@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump on F&F 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/30/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 3/30/20
>AgSec Perdue on FBN 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on CBSThisMorning 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on GMA 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/30/20
>ArmyCoS Gen McConville on CBSThisMorning 3/30/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on F&F 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/29/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Supply Chain Distributors 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FtN 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on ThisWeekABC 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on SunMornFutures 3/29/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: editingmistake.png (680x961, 333.51K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Looks like daughter is sick. Was giving her a bath to lower her fever and her body is all reddish, especially her chest and back. Says her arms and legs are tired. No Corona symptoms, probably just a regular flu.

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the only mistake was not gassing them all 80 years ago


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TRUMP 2020

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Shout out to Fish Tank Lady for murdering her husband.
Gave him a last supper and executed him.

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abortion mills are an essential business!
(for the jews who sell baby parts)


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This is the best part: The same group that she donated to just weeks ago took this incident to shill against Trump. Top fucking Kek.

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2020-03-30 um 21.45.41.png (1534x594, 145.94K)

>I miss bush being standard
You faggots are so much cancer.

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I'm still saying it wasn't intentional she and her husband are alternative medicine niggers who already buy fish antibiotics that's why they went straight to the fish supplies.

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MAGA & Have a beautiful day.
For a perfect day, imagine a world without jews.
It's A Beautiful Day - Bulgaria

Attached: Imagine a beautiful peaceful loving world without jews.jpg (512x362, 55.12K)

I am suspect posobiec might be a glownigger

I could’ve told you that myself
Not sure why this is news
Nobody will do anything regardless and Drumpf will happily kuck and sign another pork bill

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I have the feeling Trump will close our doors to China when this is all over. Trade, travel, our financial markets, everything.

You are like little babby, watch this

Attached: AWOObe.png (1213x2292, 1.34M)

>Please congress, gives us federal money so we can give it to the DNC


Attached: CNEnt.jpg (1420x862, 396.84K)

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>editing mistake

That's what the leftist media is always doing.

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Your suspicions serve you well, that nigger glows harder than Chernobyl.

Attached: slowpoke.jpg (1400x1400, 193.54K)

alternative medicine niggers do not donate prolifically to 314 Action Fund

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proboscus has never and will never deliver. This is what he does, claims he has some super damning evidence and promises it is coming soon and then he never delivers.

still, there's something fishy about her story

Only the religious and stupid which are one in the same will still support trump. Biden is going to win by a land slide.

Trump could have been a hero if he would have been honest and not attempted to protect the economy by lying to us. Donald dug his own grave and in record time.

Attached: 1585593104358.jpg (1058x766, 230.31K)

>imagine a world without Jews
>a world where homosexuality was broadly accepted by white cultures and Jews never instituted and popularized the first ban on homosex

Attached: 586FFDBD-EA22-454C-9DE4-778F3951FB9F.jpg (720x920, 170.18K)

context is important goy, can't just let people see things as they are and judge for themselves

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>Listening to a nevertrumper breitbart jew
Obamaleaf would be proud...

Are you all the alternative medicine niggers?
Do you have a special group that disperse info about whom you all donate too?

>Trump could have been a hero if he would have been honest and not attempted to protect the economy by lying to us
Why would that change unemployment numbers at all?
We're testing more people than anyone in the world now, why aren't they magically cured by the test like you were implying?

there's nothing wrong with being a conservative homo

>most comfortable mask you'll ever own

Attached: 1560310069582.png (640x360, 326.27K)

>the only mistake was not gassing them all 80 years ago
No one had ever thought of that 80 years ago.
Seriously, it is the only good idea that a jew ever came up with.
Also: Totally FREE gas, all you want!
Did I mention it is FREE?

Attached: Totally FREE Gas! All you want!.png (640x367, 218.65K)

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He probably had sex with buttfag when they were in the navy

here's the webm of the video mentioned in OP article

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Fuck you, Carlos.

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No, only her kvecthing about Trump, the rest lines up with those alternative medicine niggers.


i find her story she expected all was fish that came to her net, yet forgot to cut bait. It appears this is neither fish nor fowl.

