Is it true? Would there be no GOP if voting was easy?
Trump on voter suppression
if less controlled*
Easier how? By letting illegals vote? Because of course they would vote Dems because they are the ones trying to get them in.
proving your identity and that you are a us citizen is raysiss
yes absolutely you would have 20 million illegals all voting D
He's likely referring to the automatic voter registration and ballot harvesting shit that dems tried adding to the bill. Not sure if it succeeded.
If it was easy for illegals. It’s insanely easy as a citizen already.
A lot of them would be out of a job. It's the GOP who gerrymanders and relies ignorance. Not saying this doesn't apply to Democrats, because it also does. But corruption is definitely at a higher degree w/ the GOP.
shut the fuck up with your baseless claims.
broward county for example has always had tons of ballot fuckery.
>Is it true? Would there be no GOP if voting was easy?
Is it true? Would there be no Democratic party if voting was limited to actual Americans?
The only populations that it isn't ridiculously easy to have vote are illegals, felons, and actual retards. So yes, dems would win every time if voting was any easier.
he obviously means for illegal immigrants but whatever
Are these things that benefit democrats more? I could see republicans do that too.
It goes to show honest people don't vote democrat.
Yes, if Democrats are allowed to vote multiple times in multiple districts, then harvest more ballots during recounts, and have foreigners voting multiple times on top of that Republicans loose.
Trump should give asylum to all of Europes conservatives and make it massively swing the vote, then see if Democrats still agree with importing voters.
since OP is a faggot:
Surely that can't have been a proposal in the bill. And wouldn't republicans return the favor?
Thanks user, I tried to link it but Yas Forums blocked it as spam.
No problem dude.
. Ballot harvesting makes it so you can vote for other people who don't show up. You just fill out the ballot for them then submit it. Pretending it is anything other than that is lies.
>You just fill out the ballot for them then submit it.
>plz fill out this ballot for trump and mail it for me I'm old and my eyes/fingers don't work
>Scenario A: into the trash it goes
>Scenario B: Whoops, looks like you're ridin' with Biden!
Paraphrasing allows cunts to lie because no one listens to the original message being paraphrased.
>GOP is more corrupt
>and yet Democrats are the only party competent enough to have established political machines lasting centuries
Nobody gives a fuck about this salt, Trump's going to easily win the popular vote this year and take all the popular vote compact states including California.
Yes. I do want to suppress illegal aliens (foreign nationals) from voting in my elections.
>none for you white man
>not even any for you black man
Illegals will tend to vote for the party that doesnt want to kick them out and gives them free stuff.
Democrats are have given them so much they are now fighting to give illegals to college for free
As if they would actually honor it if Trump got the popular vote.
aka ballot stuffing.
California unironically lets millions of illegals vote. It happened heavily in 2016 and 2018 midterms and you be damn sure it will happen again.
And children.
spbp /thread
I’m so tired of seeing out of context quotes from this guy.
I still do not understand how having mandatory voter identification is not a thing in America.
You have to show your ID card to prove you're a citizen before you get to vote, at least here and I presume the rest of Europe as well.
How is this even a controversy?
Hur dur...make voting easier....
Democrats wouldn't win if can't cheat. I live in California where they continually rig elections. This is the sole reason they run this state.
Actually it’s one of the issues our country used to have in the past and possibly still do. Also just because both sides have the opportunity to do it or level the playing field doesn’t make it more reasonable in anyway...
I believe it.
Dems cheat at the ballot
I'm trying to go over the bill proposal, but so far I've only come across same-day voter registration.
In California you literally just need to put down any name, and any street address and you're good.
You don't even need a actual place of residence, you can just put two cross streets instead, this is to allow homeless to vote because certainly their opinion is super important.
There is already so much voting fraud going on it's ridiculous.
There are so many rural white people that don’t vote.
illegals vote democrat, hes just stating a commonly known fact.
Most people shouldn't be allowed to vote anyway.
This is also true. Voting franchise should be earned not given. Anything that's freely given is never appreciated and always underestimated.
If voting was something one had to earn, then voters would cast their ballots far more wisely and after more deliberation and consideration.
Also lazy worthless parasites wouldn't get a say in how society is run, thus strangling socialism in it's crib.
yes because this country is 50% non-white
Everyone knows democrats get elected because of voter fraud, even democrats.
Coronavirus will turn California red.
Starting with the premise that there isn't voter fraud already.
Being this fucking dumb.
Women shouldn't be able to vote.
because the Democrats tell their voter-base it's racist because they think all poor black people are retarded as fuck which is their main voter base aside from retarded college kids and pedo wealthy people.
It's funny because their perception of their low-income black/Hispanic voting base and how they "would have difficulty voting if have to show ID" is literally racist in itself.
but even then that doesn't make sense because you still need to verity your identity to receive welfare so they should be good.
Like literally just forcing people to use SSN would be a step up and every US citizen has that.
He means because of voter fraud and fake ballots cast by the dems, you dumb cunt twitter roastie
Yes democracy is a joke.
>Would there be no GOP if non-citizen voting was easy?
What does easier mean? Its already easy to vote.
Voting is already easy
If you find it hard to vote you are clearly too damn stupid to listen to
Dems want 16 year olds and foreigners to vote in our elections because they are easy to manipulate
>all of Europe
not saying Whites should abandon South Africa, (b/c the country only exists b/c of Whites and it is supposed to be a White country as much as any country in the Anglosphere), nor am I saying that America should not go back to our 1920 Immigration Laws that only allowed Europeans into this country and excluded non-whites, including the Jews (b/c we absolutely should go back to our 1920s Immigration Laws);
we could probably swing this country permanently to a White Identity party by just taking in all white refugees from S. Africa alone with the only catch being to completely close off all refugees once the White S. Africans got in.
Kegger Kav will make them.
Won't happen under Martial Law.
Why should a non citizen get to vote? I could just show up tomorrow and vote in your election and go home. What the fuck kind of system is that?
Yes. I think alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the voters should go out and physically vote this time around.
This is a good idea, Republicans won't win an election for a generation starting two weeks after election day.
homeless people's opinion is probably more important than yours, true
That's insane. Are any of these identities checked?
homeless are citizens, and can vote regardless of their material possessions.