Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - If only you knew Edition

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it's a nothingburger

its all a nothingburger pol is just over reacting

In general no. You're 30 years too late, we're their slaves now.
Serbia has a thing against them, obviously, but Serbia is also irrelevant and basically ends up doing what they want in the end anyway.

we will see.
im prepared, hope you are as well.

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I am the Line thy God.
Thou shalt have no other Lines besides Me.
Line must go up.

Yugoslavia was a federation. Croatia was one of the confederated states and is now a country.
Yugoslavia fell apart 30 years go.

here, have the map

Attached: Former Yugoslavia Map.jpg (1639x1456, 250.17K)

"Was a" I cant believe this american bullshit I heard of someone who return from yugoslavia few weeks ago

you buy frames so easily, no it's legally relevant and it would be good if Kerstin had to show up at Bremen personally before shit hits the fan even further.

is there a new nk proxy going about this is the third nk flag I've seen in two days. This shit used to be rare ffs newfags will get the bullet

You should look more closely into it. Some people might still refer to Serbia as Yugoslavia, or possibly just refer to any of the successor states as Yugoslavia, and there's like 7 of us or something, I'm not even ashamed that I lost count.


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supposadly he is a jurno working for there news, dident even know they had news.

es is so schwul wen er memes erkleart.
ich versteh das es für die normies wichtig is aber trotzdem

at least he is redpilling normies while we literally dont do anything

>dident even know they had news
State propaganda has always used news networks as the primary delivery vector.
Vesti was a particularly notable one in the Soviet Union, while the US has the entire mainstream media complex doing that for them.
I'm assuming NK is the same.

okay wer von euch war das?

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true enough.

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want to ask some more questions?
its interesting to talk to one of you guys.

ah that makes sense, nk bro link to some of your other articles
ich will dich toten, cba fur Umlauten

I don't know, it's probably just me. I specifically work in the garment industry, which is been shit on by foreign shitholes extremely hard. Croatia used to have a massive, highly technologically advanced textile industry and the vast majority of it all died due to a combination of foreign imports and the Croatian government.
In a theoretical situation where global trade gets cut off, we are back in business and it's like that for a bunch of other industries. Like electronics. Just imagine, Europe could start making its own phones and shit again after what, a decade and a half?



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>ich will dich toten
>mit diesen bösen tripps

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Will I get an answer, please? Copypasta from last bread, which is archived already:
Well, I happen to be in business as a guy working on purchasing dept around year 2008, also I was buying shit from China. And from India too. What you are saying is true optimism. See, China is nowhere near end. Quarantine is slowly lifted, but shit is on fire in Europe and US, which happen to be biggest customers of that commieland. No new orfers, traffic halted, borders closed. To be blunt, I doubt China has managed to overcome Corona-chan. And let's not forget that shitter's clogged in India, that will be real shitshow soon. At least China is more disciplined in comparison with poos. Bangladesh...I saw some article about their clothes industry begging for help. I can imagine rest of their country economics will crumble as well.
Your prediction counts on quick recovery, but truth to be told, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe next year. See, it is possible, that countries in Europe will release some restriction and try to restart economy. But it will not work. People will lose jobs en masse (like in 1930), there will be shortages of goods of various sort. And when autumn knocks on the door, Corona-chan will show us her real power. I belive it will be same predicament as with Spanish flu (which originated from China as well, oh the irony). All those people trying to revive muh global market will be faced with true despair. And we will be in that shit too, without jobs, with scarce food and people chimping out for mutliple reasons. Oh, and let's not forget our multicultural guests, they will make the situation much more livelier.

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Checked, I reposted same shit not knowing you already answered.

>Schwarze Milch der Frühe wir trinken dich nachts
wir trinken dich mittags der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland
wir trinken dich abends und morgens wir trinken und trinken
der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland sein Auge ist blau
er trifft dich mit bleierner Kugel er trifft dich genau

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Hab mal ne Frage zum Impfen. Welche Impfungen würdet Ihr empfehlen? Tetanus ist klar, Borreliose bin ich unsicher und sonst?

ich lachte

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Smallpox. :)

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with the chink production being well and truely fuckd that seems more and more likely, there is a reason why ive been shilling for richfags to buy heavy machinery for manufacturing.
say how likely is it that when shit hits the fan we can help each other against the invading hordes?
when the eu collapses and the arabs and niggers start chimping it wouldent surprise me if the turks will try to start some shit again.
gescheit wehre es nur bei tetanus zu beiben, aber das must du für dich selbst entscheiden, ich vertrau den herstellern halt nicht.

hallo doofy

I agree with you on that. It is huge chance to restart what we blindly "ousourced" from shitholes. Our textil industry died as well, China playing big part in it. So for me, I would be very glad to see all the small factories back in business. It may even be necessity, because now was proven, that being dependet on autocratic regime half world away is, let's be blunt, totally stupid.
I believe, that globohomo and chinese commies will be shilling hard to get all beck in old tracks, but people hust got huge wake up call. And industry guys are not that dumb (I hope).

