The Fucking "Anti-Land Lord" Shit

so let me get this straight
If i build a house
And then i let you live there, under the agreement you will pay me for living there
I am somehow a "parasite" for doing this?
Well fuck that then.
I'll just use my money to build some machinery or business that can produce me the same long term profit and leave you to freeze in the fucking gutter.
I always thought when i created some cheap appartments with low rent i was doing an act of charity
But if you're all so fucking but hurt about it, fuck it.
We can bulldoze that shit and sell the land to a 7/11 lmao.

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The lack of nationalistic cooperation during a fucking pandemic is all around anti-human degenerate kikedom. This country lost its soul a long time ago

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i think we should bring back the manorial system in some places run by corporations where parasites are serfs for walmart for example

>and nobody is even discussing squatters' rights

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Do it faggot

>I go to a bank and take out a loan to buy a house at the beach
>I pay a company a percent of the profit to rent the house out for me, they take care of everything, rentals, maintenance, paying the bills.
>I cash a check every month for doing nothing at all, contributing nothing to society
>one less house is available for sale, raising house prices for buyers

When did Libertarians ever say "Fuck Landlords"???

15 colors and it still wouldn't be true. most landlords barely make enough to pay the mortgage, and at the end of 30 years will likely have less than $5/hour on the value of the property after expenses.
Sorry you can't into math.

Yes, landlords are parasites for doing that. Especially considering 9/10 landlords don't improve the property, they just hoard it. Why don't you try producing something rather than taking a portion of a persons income for doing nothing, you half-kike half-nigger

What the fuck is logic here?
If you're all so god damn salty about paying rent we can just allocate the land for other shit.
Factories, hospitals, Reasearch labs fucking anything
Starve in the gutter and die if you dont like it
No one is FORCING YOU to pay rent.
And there is a fuck tone of other shit we could do with the land if were werent trying to provide housing for your fat asses.

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>If i build a house

Landlords don't build houses. Landlords are CE, they aren't architects, they aren't construction workers ect. Landlords buy houses that are already built and rent them out for profit. Landlords artificial inflate the prices of homes while providing nothing of real value. This artificial spike in demand cause people to be priced out of actually buying homes and forced into renting. Landlords are the lowest of the low.

>enough to pay the mortgage
So the renter is buying the landlord a house? Why doesn't the landlord do the same with 10 houses, or 20, or 100? Then in 30 years they got 100 free houses.


Not a libertarian, but the pic is of Adam Smith


fuck landleeches.

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>trying to provide housing
Ah yes, landlords are just trying to help people out by providing housing!
They definitely arent trying to profit off of ever more finite land by buying it up to inflate the market and renting it for extortionate rates.
Nice pilpul, kike

get dabbed on kike

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The house is aging, the landlord pays for repairs, property taxes, and insurance for the property. He pays labor to evict, time to evict, and a court can make a judgement to get some costs recouped but you can't get money from a dry sponge.
By the time the house is paid off, most places where you can actually rent a house have grown out-dated and nobody will pay to live there except niggers who use gibs to pay the rents, meaning the property value is gone.
And even if the place is in an ok neighborhood, you still have your renovations which get more expensive as the house ages.
Why not do large numbers of properties? Because most people who do landlord work are either builders, or inherited the land. If you start as a blue-collar landlord, you're not gonna get loans to buy 30 properties. And the properties you can buy for cheap are going to have shitty renters who get arrested, murder each other, and use dangerous chemicals to make drugs in your building, potentially costing you the value of the house x4 to treat as hazardous wastes.

Daily Reminder that Landlords are parasites who live off the strict government regulations for new buildings, regulations they have created to protect their existing properties and businesses

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geolibertarians aka georgists

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If they didn’t make money from it they wouldn’t do it. They would literally default on upkeep and lose the house.

