The Right is pretty much dead online. Since 2016 the tide has completely turned...

The Right is pretty much dead online. Since 2016 the tide has completely turned. You have absolutely no traction in any online space and even here things like natsoc is contested. 2016 was the last little glimmer for the alt-right and any significant right wing movement to gain traction with the next generation.

Twitter is dominated by the left, youtube is dominated by the left, even know your meme mocks every single Yas Forums meme and is downvoted. Reddit is solidly progressive and makes sure you can't spread propaganda.

Even Bernie has more meme power now than trump has. There's no recovery, there is no path forward with the progressive dominance of mefia. Gaming and all media is now progressive and there is no going back.

How did it all go so wrong after 2016?

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If you think that obese abo mutt has any cultural influence over the average person, you spend way too much time on the internet.

You live in a fantasy world with your BBC bulls. This is why you get made fun of.

even the 80IQ average mexican could write right "BLACK"

Is she still making tweets like this with corona Chan enriching the world?

Because this tweet is 2 years old

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Is that why you faggots are on every news app with a comment section screeching about how prevalent right wing thinking is becoming outside your social media echo chambers?

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all political ideologies have always been contested here. believe it or not this isn't even remotely an echo chamber.

Define “the right” so we know we’re thinking about the same thing. For all I know you’re using some insanely niche pilpul definition to be technically correct.

The right has started gaining traction all over the west and this pandemic is redpilling thousands by the day.

Grow up.

Lefties never use this term. This bait.

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Only leftist places left on the internet are Reddit & Tumblr. The Right is dominant in the US and across much of Europe if you overlook boomers that vote centre right always. Tankies and lefties are a loud minorities while the shy dude at the market or the nerdy girl in your uni class will either vote green (women) or either economically or socially conservative, even if they seem like passive normies in their day-to-day life. 1/6th of Germany voted for the AfD, and the mainstream media (fuck Rundfuckbeitrag, fucking kikes don’t get a cent from me) is corrupt as fuck and paints them constantly in the worst light possible while more conventional parties are corporate bootlickers and elitist bastards looking to flood Europe with niggers and dunecoons. The tide is turning, especially with the virus causing the Schengen to get btfo’d and the economy taking the rawest assfucking in its modern history, the left has failed Europe & failed the West. It is dying on the vine regardless of the outrage culture, late night talk shows, or ridiculous twitter wars leftie NPCs spam to one another on Faggit and Discord.

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You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded

Not even 2% of Americans use Twitter

>what BBC was actually built for

Typical nig, they forgot an E after the BL

Spelled BLACK wrong

Jewish censorship and nothing else.

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Wait has Sanders not lost yet?

And something like 10% of its users make 90% of the tweets. It's basically just Jews, the top 1% of uppitiest niggers, thots, and onionsest boys.

Liberals can influence the internet toward a black future while I influence the real world toward a white one. Fair deal.

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You sound scared. Are you scared?

They just ban anyone that isnt a leftist

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Online is not real life ... stop wind a fucking fag


"Know your meme mocks pol"

Please, please kill yourself.

Future? Niggers can't even address their illiteracy problem. They pose zero threat beyond chimp outs and wouldn't be able to run the structure of a one horse town if they took it over, let alone an entire country.

>Diabetes will take her way before that day comes.

Try harder faggot.

>right "BLACK"

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go have fun in your online space you dipshit

right voting on all time highs in EU
get ready for next election, this corona bullshit will be our victory

If you look only online then yes, it does seem like the right is dead. A person who only lives on Reddit is told constantly that they are the winners and anyone that disagrees with them is banned. But out on the street it is a totally different story, I have successfully redpilled 25 friends and family members who I am all still in excellent terms with, some of them were harder than others but in the end they all came to the same realization. When you are only paying attention to censored media platforms you are right. But recent surveys are starting to show a drastic shift in opinion despite aggressive internet manipulation. Gay acceptance in the US has plunged 12% in 2 years and Greece should speak for itself quite nicely. Ironically the internet will become the last bastion of progressive ideology. As the common man rejects politcal correctness you will be staring at a screen believing wholeheartedly that you are the victor,the bugman moderators you worship banning all detractors. All the pozzed moderators will cling to their power for dear life and even when we win it could be decades before the internet is truly free. Go outside get a job and talk to actual working-class people you bean drinking infant.

>We scream the loudest therefore we are winning.
Left's own blatant retardation is the biggest boon to alt right movement there can be.
Keep dreamin.

dude china 2.0

>Reddit is solidly progressive and makes sure you can't spread propaganda.
How can a place that censors ideas be called progressive?

Very nice

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>a blak future
Says the obese mutt with bleached hair.

People that post on those sites are only a small minority of the population and every day I see people on facebook and twitter waking up to what reality is. No one cares about social justice during a crisis.

irrelevant & cringe

You spend too much time on Leddit and Jewtube.
Just because the Jews outright ban anything to the right of Obama on their platforms doesn't mean that they've convinced anyone. Just better at silencing them.

It didn't. People are afraid to say rightie things. Some profess to be left, but scratch them and you'll see it's a thin veneer. Most just don't pay much attention to the online world

Loudmouths jump about and cavort, feeling invulnerable, but they do not realize that, when the shit really hits the fan, a huge right wave will wash them away.

ANY massive tragedy could be the trigger for a lashback.

imagine thinking the internet is representive of real life


Negligence ( a breach of care or protection which results in damage) in law. You can use this definition in many situations in social aspects. Life, immigration, abortion, crime, responsibility abandonment, raising kids. Corona, the list goes on. Self reliance builds character and strength. What we see is a disenfranchisement or hardening effect to compensate.

I know a lot of liberals and they’ve been slowly noticing that something is not adding up to what’s IRL. My friends ask my opinion on the accepted narrative (aka the CBC) and I give them an out of left field or a 180 answer they never heard of or considered. Now Corona Chan or BoogaFlu has got them even more spooked, no more eating out and nice holidays. Thing are changing, even the JQ.

>How did it all go so wrong after 2016?

The "left" simply recognized the threat and got organized. It'll do them no good in November, their "leadership" is so senile that they have no chance. Meanwhile try to avoid using any of the diseased platforms and go with those where you can still speak freely. Even if this place goes to hell, switch.

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Shit bait, copy pasta. The left can only exist in carefully astroturfed communities. It cannot exist anywhere free speech is valued. Sad in all fields

>even here things like natsoc is contested
natsoc isn't right-wing

chinked and blacked

Not as cringey as being the offspring of the dregs of british society

if hashtag games won elections


>national socialism
>right wing
can you imagine the retard that wrote this originally

Come on user don't fall for the obvious slide thread. Sage.

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Actually this, I'm very sad I found this place so late but it's been degrading heavily after trump got elected. Is it the influx of normies? Because it's no coincidence I found the place when trump began I think it's the case with a lot of people.

>I can't see you now that I censored you.
Yeah, no way that could backfire, champ.

>are you demoralized yet? hurry up and be demoralized!

It filters your speech

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fat nigger cant even spell BLACK lmao

>youtube is dominated by the left
Low-tier leaf bait thread, sage and ignore

normies are auto-redpilling themselves these days.
coronachan has one virtue: it showed them their government:
- absolutely don't give a shit about them
- lie and just keep on doing communication even in the direst times.