Social Distancing

Does anyone else hate the phrase "social distancing"? There's something sinister about it that I can't put my finger on.

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Shut up fag.


yeah i hate it. why can't you say "keep 6 feet apart" instead of saying this bizarre half-intellectual half-marketing term.

have you ever considered that you are the kind of person that hates anything that you associate with the masses? Do you view yourself as an outsider? Do you feel like you are in some way better than the "common" people? Even if everything in your life points to the opposite? You reject the phrase "social distancing" because 1. It is a popular phrase at the moment. And 2. You already are socially distanced from everyone, and it gives you pain to think on that.

just keep your post at least six posts from mine

*coughs on you without covering my mouth with my paw*

I hate it too, but I know exactly why I hate it.
It's vague, it sounds governmenty, like there's jargon and loopholes. and I suspect because of the nature of the vagueness it will keep meaning more and more different things as time goes on, right now social distancing is about standing 6 feet apart, next month it will be more severe, and if you don't 'socially distance' then you will be arrested.

Fuck you baby boomer piece of shit.

Nah, I just hate reddit (you). You should probably go back there with the the other 110 iq brainlet subhumans.

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we need to Socially Distance so we can Flatten The Curve you Dunning Kruger retard

yes i hate it

I have been posting on this low iq board since it's inception. I assure you at this point my iq has fallen well below 110, and if you are posting here with any level of intelligence you should really do some deep soul searching.

it sound super gay
every time I actually hear it said its cringe level

Have a look at the date of this video

It's Newspeak. Distancing is anti-social behavior.

please there is no need for Ad Hominems

Why are you here?

>hate the phrase "social distancing"?
I hate the phrase"No respirators are available so we're starting palliative care" more.

Good to know. Your iq doesn’t “fall” without brain damage or severe drinking over decades by the way. I guess you and reddit are a match made in heaven and you should go back. You really aren’t intelligent homie.

First Amendment

making psychological assessments of people on Yas Forums based on single posts is so catty and gay. I know you were being flippant but it really was a terrible post.

Yes, keep at least 6 feet distance between you and a nigger.

i'd prefer "antisocial staying-the-fuck-away". conveys the message in a more perspicuous way

Every person who posts here is basically a living platitude, so even without thinking it's very easy to have arguments where I get to feel intelligent! Very therapeutic.

I call it the cultural marxist oxymoron movement

Social distancing implies keeping social interaction to a minimum and essentially being a loner by distancing yourself from society. The correct phrase would be physical distancing.

it's for your safety user

Attached: socialdistance.png (503x464, 245.2K)

We need to socially distance and stay at home so they can properly calibrate the 5G surveillance state panopticon they're setting up. Yes you will have Universal Basic Income, yes you will live in a neo-favela, yes you will eat the bugs, yes you will have a barcode tattooed on your forehead, yes you will take the vaccinel yes you will be a slave.

“When I hear anyone say "social", I reach for my revolver.”

> white male
> brownish female
> maintaining distance..
I already did this before covid.... I live near chicago user...

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And you still feel that intelligence despite knowing that you're debating sarcastic shitposters? I wish I could ignore cognitive dissonance as well as you

I always social distance myself from niggers does that count

The real problem lies with you. You don't like the term social distancing because it implies that people naturally clump together in groups with little distance between them. For you this state of social distancing is normal and you have always taken care to maintain space between people even while shopping. It feels sinister because it implies that you are not normal.

I only hate it because it has become a normie buzzword. Same goes for a phrase like "fake news".

I refer to it as "never relax" and get some confused looks

See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. I know you are both unintelligent, and also very very thin skinned. But also by posting here I prove that I am less intelligent, and by reacting also thin skinned. We all deserve each other, and the longer this site exists the worse it will get :^D

It's fine by me as I don't like other people and want those dirty faggots to stay well away from me. Before corona, they would feel quite comfortable getting close enough to touch, disgusting.

>Governments are ending freedom of assembly.
Doesn't look good, user.

This. Also, it's one of those cases where everybody uses the exact same wording. Like when they started saying "credibly-accused" or "the highest court/office in the land". It's a clear sign they are all being broadcast their opinions.

>Not just giving off a 'this guy is probably a serial killer' vibe as you pass them.
Pleb. If the nigger doesn't make space for you to pass then your vibe isn't good enough and you probably look like the virgin meme while you walk.