This. Landleeches try to pretend that they are providing a valuable service by building houses for people that would not have them otherwise. When the reality is 95% of houses are already built on the land, and the remainder are cheap as hell to build especially with the wooden frame construction methods used in the US. Landleeches are an artificial middleman that add NOTHING of value to the market, just drive up the prices in a scarcity bubble and leech off the rewards

Because they needed a place to live and i was willing to provide it.
But again dude
If you guys are all so fucking salty about it i'm more then happy to kick the rats out and just sell the fucking land to some devoloper and be done with it.
I just dont fucking understand the logic.
>Landlords don't build houses.
Yes we fucking do kek.
> Landlords buy houses that are already built and rent them out for profit.
3 of the properties i own have houses on them that were constructed in the last 10 years under my ownership.
1 property has an apartment building which i basically had to rebuild from the ground up.
> Landlords artificial inflate the prices of homes while providing nothing of real value.
You know, except fucking housing
Which as i already said
I'd be more then happy to stop if you all hate it so much lol.
>This artificial spike in demand cause people to be priced out of actually buying homes and forced into renting.
Nigger can you not into economics?
What the fuck makes a property that a land lord builds a house on inherently going to have a house built on it if it does not?
It could have anything put there if a house isnt built
A Drug Store, a Grocery a Taco bell.
And if anything BUT a house is built there will be a lower supply of houses in the market
What is this fucking room temeperature IQ faggotry lol.
Kek Stay salty commie.
>They definitely arent trying to profit off of ever more finite land by buying it up to inflate the market and renting it for extortionate rates.
Again dude
If it really bothers you
I can have the rats moved out and the place bulldozed inside a month.
Your call.

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>Daily Reminder that Landlords are parasites
Wow! Just like the germans

If you didn't make money you wouldn't go to work is all you said about yourself.
Stop judging and figure out what you're doing.

you should let me drive your car whenever I want.

If you are going to become a landlord you should account for the fact that tenants are not simply money-printing machines and that circumstances can fuck you out of getting paid by them. Such as a quarantine, or even tenants just deciding that they aren't going to give you money any more.

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Not an argument.
I'd be more then happy to se all government regulation done away with utterly and completely.
Zoning laws are shit.

I want him to give me a share of his breakfast, every day, because two weeks ago he invited me to dinner.

Yes faggot. Use the land to generate real wealth and stop rent seeking.

You didn't build a house. You over-leveraged on a loan from a 3rd party. You're on par with a ticket scalper and you will be btfo.

Where I live, near the beach, every other house is for rent to tourists. All being rented out by the same company. Every time something comes up for sale it is now a rental. Pretty soon there will only be 2 types of houses here, giant mansions for the rich, and rental properties for tourists. This area will never become "out-dated" as long as the beach exists. They charge $200+ per night, more than enough to cover any repairs.

don't worry my niggers. it's working. just takes a little time to kick in

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>priced out of actually buying homes and forced into renting.
rent is more than mortgage.. or rentals wouldn't exist.

Just sell your seed brah

>If i build a house
if you had any sort of involvement in building the house then chances are you had no idea how to do the other 95% and chances are you dont even have 20k in the bank let alone 300k or what ever it costs to actually build the house from scratch

bullets don't need to be arguments moshe

I think the only landlords people get upset about are the people that never worked and just inherit one of their daddy’s sites to maintain
If you built a business from the ground up and renovate homes for rent as a side gig, I respect you.
That’s what my landlord did, and he actually helped gentrify my town and stopped a bunch of 1700s mansions from being bulldozed into starbucks
My hot water heater broke and he installed a new one in two days during the quarantine, he’s a good man
If however his son inherited these properties and mistreated the tenants and just thought this was easy money, yes he’s a cock sucking parasite

Oh shut the fuck up already you fucking retard.
Boooo hooooo the poor little landlord can't live without steady income booohoooo.

