Show him your support!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
thank god he moved on from this and actually became based
who the fuck is this screech looking faggot
Basically a person who teaches political science on YouTube. Great for beginners and he memes a lot.
He is the ubermensch of youtube politics you stupid American ancap
wow an intellectual
Step 1: Go to his channel.
Step 2: Come back to this thread and laugh at OP
>i am this, i am that#
why do people always try to color themselfes in certain colors and can't just be themselfes? Why do they always need to label themselfes to belong into a group?
Fucking retards. Intellectual you say? A Ubermensch of youtube politics? A braindead normie who mistakes inetellct with intelligence, I say.
Fuck off with your e-celeb bullcrap
>Doesn't mean I view my race as superior I just see differences
And dropped. Whites built London for example, niggers just built mud huts their entire life. What a waste of time.
Looks incredibly jewish
This, another (((e-celeb)))
Look at that fucking nose!
Ah yes Jregolf Hitler
There's definitely a connection between jews and communism.
This guy literally went to my university. He was in journalism I know him from Freinds of Freinds
It’s nice to hear from another atheist with pragmatically pro-life positions. I understand why religion may be needed to herd the broader masses towards better life decisions though
Nah, you’re just autistic like most Germans. It’s a shorthand way of explaining your views and background, and the safest way to stay unbanned on social platforms is to use such simple labels and terms when possible.
Some guy undergoing a years long mental breakdown and becoming more and more radicalized while hiding the fact behind layers of irony.
Mulder found a time machine
where there are differences there is also superiority and inferiority. Considering whites to be superior in every aspect is completely retarded and therefore often used by leftists to strawman a nationalist's position.
You are the one not being reasonable. It's not about superiority / inferiority. It's merely about securing our existence as a race. And that's true for every nationalist regardless of race.
it's fucking baffling how many otherwise very conservative atheists can't get their fucking heads around why abortion, demographics, and rampant degeneracy are a problem. but don't you dare suggest morality depends on religious belief to function, that's just crazy. lolbertarians should be shot.
seconded. His features are quite zuckerberg-like.
that is one big schnoz
>trannies body
>attention whore, woke, likes dress up = trannies mindset
In 5yrs he will be the new contrapoints.
that guy's a faggot Jew centrist Galaxy brain.
>hmm, one side says 2+2=3
>the other says 2+2=7
>but I, the enlightened centrist, understand what these partisan fools do not
>the answer is obviously 5, the middle way!
Jregson is my homeboy
genuinely kek'd, based
Damn, I binged his stuff the other day.
Stop being baffled. They're called centrists, or in other words leftists who happen to agree with a few rightwing positions.
It's actually impossible to be nationalist or conservative and pro-abortion, because the social conditions which would even demand widespread access to abortion are not conducive to a healthy nation.
>have a gigantic nose
oy vey
>mfw user got baited
because they are attention whores and their whole identity revolves around labeling themselves. also checked
>I am an identitarian
thinks these little buzz words still have some great meaning in 2020
So, let me guess, you will vote Trump cos X and Y just kinda maybe fits with some bullshit you read a book that you kinda just maybe agree with.
enjoy being a single guy for your entire life.
Well said. It really is beautiful to watch
Fuck off. He is a posadist.
ya know the jews are also identitarians.
That nose
>he actually fell for the pagan meme WTF
He definitely made a great point with the left-leaning character helping him gain traction on YouTube. I only watched a few videos from him, thought he was a fag, and didn't watch anymore of his content yet have constantly been bombarded with recommendations from his channel despite never getting recommendations for other political YouTube channels besides PJW or Fox News, all the rest I need to specifically search in the search bar to find their content.
OP clearly didn't look at his other videos holy shit lmao
>people responding to this seriously because they don't get that jreg's whole channel is satire
yandere dev?
jreg is anarchist left, or ancom, you literal nigger.
He would fit right in here then.
Fucking newfag jreg is a liberal
doesnt matter what he is, every extreme is on the same team bros
Yas Forums BTFO’D
A jew with meme tier understanding of politics
Buy an ad you jew bitch.
Who is this larping Faggot??...
Based, centricide now
>hey bro I'm kinda like a secular paleo-libertarian with a lot of anarcho-communist view when it comes to economics but I still see myself as somewhat of a closed borders identiarian with a lot of facist tendencies when it comes to for social issues like abortion. I'm kinda quirky.
Labelling yourself as anything other than based and redpilled means you're a faggot, sorry man.
Finally someone who shares my beliefs
So does he do what a lot of Yas Forums does and just play with different points of view and tries to understand them through larping?
good for him and the divisive identity politics that keep being pushed.
This is a parody of our views, you dipshits. His 'Marxist-Leninist' is a parody of Communists. He's a malevolent trickster Jew that takes nothing seriously. He mocks passionate political views of the goyim. Everything he does is a nasty Jewish flex against us, of all political backgrounds. On occasion, he has revealed some of his true instincts, he hates White Nationalists. He's a Jew, and He's a Zionist. He absolutely supports Israel, it's Jewish identity and supports the general interests of his people. He views centrism as just 'boring' but he doesn't take it seriously. He's clearly smart, which means he's self-aware of his Jewishness, the kosher sandwich of control over us and the myriad of politics designed to make us fight as a distraction. He never reveals this knowledge, and just takes the piss out of us.
