How do krauts feel knowing that the greatest German of all time was a jew?
How do krauts feel knowing that the greatest German of all time was a jew?
he was a zionist and pretty evil even for a kike
he doesnt even rank in to billion germans though
digis dont lie lol
How's it feel knowing he plagiarized his most famous work?
come again?
Nobody important bro. Let’s just keep on with the mission.
>greatest German of all time
was german
What? Einstein was a fraud.
He was a plagarist, getting away with it is only an achievement in Jewish circles
Stop perpetuating this meme, Hitler was not jewish, his real surname was heidler or huttler and that means carpenter. Have you ever heard of a jewish carpenter? No? Then stop spewing your shit all over my board.
he stole all his ideas from other scientists.
His theories were stolen and they are also wrong. Electric universe is the real deal. Tesla knew this and many scientists knew this but got shut down after the war. We live in the dark Jewish age of repression
even if that were true, you'd still have to be impressed that he could understand them all.
frankly he isn't as big a deal here as in, say, America
at least not as an icon
>jewish carpenter
what about rabbi yeshua?
I loved to walk along the hermannsweg as a kid
Good old times
Lorentz and Poincare had a theory of relativiy book published like a year before he did
He was a media-created Jewish sensation, the cult of Einstein is a Jewish invention and we are still forced to pretend it's real
even your country is less directly controlled by Jews than ours
Based as fuck
His model, like every jewish model is trash. Explain dark matter Einstein. Explain genetics boas. What’s the matter jews? Can’t you do science? They have female brains.
Just like boas mead gould ect. Archaic admixture literally disproves these peoples’ work in a few words. Jews are unable to be objective.
Wasn't he Swedish?
I actually think it is Hans zimmer, who is also a Jew.
Why don’t jew anthros recognize genes?
I don't care because I'm not an actual Nazi like 80% of this board.
But he was wrong. Turns out the universe is electric. He was a scammer like every other jew in history.
Please don't reply to my posts before taking off your memeflag. Thanks in advance.
He stole the research he used to come up with his theory off of his colleagues. Then fled to America to make shekels and got promoted by the jews in the USA as some kind of celebrity scientist.
If anything he's a good example of why never to trust a jew even if you share a passion on things. They will always put the tribe and money above you.
Pardon me. Patrician's choice coming through
Don’t reply to me until you can tell me why GR is bullshit, thanks.
he hasn't had a original idea since he moved to America to become a full time celebrity scientist
telling really
greatest german of all time
The greatest German of all time was Austrian.
manufactured by the myth makers and icon forgers, it's what they do
Both cabal assets
One helped start it, one helped finish it
I hate Boas with a passion.
And he was still wrong. What a loser. Imagine just making up fake shit because your model is trash. It’s how we got racial egalitarianism to be “settled science” in the west. Weird how it’s always jews being objectively wrong huh?
Einstein was just another Epstein. Probably couldn’t even subtract.
it adds relief to their white guilt and simultaniously allows them to be prideful about their country since it reinforced their belief that nationality doesn't equal ethnicity.
>Have you ever heard of a jewish carpenter?
There's too many jokes and puns here so I'm simply opting not to pick one.
That's the joke lad
Jewish carpenter? Like that Jesus guy?
He’s not a scientist. He’s a grifter. Genetics makes him obsolete and yet him and Gould are recommended at the university level. Same with Freud and Einstein. Jews can’t do science. They are so mentally fucked that they operate in a different world where their shit makes sense.
And he stole all his ideas from non-kikes. Never had an original thought.
Greatest Germans were:
Charlemagne (partly)
Otto I, the Great
Otto von Bismarck
GPS Satellites work without it
that wholesome moment when a burger on Yas Forums gives me a happy smile
You’re right. Einstein is a meme.
for me it's Martin Luther
Werner Von Braun was a kike?
Others will say he was the worst.
Braun was a child to Schauberger.
>this retarded view bought to you by some guy who still thinks freud wasn't a sankeoil salesman
I'm not a fan of Einstein, but this is not very convincing.
"pure episteomological reasoning" also simultaneously proved and disproved the existence of god.
>being a fan of the guy who has led science to a dead end for 70+ years counting
Any scientist worth his salt knows the universe is electric.
Exploiting a phenomenon does not require comprehension of the cause of said phenomenon.