>Trump suggests US should treat Germany as an enemy because of World War II
Trump suggests US should treat Germany as an enemy because of World War II
based ancap magapede!
I dont agree with Trump often but the cucks who flooded Europe with sandniggers need to die
Germany was over when Prussia ceased to exist
Germany was over when Prussia ceased to exist.
the cucks were the MIC lighting up the middle east in search of WMDs you HOMOSEXFAGGOT.
Europe knows who's responsible, our longterm memory isn't damaged like yours.
>Trump suggests US should treat Germany as an enemy because of World War II
shit i'm still fighting the revolutionary war! you hear me you faggot eating english niggers?
Trump is german himself.
His grandfather was a small criminal and a fraud by the way. He had to leave Germany because police was looking for him.
stfu migapede go own the libs by killing yourself.
This is now a zion don Migapede hate thread.
migapedes in a nutshell
fuck your shitty ass crapitalism! you're no different than the left
Take that libs!!!
how will the dotards ever recover!?
amerifats destroyed!
Yas Forums and the 2016 r3ddit takeover in a nutshell
now its really gonna get confusing when someone with a german flag shills against trump. could be a chink, could be a sandnigger, or could just be a butthurt kraut.
Not a fan of the zioquest but, you could tell them to fuck off. We were destroying their countries for at least a decade before the jews decided to let them in again.
We said this since the election. Dumbass.
just gonna drop this blackpill here
>Yes, weaken Germany ...
They could get stupid ideas and resist reverse Anschluss otherwise. It is for their own best. :)
Aww, he's butthurt because he couldn't get exclusivity rights for our potential vaccine from CureVac and now he's throwing a fit and calling us "ebul nahtzees". Fucking childish dick.
Everytime someone gets into an argument with us sooner or later the good old Nazi card will be played. When will this shit finally stop?
Trumpf is a Jewish name. Hence ,the whole Drumpf thing as a deflection.
this. and migapedes are no different than the left
Sure you do.
This gets the dotards hard as a rock!
imagine being proud to be a zog golem
r/the_donald, the ultimate virus on Yas Forums. arguably worse than corona virus
Merkel is the enemy of Europe, let alone the U.S. Get a clue.
>bot thread
>we gotta defeat those evil nahtzees in order to secure the african buttsex of the american race and the borders of israel the chosen pepalll!!!
>has germanic blood
>still anti german cuckold kike lover
What a retard. covfefe...
lollllll just remove your flag
he's a mutt! not a fully fledged kraut.
at least he admits no white girl wants his nigger ass
just remove your foreskin OH WAIIITTTT!!!
>the country that wanted an oil pipeline straight through the middle east
yeah we know who's fault it is for destabilizing the middle east faggot
just because you hired us, doesn't mean to get to place any blame on us
now enjoy your bbc
>at least he admits no white girl wants his nigger ass
the fuck? you're the ones dying for israel by killing arabs in order for israel to expand their kike ethnostate!
Funny how that meme gets closer to resembling it's own creator
but he did say that so not sure what point you're trying to make
>all this cuck porn
This is better!
>Trump suggests US should treat Germany as an enemy because of World War II
Fake!!! He didn't fucking say that
Trump and the US were just a meme. But Germany is timeless.
show flag kike
What the actual fuck
lmao no.
its just ancaps being fucking retarded as usual.
Anyone who pulls out the Nazi card against us in an argument is a fucking loser. They hate us cause they ain't us.
Based numbers
Just show your fucking flag, I'm fucking mexican irish "native american" I'm mutt to the umpteenth. Please. Show us your flag.
well what a coincidence i'm an amerimutt too!