Notice how he says his father is 'Spanish' rather than Jewish. He constantly hides his heritage. Why doesn't he do a video mocking Zionism? Why not do a video where he's some faggy alt-right Jew promoting Jewish identitarianism? Why is he so afraid to mention who he is and what he actually wants? Why isn't Zionist placed as a political worldview on his spectrum of ideas? In one video listing all worldviews, he openly admits that he deliberately avoided putting Zionism in due to his 'bias'.
This fucker is a conniving merchant and all his videos are a flex upon all of us regardless of our political leanings, because he knows it's all bullshit. His people are in charge and he likes it that way. Breadtube commies are fucking dumb of they think this merchant is one of them. Jews don't have political leanings, their worldview is 'Jewish Interests'. That's it. These people dropped communism like a hot potato when the Soviet Union removed them from power. They became full on Reaganite vulture capitalists on a whim. They don't give a fuck about politics, only race. This talmud has the audacity mock our ethnic interest seeking.
just watch centricide
you are why we need an age limit on this website wrinkly old fuck
dont give a fuck what he is, he takes jabs on everybody equally and if you cant take a joke ur a pussy lol, bet you remember princess Diana dying you fucking absolute boomer
holy fuck that's an israeli looking dude.
It is all bullshit, imagine actually having strong political opinions lmao like it matters what you think is correct
BDS, Pilpul, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, Dancing Israelis, Metzitzah B'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision for Jews and slaves of Jews, Circumcision brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tay-Sachs, Jesus according to Talmud, Yebhamot 11b, Simon of Trent, Blood Libel, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Al Goldstein, Shiksa, Loxism, Jacob & Esau, New Haven Jewish slave markets, Black Hebrew Israelite, 70% of Jews v 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Holodomor, Dresden Holocaust, Israeli Nukes, Samson Option, Wooden Doors, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank Typhus, Masturbation Machines, Bear & Eagle, Shitting Diamonds, TGSNT, David Irving, Magnus Hirschfeld, R@ygold, Epstein didn't kill himself, Sackler family, Sassoon family, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Bernie Madoff, גויים יודעים, אוי ואבוי, The Melting Pot: by Israel Zangweil, Poem on Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus, I'm not white I'm Jewish, Kalergi Plan & Prize, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Lavon Affair, Khazar Milkers נשים יהודיות אוהבות זין שחור גדול, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Gotthard Tunnel, Anton LaVay, Moloch, Black Cube, Red Shield, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, AIPAC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, אסד עדיין חי, Deut 6:10, Rev 2:9 יָדַעְתִּי אֶת־מַעֲשֶׂיךָ וְאֶת־צָרָתְךָ וְאֶת־רֵישְׁךָ וְאוּלָם עָשִׁיר אָתָּה וְאֶת־גִּדּוּפֵי הָאֹמְרִים יְהוּדִים אֲנַחְנוּ וְאֵינָם כִּי אִם־כְּנֵסֶת הַשָּׂטָן, Das Judenthum in der Musik
> This
imagine thinking im jewish because i like a satirical political commentary
Qboomers literally ruined this site
Billy Boy Mitchy vs Bad ASs Billy Whittle. who wins? So man virus, so little time. A nice corona case can stop me on a dime
He does what .> do.
Talks about whacky politics, but slips in MSM talking points too, poisoning the well.
Imagine thinking I am a Qboomer for hating you shilling for a kike taking the piss and being smug about it. Get fucked Zoomer "irony bro" and suck off some catboi
>you are why we need an age limit on this website wrinkly old fuck
I'm a millennial. All the boomers are in the Trump general along with the q posters shitting up threads with their shitty lolberg takes.
>dont give a fuck what he is, he takes jabs on everybody equally
No, he doesn't you insipid merchant fuck. H deliberate avoids the most important worldview of all: Zionism. Zionism is at the center of all world politics. The JQ is the most important question of all. In his video listing all political views, he admits to avoiding talking about 'Zionism'. Where is the "I'm an unironic Zionist" video? Where is the "Zionism is Centrism and it's gay" video? Why does he lie about his ethnicty all the time? It's not equal at all. He mocks the goyim but never his own people, his own worldview or his own very Jewish philosophy. Zionism is a political worldview that all Jews are indoctrinated into from birth and he never mentions it.
>and if you cant take a joke ur a pussy lol
If he were same commie goy, it would be funny, but commies take their politic seriously, and they wouldn't do that. The kind of person that mocks all of our passionate worldviews, especially in times like these, is somehow who comes from a position of power, who looks down on the rest of us. His mockery is not jovial recognition, but deeply sadistic joy from ants scurrying away from his kosher magnifying glass.
>bet you remember princess Diana dying you fucking absolute boomer
I do, and I was a little boy. The bitch deserved it. She burnt the coal and the queen mother made her pay the toll. Fuck the queen too. Fuck collaborators with people like Jreg.
Your system is falling apart, Moshe. You're losing legitimacy.
This. His videos are meant to confuse the goyim and especially the right wing goyim. Pilpul at it's finest.
i wanna see this guy's 23andme
>Get fucked Zoomer "irony bro" and suck off some catboi
what the fuck does this even mean you senile fuck
you must not hold very strong opinions if you think a youtuber can influence the way i feel about politics lol, ive been natsoc for 5 years now, so nice try of attempting to project Judaism on me, first time ive ever been accused of being a jew its pretty weird situation
goes to show how far the quality of this board has fallen
The psy op is really desperate now
Cringe every time I see/hear this word
>goys can be tricked by youtube video
truly a master race