Why is low intelligence correlated with right wing beliefs?
Why is low intelligence correlated with right wing beliefs?
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Cause you touch yourself at night
People are both sides are retarded. They base their positions on what ever their party is doing and don't think for themselves.
It’s not quite, but every 30 iq pts or sopolitical spectrum tends to shift
70-100 right
100-130 left
130-160 right
Actually then it just stays right.
Because right wingers are, for the most part, all basically fucking retarded
This is fact.
Smart people rarely measure IQ, no need, so you're missing a big sample, that big sample are the conservatives who resent midwits for falling into midwit fingertraps.
How about you just look at the platforms? Smart people don't actually need a "study" to tell them plain for everyone to see.
>Ask the Israelis
This. Yas Forums brainlets need to understand that Western nations are going to need more immigrants when this is over to replace the people who died and to jump start the economy.
Nope. Only right wingers.
Intelligence without wisdom is masturbation.
Besides, your numbers are out of date. Due to the demographic shift in voting patterns, conservatives now show higher average IQ simply because it's all whites.
Rightwingers function on bare naked instinct, but generally lack higher capacity for thought
Leftwingers are generally booksmart, but have ZERO common sense whatsoever
Thank God I am a nazi.
when you run iq tests, you need voluntary participants, and the only people who are going to participate are the people who hope they are as smart as they think they are and seek reassurance
The high IQ take on all this is that we need more immigrants during this time of crisis:
sytayshun nided
>couldn't even afford the update to Shill 2015
Most left wingers and right wingers are retarded. The difference is that all left wingers are retarded and there’s a select few right wingers who aren’t retarded.
There was a recent article on Bloomberg that was really good. It made a compelling case for MORE immigration during this crisis:
"The National Pork Producers Council put in a request to members of Congress this week for MORE visas through the country’s guest-worker program, citing school closures that are preventing employees from going to work."
anyone who hasn’t come to the conclusion that Republicans and Democrats are two sides to same kiked coin are the real low IQ mongs. All polical theater to make the goyim believe they call the shots.
Because, for some reason, our society has decided that spending 4 years (and $150,000 if you're a burger) to get a degree in Ancient Sumerian Dance Therapy is a sign of intelligence.
Here's another article explaining why cracking down on immigration is a bad idea:
There's that so-called right wing high IQ at work, I see.
Why are you associated with black cock?
Because that happens to be the narrative of your cuck media outlet.
Why is pedophila and violent crime correlated with left wing beliefs?
>Dr. Goldblatt and Dr. Silverstein determined that antisemitism is most prevalent in people with an IQ under 95
I hate antisemitism now.
cause leftists made that study.
>Wency Leung
Another name for the Wu Flu
We need to protect immigration levels to defeat the coronavirus:
>ancient over-posted spam
>no source or properly forned argument
>writing prompt
Why don't mods enforce existing rules?
Its fake. All the media wants to do these days is "dunk" on Trump and his supporters. They crave simulated victories.
You only believe that because you're dull witted.
Because niggers tongued my anus
Mods are kieks
Says the side who think they can change genders.
wow they had to do a study?
It's all so tiresome.jpg
oh look a study...
IQ isn't real! Also, right wing IQs are lower!
I'm right wing and I identify as an intellectual, that means you're wrong
I wouldn't be surprised if they basically mean "cuckservatism".
Because right wingers are childish. Children need to be taught to socialise. How to share, how to play well together.
Propaganda spewed by academic left-wing hotbeds
Study finds OP is a faggot, why are you a fagoot OP?
>Why is low intelligence correlated with any extremist beliefs right and left?
fixed that for you, dipshit
can't believe /pol still falls for statistics.
> study
Emotional people just feast off emotions no logic or science lingers inside
came here to see retards post this cope
So is high intelligence, just look at the study that showed high iq leads to faster stereotyping. Who could have thought you could find a study that supports whatever belief you hold?
this nigga gets it
Intelligent people often wrongly assume they know everything just because they are intelligent.
The alliance of retards and high IQ against the midwit academic plague
A crackdown on immigration will hurt efforts to fight the virus:
Shills still think we're right wing kek
How do they explain Democrats' large black and Mexican base?
