About 200 US companies seeking to move manufacturing base from China to India: USISPF
About 200 US companies seeking to move manufacturing base from China to India: USISPF
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i'll take a poo over a bug anyday
Why does it show a Russian then?
obviously, china showed that it isnt competent nor secure, many more will leave in the following years
Good luck, I'm sure this American virus won't spread amongst the homeless population in India like a wildfire. I'm sure Indian authorities have everything under control.
>they don't know why that's a bad idea right now
HAHAHAHAHA poor zog.
At least the Indians aren't so God damned psychotic.
As an American I think that this is fucking awesome. Becoming frens with India is important. China is a long-term threat, and our power wanes every year. In a few decades we won't be the world's only superpower, and it'll be great to have a democratic, nuclear ally on China's doorstep. You're a bunch of handsome, Abhishek Bachchan looking Chads and it'll be good to have you on our side.
social distancing? psh, we need to get on india's level and practice fecal distancing
Russia controls trump
Yessssssss! Finally we poojeet gonna be superpooper by 2020.
India is the only country that can defeat the Jew
The century of China has officially become the century of India.
Digits and Xinnie the Pooh is overthrown.
AB de Villiers for president.
Everybody in the world hates China.
Keep spreading anti-Chinese information.
Death to China.
the prophecy was true, enjoy yourself pajeetbro
>some companies are subsidized to put a token plant into India
You poos keep saying that every year and then 9 out of 10 companies leave your country again or shut down because your 10th of a wage they pay in China isnt worth 50 times lesser productivity.
unironically based
I'd rather my cheap imports smell of shit than are infected by whatever the bug people come up with next.
How about bring it back to USA
fucking retards. india doesn't give a shit about the USA either and when they're rich enough to no longer be the bitch, they will act just like China.
nice digits lad, but mine are better.
Indian and US share alot of fundamental values:
- self-determinism
- tolerance for some amount of bullshit, then watch-out!
- willingness to question the elitist narrative
- pre-innoculated against the SJW subversion
- shared love of Jesus (read "Jesus in India"...)
- part of the British Empire for hundreds of years, and knows how to interact with white folks
India is fast improving the quality of its people. It's got a long ways to go to reach a US-tier infrastructure and economy, but it's growing and striving fast.
China, OTOH, is a Communist county that has openly waged a destructive campaign against every Nation in the West, against both our values and our economies. China, like the Jews, has attempted cultural subversion on a grand scale.
I welcome America's increased affairs with India, to counter the influence of China.
Sucking harder than Trump until they cant stop cooooming
The only way this will change is when laid off Americans start executing ceos and entire boards of directors instead of committing suicide.
India was a colony for a long long time
They're very similar to us
it would be nice to have manufacturing back in the rust belt, but I will settle for some cheap labor intensive goods being made in India
I'll take poos of chinks any day
Western nations need to do everything in their power to take power away from china at this point, if moving things to India will do that I'm all for it
Right now I just think it's paramount to get of all Chinkery as much as we can.
Give the Pajeets and the Ivans a shot. They couldn't fuck things up worse than the Bugs.
amerimutt you are a cuck .
No. You have a cuck nigger loving culture. They do not . Amerimutt they have the OLDEST civ on planet earth that predates you white roaches .
Looks like this virus hasn't "woken" up enough retards yet, although going anti China is a start.
You can't call other people cucks when you're memeflagging. But have a (you) anyway Pajeet. And good luck scamming retards online with your broken English.
Actually based.
Indians are shitty but they're a somehow kind of a familiar shitty.
Chinks are alien insectoids that threaten to utterly destroy the white man.
Memeflaggot, you know nothing. Flash us your tiny Chinky tits, then get the fuck out.
the poos have empathy at least if they got a good economic they will be gloriously based frens of whites.
Holy shit.... SUPER POOPER POWER 2020!
>Another chang memeflaggot
Jesus christ the desperation from chang
You're a irrelevant cuckaroo . Legit , your faggot emu shit eating nation couldnt even fight a a fire off it was pathetic to watch. Ever wonder why Margot Robbie left your sad dumpster of nation ? You have no identity other than being a balding fat snorlax online .Btw what when you talk about languages , how many do you know ? Exactly that what I thought you welfare leeching queer . You should burned alive in that wildfire .
You want Asian feces?
You're obviously immigrant poo's that need to go back. But having sacred cowland opposing china is definitely a good thing, though I suspect products made in India will be even shittier than china, no pun intended.
I'm all for moving manufacturing out of China, but are Indians even capable of operation and maintaining these kinds of factories?
ok chang.
Your nigger loving mother told you to get back to filming !
Christ cuck detected ! KFC shit is coming out of that mouth and onto the keyboard kiddo.
Meh just wish globalisation could end. Countries should start making their own produce. Quality had deteriorated severely with everything gone abroad.
Fuck off Chang.
that worked for boeing
You need to go back you pig faced rape baby. Its our country anyways you filthy degenerate amerimutts are done. AHAHA you are dropping like flies . Dont worry were will be gentle with your white daughters and sisters (;
This makes no sense, they are shifting the goal post. US companies need to at least be on this continent. I'd be happy with Mexico even, it would keep them from coming to the US.
Take fridges for example. I still have an old one working from older than 20 years back. These modern ones made abroad with cheap parts don't last.
Digits and china dies once and for all.
Based kek has spoken
HAJi go shit in the quran asap ! Allah is a goat fucker baawwahah!
Yes Rajesh come to my place, will shit together in my backyard and celebrate!
Now i know who invented the virus.
Exactly. Leads to poor quality.
Chang you're not fooling anyone. Stop larping as a poo and kys. The damage is done. China messed up big time.
Hindus own America you failed abortion . Go commit suicide now . Never was your country to begin with . ahahah bye bye.
>shill post
kek. You idiots can't even string a sentence together properly, it's amazing you get paid for this low quality of post.
Why don't you show your flag shill?
LMAO. Careful what you wish for. British manufactured technology is notoriously shit and ridiculously overpriced.
Just stop living abdul pig raper your sister fatima clit needs tob e chopped tonight for Ramadan you degenerate filth .
>people are moving out of china!
Welcome to 2018. Smart money has already left or has been exfiltrating manufacturing in stages.
Most companies DO NOT actually own their own manufacturing plants in China per se (various regulations, and CCP prefers to keep control via local/national means), rather they contract out to a company to manufacture for them -- this is true from small biz who work with various 'trading companies', all the way up to Apple (eg, Foxconn).
Guess what happens if you just decide to 'close shop' in China? The CCP steps in. This is a major liability for large manufacturers, as potentially millions of dollars of component, inventory, or tooling/machinery (IP) is at risk to be seized or locked up in an indefinite 'legal' battle.
China is in big trouble.
Amerimutt is over and now he seethes and piss his sweatpants like a ape. Dumb wetback-nigger dog fucker your country is failing look at the numbers .
The ChinaJews are, unfortunately, smarter than most other Nations that would screw over their own populations for cheap labor.
However, India has produced its fair share of geniuses, demonstrating that with careful selection one can accrue a workforce capable of reliability and quality.
The operative concept being, with careful selection.
The Jew moved into India about 40 years ago, and has been opening up India's Universities to all, regardless of IQ. However, there are other ways for an HR office to screen for IQ.