So whats the problem with globalism exactly?

so whats the problem with globalism exactly?

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most of the globe is trash

But also:
Nothing inherently if most of the globe wasn't trash. If everyone on earth was white and based we wouldn't need closed borders and tight security because niggers and jews who use and abuse the system would not exist. But niggers and jews do exist so fuck them.

Destruction of the middle class through outsourcing of manufacturing to take advantage of veritable slave labor, decoupling wages from production, and increased wealth inequality beyond sustainable levels.

Nothing if I am made life long supreme leader. Everything if I am not.


brexit started over white immigrants from eastern europe and germany though. even whites dont necessarily get along.

thats more of a problem of americas short term profits economic model than a problem of globalism

>corporate jews taking business and vacation flights back and forth to shitholes
>spreading disease, spinning and stealing culture

We're importing tribal politics

Eastern Europe has been contorted and twisted to become a bunch of niggers in disguise because of kikes. The communist's in power are all kikes and have been kikes since the 1900s. As a result the slavs (whether they were liked or not in the first place) have been degraded even further.
That does not distract from the fact that brown and hooked nose people are still worse than any eastern european could ever be, and that Brexit was also widely about stopping muslim immigration as well.

It devalues native cultures and creates a world economy benefiting the super rich, while trampling on the people who make it possible.

International codependent economies are fragile and cause plagues. National autarky and self-reliance means that your nation doesn't have to be stuck in a sinking ship when the rest of the world is.

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Except that is the carrot to get people to go along with globalism. Muh GDP, muh cheap labor.

It destroys diversity and culture, things humanity has earned over hundreds of thousands of years.

less white people

>so whats the problem with globalism exactly?
It's great. Being a slave is based. Fuck free speech and political incorrectness.

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It means niggers spread and multiply and ruin everything beautiful.

globalism without a doubt lifted the worlds most poor out of abject poverty and raised global living standards.



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This, but unironically.

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Oh, yeah, it allowed barely cogent almost-humans to breed like they never had bred before. Go team invasive species!

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>lifted the worlds most poor out of abject poverty and raised global living standards.
It put the poorest of the world from their farms into factories.

And by "the people who make it possible" I meant the whites in the west, they are the ones being abused for their generosity.

>the (((super rich)))

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Doom. Game was awesome. Used to deathmatch over the LAN with 4 of us guys, total mayhem, after work in office. . Sigh... 1990s. Those were the days.

i understand your criticism. your own people didnt benefit from globalism. but you must admit, the charge that only the super rich and powerful gain anything from globalism is clearly false.

cont. Maybe it raised the average, but it multiplied the population by I don't know how much. It definitely increased total misery and suffering, and earth rape.

tax-exempt status is above the law with diplomatic immunity.
how it resembles British colonialism.
no accountability no transparency secret courts and secret procedures
and just like the EU autocratic appointments instead of Elections

Tax exempt status. Above the Law, with diplomatic immunity

Yeah, but overpopulated the earth and multiplied suffering in absolute terms. No argument for "lifting humanity" (ie multiplying it to be a consumer) can be made that could not also be made for cattle.
In that sense, you have to ask who the cattle farmers are.
And niggers. Jesus Christ, it put those things everywhere.

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I meant globulism. It was a typo, sorry.
Fuck homeopathy.

How do you feel about colonialism OP?

globalism didnt create more humans. rising economic conditions actually leads to less births. its foreign aid, fertilizer, and GMOS that lead to the population explosion.

Actually, it increased global happiness and gave us access to cheap luxury items like consumer electronics that allows us all to watch infinite amount of porn, cartoons, movies, discussion platforms, access to all the books, online buying services, shitposting social media like 4channel, home office, more widespread knowledge.
Also, food is abundant, clothing is cheap, large-scale wars between industrialized nations are gone, and only weak resource-rich countries are currently suffering eternal wars.

The negative effects on the environment however is true, and we'll all suffer from it. But at least we know that we all agreed to it when we "let the market" decide that buying stuff from the other side of the world is cheaper than producing it locally, so it's all our collective fault, and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.

Less freedom, less choice.

there is not a single former british colony that is worse off than it was before colonialism. look at signapore, america, australia, south africa, egypt, hong kong, etc. i think in the modern day it would be barbaric to occupy a foreign country and extract its resources though, especially when the advantages of being colonized like infrastructure and capital can easily be attained without being colonized in the modern day.

> Less births
Leftist bullshit. Look at how africa exploded. Look at how niggers in Europe have termite-like reproduction rates. Telling me that in three generations, the grandspawn of these negresses will be human enough, and literate enough to only shit 2.1 children out... It's an intellectual exercise.

Alienation, consumption, trinkets, masses and masses of uniform, formless, consumer twinks, mulattos, all enslaved by newer, more abstract forces.
Oh, cool user.

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why did whites go from replacement rate to under replacement rate? why dont rich people have more kids?

Kek, underrated.
no problem at all, chinese produce - americans consume - simple as that.


>implying whites can’t be niggers

Tell me that isn’t real. Where’s the source?

Takes manufacturing out of our country, reducing jobs that once paid well because people living in shitholes are happy with slave wages while also putting us at the mercy of foreign nations since the products that we outsource are vital to national security.
It makes it really easy for diseases to spread worldwide making the entire world vulnerable to another plague.
The positives are cheaper shit, but that shit is also poorly made. We've lost our manufacturing processes that we developed because there's no way to pass on that knowledge without actually using it to manufacture. I'd rather pay more for better made products made by my own people.
Another negative is that it makes it harder to hold the people who own these multinational corporations responsible for wrongdoings. They can just leave if they've done something wrong or if they don't like a law that is being passed.

