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Continued from here
Its almost like they don't treat pandemic patients in the lobby.
weird, they did in china where there are now 0 new cases
>believes china's numbers
Fess up, you're just shitposting for easy (you)'s, right? It's alright, we're all anonymous here, you can be honest. You couldn't possibly be a literal CCP shill, right?
Sources (all from different political perspectives but in agreement on the basic premise)
>Get this info out to small and medium business in specific
>Inundate politicians with phone calls citing economic problems
based thread.t oo bad Yas Forums is infiltrated by bluepilled normies and shills who push and eat up this obvious mass hysteria over a nothingburger. muhh happening
Smooth brains, these are hospitals that are most likely very small and not equiped to deal with COVID patients that get the patients and then promptly transfer them over to another hospital/send them home for quarantine. Another reason for hospitals being empty are that elective surgeries/operations have been cancelled due to the outbreak.
The most accessible floors of hospitals with visible rooms (usually the lower level are used for elective surgeries like that. So for instance the areas you'd be allowed to go without needing a name tag or have to speak into an intercom to be allowed entry past a restricted point. Let's say your grandma just had knee surgery and you're gonna pop on in to see her or give her flowers.
You are NOT going to just be able to walk into a hospital and view the sick. Most hospitals that have COVID patients have security at the entrances and you need permission to enter the building at all now. That means if you plan on using the hospital pharmacy even, you are not allowed in and will have your prescriptions brought to you instead.
As for ER's, most hospitals also have arranged special COVID triage. If you have ANY symptoms of it, you will go to the triage there. Our hospital for instance has outdoor tents and rooms set up as to not expose anyone unnecessarily. Hospitals are also encouraging people heavily to not come in now unless you HAVE to, which most people take seriously. Normally we have retards coming in for the common cold at the ER, but thanks to this they are staying home. And we also are now reducing wait room times. Meaning we don't want people to sit around in the open due to social distancing.
Source: I work in a hospital and am not retarded.
>Normal nigger scum make the Infection rates sky rocket again and now alone in the US it will be 50,000 a fucking day
I have never seen such a fucking suicidal species before, ever in my life, like the human race.
Everyone knows except for shills that people will post anything online. So where are all the videos of the sick and dying? Has there ever been a happening where there is no content to debate? Fucking never. This feels more like a test run then an actual pandemic!
Go to your local hospital and start licking the toilets, do your corona virus challenge like those dumbfuck zoomers. You're not scared of a so called hoax, are you boy?
This not politics
This thread will be deleted
Where are the videos of sick people?
I'm not talking about videos, i'm talking about you doing the corona challenge at your local hospital, unless you're too pussy to do it.
Has anyone seen a drive up testing site anywhere? They said target and Walmart were setting up sites. I drive for a company that delivers for target and I haven’t seen any testing sites at any of the 50+ targets I go to.
Before I say anything, I want to say I'm not a happening fag or a hoax fag.
That being said, please anons go to your hospital and take timestamp photos. Dont trust either side until some user gets hard proof one way or the other. Sure it can be false, but it is more trustworthy than anecdotal evidence and news media evidence.
So yes please film your hospital but please time stamp it or gps coordinate it, or hi Yas Forums it
>Smooth brains, these are hospitals that are most likely very small and not equiped to deal with COVID patients
Mojor hospitals in New York and a number of European cities have been scouted (those the media reported as being overflowing). The relevant wards where empty. Some staff claim to have seen no covid cases while others where ordered to not speak to the press (very suspicious).
>The most accessible floors of hospitals with visible rooms (usually the lower level are used for elective surgeries like that. So for instance the areas you'd be allowed to go without needing a name tag or have to speak into an intercom to be allowed entry past a restricted point. Let's say your grandma just had knee surgery and you're gonna pop on in to see her or give her flowers.
I can walk into any hospital and reach any ward i want. Security seldom turn anyone around and if they do they can easily be bypassed from another route. If anyone asks why are you in the x hall we can lie (the way you do about this psyop). There is plenty of footage of people scouting all areas within hospitals
>As for ER's, most hospitals also have arranged special COVID triage. If you have ANY symptoms of it, you will go to the triage there. Our hospital for instance has outdoor tents and rooms set up as to not expose anyone unnecessarily. Hospitals are also encouraging people heavily to not come in now unless you HAVE to, which most people take seriously. Normally we have retards coming in for the common cold at the ER, but thanks to this they are staying home. And we also are now reducing wait room times. Meaning we don't want people to sit around in the open due to social distancing.
Your lying. There is enough footage to prove that the relevent wards are sparsely occupied to empty. This is being sold as a simulation for a disaster to the staff who are being gagged but is in actual fact a bioscare being used to institute a political coup
You are a shill, nothing more
I guess all the schizo's are too nervous to go to CVS because of corona, and now their fucked up brains are coming up with delusions to explain how that is actually a conspiracy against them
go take your meds you fucking deranged, mentally crippled lunatics
>we're all anonymous here
Keep deluding yourself
My fat Greek mom has it and we can't leave the villa, she's probably going to die. We're running low on souvlaki, please send frappes and more German debt
Sorry kids the hoax is over, there's not going to be a boogaloo. The hysteria was way overblown, nobody is dying, you have to go back to work now, grown ups have business to take care of. Hope to see you all back next week.
