Corona chan has already given us a fascist white ethnostate

Orban is officially dictator. What country will be next?

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Trips decide the next European country to go full NatSoc due to Corona

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It's the entire world now.

The NWO (pardon my tinfoil) is moving into place.

You were never a part of history, and you never will be. You and your race are a mistake of God. You are literally the color of poo. Die in a ditch, filth.

Dictatorship =/= fascism
He needs to get rid of the whole foreign capitalist exploiting his people thing, kick out the jews, and create an ethno-state for Hungarians.

If the NWO is white supremacist and cleanses the West I will gladly support it.

It is amazing how niggers manage to ruin everything.
We should just kill them all and be rid of them and their ego.

Orbán has been doing that consistently, and will do so even more now. Just look up his anti-Soros crusade and expulsion of globohomo universities.


I hear Bulgaria is lovely.

You sound jealous.

The NWO is Jewish-supremacist.

You cannot fathom the levels of enrichment that await you, fren

Hail Orban! Hail his people! Hail victory!

The only thing I’m jealous of is the rate at which your fat mammies shit out niglets. If whites bred half as fast we’d be conquering the entire solar system by now. We sacrificed quantity for quality long ago.

If Jews would only keep our countries white I wouldn’t even care


but he fucking saved the country you dumb fuck

baszdmeg my lofasz

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How am I a dumb fuck? I’m agreeing with you. Fascist ethnostate isn’t a bad thing.

Bulgaristan ofc

I'm not going to push it, so I just wish corona wipes out my current government.


fuck parliamentarism he should shut it down and ban all other political parties in Hungary that stand in his way.


Not the sharpest bunch.

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>subhuman t*rkroach invader thinking his opinions is worth anything

everyone hates him. i kinda get it, but we got no other choice, even if he goes full retard nigger mode. if he didnt initiate the lockdown, we would have the highest % of corona cases in the EU. so all hail Viktor for now.

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Congrats! Is he buying helicopters already?

>everyone hates him
I had a friend once from Hungary and she was nationalist, but she also hated him. I remember her calling him a thief who builds soccer stadiums for himself or some shit. This true?


Gimme, we will remove all kebab

you mean national communism and its gonna be Slovakia

About 1/3 of the mask wearers I see wear it like that here kek.

Hopefully the EU will stop giving them money and they will finally join their Russian masters.


yea unfortunately its true. since you are from germany, i suppose you know something about hungarian soccer. (if you dont know about it:we fucking suck)
we have more stadiums than hospitals lmao

So basically the same way nationalists in the US feel about Trump

based Indonesian flag

What's source on this potentially awesome news?


wtf hungary, you're starting to become like russia
orban is no different than putin he


And that’s a good thing

well yeah that must suck, regardless there are actually people in Germany who protested with boards saying that Orban should be German chancellor lol, and to be honest I would not have a problem with that, as long as he is against immigration and whatsoever

The way forward is trough the EU, global cooperation and freedom of movement.You are not a real american if you dont defend these points.

>Orban is officially dictator.
But is he Regent or King yet?

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this, EU and NATO are the future

If Europe does not remain white, it will die. If you support freedom of movement into your ancestral lands by shitskins you are not a real European. Blood before politics.


The EU is bringing in Africans and Arabs and is just a vehicle for Jews to dominate the continent

Race is no longer important in this century and Europe has always been diverse.We need to move forward not backwards.The EU is the strong entity that will make us be competitive at a world level.


The eternal Moldovan strikes again


Orban is a dirty criminal! Western nations are going to need more immigrants when this is over to replace the people who died and to jumpstart the economy. Why don't you guys get this?

Germany Day X

tfw no space king Orban

why even live

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Wow.. You should commit suicide

America will kick out blacks and beans and become white once more

Für das Vaterland!

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I am not a jew, not that is anything wrong with being one, I just see the future while you are stuck in the dark annals of history.

Romanians are shitskins, they are not european, they must be genocided.

The nazi ladies and gentlemen have finally came to the surface.You and your country is formed of extremist that should be economically sanctioned till you change.



plz be us

Worth a shot.


It’s gonna be Norway
Check em

USA, where we're all in this together despite being racially different.

Italy will get its shit together next and leave the EU



Fuck off.
We are full






Communists > anarchists > npc libtards > fascists > alt-right/far-right/cuckservatists
Orban and his entourage is the worst of all, literally the most retarded offscum you can think of

hate to be a buzzkill but don't expect it to last forever. EU is going to jewkek them once this blows over



America pls. Make it happen.

A romany jew. FUCK OFF back to India.




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Unfortunately, not the case.


You are not part of the EU so stay on your island salty salty british man.

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Ukraine, naturally