Florida pastor arrested

Feels like we're on a slippery slope here

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Ya think? The exact same amount of people can congregage at the Target to BUY MOAR but if you're praying to God or asking for his help....

Well the state has decided God isn't real and God won't help and you don't get to pray, because it's not essential. Back in your house, unless you're coming out to buy buy buy.

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Civil War 2 is closer than ever.

Nooo not my heckin Zionist pastors! Who will tell me we don’t give enough to Israel now?

This goes against the separation of church and state. And the first amendment.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Too bad, the more delusional christcucks that die the better.

i hate evangelicals so good. hope he catches corona and dies

This is real youtu.be/hHJf5jsmc5Q

The law is the law.

fuck evangelicals. bunch of zionist wackjobs. good riddance


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This is a great way to piss off a ton of people and bust the Constitution.

hmmmm actually sweetie, there's a national emergency right now so the government can restrict certain freedoms to save lives

wait isnt not being arrested for church like the whole point of america

>And the first amendment.
You niggers haven't been free for a very long time and yet you all still say shit like this as if it matters anymore, your """rights""" only exist until they decide they don't

i think the point to take away here is that police just proved theyre willing to arrest the pastors of churches that reluctantly open for Easter

He should convert his church into a grocery store then hold service, legally.

The ones you trust the most....

The ones in power and influence are the ones who know the truth and are using it against you.

No worries. All those that committed crimes against the children....

Times up. Pay your dues.

did you type this out four times or just copy and paste it?
because if you copy/pasted it that's really low effort and you obviously don't have enough conviction backing your beliefs

No, it doesn't. No law is being made regarding religion. Gatherings are temporarily forbidden for public health reasons.

The reason South Korea had such a big outbreak at first was a fucking church congregation was spreading it like wildfire.

If your god is real you don't need a special building or gathering to worship him.

But the constutooshin has magical properties, just like how america has magic soil that turns mexicans into freedom loving white people.

This is a ripe opportunity to turn up heat and cause Feds to overstep which can cause a much needed backlash from the true Patriots

Next Sunday there will be three times as many attending service, and they will be armed. The Sheriff is a dumbfuck.

Why not just let them infect each other? Nothing of value would be lost.

Getting arrested is not that big a deal. Florida jews are mad.

If they charge him, that’s different.

Wow, retards in Florida. I've never seen that before!

Oh really? What article of the constitution says that?

Clogs up the hospitals.

This has to be Tampa

I'm not even a church person and generally think christcucks are dumb faggots but this is absurd. We've basically been put into a police state because of a flu.

According to the media this is the "new normal" & wuflu will haunt us until the end of time, heavily implying this is gonna happen on a regular basis.

But you forgot the later amendments

If there be a sufficiently awful coof, then the government has the responsibility to put all citizens under house arrest for a period of maybe 3 months, and no one be allowed to tend crops, split firewood, or attend church. In such an event ye only be allowed to engage in commercial activities, with arbitrary rituals imposed as our bureaucrats desire.

You can't peaceably assemble if your assembling will directly kill people by spreading the disease.

Holy checkers

hope he get's the death penalty

>You can't peaceably assemble if your assembling will directly kill people by spreading the disease.
I hope you watch your mother get raped and killed by Palestinians.

God won't answer if you're calling from home?

life is also an unalienable right

dude, your money as it is right now is not even legal if you check it in your own constitution
not being able to go to church should be the least of your worries

show me the text that says that in the constitution or a relevant supreme court decision

Get fucked kike shill.

Bad signal at houses, those giant crosses on churches are actually antenna.

Feel free to take it to the supreme court then.

>Next Sunday there will be three times as many attending service, and they will be armed.
Pffffffft. Dream on

Not the fucking question you fucking leaf

fuckin checked

Wow, they finally have legal reason to prosecute christians.

Awwww, he thinks his rights are real, so adorable.

digits don't lie

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First, I'll say I believe the virus is not a nothingburger.

It's real

But yeah, say goodbye to the bill of rights. I've seen talk of rewriting the Constitution because some people felt it was outdated and didn't reflect modern needs. Looks like this crisis is being used as the great reset

>two more weeks

I hope everyone who tries to pray this away dies.

About time

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Church goes back thousands of years. People gathered during the black plauge, and every other disease outbreak in history.

Death is a part of life, and the faithful will go to heaven & not suffer sickness.

This "pandemic" is global government forcing religion on people


>You can't peaceably assemble if your assembling will directly kill people by spreading the disease.
what if the assembling raises money for Israel?

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That's not how it works

It says it right where it says the government will blow your god damned brains out if you don't listen.
You think a piece of paper is going to save you?

I see what you mean by slippery slope, but this guy is unironically a retard. He is going to get his people infected.

>He is going to get his people infected.

He has probably swindled his way into their wills so he will inherit their estate when they die.

>You think a magic powered piece of paper is going to save you?

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Did they arrest any Jews? Probably not

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Why has no one found and posted the phone number to that sheriffs department so we can call and tell them what fags they are

Howard-Browne kept his church open during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic and on March 15 told his congregants to continue shaking hands because they were “revivalists, not pansies”. He also claimed in his sermon that the pandemic was a “phantom plague” engineered by the Rockefeller Foundation to shut down churches and force people to receive a vaccine that would cause mass deaths, all as part of a population control scheme.

Christians are nigger tier.

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You ignore the scriptures. When jesus walked around he touched rotting corpses & they came back to life. He threw mud in a blind mans face & that man was able to see afterwards.

A coof is no match for Jesus Christ