The media isn't hyping this. They are playing it down. Think of every incident in thee past where a really bad catastrophe was about to inevitably happen - did the governments EVER warn their people accordingly? Or did they try to play it down as "ah naahh nothing points to it being bad" so they could say "woah nobody could see this coming!! not my fault!!" afterwards?
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You’re a lieing kike fag.
Wow, what an elaborate reply, I enjoy meeting people of culture.
The media has no motivation to underhype this. They make more money by making it sound worse. You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Do you really think those rich elites that are the masters of said media want people to panic and take to the streets? I don't think so. That's why we are sold "concern" now, but not the grim reality that's actually out there.
The media has been proven to underhype this. All articles I find are all like "dude we're all going to be immune soon no biggie even though reinfection has been confirmed" and a few months ago all we heard from the news was "it's no worse than flu bro lmao chill" and politicians telling everyone it won't reach their country
Hope they're paying you well, shill.
I, too, know how bad things really are.
That's a fair point. Cnn will spend days talking about someone killing 30 people, but this thing has killed 30,000. That's more than died at agencourt
people are coping. pretending the government is hyping this allows them to dull their fear.
You give the “elites” too much credit. If they were behind what you’re implying they would have already been successful at destroying the 2nd amendment.
Maybe your media. The media here is making it sound worse than it is. Hence why our economy is being destroyed
This. Its literally in the UN protocols for dealing with a pandemic in that they lie about its severity in order to stop panic.
There's a thing called plausible deniability, and yes, it didn't work for the 2nd amendment. But what is a better plausible deniability than a naturally occurring virus?
They don't need to destroy the second amendment because they know no one will do anything. The US is currently being ruled by a clique of jews that are actively breeding out the original population from existence while turning their children into degenerates. If that isn't a red-line for revolt than i don't know what is.
Notice how many happeningthreads are up after ancap’s truthpost
We’re being raided again
You’re in Germany so I doubt you’re aware how the US news is handling our coronavirus narrative. This conversation is pointless
>The media isn't hyping this.
Yes they are.
Italian cases already decreasing.
>They are playing it down.
Proven fact.
You probably won't believe it but I'm actually capable of watching US TV and reading US newspapers. I'm even talking to US citizens online. RIGHT NOW! Woah!
We have the same tv channels up here. They are downplaying the virus.
Because they aren't testing as many people retard.
>reinfection has been confirmed
That's complete bullshit
> a fucking leaf
rake yourself
kys nazii
What's the point of making a thread if you are just going to act like a sarcastic bitch?
>doubt you’re aware how the US news is handling our coronavirus narrative
oh my sweet summer child
they have the same media we do, they just use different faces and language
they all get lines from the same places
>oh my sweet summer child
Who hurt you?
remember when boomer said you can't even
in germany?
remember when they said you won't ever see a scarcity in supermarkets not long ago when Klöckner just said the basic food is secured..
facts are changing fast in these times
I don't think it's going to be too bad.
So far the containment measures show some success. Italy and Spain aren't rising as fast as they used too but we're probably still looking at 100k+ dead people by the end of April.
I bet you think roodypoos are the same as whites too
Right after you gas yourself moishe
Boomerang virus.
Everyone can be reinfected back to back with 8 strains already.
not as reddit as an American that doesn't understand globohomo news is globo
>Italy and Spain aren't rising as fast as they used too
Because of testing not because of cases.
No they are not. The economy got fucked because of the shutdowns. Alot of people around the country are considered "non essential" and have been asked to stay home, that and the fact that we rely for China for a huge chunk of our supplies and they've been shut down as well.
guy the advertisers are still paying the media jews, people are glued to the fucking idiot box.
I was shitposting while you were still chasing cheerleaders. Just because I don’t automatically believe every “muh jews” conspiracy doesn’t make me a newfag, fag
They are obviously playing it down and trying to get people to think it is only 1% fatality and most cases are "uncounted"--proven by the fact they are ignoring the data published in Italy that there have been 4-10x as many excess deaths more than official covid numbers.