Guess what fucker:
Small landlords either so not exist or are complete retards. Most renting spaces are owned by huge jewish cooperations that do not give a fuck about anyone except for their shekels. The Jews are using small owners as a pawn, and are blocking any legislation to help them, so they can grab their property for pennies. A small landlord who was in any way smart about their business plan will not go bankrupt from this.

Now stop spreading your propaganda schlomo and go die in a fire.

>If you are going to become a landlord you should account for the fact that tenants are not simply money-printing machines and that circumstances can fuck you out of getting paid by them.
Okay okay,
Now i know you are fucking retarded
But think slowly and try to answer the question
If they arent going to make rent?
Why would i build the house in the first place??/
Why is this such a hard fucking concept for you to understand?
If I get nothing out of it
Its better for me to just build a business there
And let the poor rats starve in the gutter

ok then heres the solution, dont be a retard, dont rent.

so don't live near the beach?
I'm not saying there aren't flaws in society, and I know that there are ways the banksters are gaming shit for themselves and their friends. But most landlords aren't even on the list of problems. Next these same faggots will be complaining that because you didn't do the work of the plant, the vegetables you picked should be given to them.
They will never have enough "gibsmedat."

They provide a place for you broke ass bad credit having communists to live.
Face it you're all losers and you'll always be losers.

Because this is happening all over the country and just because you don't have a rainy day fund doesn't mean that 10-50% of the population gets kicked out on the street.

the worst thing is that landlords pretend they are doing charity
it is that kind of kikey behavior that makes me want to have long term renting outlawed

Die kike

Landlords pretending they provide accomodations is like ticket scalpers claiming to provide concerts .

Seriously. What kind of loser rents?

Why the fuck should I pay you to live in your house? If anything, you should be paying me

ownership of investment properties should be outlawed.

personal home properties can be owned. commercial properties should all be on leases with the government. rent is outlawed.

georgist revolution when.

good analogy

>Why would i build the house in the first place??/
you didnt build the house. the working class did and then you make them pay rent for it.

>And let the poor rats starve in the gutter
courts are on the side of the tennants in this crisis so you cant evict them, in some places you cant even ask rent. thats because the state understands that workers make the economy, not unproductive landlords.
and basically get fucked kike!

do it faggot and stop posting on Yas Forums

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based analogy

>Live in my house as if you own it
>Keep your stuff in it, as if you own it
>Keep it in good condition, as if you own it
Hey, do I own this place?
You thought the (((software monopolies))) invented this gambit, huh?

Fine then
Thanks for the honest and semi intelligent answer.
If providing houses to people who need it at reasonable costs is now socially immoral?
I am more then happy to tear down all my residential buildings and sell them to franchises.
Kek I built litterally every house i won except for the one i live in.
Not as much as you think if you arent a retard about it
70k is usually all it takes if you know what youre doing and the taxes arent shit.
No they dont
But christ knows modern communists are to fucking faggy to have any balls between their legs
let alone bullets in a gun.
not an argument.
Again dude if you dont like it?
I'll tear down the building and the let the shit rot on the street
Its now skin off my back.
Who cares.
Why the fuck is that my problem?
None of these people ever did a damn thing for me.
Fuck them.
Stay salty rice boy.
>Why the fuck should I pay you to live in your house?
Good question
Another question
If you arent going to pay
Why should i let you live the house?
Why not just tear it down and put in a mcdonalds
I could litterally be making twice the fucking money with mcdonalds put on the property for most of the properties i own.

A good trick that cities do is just jack up the races on rentals by double. That means people like students, just out of college, per diem workers, long-term workers can still rent, but long-term rentals will be discouraged. Landlords get section 8 pay from ZOG anyway. It's hard to feel sorry for them. They have their own places to stay already and you can't throw 1/3 of the country into the streets.

so the richfag is a poorfag? u must be female

Anti-Landlord posters are just raging wagies seething that they didn't get to buy the land first so they could get free money for life so now they have to work at Amazon.

>leech thinks commushits are the only one that want him dead
can't wait for the day your kind will be hanged from lamp posts