Stop spreading conspiracy lie

This is NOT a bioweapon made in lab. It came from bat that infected other animals that eat infected bat. That is debunked conspiracy theory.–20_coronavirus_pandemic

This virus is NOT fault of Chinese people but fault of natures. Pleae stop msinformation okay?
Also virus has name called COVID-19, please use official name not racist name like "Chinese" virus. The origin of virus is still not known.

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Yes it is

no its not


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Chink detected


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The bible has an instruction for people to not eat cloven hoof like bats.

So how can we spin this to be America's and white people's fault if America isn't responsible for Chinese people eating disgusting wild animals that have been known by the scholars to be disease-carriers for the last 12 thousand years? We're going to need a better lie for this job.

It's their fault for sucking the bats blood. It's their fault for being such degenerate shits their culture supports wet markets and widespread consumption of wild and diseased animals

Ya it's a nothing burger cooked up in a 'media lab.'

sure dude, and in another couple of years the next fucking virus to be unleashed on us will come out of China but no its not Chinese culture producing them is it?

Say it wasn't a bioweapon. It became one. It is a bioweapon in a sense by letting the virus spread, and lying to the world, it killed and collapsed economies.

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Nope man made for the lols until it mutated to be completely indestructible then grew even stronger and smarter and broke containment and we are now here

Wikipedia is not a credible source.
China endangered the world with their secrecy, and they used that time to pilfer everyone's medical supplies.
China is going to pay, and the entire world is going to make sure that they do.

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Last time I checked, bat soup hypothesis isn't proven. Not saying it's a bioweapon. If it was a bioweapon its a dog shit waste of time bioweapon. I'm not sure this originates in China. Looking at where it's hitting. Italy, Iran and China it looks out of Africa. China only being hit because of meat trade or Chinese being in Africa and returning home for new years celebration.

you pretend chinese virus shill larpers were boring 6 weeks ago, you are just plain pathetic now,

Dude, the racists are using the wet market origins of the virus as a means to post racist things.

I'm not a vegan, but this article talks about what major religions say about animal welfare

Some religions say it is okay to eat meat as long as the animals are killed properly. I think in China, they advocate atheism although some religions are allowed as long as they are controlled by the state. Maybe if there were more freedom of religion, more Chinese would treat the animals better.

dead chinese would treat animals better,
just saying.

>the origin of the virus is still not known.
>but my explanation is fact.

Fuck off chang

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>This is NOT a bioweapon made in lab. It came from bat that infected other animals that eat infected bat.
it could be a virus found naturally and stored in a biolab, and it escaped.

Well, the virus is desteoyimg the US economy so if the chinks wanted to wage war this would work pretty well.

>It's their fault for sucking the bats blood.
99.9% of Chinese people dont eat bat, stop cherrypicking

It's a bioweapon released by secret societies dumbass. Why do you think the intelligence agencies (kike Kabbalah freaks) keep plastering 33 everywhere in the MSM.
>Death comes in threes, God's SUN dies on the Southern Cross for three days.

>bats used to test carona virus
>chink labs have terrible safety standards
>chink janitor decides to sell testing animals to we market less than a mile away from lab
>chinks eat diseased bats
>fast forward a few weeks
>global pandemic
You're not exactly wrong when you say it came from a bat that infected other animals that eat infected bat.

>Wikipedia is not a credible source.
Just because you dont agree doesnt mean its not credible you stupid. There is a list of source at bottom.

>Chinese Virus

If shills were unnecessary they wouldn't be here.

They want to sell us to China. The jews are in bed with them and we all know it.

KYS or don't we'll do it for you.

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It's just a coincidence that Wuhan virology lab is right in the middle of the outbreak and they have been working on coronavirus's from bats for a decade with HIV inserts, the lab has had a series of leaks previously and China then put a Bioweapons expert in charge after the outbreak not a virologist. Just a series of coincidences.

Its on wikipedia it must be true................

Why all Faggots on Yas Forums are French ?

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Because all french are faggots.

Ching Chong ping pong ding dong

what the absolute fuck

They always were pathetic. Pretending to be a first world country with a third world populace.

OK, joomer.

White people do this too stop being double standard

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Jewpedia is not a source

Bats have hooves? No, they have claws.

>it's not a source If I don't agree!
You act like SJW

Go eat a bunch of snails, frog.

Wikipedia is not credible at all. Try citing Wikipedia as a source for your academic paper next time, faggot. See what happens.


And you go eat bunch of grasshoppers

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>wikipedia link
Are you serious or you just fucking with us?
France is the ultimate brainlets HQ

Also, there is no need to call it the Chinese Chicken Pox. Simply saying Chicken Pox or even The Pox is fine.

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I have seen academic paper with wikipedia source cry harder

Just remember.......

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>It came from bat that infected other animals
Chinese are insects, they eat animals

>It came from bat that infected other animals that eat infected bat.
>The origin of virus is still not known.

you fucking retard have no clue what a virus is and how microbiology works
a virus has its own dna, okay mon ami?
its not possible that such a thing pops out of thin air because someone eat something

>Scientists suggest that the virus originated in bats and migrated into an intermediary host animal before infecting people.[253]
You are retard that have no clue you kraut

oooh, I know you got social credit points for that one

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the virus is sars-cov-2
the disease on the human body is called covid

(((scientists))) (((suggest)))
im a scientist, i suggest kys

>im a scientist
If you are scientist, I am a descendant of Kaiser, believe me

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t. Abdul Chang

Sars-cov-2 is a bioweapon variant of sars. Russia is responsible for the virus.

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if Russia was responsible we'd all be dead.
chinks made a model virus, a cheap plastic imitation of the real thing.

Yes it is


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ok chang

>that fucking syntax
nice try chang

It's funny how all the propaganda lately has been to push the ASIAN-american lie rather than the Chinese-national truth.

Its definatly a bioweapon I have proof from Dec.

I agree its not a bioweapon but
>This virus is NOT fault of Chinese people but fault of natures. Pleae stop msinformation okay?
You just said they ate bats. Of course its their fucking fault. The chinese people, the chinese culture and the CCP are at fault and there needs to be consequences.