Trips predict his future
Trips predict his future
He will win the presidency and institute a No Malarkey foreign policy.
He will contract a fatal case of coronavirus, but will be reanimated to run in November.
Gets the 'rona, somehow recovers, falls into a woodchipper.
There isn’t one
will shit himself during the debate.
Raped by niggers
He will add no nut November to the constitution
his death and deepfakes will be exposed
He dies along with every left wing politician when shit hits the fan.
we prove china made bioweapon
trump wins election
china doesn't win
The Intergalactic Federation of Planets tries him for inter-dimensional child-trafficking
He fakes his death from cover-19 with the help of the deep state to avoid prosecution for corruption.
Fall down on live TV
severe stroke while sucking off a child
Next President of the United States of America.
Dies from being trampled by a pony
i will get hot big tiddy chinese women to fuck me everyday of my life
Releases a sex tape with Hillary
He's already in a nursing home. The US will be run by a triple parenthesized DNC run deep fake for the next 8 years.
niggers tongue his anus
He's going to be caught with a wetspot around his crotch on live tv.
if anyone knocks on my door, i will shoot them
>Dems rig the election
>He becomes POTUS
>Dems have him pick Killary as his VP
>Killary has him suicided
>USA collapses under the reign of president Killary
He wins, resigns on day 1, clinton takes over. Its her turn.
OP will suck a cock
Proud leader of a legion of dog-faced pony soldiers.
Walks out onto the debate stage with no pants
>user goes to sleep
>Wakes up
>Nothing but ashes
I love you kek
He will eat two more ice cream cones
shitting himself to death in a nursery home
he'll die on live tv
Built for BBC
Gitmo detainee
Piss. Piss everywhere. Oceans of piss. And in the middle of it all, a throne of shit. And upon that throne, you.
Has a tragic stroke during the debates. Everyone is shocked and Trump makes a snide remark.
Most painful form of ass cancer.
He eats shit
Becomes the God Emperor of the Imperium of Corn Pop. Takes no malarkey from Xenos.
There will be no future
here we go
Long and happy life, not as president though.
Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner.
Fuck yeah screen cap this shit
Deep fake videos make him eternal.
Death soon
if quads ((((the 1%)))) and niggers will be gone in less than 30 years
Trump will win.
He rtfos Bernie and trump and becomes president
Dies before election.
he gets TWO SCOOPS...but Steven colbert praises him
Checked and winned
picked up and body slammed through the debate stage by Trump
Checked for truth
steps down because of dementia/corona virus and backs a dark horse candidate
trips are malarkey
Leg hair turns blonde in sun
The thing is important
You know that thing, that thing you know
This is his future.
He will regain his lucidity, pretend to run as a democrat but be elected and choose David Duke as his presidential advisor, becoming the true white man’s savior.
Just how much ice cream does this fucker eat?
fucking checkmate
Pretty boring but also the most likely, he is a puppet after all.
niggers tongue his anus
He is already dead...
Everyone dies. The End.
Shits himself to death while having a stroke live on camera with CNN. His last act before his final shit will be to refer to the interviewer by the name of some unrelated news anchor that worked and died decades ago.
Trump will destroy Israel