(((Someone))) told women that reproducing was patriarchal and oppressive, and even racist, and at best inconvenient. Lifelong mating is passé, the pill is the norm, and abortions inevitable. Childless life save the earth.
But that niglets who fail the mirror test are adorable and that we should encourage and feed and breed boatloads of congoids, it's the fair thing to do.

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Spare us your lukewarm mental gymnastics. A fuckig leaf.

Then you've answered your own question. Globalism is colonialism on a larger scale, instead of a sovereign nation controlling you it's an international cabal of business interests, if not a full-on global government.

Because we were comfortable with the population density that we had.
Then globalists started importing 3rd worlders because they needed cheap labor.

>thats more of a problem of americas short term profits economic model than a problem of globalism
America is the only country that actually matters.

open borders => streets and organized crime; jobs market dumping

And soilless, soulless consumers who resented the local populations (in France, at least).

I lump those types in with the globalists.

In any case, your "let's feed africa so they have less children" argument can only end in a negro-tinted planet, no matter how much those things kill each other.

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It's up to yourself to decide if you really really want that luxury item. But the freedom and the possibility to own it cheaply is there. And if you use it responsibly, it lasts long enough that you don't have to buy a new one every two years.

because having faggots in Germany decide what's best for niggers in Botswana doesn't fucking work. The world is far too culturally and geographically dynamic for 30 kikes holed up in their penthouses to make proper decisions about policy in thirdy shitholes. The default answer is "throw money at it" but how well has that been working for Venezuela and Somalia? Where the foregin aid is either hoarded by the jackfucks in office or stolen by niggers in boats

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You can't pretend to give me budgeting tips and brand options to face a civilizational shift.
Globalism won because it had the money and the ambition, and it's a cancerous crime against beauty, against nature, and against humanity. Don't pretend it's ethical, or that it simply gives options. It irreversibly changed the framework and substituted traditional constraints by more abstract, less clear, more absolute, more inescapable chains. And more importantly, privately owned ones.

Eh, christian boomers wanna help them poor afriniggers, because they were taught that ya gotta help them afriniggers somehow, or else you won't go to paradise.
It's a humane fault, and turns out to not be what is really required, but the idea behind it is good.

It's not a crime against humanity, because it's humanity's communal desire to engage in globalism. It's humans doing it to humans for the sake of humanity, and to its own detriments.
There's nobody else to blame. It's all humans.

>I can't live comfortably anymore because everyone else will

Systems have emergent behaviours, like how companies can kill people and no single member feels responsible for the death. Anyway, crimes against nature, beauty, and humanity exist, even if it's all humans. And, saturating the world with Africans and trinkets, taking 10 people out of misery but now there are 100 people and 40 in misery... No sane civilization would have done this on purpose.

>Destroys culture of any kind of people
>Destroys race of any kind of people
>Destroys capital production of any kind of nation making it subservient to a small cabal of kikes or the sort
>Makes humans more consumers than humans, feminism are justified in the sense that women can be better consumers if "empowered"
>Push for socialism
>Against religion of any kind that turns into a product
>Music license, some producers went as further to generate a huge chunk of all the available melodies only to license them and only to make it transnationally
I can go on and on.

We have all the population we need already. Fucking Mexicans are breeding like rabbits.
>Fuck immigration you absolute tools we have all the diversity we need and than some.

Literally everything happening right now.

Humanity has no communal desire to globalism, you retard. People are more akin to their own and only to their own and strengthen the bonds rather than just breaking it up and mix in a synthesis of all the cultures tied by capital and racial abominations.

I advise that you start pushing for a more semi-direct democratic system like Switzerland, so that you can start people's initiative to force politicians to change the laws, instead of still relying on an old and outdated purely representative democracy, where you only vote once and then hope that the politicians will enact laws that might be to your benefit.

Dont have a source right now but i do remember it was a big deal during the elections. A lot of immigrants were tweeting that they got voter registration cards. You only needed to show that you had a piece of government ID to be able to register.

Because white people are full of guilt and full of social push for edonism. Free will and independentism my ass.

Yes it does. Humanity always wants to know what lies beyond the horizon, and how it can provide a benefit.
Globalism is the end result of said desire.

why would you want to share your habitat with criminal, uneducated, unsanitary subhumans?

they can stay in their part of the world and we stay where we are.

Comparing your local economy and skills to the world greatly lowers your worth as a person.

The same thing is true with a nation.

Do you know how many chinese, russian and indians there are? You're telling me I have to compete with them? For what? Because some jewish faggots want me to be more diverse? Fuck that

Globalism is bad because the average person didn't live around the world. We love according to the local needs of the individual.

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>why would you want to share your habitat with criminal, uneducated, unsanitary subhumans?
Now that is a harsh way to describe the anglosaxons, my dear.

Actually, here:

it benefits corporations only

Eh. On top of the sub-human pure evil creatures that are niggers and jews it also has to deal with the fact that cultures differ. There are far too great cultural differences for globalism to be effective. EU is falling apart as an example.

You don't have to compete with them. Just learn another valuable trade that gives you the social trust exchange units that we call money, which allows us to have basic and luxurious goods.
Find a better niche.

bullshit, see last sentence