for for US, he will do a good why they are blessed overview and maps:
also in Kissingers diplomacy find a chapter where he goes through Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson, think it might be first chapter, it will give you good historic overview, like monroe doctrine etc.
>Niccolò Machiavelli - The prince
feels overrated, tho, The Art of War is better
>Any alliances and crises must relate to the following dimensions: the respective levels of authority within the European polity on the one hand (nation-states, regions, and supra-national or inter-governmental organizations)
lel, wonder if euros would allow Russia to lead. you know WWII...
This is also good addition, but to detailed (focus on navy)
I did not mean States as the United States but States generally. But good advice anyways!
>feels overrated, tho, The Art of War is better
It was written in like an afternoon and it can be read in few hours I see it like an article more than a book, notes. Its very basic and if he was going into kinda had to mention it. Yeah SunTzu ofc, but honestly, better than both of them is von Clausewitz
>lel, wonder if euros would allow Russia to lead. you know WWII...
My take is this, US domination (its kiked and bad for us) can only be challenged with that monstrosity, if we dont want to be kike dominated (via proxy) we need to be able to challenge it, now details are up for debate, its not easy, its not without problems, but alternative is worse, so we can work on ironing out issues if we agree that alternative is worse...Im sure geopoliticians are redpilled on this.
Kings and Generals is mostly war-focused, but there are LOADS of geopolitics within his videos
And Musashi Miyamotos book of five rings as well and ofcourse Julius Caesars De Bello Galico and De Bello Civili, man that guy had a way with words, sly as a fox.
based, I like
also, hehehe we watch same shit
double paste, sry
And this guy is special, but so hard to listen (I still go through with it, mostly in gym because then I dont fall asleep)
>Musashi Miyamotos book of five rings
was a brochure to get people to join his school. An elaborate ad.
A little observation, which is kinda disheartening: everytime a thread like this is made, there are maybe 3-5 different anons that contribute sources, the silence is almost deafening while people are flocking to "muh cucked" and "muh blacked" threads.
Geopolitics just isn't interesting enough it seems, even though it shapes the world we live in and has done so since the start of human civilization.
>von Clausewitz
gonna check that out, any recommended books?
those too
my personal take is that you Euro needs a Bernie/AMLO type who can rally people behind them. Yes, they get shit a lot by the media [(((wonder why?)))] and by Yas Forums but just look at how the pandemic is developing in MX plus it was announced at the very beginning that there will NO BAILOUTS, so the (MX) right had two choices, shit on AMLO and everyone goes to hell or line up and savage the situation. It was also announced that we won't take anything from neither IMF or WB, so no kikery shit in our domestic polices (one of the requirements to comply if you want their money).
I lived in UK for a while (circa 4y) and all in all I found the average briton to be very disconnected from reality and completely ignorant of their own politics. Obviously I don't want to generalize but I wonder if everything going in EU doesn't have to do with the average euro begin very disconnected from reality and completely ignorant of their own politics. Here people to be ignorant of our politics but very connected with reality
Yeah I dont get it either...geopolitics is extremely interesting and its not like its chemistry or rocket science it can be understood. I dunno why this is the case here, maybe its because here we just throw shit at each other and it makes it hard to have serious debate?
Europeans can only be unified by force, which is litterally why the USA set up the EU to keep the peace.
We are too different, different costums, different cultures, different family patterns, different religions (protestant, catholic, orthodox and more), some a former sovjet and scarred by that, etc etc etc.
thread theme
What if Germany and Russia decided they will unite it by force? Hypothetically speaking.
We mentioned the king, dont worry
Yeah. shitposting and bantz keep the actual discussion on a low burn unfortunately, also a lot of european and american exceptionalism, like for instance in regards to China where every military discussion is all about "muh blockade", while they can litterally import foodstuffs through soon-to-be BRI connected countries in the Stans and Russia.