Yeah, there's something fascist and newspeaky about it. Mostly, I think it's because the words are divorced from their meaning. Orwell talked about this in his essay "The language of politics". An authoritarian writes in such a way as to sound smart, but they never really reach any kind of meaning because they are hiding the fact that what they actually are saying is indefensible. Concentrate on the actual definition of the words and you will realize that they are poor. What we want is "physical distancing" or a "physical perimeter", but it doesn't sound as officious for some reason.

The definition of social is: "needing companionship and therefore best suited to living in communities." which has nothing to do with the remedy for our problem. In other words, social distancing should imply a distancing of relationships, which doesn't make as much sense. It's almost a Freudian slip, or something subliminally malicious. But the reason it makes you angry is because you can intuit that it's an idiotic phrase, but it's spoken by someone exercising authority over your life, which causes you to hate the word and the authority speaking it. This is only one small example, but we are swimming--or drowning--in this bullshit and we have been for decades.

Have you considered drinking bleach?

Why does reddit keep BEGGING for my email adress eventhough I gave them shitty fake ones?

Maybe we don't appreciate being lumped in and patronized with normalcattle when we've been doing these things for most of our lives and were never praised or rewarded for it. Suddenly it's the best way to virtue signal and I hope a lot of government officials either aren't reelected or hang because of it.

Introverts have always been second class citizens.

I want generational distancing

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Agree it feels engineered and dishonest.
Correct term would be "State enforced movement restriction" aka shitting on our freedoms.

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I love it because it normalises what I have been doing my entire life. Now when someone asks me to come down to the pub I can say no I am social distancing at the moment.

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Social Distancing is based. Whenever a chink gets within arms reach of me, I just yell "6 FEET, PLAGUE RAT!" and the state has to enforce my decision. It's awesome.

user stop making terrible posts and projecting your problems with yourself on others.

It’s that same kind of politically correct nonconfrontational speaking that created shit like “people of color” and “non-binary.”
It sounds weird because it didn’t originate organically like normal phrases do, it was a top-down maneuver created by people with a lot of exposure to left wing academic circles.

read this op

I'm social distancing myself from rent

you scared jew?

well it's dehumanising for one

also the whole thing is overblown and turned into a psyop

are you fucking retarded
social distancing isn't a politically correct version of 'get the fuck away from me' you dumb fuck

Isn't it hilarious that for social distancing they used a while male and a colored woman?

nah, I get a great deal of pleasure making terrible (and true) posts on Yas Forums. But please don't worry, I promise to never lie, and to only ever give the gentlest of mirror pills.

You should stay even further away from niggers. Never know when they might chimp out in your general direction.

Would you be angry if you scored lower than me on a RPM? How would you react? These literal “incels” have brains that work better than yours. What would your thought process be after that, when you realize that you are a midwit?

It's like replacing nigger with African americans.

>my decision
it's only your decision to do as you're ordered.

Sounds both cringe like SJW shit and authoritarian like commie shit

The thing is that the troublemaking niggers never travel alone. A single lone nigger might sometimes try to beat you up or something but when there's many of them it won't be as easy to scare them away.

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Well gosh, if I scored really really low, I may have to change my flag from an american one to a meme one

Low iq mongoloid.


Your muddah suck a da dick, u faddah too.

Some people take it incredibly seriously. At the supermarket yesterday this boomer was yelling MAINTAIN DISTANCE MAINTAIN DISTANCE whenever we went past someone else. When I've gone out for walks some people have gone up a driveway and waited for me to go past before continuing

I wouldn't be bothered if everything they've done so far, even before this pandemic, was all about destroying the social fabric of the common folk.

But it means more than that. No hugs, or handshakes, no visiting friends or family, etc.

I’m a social distance warrior

I guess that might be a problem but we only get 1-2 nig groups around here and most of them are heavily mutt giving them half the guts of a regular person.

social distancing is a fucking joke.

i have been in my fucking house since march 7th

i have not stepped outside since then.





the virus CAME IN SOME HOW!

this shit is going to INFECT EVERYONE



everyone always avoids aids infected fags like you

Your grandma was sucking on Boomer dick for days, do you know it?

Her foot might get infected by his coffee.