Being a landlord is morally indefensible. How can Yas Forums defend this?

Being a landlord is morally indefensible. How can Yas Forums defend this?

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Looks like you should pay your rent and do something productive instead of watching TV

*hits vape*

If a virus was really that dangerous and infectious
Why leave wallshart and other grocery stores open ?

Fake pandemic

Captcha: parking meters


You could always respond by sending them links to mortgage deferral instructions.

It's why you want a better housing business that won't fucking pull this kind of shit on people. Though paying rent is more important than shitty TV, I wouldn't defend slumlords to any extent.

I'm paying my mortgage you useless piece of shit.
If you dont like renting, fucking buy a house cum guzzler

dudes literally called hymen

>Hymen properties

You niggers only started shitting on landlords when this pandemic hit. Before that, I've never seen a single thread here about mih evil landlords. Most of you are probably leftypol subhumans.

Who the fuck pays for cable?

If one tenant doesn't pay their rent its the tenants problem

If 100 tenants don't pay their rent its the landlords problem

>You niggers only started shitting on landlords when this pandemic hit. Before that, I've never seen a single thread here about mih evil landlords. Most of you are probably leftypol subhumans.

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This hyman WILL be broken

Good. Fuck tenants who don't pay.
Cable is not a utility. It's their only game plan right now

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This but unironically. You putting a smuggie next to it doesn't make it wrong

>pay your rent or say goodbye to your boomer boxes

>Evictions filed after only five days
Do they really think they're going to get new tenants during the next three months to cover their expenses? Are they really going to evict half their tenants and sacrifice that that long term revenue for the temporary loss of the next three months? Losses that the evictions won't remedy?

This. I can't imagine there are people clamoring for an overpriced apartment right now. And judging by this letter, there's no way this apartment is reasonably priced.

Boomers and a small amount of niggerball addicts.

I actually agree with this. Basic necessities like food and shelter should be paid for before entertainment

pay your rent faggot. How much of a low life piece of trash can you be to think you can not pay rent. KYS

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Remember, being anti-landlord is anti-Semitic.

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If you pay for cable you aren’t allowed to complain about money period.

>it is offensive
well, you can delete my twitter account then.

Lmao, faggot just buy your own home, you didn't have to rent if you had one ounce of common sense you would have saved your money while you lived with your parents applied for mortgage and had a property that was just as good with a much more manageable payment plan that has been frozen by the US government because of the virus. Oh wait, you are a soi addicted bugman who has no concept of long term planning. Before you go complaining about how expensive college is have you ever heard of something called a trade school? It's like a university but you are taught a technical job that has very high demand in the current market for a fraction of the cost of even community colleges. Some businesses are in such high need of certain vocations that they will pay you to get a free education before you even work for them. I have a friend who is making $100 an hour right now as an underwater welder. That motherfucker makes $168,000 dollars a year working 4 hours a day, five days a week and he got paychecks while he was in school. You faggots complaining about rent have no idea how to live, how did you even survive being that stupid and wasteful. Have fun drawing pretty pictures for your 200k art degree,I will enjoy watching you get fucked by your own mistakes until you die on the streets as a homeless dirty retard who had no idea how to live without mooching off their parents. I've only been out of school for 2 years and I have a $750,000 house that I don't have to make payments for until the end of the pandemic, I have a lambo in my garage and I have several expensive escorts on speed dial whenever I want my cock sucked. I did this all with only some minor investments that were done by the financial advisor I was able to afford thanks to my job. If any faggot complains about rent post this, and mock them for not learning how to save money and manage funds.

You don't own shit faggot.

Every bank and loan company has sent out emails already offering people loan foregiveness for late fees and such during this time. Nothing is "due on time" you faggot.

Also, you get tax breaks to compensate up to 2 months worth of rent. So fuck you.

If you niggers want to get evicted over a few months of free tent then by all means.

I love my little two bedroom house that only costs me $200 of my NEETbux a month since I get Section 8 Housing Vouchers.

They own the property. You want to live on their property. You pay them or fuck off, that simple.

Millennial renter fags are the worst. Too lazy to too own a fucking house. They would have to take care of it. If a home was given to you lazy fucks you would still be too stupid to upkeep anything.

Irresponsible money wasters btfo’d

It's the same handful, over and over.
Seems to be what Yas Forums is anymore.

He doesn't have a mortgage on an apartment , you stupid fuck.

Save that letter. Eviction by construction is illegal. He is admitting his own crimes like a retard

because theyre trying to stop mass panic. the system is already on its last legs and has been for a long time
what do you think happens when people cant even get food?

Being a tenant should be embarrassing. What kind of pathetic waste doesn't own a house to live in?

pretty based tbqhfamalam, its in their interest you pay rent and they know you are fucking them over by choosing to pay for cable and not rent, aware that the landlord either has to kick you out or let you stay for free (lose lose), disconnecting their cable makes it so that there is a compromise available and no one is getting stolen from.

Being a landlord is a job, part time and based on investment and passive income, but landlords rely on the income just as much as you rely upon your job to pay their own bills and maintenence, pay off debt. I shouldn't have to explain this but commie faggots and other such reality deflecting retards who want unfair deals are incapable of admitting that they don't actually own the place they rent and don't have a right to things they didn't work for.

