Is he the best President who ever lived?
Is he the best President who ever lived?
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That would be William Henry Harrison.
I've been following politics since 1996 as a teenager; Trump is and remains a breath of fresh air.
Hell fucking no. The bumpstock ban alone should have made you faggots realize this
Orange cunt who ruined the country.
No but certainly in the top five.
If it wasnt for Jackson probably.
Can't even mutt rightwingers see how dumb he is? Just listen to him speak, he sounds borderline retarded. I don't buy the 4d underwater chess memes, he's clearly just winging it
Bump stocks are for retards who can't bump fire with their finger... Pretty much training wheels
Cheeto nazi retard.
No, but I doubt you will ever be able to convince yourself otherwise.
Kind of shit actually. If he wasn't so sensitive he might have been good.
He sounds intellegent you dumbfuck
to a mutt like you, certainly
Why don't you polacks just fuck off for once?
You are literally rats in my eyes - work next to nothing, putting indiginious builders in the country out of work.
Sometimes there are six of you all living in the same single bedsit, living like rats.
>unironically yes.
>I don think that the president setting precident for future unconstitutional actions is important because I'm a retarded boomer with no foresight
>genetic high ground on Americans
Pick one
>to a mutt like you, certainly
You Poles don't even have an intellectual heritage worth talking about, Adolf took care of that pretty sharpish.
Pretty close.
The lefty pol seethe in here proves yes
>Right to bare arms shall not be infringed...
Doesn't include retarded tactically useless attachments for which were only devised to cope with the literally unconstitutional assault weapons ban constitutional nigger
All jokes and memes aside, no.
Besides, letting a millionaire who was born with a silver spoon up their arse be one of the world's most powerful political figure is generally a bad idea.
In my lifetime anyways.
>Is he the best President who ever lived?
No, he's actually the worst. Look at how many Muricans are denying needlessly because of a pandemic that Trump refused to act on. And you could have had a South Korea containment situation if you acted quickly. Would be seriously funny if you or your immediate family members die because of how retarded your president actually is.
This article explains it amazingly well:
"The missing six weeks: How Trump failed the biggest test of his life Donald Trump"
Could have been a lot worse
>adds a bunch of scripted bullshit
You're trying too hard, Chaim
No, but certainly in my lifetime. Maybe top 5? If he does what needs to be done with the Fed he'll be on his way to #1.
It was over before you even knew it began
>You're trying too hard, Chaim
Not even Jewish! Read the Guardian article, though. It explains exactly why so many Muricans are dying right now and why the virus is spreading more quickly in Murica than anywhere else. These are facts that everyone deserves to know, especially if you or your loved ones are dying.
Is he going to get a second term? What do you think?
close, my vote is still Andrew Jackson
yes, because the dems are going to nominate Literal Corpse Biden due to being terminally retarded
He's a mixed bag but overall he's the best President in my lifetime.
>presidential candidates who are going to be 80 in a few years
What the fuck
Obama is unironically better than that fat fucking faggot
Look... this coronavirus has been great for ratings.
>the guardian
>thinking America could ever have a response like South Korea's without martial law
tard alert
No but hes better than what weve had for the last few decades.
also the wall is just bush2/obama bollard fencing that was planned before dumpftard got selected.
>$0.01 has been "donated" to your PayPal account.
most BASED president since Alexander Hamilton
Is he dead then?
orange nigger in chief is a disgrace to the office, our nation and the republican party
20 years ago he would have been considered an example of the worst of liberal values. now he is worshiped by a retard hivemind that justifies his every action with the most absurd mental acrobatics
pic very related
Yes, because he's using this virus to show exactly who the enemy is.
>If I think it's useless it's okay to ban it
Trumptard cope knows no limits.
>seething this hard
Bernie lost dude, get over it.
Most entertaining President for sure.
No Andrew Jackson was the most based president
Im voting for him again. Say it with me sweetie. 4 more years
He's the best president from the sheer amount of kike seething alone.
he could prevent traps if he had better partners,half of his staff are not qualified for anything.
Many would not know this however the puja is actually the secret to Trumps success
Hes ok, speech patterns suck, but he does waht he can.
But, George Washington was and probably will always be, the man.