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Chink who hung up the banner celebrating the outbreak of the Chinese virus in the US got arrested

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It's go time.

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>Biden is going to win
>by a land slide.

Attached: done.jpg (1599x999, 180.24K)

it's been around for ages

Reminder that Trump was pushing an ineffective drug.

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Bat back on the menu

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They’re actually part and parcel

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absolutely based get

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paging based department

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Hi Jordan.

Can't be conservative and not have kids. Can't have kids if you're a faggot. Takes a man and a woman to have kids. Not two men and a woman, not two men, but two men and two women. One man, one woman. No faggots allowed.

there's a warning label that says

she killed him

>Jack pussybitch
fuck this clown nigger. he lies all the time.
still waiting for those illicit photos of adam schiff you fucking con artist.

is he still butthurt that Trump stopped calling back?

It only cured 699 out of 699 patients in one test.

read the article user. use common sense. it was an op.

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this blue checkmark kike literally has sex with his dog and writes a book about it.


Attached: EarthChanContraceptivePollutionImprovedLesslewd.png (1124x638, 1.25M)

I don't get it. The media wouldn't purposely lie to the public to push an agenda. You guys are conspiracy theorists.


obviously but it's good to keep track of this faggot

It personally killed how many americans - around 3k.
Trump took out ISIS, bag daddy, & salami because they threatened and killed like 1-2 soldiers during their protest (although they needed it way before) he takes american lives very seriously.

I hope hope he brings them actual pain and get them on their knees but you know what, I dont think he will take such drastic measures imo.
The trade war itself pushed back the chink economy 3-5 years back and people's loans were getting ethered because they were all "fake" loans with very high interest rates.
There were stories floating around that millions were close to starvation he extended the deadline to increase the tariffs.
All this said, US lives weren't lost but now 3k lives are lost just because of them and they are not completely taking blame for it and still keeping up the conspiracy theories.
I hope he does, but I dont think he will

Attached: yessss.png (638x418, 331.57K)

>ship out my pillow masks
>nurses fall asleep while checking patients
>truckers literally falling asleep at the wheel
>janitorial staff taking 4 hour naps on the job
>entire country falls into the most comfortable post apocalypse known to mankind

Attached: distorted pepe.jpg (450x418, 28.53K)

>glownigger is also a faggot

>thinking anecdotal "evidence" proves the efficacy of the drug

Attached: 1585506631047.jpg (698x799, 77.51K)

are a lot of Mexicans gay because they're hypersexuals?

Luke? Is that you.

So it turns out NEETS can't e-file.

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(pic) Orange man good?

Attached: 1542297241077.jpg (376x372, 21.02K)

>isn't fixing our terminal patients
let's throw out the baby with the bath water
>liver toxic effects
guarantee you still hand out acetaminophen like candy

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wtf i love china now

neither the dum nor the gay are based

Attached: no.jpg (800x800, 68.64K)

What the fuck do you think you JUST posted, you fucking retard?

Not a bad way to go desu

Attached: Hey, you're that MY PILLOW guy.jpg (302x402, 48.89K)

Same labels are on the fish antibiotics as well, and yet.......

Not true
White scientists developed a method to turn skin stem cells from a man into viable egg cells.
Two men can now have biological children in artificial wombs, all thanks to the ingenuity of white science.

Attached: BE177DFB-8992-4932-B659-9708E4EF1D1B.jpg (720x538, 72.18K)

COPE harder, kike.

da fuq?

The screenshot you posted (and it's probably either a lie or a misrepresentaton) is also nothing more than anecdotal evidence, you brainlet.

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you think anecdotal "evidence" disproves the efficacy of a drug

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Reports of marine activity in central Montana.

"Ddaddy don't wash there.... nnnghh..."