>Why is low intelligence correlated with right wing beliefs?
It's because right-wing politics seeks simple answers whereas left-wing politics embraces complexity. This is why right-wing politics gravitates towards simplifying lies, reductive stereotypes, and despotic rulers. It's always easier to pretend that your authoritarian is in control of everything rather than thinking for yourself.
All the sub-80IQ border-jumpers and refugees vote Republican. Everyone knows this.
Study finds that OP enjoys sucking cock.
Can't stop
Hates America
>why do they use ad hominems instead of arguments?
Another study did the same with left wing beliefs. Perhaps, these studies are inherently flawed.
oh OP...
Because the people making the study are left-wing.
take your anti semitism somewhere else. kys nazi
Not sure
abandon thread lads.
Left wing policies are to throw endless amounts of money at the problem, see California's high speed rail.
Noted Scholar Hiram Goldberg, authority on the alt-Right. Extreme doubt. Study conclusion, if you're smart, you hide your power level. There's no benefit in self targeting for the ZOG.
Ooof OP will never recover.
Time for this waste of a thread to sink.
Immigration crackdowns will hinder efforts to fight the virus:
Who could actually vote for those sheboons?
>Look at all these articles that agree with me! They must be right!
very true.
Intellectuals leading retards to kill the other intellectuals.
How about low intelligence and race....?
>Left wing policies are to throw endless amounts of money at the problem, see California's high speed rail.
Nah, left wing politics are largely concerned with idealistic, utopian solutions to massive problems, such as solving climate change or ending poverty. California's high-speed rail issue is simply about Muricans being retarded about public transport and letting the car industry dominate politics for the past century.
I am an authoritarian centrist.
I believe in gassing jews and other minorities alongside getting rid of paper backed money and general greed, turning my society into one ethnic group structured as a meritocracy, with a strong military so that if the government, and therefore the nation, were ever subverted they can clean house.
I dont know, maybe because the majority / masses is always right according to socialism?
What's your genius explanation?
The more I read and educate myself I become more and more radical. I become more socially right wing, more open to left wing economics and more and more racist.
Why is high intelligence correlated with pedophilia and faggotry
Except it's true.
Just based off personal anecdotes the left-wingers are all reasonably intelligent, but not one above 120.
The hard-right are a mix of 130+ and 95 below.
Moderate rights are 120-130.
Are you suggesting Einstein and Steven Hawkins were right wingers?
If it's in the Globe & Mail, it HAS to be true. One of the FAGGIEST, most Left leaning rags on the planet.
The studies are mostly done by biased people.
Based and iqpilled
Left wing is more like 90-120 though
130 is already based
How come socialism is worker's uprising when workers are idiots?
Do you want to be ruled by the majority of idiots or do you want your government or Trump to have all the power like communists intended?
Rather, faggotry is associated with high intelligence.
Faggots are usually higher IQ, not that higher IQ people are usually faggots.
post IQ
Why do you buy thier bullshit? Leftist "liberals" are simply dumber.
Pretty much all british are either fat or ugly
new(( jewish science study )) says
Immigration crackdowns will hinder efforts of the virus
>92 replies
95 is the average IQ of an Israeli.
"Science says races have different IQ"
Sean Carroll already blew this theory the fuck out.
Truth is that science has not proven anything regarding IQ definitively. Psychology is literally the softest science.
Lefties lack critical thinking skills
They are smart enough to know stuff about the world (eg: niggers are disproportionately incarcerated) but not smart enough to arrive at a logical conclusion (eg: nigs commit more crime)
Because Western Academia also told us that men are women just by saying so.
Stob touching it!
> niggers vote democrat
whoops, your "study" is disproven.
These fart sniffing liberals are such retards.
Hawking was a radio strapped to a cripple and Einstein was Jewish.
Almost all jews are left wing because that's where their power is
>Faggots are usually higher IQ
It's true.
It takes a tremendous amount of IQ to stick your dick into somebody's asshole.
Get learning leaf
Truth is, anyone who has faith in our current political system is dumb or subversive. Third positionists are the real intelligent ones.