Shut the fuck up magakike.
Yeah that had nothing to do with my post. Asking for video/image evidence of a pandemic yet no one can deliver...
For all of the brainlets.
There are no more lobbies. All of the minor cases are done via telemedicine. Elective surgeries are cancelled. All of the corona virus patients are in ICU which were only a small part of hospitals.
You can't film because of HIPPA.
Well sheeeiiit.
Here it comes. Ready?
the schizos, possessed of some kind of warrior samurai spirit, are running into reported death zone wards without fear, filming it, and uploading it
they do us all a great service
Why want videos when you could experience the pandemic yourself? Go ahead and do the corona challenge and see if you're still calling it fake when you start spitting up blood from having your insides destroyed by it. I have personally been here from the beginning of the pandemic in China and have seen the videos coming out of the same shit happening around the world.
you are so fucking stupid
>Mojor, scouted, where
Major, ?, were
>Some staff claim to have seen no covid cases while others where ordered to not speak to the press (very suspicious).
you fucking schizo, it's completely normal for a doctor not to talk to the press. THEY DON'T WANT TO GET SUED FOR MALPRACTICE. If they fucked things up (which is what happens most of the time when someone dies), they don't want to tell a reporter a play-by-play of exactly what happened.
Also doctors are constantly being quaranteened for corona, and it's a big fucking mess to admit who's being tested and who could be sick.
I also live in NY and know doctors who CAUGHT covid and tested positive (one is my gf's housemate).
Hey now, remember the six gorillion victims of coronacaust. Its illegal to deny the coronacaust. Notzee
Not sure about Italy, but healthcare privacy in america is somewhat insane. Good luck viewing any patients getting treated for something like COVID that will carry some social stigma for some time.
San Diego isn’t even acting like it’s got one case
Went to the beach yesterday and to fuck this girl who is married while her husband is at work at walshart
Not even panicking at this point , just having a laff at this fake shit
Fake news
Fake president
Fake country
Fake pandemic
Fake death rate
Fake sickness
It’s all fake imho
Non pandemic times
>Take selfie with dead grandma
Pandemic times
>No, it's not right to post selfies during this time
Every post asking for social media posts of the pandemic is destroyed by shills.
>not equiped to deal with COVID patients
user must think temporary tents are more appropriate
essential listening right here
>we need fact sheets and info graphics
>target small and medium business
>inundate local politicians with phone calls citing collapsing business
>threaten state admins and politicians with legal action
>call the whitehouse or whever your equivilant is, be a pissed off business owner who sponsors the relevant party (yes)
>redpill as many cops and armed forces as possible (they might move to push full fascism like they are here in europe, then your civil liberties go byebye)
>prepare for the worst (stock essential foodstuffs and fuel)
Nice post. Any user can complain of fever fake coof and get triaged by their local hospitals.
My buddy is a paramedic. They have even changed ressecitate protocol
what do you want you retard? you want to people to film their dying grandparents in hospital beds? even if they did this (which they wont and shouldn't), would you even accept this as proof? when its so bad your fucking neighbors collapse on the street in a pool of blood, you'll sit there and think that maybe its all because alien frogs from another dimension are trying to trick you into putting a magical pill up your butthole.
You aren't even let in to see your grandma right now. They take temperatures and limit how many people are in the hospital. Children are banned.
my brain smooth and my cranial capacity is akin to that of a small dog and I can see with absolute clarity that you are a fool
fuck off retard. you're american but you don't have ANY friends who live in the NY area? how about you go on facebook and figure out who lives in NY and ASK THEM. of course when they give you an answer like "yeah my friend is a doctor and they're all sick with covid" - you'll call THEM a shill, because you are literally schizophrenic
So millions of people who are scared of corona aren't posting online that they think they have it? No video of some zoomer driving their mom to the hospital because she has corona? Doesn't make sense that people wouldn't record a pandemic.
>I missed out on all the important shit!
Sucks to be you then doesn't it, newfag? But don't worry all you have to do is wait and you'll start seeing it for yourself.
Lol friends
Live footage of cities all over Russia
All busy and running 100% normally
Russia refused to collapse its economy and run with the psyop
Very much this.
Remember this people want you dead
I've driven by three of my local hospitals and they look like ghost towns. One of them reported lowest numbers of patients in history. Theyve sent their staff home and are asking them to waste their vacation hours to go home in these times.
Another one wont stop bugging me out of nowhere for some old hospital bills.
Take that information as you will
Yes. Please all of you go to hospitals you know have covid patients. Find the patients. Give them a kiss on the mouth, have them cough for you, and take pictures. Then go home and cough on your family. Then go to church and cough all over everything. Please do this.