I posted that to combat the anecdotal evidence about le 699 patients.

just nuke these subhumans and salt the fucking earth

you'd think they'd have actual stock footage on file for things like that

Attached: hickock45 vegas gunman.png (1136x640, 901.73K)

>It's an anecdote if one of my lefty rags isn't the one doing the tally
Nah nigger, fuck yourself. The days of convincing goys their eyes are lying has passed, and you'd better find a new trick before you start pissing normies off, they're a lot meaner than user

Attached: based_department.jpg (410x598, 38.24K)

>Thinking 100% positive testing in trial periods dis-proves it's effectiveness.
>Thinking lying anonymously for 5 years on the internet was a good use of your life.
Leaf Education everyone.

Is Sec. Carson connected to this?

Have sex with a White woman first

>the sickest patients
So it's not reviving those who are about to expire and this is proof it doesn't work at all. Thanks Savage.

She killed her husband for a op, or she's fucking retarded and does this alternative medicine shit all the time.
Yes, I'll go with the schizo idea.

>being a dumb hetero
You’re probably shorter than 6’3 and circumgoyed too

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>is also nothing more
the study user refers to isn't anecdotal, it's documented and published

just think of it as being a forever bachelor and you'll come to realize that i'm right and can MAGA just as hard as y'all otherfolk

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>I hope he does, but I dont think he will
Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of hopes for "second term Trump" that may not be realized, but I choose to be optimistic rather than a glum gus.
And honestly, what's the benefit to us staying in China once they don't make our stuff? Didn't we basically ignore them until Nixon made a boner? I don't see them as essential to the world economy at all. Once the West brings back their manufacturing capabilities why do we need endless sweatshops? Now we can build robots to do the job of 10,000 chink slaves.


Attached: NBCWorst.png (1704x1434, 1.77M)

>a frontline ER doctor
>a major hospital
What is the doctor's name?
What is the name of the hospital?

If you can't answer these, then it's not even an anecdote. It's just disinformation.

built for NYBBC

Attached: 3B58D287-DCAC-4498-AC30-BB2DA50109C1.jpg (1024x576, 41.36K)

Good day mate.

Source? My buddy works at a ranch up there.

Then show the link. The tweet contains just a quote.

Curiously, every reliable news source — CNN, Bloomberg, Business Insider — is left wing.

If you live in California, Is your SECURITY FORCES as strong as Harry and Meghan?

Or is there some un-equal BS going on with the Constitution here, with foreign diplimatic immunity can bring in the drugs and automatic machine guns where patriotic citizens in the same state have crippleware guns. ONLY NOBLES? Thin blue line getting thinner

Attached: file.png (568x484, 270.2K)

>and yet.....
in 2020 schmucks still fall for the
>babe in the woods

where was this again? i'm going to email the county sheriff and inquire about the status of an investigation.

Attached: maaa gaaa.png (1280x768, 620.51K)

Go out with me then fag

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Id like to MAGA inside of him!

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>hickok45 here, and today we will be testing out the KikeKiller3000 on an unsuspecting journalist.

Has this ever been tested, or are you just fantasizing? Also, where are are the stem cells coming from? Adults or murdered babies?

>every reliable news source is left wing

Attached: SOYED.png (350x350, 55.41K)


Where's Bernie?

Attached: Shopping.png (1212x1126, 256.27K)

I'm in the finishing stages before I animate this and release it

feedback appreciated, how does the text look?

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I'd say it merits investigation.

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I have a feeling that certain supposed LARP from almost 2 decades ago that has spawned an ANIME might not be a total LARP (Stein's Gate).
If Dolan Tard does this, there is nothing stopping China from going FULL nuclear - in their mind, having no trade means death by starvation.Very easy choice when you consider yourself dead already - exact vengeance on the one you blame for your death.

Savage picked his hill to die on, acting like Trump saying chloroquine should be tested was some major sin.

>sickest patients' organs are shutting down anyway
>we're going to worry about liver toxicity
Yeah, ok.

firing animation will look like this, commie flags will be burning and NPCs sparking

Attached: fire_at_will.gif (682x392, 1.1M)

I heard about it, some funny things goin' on up there.

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The holocaust was fake and gay in case you all forgot. Also, who has that MAGA Miia gif? You know the one.