If they were hyping this up then why has no media outlet outside of Italy run with this info? Because they are trying to sooth the population, like they did before by saying its only old and sick people at risk.
If you have even been watching MSM you will see the kraut is right, they really dont want panic right now. All of those phone recorded vids are NEVER shown on broadcasts. They just quickly move over the topic, wash your hands, oh heres some nice clips of people goofing off in quarantine, alright isnt that fun!
Its bizarre, it hellish, it puts a dull vibration in the side of my head
the spanish flu was played down by many governments.
Yet you literally used the most twitter-tier insult you could ever think of.
Off, roastie
The real reason our Economy is fucked is because shareholders started running with their tails between their legs. The layoffs were just a catalyst
What you think is overhyping is actually downplaying. Thats how bad the virus is in reality.
Trust me. I'm a doctor.
It's both. Con media has underhyped it, lib media has overhyped it. Our political leanings have made us retarded even during a pandemic and too many retards still can't figure out they and their hyperpolitical ilk are the fucking problem. In the name of whatever faggot flag you wave, science and basic common sense have gone out the window. Sober up, dumbasses.
No, the reason the economy is fucked is because it was a bubble the likes of which the world has never seen.
Dr. Fauci should be fired for inciting a national panic. Let's get back to work and keep the economy in motion, or the Chinese will just walk in and take over.
Nope, even the lib media is downplaying it.
3% fatality rate. Fuck off.
without a shot fired, just buy the place up and change the name.
Official source of this graph?
Half the threads I click are 404ing. FUCK OFF COMMIE JANNIES
Sorry kids the hoax is over, there's not going to be a boogaloo. The hysteria was way overblown, nobody is dying, you have to go back to work now, grown ups have businesses to run. Hope to see you all back next week.
Sure they are. That's why we might hit 200,000 deaths now instead of 3-4 million in the US as they were predicting 2 weeks ago.
Yes, that average death of 80 sure is frightening.
in my country, the TV is 24/7 "omg you are all going to die! 6 million cases!! 20 deaths though but 6 million new cases! the world is ending"
no joking.
Because it's only relevant in Italy? Hmm? It's almost like every country's circumstance is diff or something.
On the bright side maybe this event can replace holocaust class in high school
>They are playing it down.
cool story faggot
thats why they mention it every 5 minutes
its a nothingburger
What does it mean, I can´t be bothered to translate it
Do you know anybody that has this (((disease)))?
Do you see bodies falling on the floor? People coofing everywhere?
No? Because me neither.
It's. a. fucking. scam
Yes, you're right they are downplaying it by telling you itll be 200.000 deaths when itll be in the tens of millions.
Nobody but kikes and /ptg/ say this. I don't know which group is worse.
Reminder that the MSM like CNN, MSNBC, and Fox are all owned by other mega parent companies with many other special interests and investments.
They already have the views, they just need to decide the spin to benefit their corporate interests.
Why does this leaf think it's a fucking authority on the subject?
Please explain how the media could report any more on this. Fucking corona shill
How bad user?
I've seen a lot of kikes and kike lovers in my day.
Do they have a choice? If they say what they trully think maybe the receptors of the message would go full chimp mode and other oplitical parties could dethrone them
Just because they are reporting on it constantly doesn't mean they aren't downplaying it faggot.
So many muh freedumbs threads.
Where were you when burgerland was kill?
there are people being fired from the media, they're not touching this witn an 10 inch pole, it is all guberment reports and lies by the guberment
It'll be a million by the end of April if it continues at this rate
if only you knew how good for things to be bad at the moment!
Shut up polish dog
Literally everyone except retard countries like yours and Sweden are downplaying it.
Coincidentally you are both countries whose governments are really impatient to push forward the ethnic replacement.
40% obese in USA.
Coronachan is a chubby chaser.
Here’s your F
*are not downplaying