Also here are the goat book engines
Look for example He comes in here, clicks on everyone, sages the thread, calls everyone brainlet and misses the fact that we mentioned both Von Clausewitz, book On War and channel Schwerpunkt before his post. This is what I am talking about. Typical shitting on others
Yeah, I made the thread BECAUSE I am a brainlet. I dont know shit about these things... Keep up, timmy
read "On Diplomacy" by Henry Kissinger
Malacca strait blocking would fuck em up, but yeah.
He is just repeating already mentioned stuff but ok
You lurk moar.
> Post about a dozen possible total sources of information
> Muh brainlet
Clausewitz is great and all, but a wide net has to be cast for good information
They did that when they devided Poland, look how that turned out..
Too different cultures, even though modern Germany (and many other countries) are dependant on Russian gas.
Problem is that Germans, like many Northern Europeans, are Rule of Law.
Whereas Russia is Rule of Strength, hence the corruption.
Russia in its present state, could never unity with Germany unless the krauts did a 360 noscope and became a kleptocracy
I know, but I got defensive
all books free here: b-ok.cc
He made best thread of the day imo
I lurked long enough, this specifc subject almost never comes up
>unless the krauts did a 360 noscope and became a kleptocracy
They could do that if Russians rule them, and then I guess Ruskies could get to that end goal of united Eurasia, what I am aiming at is how do we get that happen, not how it cant happen or who will get us to there, hypothetically speaking.
They were on better path before Merkel
Not saying they are immune to blockades and the ill effects, just saying that many posters seem to think they would topple like a domino the instance a carrier group turned hostile, which is definately not the case.
Hell, in a prolonged war, the USA would loose the ability to manufacture sophisticated equipment like radars and missiles due to a lack of rare earth minerals. Sure they have the stuff in their own soil, but setting up a production chain, let alone put mines online, would take years of hard work
fair enough, cant argue that.
Geez, user..
You didnt have to yell
geopolitics is fantasy bullshit for people who like to larp as bond villains
it's kind of like life in general, you only get better at it by analyzing and then comparing your predictions to what occurs, rinse and repeat. you can't really learn geopolitics from a book
ok makes sense but not due to rare minerals, they are not really that rare, they have them in US as well, problem is that they are toxic to produce so they stopped doing it and get it from chinks who get poisoned. They would not be without it, they have means and places to get them. It would take them time to set it up and US is not in war economy mode, they would have to switch everything, minimum 6 month period, but they have oceans so they are kinda safe (thats why hypersonic missiles are big focus, they lower US natural defense of being distant across oceans) anyway I don't see them getting into any of that
Dude, curb your autism, there's nothing wrong with live people speaking instead of reading a book if you can get a diverse amount of information and learn how to filter biases to form your own opinions.
A 300 year old book on war will not inform you of present geopolitical trends ffs
The annexation of Crimea put a tool in the gears tho..
It won't happen.
If, and that's a big if, the EU can survive a couple decades more, it makes more sense to bring Russia into that union, if and when they are ready for some more democracy and less oligarchy.
Not saying the EU is perfect, but even the ruined greek economy works better than the incredible squalor you can find in contemporary Russia
Watch a few YouTube channels on Russian politics. You’d be amazed what you can learn just by watching Putin interviews. Try sources like SouthFront, Inessa S, RT. In Britain there’s of course Sargon, Dankula, but there are more serious sources like The Britisher and Po the Person. In China it’s very difficult, but sources like ADV China and China Uncensored really bring you closer to the truth. For Germany there’s Red Pill Germany and others. I haven’t ever found a decent French source. I hate to say it, but other countries matter a lot less than the big five. Don’t concern yourself with any place poorer than France and India. Russia makes the cut for a few reasons other than GDP.
Don't mess with me.
Okay, what do you think I should learn to be informed and understand the world a bit better?
make a timeline
include every region that is important
follow the battles , history and law
read source material
One of the core tenants of geopolitics is
> Demography is destiny
Look hard at your own country and its demography and tell me that's a lie
inb4 Quran
Ouch user, the truth is heavy
Ok so what?
The people actually running European countries don't care, and everyone on Yas Forums already knows that
So what has that got to do with anything?