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It's literally in the fucking article that her and the husband were alternative medicine niggers, but yet I'll back you trying to get her arrested.

Isn't weird how everyone from the most famous celebrity to the supposedly libertarian youtuber, media and politicians say the same thing "stay home"?

When will people understand that Bernie never wanted to win. It's just an easy way to profit.

>only the stupid vote republican
Sorry, the science is settled on this debunked claim.

Attached: IMG_2935.png (856x1015, 135.62K)

>Legacy fading, fading...

Attached: GutLegacy.png (808x1446, 241.83K)


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Buying that new Corvette.

>lists 3 partisan news sources caught lying dozens of times to spin narratives
You're not even trying. Do us all a favor and lick your local toilet seat

true I dont care what you have to do but give him the house, else it will be more of the same where he's in defense rather than doing anything meaningful.
he needs majority to do what he was put there else I think they wont be realized as you say

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No one cares what that old Jew says. He is the biggest happooner in the world. My mother works at one of the biggest research hospitals in the US and it seems to be working fine for them along with vitamin c zinc and zpac


Attached: IMG_2826.jpg (1024x512, 94.22K)

You're doing very well.

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I already said go for it, user.

From the adult partner himself dumbass
Otherwise it’s just IVF
A male partner can be the egg, the other male can supply the natural sperm. The combination of the two makes a biological child from the two fathers.
It has worked on HELA cells, rats, pigs, and primates but full human trials are still a ways away.

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lel, sounds like OSAMA. Who the fuck are they talking about?

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they literally pull some bullshit, like leftists have degrees, when their degrees are fucking arts and faggy shit

>being this much of a big pharma cuck because the the copyright expired years ago so the pharmaceutical jew can't make money hand over fist selling it

Attached: rabbi.png (474x599, 212.85K)

Actually, her story is pretty fishy.
Was her husband really dumb enough to ingest a lethal amount of whatever that crap is (which is likely a lot) or did she poison him, just like a lot of women do?

this is retarded, US got it last, so of course it's going to look worse here than elsewhere jesus christ. not to mention, the US is largely doing just fucking fine. NYC is the one having a problem, and half of NYC isn't even american.

We propped up China to help take down the Soviets. Finance kikes used it to evade environmental and labor laws. Party's over.

yeah, guess you're right
he didn't actually publish that I can find, just correspondance

I'm having trouble deciding on the font
here it is without the metal texture, which looks better?

Attached: 2349789432.png (1024x512, 895.62K)

social distancing

>Obongo's legacy was a push for electric cars
>dipshits think the electricity just magically appears out of the wall socket

Fake news

Attached: Screenshot_20200330-160727_Chrome.jpg (1080x1558, 546.08K)

She almost sneezed on me.

>alternative medicine niggers
It doesn't say that in the article.

So what you're saying is "b-b-but if my fantasy technology were real then being a filthy faggot would be okay", and that's still wrong you little heathen

Why is the picture of vegetables? Why didn't they take a picture of the bat? This thing was released on purpose, the bat stuff is cover.

Eat the bugs.

Attached: E667AF49-D341-4178-86A8-30710CA87C95.gif (600x600, 821.66K)

Doesn't look anything like an American hospital, I did not see even one 400 pound black nurse.

Stop! You must awoo to proceed

Attached: 1574420568252.png (581x600, 212.63K)

His study is more recent than yours

I actually recommend you going to their sites (alternative medicine people) and see the shit they tell each other to take.

I'd like to see the methodology behind this study.

>still a ways away
and further still when the feminist opposition picks up

>Donates to the Democrats
Didnt just kill him. Killed him for the DNC.

>literally worked on human cells
>jews shutting it down because it would obliterate the need for femoids
You need to go back to Plebbit now

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this is great fun
this is cringe

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Maricopa, County

No use. That's where Soros spent millions to oust Sheriff Joe Arpaio and now there's a democrat Trump hater there who probably won't even investigate it because drumpf.

Your story from 2012 debunks his newer story. Get fucked Obama leaf.