This based faggot will die in jail. Justice is dead in America. Don't talk shit at internet celebs or this will be your destiny
This based faggot will die in jail. Justice is dead in America...
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its sad that satanic witch outplayed him
Joe Exotic was *this* close to uncovering a satanic, exotic animal trafficking ring but then that bitch Carol got him on technicalities.
That's the worst part desu
Bitch clearly actually killed someone
This homo talks loads of shit and gets the hammer
Pedophiles get less time, its sickening
He's an entertaining bastard
free joe exotic
Give me liberty or give me death
they all nuts
When I was watching this I was just thinking. This is what America was supposed to be, this is freedom.
Free Joe exotic!
>based faggot
joe exotic for 2020
this, he was a faggot that tried to kill himself - he fucking got over it and made something out of himself and then some WOMAN had to come destroy everything
a very American story, free Joe Exotic
>based faggot
Nah, no such thing, he deserves to rot solely for being a hedonistic drug-addled queer
Carol Baskin definitely murdered her husband and deserves to rot and it's too bad she's going to get away with it solely because she's nicer to leftists even though she's a rancid hypocrite
did you even finish the show? he is in prison for 22 years, he isnt that old is he?
The feds entrapped him with the undercover cop and they twisted the arms of all the witnesses. No way he should have been found guilty. Jeff should be in jail and big fat Chuckie needs his ass beat for being deceitful and working for the feds.
Looks like a US Trailer version of David Icke
he's 57 years old, he will probably die in there
fuck jeff lowe the insecure manlet and fuck that other fat faggot. he said he hates the government but became a federal informant
ah damn, probably right
I thought Joe Diffie died yesterday
we all watched it and every one knows carol basint is a stupid bitch who has the murder eyes of Hillary Clinton. Joe exotic should be free.
The feds are the biggest fuck ups here. Carol and Jeff are the ones who should be in jail.
Too late, became a targeted individual triggering some obscure redneck jew.
pushing 60
he might get parole earlier though, maybe only do 8 out of the 22 or
Pretty much this.
I can see it, actually.
Yes, a rich retard no one ever cared about attempted to get another rich retard no one cares about killed and failed.
Very interesting. Very organic post.
Go back to Yas Forums, you mentally retarded Netflix shill.
I know next to nothing about this besides the guy was charged with murder for hire or something like that, redpill me on why he isn't guilty.
Carol Baskin killed her husband and feed him to the tigers !
literally who?
That faggot shouldn't spend another second in jail. He was completely set up, and railroaded. Imagine if someone actually takes care of Carol because of this series.
This. Joe got the shit end of the stick. He was railroaded then taken advantage of at a low point. He's pretty based and real. Watch some of his youtube videos; the Nat Geo one where he explains how they withheld info on accusing him of having 20 some tiger cubs die at his zoo. Or him explaining the inconsistencies Terry Thompson and the Zanesville incident, wish they gave more details on how the official story was BS as Joe explains.
Despite all the craziness, Joe was the only one of them who was real. The others were manipulative shitheads who helped put Joe away, but they should be the ones going down.
Too many fucking nutcases, twisting of arms, and Joe being the patsy. Fucking sad.
It's amazing how much that lady looks like the fat old cunt.
Just starting the show, what the fuck happened? Honestly, I've been inclined to take Carol's side, mostly because I don't like invasive species (largely caused by irresponsible exotic animal owners, like with the Burmese python) destroying my country's wildlife. Gotta give kudos to Netflix for finally having something entertaining and informing to watch, can't say it's not awesome that people like this are free enough to exist in this country
Have you read her response ? Inb4 >believing this crazy bitch.
She does seem like a wingnat, but it sounds like her husband was pretty deranged himself. I also don’t believe his ex wives, secretary, and daughter (probate fights can make people say a lot of things). I feel like doing sketchy deals for tractor trailers in Central America and central Florida for that matter could end up with you going “missing”. Also the meat grinder thing is bullshit, that shit can’t grind human bones up...
Fat old cunt is just the basic phenotype. It's what about 85% of them all turn into.
I hope he is appealing this and top notch defence attorneys come to his aid.
The drugs enabled him to get two straight men to suck his dick for years. I think they were a sum positive.
She definitely killed him did you see that smerk and the look on her face... The fag was on to something before the meth and coke caught up with him
I love this music video!
Yea Joe is cool we should write to him
that bitch needs to be offed for real or Karma is fake
Speaking of based
I think Carole Baskin killed her husband,
But I’m on her side.
She’s doing good with the money.
Joe Exotic is a white trashy faggot and an attention whore.
He had zero friends in the end.
Better than your Tiger King Mohammed
>But I’m on her side.
>She’s doing good with the money.
No she isn't. She's doing the exact same thing as him, but feels superior because she doesn't let people handle cubs. If she was really doing something good she would be trying to get the numbers up in the wild. Instead, she's trying to cram through legislation so that she'll be the only one who can legally own big cats.
wasn't only the witch. Pretty much Jeff and life size chucky doll fucked him as well.
>ywn be a gay gun toting red neck meth head tiger tamer yelling about Waco and shit to glow niggers
America is truly dead
He deserves to rot in prison-he knew breeding cubs was wrong-he was just a attention seeking faggot.
>ywn have a harem of sexy young women who will do anything to sit on your cock and tame tigers
why even live?
did he get the chair for that mullet
Her husband filed a report with the local judge just 2 months before he went missing. He said she was going to kill him. He said she took his firearm and held him at gunpoint. The way she rolled her eyes when talking about feeding him to lions made it 100% clear... she fed him to lions. Her mannerisms are strikingly similar to Hillary Clinton, another psycho murdering lying sociopath. Someone needs to put her in a minecraft cage full of starving cats
This. It's exactly what Joe says at the end. The real conservation is of their natural habitats. Trying to make it illegal to own exotic animals in the US will do nothing to protect them in the wild. One of his videos on youtube he mentions how their aren't any Ino-China Tigers left in the wild, not because of people like him, but because of backward ass Chinese that kill and eat them. Joe was the only one they spotlighted on the series that had a deep respect and love for the animals.
Based local Sheriff CHAD is asking for leads on the “disappearance” of Carols husband.
Carol killed her husband and Joe did nothing wrong
Meat grinder is only a distraction. Truth is, her father killed her husband. They chopped him up right there and fed him to tigers. They probably starved the tigers for a couple of days in order to smooth things over.
>One of his videos on youtube he mentions how their aren't any Ino-China Tigers left in the wild
And because of people like him, they still exist at all. If it wasn't for people like him they would be 100% gone. Because there still is some alive, there's a chance that some day they can bread and repopulated.
>Joe was the only one they spotlighted on the series that had a deep respect and love for the animals.
Absolutely this. He loved those fucking cats. Even when he was being attacked by one he didn't shoot it, he instead shot to scare it.
Where did the bones go ? In the series they talk about having to clean up and dispose of thousands of pounds of bones. I would presume human bones (like a femur) are not very different from a cow bone. The body doesn’t just disappear...
I’m not saying she didn’t do it, I just remember how convinced everyone was by making a murderer (that nigga did that shit). These directors are very good at making people appear guilty or innocent depending on the spin...
He has dirt on (((everyone))) he's bringing them all done. He'll die in prison with a smile on his face, getting buttfucked by one of his new husbands
Joe mentions that a big cat's stomach is very acidic and will dissolve bones.
>who has the murder eyes of Hillary Clinto
Well put.
She has the don't ask me I'm just a woman and 'I AM A WOMAN I DESERVE THIS THIS AND THIS' entitlement.