>If 100 tenants don't pay their rent its the landlords problem
It's just another 100 homeless

The highlighted part I agree with, the first part is a scare tactic because they are afraid.

>black people don't pay rent
>white people don't pay rent
w-well all properties are owned by... jews! yeah that's it. I'm not paying btw.

I'd take a degenerate over a degenerate hypocrite any day

The tenants do own the place...or at least now they do. You know how Americans came to own land originally claimed by the Indians? It wasn't by paying no fucking rent.

Some people, like me, have money and savings. We aren't all stupid here.

it's 100% illegal for them to just disconnect your cable, so definitely call them on their bluff.

Who still pays for cable? There won't be sports for months so what's the point in having it at all?

i would have added a stipulation saying that i was contacting our banks and other things that our expenses were tied to to try and get them to defer our payments and if we successfully get deferrments we wont act on this

but like it says in there, they have expenses too. a mortgage on an apartment building has to be huge

>hurr they should have had savings
nigger so should you. people posting these things, leftists in general, are the most selfish people on the planet but always try to project that on the right.

> don't pay
> no one else pays either
> landlord doesn't have money to pay the cable guy to disconnect your cable
problem solve

Chinese shills.
All this "landlord" shit is straight from the Mao playbook. It was a major underpinning in the Mao revolution / murderfestival. Chinese Communist Party tried to leverage it during the Hong Kong uprising too.

It's falling flat around the world but communists are too stupid to notice. Get back to plowing the mud, Xi Jinping. Maybe wash your feet for once in your goddamn life.

>Being a landlord is morally indefensible.

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The first week of April is going to be amazing.

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it's their fault if they overleveraged themselves buying an apartment building.

On a normal day , but who you gonna call to enforce those evictions during a nation wide crisis where a "pandemic" is around

This how you get lynched by being the tax collector when rome is burning

how would you know?

i saw a few previously. leftists for some reason just think they can live for free, and nobody and none of gods other creatures can.

Just live in a tent lmao

Its because the working class isn't being allowed to work while the land lords are mostly still allowed to demand rent. It created more class consciousness than a thousand shitty podcasts.

That's not what constructive eviction is at all.

yeah 5 days is a bit harsh, but generally it takes at least 30 days to actually move them out.

I'm not really sure what the laws say about that kind of thing in Canada. I was a cable technician down here in the states, and if they had tried this shit here, they'd either be looking at jail time, or a hefty fine from the FCC.

Yeah wow turns out a system where the only motivating impetus is greed kinda fucks out in the end

Let them go in the database bros. They'll never get a decent apartment again.

cutting cable wires in the building to deny you a service you paid for is absolutely illegal. coronavirus is exposing all the dipshit landlords for who they really are.

there's no database you dumb neet.

Landlords pay their mortgage with rent money

Hi user
Jewish lawyer here. Extremely jewy.
I’d love to represent you against this landlord.
PM me if interested!

pay your rent filthy commie

Melde sie sofort bei der GIS!

Doesnt mean you have to support every fucking parasite that latches on to you. Landlords are mostly useless and predatory and one of the reasons our younger generations aren't able to create wealth. Almost all revolutions in human history involved landlords getting dragged into the street and shot. They are like usurers. Useful in very small numbers but will eventually grow in number and influence until they cripple generations.


wow, a website.

They can get another job. Maybe trade school. Or perhaps they should have saved some money for a rainy day as they like to call it.

If landlords are also living from (my) paycheck to (my) paycheck then they are useless middlemen who should release their incompetent grip on the housing market.

this was a poor decision by someone. wouldnt surprise me if it made more people not pay their shit. once the corts open the cops arent going to be going around throwing people on the streets

>Landlords pay their mortgage with other people's money

is it not the renter's fault if they didnt have savings? youre assigning blame but have such little self awareness you dont know the person in the mirror

why is one person living paycheck to paycheck any better than the other? i give preference to the person actually working for his money, as opposed to leeching it.

Thw first part you can apply to the tenant, the 2nd how do you think they got those apartments?

Except it's not if you committed the breach of the contract first, a lease is a contract, failure to pay rent is a breach.

Most internet comes through a coaxial cable... Hyman would be shutting off their internet too

Why are there so many boot lickers?

nope. you don't know how it works. as usual, these threads are filled with stupid NEETs talking out of their ass.

What about young people starting out?

Liberals dont believe in morals
Go fuck yourself

literally for 99% of human history we've lived for free lmao

Why don't you boomers ever have anything better to do? Imagine being this pathetic.

Great rebuttal bud, try it on yours and tell us how it goes.

Nobody forced you to rent from a kike, you dumb nigger

all creatures are greedy
nature is greedy
you are also greedy. you may not know it, but the only reason you are alive is because of your own, your parents, grandparents, going all the way back to the first single celled organism was greedy.
you cant rely on the generosity of others, thats how you get fucked. when people vote they rely on the generosity of the politician to do what they want, but the politician is also, greedy. and thats why the system in its current form is so rotten, the politician has taken your vote and let his own greed and donors greed run rampant and enforced at the point of a gun, and all democracies in general eventually collapse. everyone is greedy.

Boomers are enamoured with lady nigger ball because *gasp* they all lezzies