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>der Tod ist ein Meister aus Deutschland

Well they got that one right ;)

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Not so afraid of the Turks. Erdogan has purged the military from Kemalists, effectively removing most capable officers like old Stalin back in the days. Their military is crippled. One of the guys at Turkey project was one such case ... damn the guy was mad as hell! :D

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Btw when it comes to building industrial machinery we Austrians are still Weltmeister. Anything advanded like automated precision lathes, steel drawing machines, etc. is all made in Austria ... heard from some companies who tried to outsource that in China but the chinks were all too incompetent to get the design tolerance limits even remotely right. So production went simply back to us. WE WUZ ADMECH AND SHEEEET!! :D

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How screwed is Germany?

(fuckin checked)
>the guy was mad as hell
not surprising, ourguys that got purgen when merkel crippled the bundeswehr were also thinking that the world is ending.
funny how all sides have destroyed there own capacity to wage war, kind of reminds me of 1914.

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Holy fugg, them digits!
I believe since you make business with T*rks. Shame on Erdoroach, Atatürk's legacy was the best thing there... And their army used to be guarantee of stability. Not anymore, see their approach in Syria and greek border. Oh, and for teh lulz, see their results :DD

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>with the chink production being well and truely fuckd that seems more and more likely, there is a reason why ive been shilling for richfags to buy heavy machinery for manufacturing.
Yeah, the only problem is that the people who still know how to operate it all are very old because our industries have been dead for so long.
Like, there's a few old people here and we would take apart 50-60 year old machines, buy cheap chinese electronics and rebuild them to work better, but most of those guys are retired and some of them are outright dying. I would program the things, but I couldn't wire and assemble the machines, for example.
This is going to be a massive problem. You can retrain your workforce to an extend, but nothing in the world can replace a with 40 years of experience. You need continuity of tradition to keep that going.

>say how likely is it that when shit hits the fan we can help each other against the invading hordes?
This is extremely simple. The Croat government is for sale. Buy them before the enemy does.

>when the eu collapses and the arabs and niggers start chimping it wouldent surprise me if the turks will try to start some shit again.
Fuck them with a rake. Turks have a relatively large and well funded army and a bit of an arms industry, but literally everyone hates them. Their military is also incompetent as fuck. When they try something, they will get ganbanged by everyone.

>And industry guys are not that dumb (I hope).
We are. The basic problem is that people who really love industry are autistic builders, and success requires salesmen. Autistic builders just want to be left alone in the workshop.

warum sind Sandneger überhaupt in der AfD erlaubt?
Schickst du einmal ein paar mal Karrikaturen von negern in eine Whatsappgruppe bekommt der gleich den anfall seines lebens

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Good NCOs are usually a very particular kind of person ... philosopher kings and expert ape handlers. Incompatible with incompetent leadership ... a threat. So they put non-threatening imbeciles in those positions instead. Seen very similar in several companies btw.

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Es ist so schwul, wenn er seine koschere Scheiße abzieht

ich werde dich finden, und ich werde dich toten :)

The threats don't concern me even a bit as much as they failure to master the german language and speaking it with so much confidence, making one look like a dolt.

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>You can retrain your workforce to an extend, but nothing in the world can replace a with 40 years of experience. You need continuity of tradition to keep that going.
well what we can do is lend you a few dozen of our engineers to train a new basepool, i know some guys that have been doing that in 3th world shitholes since the 70's, pretty sure they would love to work with europeans for a change.

>Fuck them with a rake
kek yea there conflict against the kurds very much showd just how shit there military is, thing is we are so utterly underfunded these days that our military might have to confiscate the stockpiles of our civilien arms manufacturing just so every soldier can have a gun that isend 40 years old.
and the germans are a lot worse off.

> Shayan
> Gespräche geführt
> Screenshots
he already plotted against you

ich versuche :( meine grossmuti kam aus Deutschland und sie hat mich gehasstet weil ich nie Deutsch sprachen kann, aber ich versuche immer noch, bitte sei geduldig.

ne der labert nur und macht nix
selbstdarsteller durch und durch der an Dana Guths titten nuckelt um sich "jugendkoordinator" nennen zu können
soll er halt seine schwule JA Niedersachsen haben die gammelpartei ist eh dem untergang geweiht

Damn, no moneys -_-
Jokes aside, we can only hope in reemergence of white merchants, not those with hands rubbing together.

Truly a clown world. Their incompetence will bite them in the ass.

was les ich da im letzten Thread, der Ösi will mit Putin kuscheln?

Wenn das soweit is, lasst Kurz doch mal n paar gezielte Anschläge hier in Niederösterreich passieren und schliesst uns an. Putin hat in vielen Reden und Aktionen gezeigt, dass er n ehrlicher und cooler Kerl is dem sein Land am Herzen liegt (gleichzeitig isser mega-reich und regiert für immer aber hey, wir haben alle unsere Fehler), ich von meiner Seite würde lieber die Atlantikbrücke sprengen als Putin gegen uns zu haben.

