How come non-white features are the new standard of beauty...

How come non-white features are the new standard of beauty? Everywhere you go on social media you will see pic related being worshipped down to the bone and having money thrown at them just for being so beautiful, it seems like the pinnacle of beauty is actually non-white facial features.

>brown tan skin
>dark black/brown hait
>brown eyes
>big lips

How did beauty standards change so fast and why are white people no longer the sought after way to look?

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dark black/brown hair*

show pic w/out makeup or fuck off

I'm not sure about that. You are correct to a certain degree, but Yas Forums is part of an internet initiative to make people see groups such as hispanics and middle easterners as white.
Everyone wants to be white so they feel like they are worthy of something, but they're always going to be "oppressed minorities" when it comes time to receive endless gibs and pity parties.
Whites are still seen as the top of the top in everything and I doubt that will ever change completely.

This bitch is white in my book
Pasty blondes claiming the word white is cringe as shit

If you’re low IQ enough to fuck niggers you don’t belong in the White race anyway.

She's literally wearing makeup that makes her look Whiter.

It’s just Jew tricks 101

Lurk more idiot

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My dick disagrees with current year's "new standard of beauty," and that's the only standard that actually matters.

They’re not. White features will always be the standard of beauty. Long after this shitskin fan has worn off.

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Don't think these are non-white features per se

Most guys in Canada prefer castiza looking girls from what I've observed because their features are close to white but rare here

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Jews, NPCs, and coomers that go along with it.

oh fuck user its just a bunch of marketing wizardry and magic, you shouldnt be so impressed, its all a joke

>thin nose
>straight hair
>low cheekbones
>long narrow face

These are all "white" features and being pastry white haven't been an attractive trait since a long time

>This bitch is white in my book
>Pasty blondes claiming the word white is cringe as shit
Flag checks out.

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Ah yes operation blue the jew


Because this brown chick makes my dick hard.

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built for my cock

Light skin Latinas are truly the best

It's the Kardashian effect

White dudes looks femenine af, pastry skin looks fragile, thats why even fucking hentai are white washing the dudes, onions isnt helping tho

Dream on that man isn't being worshipped

Am I the only one who likes alabaster women?

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I bet he has a nice feminine penis


There are pure bred Europeans that have all of these features..

The "Kardashian" beauty standard is for uncultured ghetto trash, mainly urbanized Negroes/Browns and perhaps White strip dancers

What's not to like?

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How are these not white features?

Amen brother. The paler the better

the kardashian whores caused this. they created that hideous bronzeface instagram crap. i think it has finally reached its peak and women aren't doing it as much anymore thank fucking god, it's so fucking ugly.

I literally would turn her down and not fuck her even if she offered me money.

>Am I the only one who likes alabaster women?

Unless you have a blue tint because your skin is so translucent that I can see the capillaries under're a nigger.

Think tanks decided that beauty needed to be a purchasable commodity accessible to all races, not a measure of honest genetic fitness

That's Southern European, still considered white.

because of an increase in interracial relationships

No you wouldn’t lmao

She wouldn't even look at your ugly ass


>implying she would even smile at someone like you

kek, don't cope bro.

Whites are a minority in the world, so if you sign up everyone in the world to social media there will be a larger number of non-white thots garnering attention.

>brown ran skin
Hot, but only on a girl with
>black hair
Hot, but only on a girl with
>brown/green eyes
You see brown girls are just sexy, that's not to say white women arent equally sexy, just in different way. Kinda like how peaches and steak are both good, just not really comparable.


Are people ITT being unironically serious, calling this Pakistani Muslim girl white and European? I mean I get some are truly ambiguous looking but this isn’t even one of them, I can see she’s a makeup caked paki from so far away. Is anyone on this board white?

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Two words: beauty salons

Without the fake hair,eyelashes,make-up,nails, fake tan, laser hair removal etc. these whores will look like literal Shrekquittas.

>No you wouldn’t lmao

Yes, I would.

Dude, I don't even really like fucking ITALIANS, unless I'm drunk.

She's way, way, WAY too fucking large. Liking huge nigger asses is also a wigger thing...and I am not a wigger.

>She wouldn't even look at your ugly ass

This is true. But I still wouldn't fuck her.

These are caucasian features shared by all europeans.

Well there isn't a huge difference between southern european and middle eastern.

No they're just retarded, she's incredibly asiatic looking.

People just like hot women in general, you underaged fag.

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hue-monkey pls

Yes there is. And Pakistanians are literally pajeets not even Middle Eastern she has giant abo lips

Are you retarded? Op's pic is all plastic, this is med-european.

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because nowadays most people have brown skin, black hair and brown eyes
Also big lips and big bundas are pushed by the cosmetics industry

based and redpilled

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Plastic or not she doesn’t look European even in a faux manner, I’m shocked at this thread wth.

Lol okay.
White with a tan is top tier
Brown hair is simply normal
Lol no, blue and green are top tier
Big lips are just a vagina comparison
Try harder leaf

>Plastic or not she doesn’t look European even in a faux manner

Because white are a minority on earth.

That's a white chick, look at the palms of her hands.
Non black hair, non black facial features.
You like white chicks with a tan gringo.

Yes she you think she looks European or yes you agree with me?

> non-white features are the new standard of beauty
There is no such thing like a beauty with non-white features

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These lips are fake and they look remotely attractive because all her other features are caucasian. Slap them on a pure sub-Saharan nigger and they would mean nothing.

shitskin subhuman cope

Because they are fucking hot, user