Allgemein möcht ich hier bitte einfach den Ohrenkanzler wählen können, unsere AfD sind inkompetente Trottel und vom Rest der Meute brauchen wir gar nicht reden. Ich weiss gar nicht wo ich hinwählen soll um die Scheisse hier mal aufzuräumen.

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>grossmuti kam aus Deutschland
grandson of a warbride, dont know if i should hast you or pitty you.
welp your one of us so it makes little difference.
but seriously stay save over there, i have a feeling anglo island will get fuckd a lot worse then we will soon.

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>an Dana Guths titten nuckelt

>well what we can do is lend you a few dozen of our engineers to train a new basepool, i know some guys that have been doing that in 3th world shitholes since the 70's, pretty sure they would love to work with europeans for a change.
I'm honestly not sure how that would end up working out. Where there's a financial account, there's a way. Chances are, we have enough to do much of it ourselves, but it would be a painful process and would require that the work is actually profitable enough to either kill off or bribe the government.

>kek yea there conflict against the kurds very much showd just how shit there military is, thing is we are so utterly underfunded these days that our military might have to confiscate the stockpiles of our civilien arms manufacturing just so every soldier can have a gun that isend 40 years old.
and the germans are a lot worse off.
I understand that you're doing some hyperbole here, but small arms aren't that important anymore in a war. Don't take that wrong, you still need guns, but the decider is airpower first and artillery second. Having modern small arms isn't actually a crucial improvement over 60 year old AKMs.
Also, the one and only viable military in the EU is France. Germany has the potential, but has been (probably deliberately) shitting up its military for decades now. Allegedly, Poland also has something of an army and Hungary has been at least trying to maintain an army, but they are ultimately too small.

Don't worry, we'll Anschluss what is salvageable ... the rest has to wait for reconquista. Maybe establish "safe zones". Russians are something you have to treat carefully ... the bear will eat you if you show weakness. Otherwise, they are our only strategic option due to Siberian resources alone (and denying the chinks access to those!). Kurzfleisch is acceptable for now ... he is popular right now and wants to stay that way. Can thus allow no fuckups now.

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Give me a warning on Yas Forums when you build walls or nuke cities, currently living in (((Hamburg))) but I can always retreat to my mom in Mecklenburg.

List of Cities needing the Nuke:
- Hamburg
- Das komplette Saarland
- Bremen/Bremerhaven
- Berlin
- Niedersachsen
- Berlin

You have to explain what you are trying, even if just when you are putting pronouns into the mix
You are trying IT - Ich versuche ES or short: Ich versuch's
Mutti, the normal Noun is Mutter. Großmutter.
If you don't have ß use ss but only when really needed (internationally) but internally everyone will call you out on speaking wrong german. archaic form of ß is sz, words like Szene still are used today like that.
gehasst is already past, gehasstet means being shooed, being hurried hassten is literally the same as the english "haste"
in your case it's sprechen, sprachen is a completely different.

rest is actually correct.

>- Berlin
>- Niedersachsen
>- Berlin

Only way to be sure, eh? ;)
Don't worry, we'll let you know.

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>- Bremen/Bremerhaven
pls fuck off


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Bremerhavener-Cück spotted

What's going on in that gif?

Its an american nuke test in the middle of the sticks of new mexico.


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Something beautiful ... :)

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already cooked pork getting tossed hard

ON an unrelated note, the idea taht China will have further problems with Corona is pretty dumb.
heres what happened:
>Chinese Discover a new Flu Virus
>Treats discovery discreetly as they do not want their hand forced by having to enact measures or looking like they dont protect their people
>It leaks
>CCP decides they might as well make a show of it, build those hospitals, use it as a demonstration of strength and resilience
>Decide shows over a month later, before shit gets expensive, no more tests = no more virus as its literally just the flu
>Retards in the West start sperging out because they know exactly the neoliberal garbage system will come apart at the seams if this is even halfway a real pandemic
>Democracy leads to politicians driving measures to compete in front of a panicked populace who can make them feel the most secure
>Media starts sowing panic because newspapers actually sell for the first time in five years

Just today, one of our top Virologist said in an interview Media should shut the fuck up and stop spreading panic because it will threaten society in a few weeks when people arent as comfy anymore as they are right now. They cut out this passage from the interview in nearly every newspaper it was publicised in.
This shit is a political/systemic crisis 100%.

Unlucky enough to be too far away for flash evaporation ... poor piggies ... :(

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wouldent want to wipe yout your enemys to harschly now, would you?

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Lol. Was bringen diese Screenshots? Soweit ich weiss wird sowas nicht als Beweis gewertet, zumindest nicht da wo es drauf ankommt.

I'd have a front seat :D

>tfw you are about to first strike and accidentially break off the bloody key inside the lock ... ;)

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Just keep your eyes shielded from the initial flash, alright? ^^

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they usually use every little crap for their 'Krampf against Rechts'

Weil der Schiit oder Christ ist und vermutlich gegen diese Islam-Nummer ist.

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>that filename

Guyse is it true that Police can ask for your id now whenever they want? Even when they come visit you at your home?