Sorry kids the hoax is over, there's not going to be a boogaloo. The hysteria was way overblown, nobody is dying, you have to go back to work now, grown ups have businesses to run. Hope to see you all back next week.
You are actively damaging the good credibility of this board.
Stop this.
would YOU take yourself to the hospital over something no-life-threatening in a pandemic???
hospital visits are down because everyone who doesnt have covid are trying to avoid going to the hospital to not get covid.
my friend was literally throwing up for 2 days straight and didnt go to the hospital because of fear of covid
The same place all the ones from China were
>but you don't have ANY friends who live in the NY area?
That is correct yes, every single one of them are anti-American traitors who deserve to die choking on their own swollen lungs.
>t. Rest of new England
>t. Rustbelt
>t. Deep South
>t. Everglades
>t. Flyover country
>t. 95% of Texas
>t. All of norcal
>t. Whatever the fuck people from Wisconsin call themselves
Fuck it! Let all oldfarts die from coronavirus. Fucking leeches!
You want to be a stupid fuck that wants prove corona is a hoax, you should get to experience it first hand while your lungs deflate like fucking balloons. You get what you fucking deserve.
>Xi sucks Winnie the Pooh dick
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Calm your shit mush.
You're probably right, but you don't need to be an activist though.
You'll have the guarda at your door.
Keep it under your hat.
The USA has practically defaulted on it's foreigner debt;
Chinks want paying.
USA is run by yids, they ain't gonna pay no one.
Sorry Uncle Sam is going to rough 'em up abit.
This is a good time to get retards prepared,
if they did it any other way, 20million mongs would be on the street protesting
Remember Might is Right.
Reminder that this is, on a larger scale, part of the zionist end times psyop
This is the endgame, the mother of all psyops
Its all covered under Operation Bluebeam, ties into biblical eschatology, fake alien invasion and so on
They have invested tremendous resources in this psyop, including a very sophisticated and long running process of subliminal programming
Just remember, no matter what you see, its all a hoax. The only real aspect of it is the mass panic, rioting and shortages that they will create
A&E near me is practically empty
Have a (you) for screenshot of one of the most based movies ever made.
We know your plans and they're not going to work. That Adrenochrome withdrawal is bad, huh? It's just going to get worse, lizard demon. Praise Jesus!
that's bcos they're on the HDU / ICUs not A&E
well whatever, i don't think i can convince a redneck not to lick her cousins butthole after she couldn't resist licking the outside of her box of twinkies at the supermarket.
You mean the Garda
The Garuda is the Hindu celestial that combats the Serpant/Dragon
>Its all covered under Operation Bluebeam, ties into biblical eschatology, fake alien invasion and so on
you didn't hear this from me, but if you put a living frog up your butthole, it prevents zionic waves from affecting your inner muffler.
HIPAA doesn't apply to people not working in healthcare or health insurance.
>when completely btfo
>start flinging shit and being even further anti American
Lol you're gonna die when the food runs out. You're gonna die and you won't even be cut up into dog chow because no one in your urban hellhole knows how to butcher a carcass
bruh moscow's on lockdown
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that anyone posting 'boogaloo' online is the equivalent of the commie larper imagining they'll end up a prominent party member after a revolution. Stop salivating at collapse that you imagine would elevate you and fix the life you have.
I heard it work better with BBQ Sauce on your balls just saying. Don't ask me how I know.
schizo posters need to fucking die from a 'hoax' disease already.
Friendly reminder none of you are doing this yourself and no taking a picture from your car or in the fucking entrance isn't proof. You're all retards falling for chink propaganda, they know nobody trusts the government over here so they're taking advantage of that. We are in a war right now
>Go to your local hospital and start licking the toilets
why do degenerate kike shills keep saying this?
>Lol you're gonna die when the food runs out. You're gonna die and you won't even be cut up into dog chow because no one in your urban hellhole knows how to butcher a carcass
why would i need to know how to butcher a carcass in an urban enviornment? what animal would i be killing?
nah mate
I meant the fucking Garuda
we've had a whip round - a go fund me - as anons for ya
we're getting you married to paki princess.
the curry muncher is gonna toast ya head with her fire breath after a vindaloo,
you better be ready for the yellow bastards dropping chink suicide bombs ya daft sod.
Get the guinesses in, it'll be the last time.
either that or it's a big fuck off comet on the way.
but keep it under ya lid.
Wow all regular patients are freaked out of sitting in a hospital waiting room and all elective procedures have been postponed. Imagine that.
I've done this, can confirm it works.
>Society shuts down
>Hospitals are not crowded
Wooptidoo better start a conspiracy thread.
Fucking idiot.
Experts agree that only fools don't listen to experts.
Asking for some proof does not mean he has to lick a toilet seat you retard
>why do degenerate kike shills keep saying this?
why not dude? if you look at main-streem zionist media they obviously DON'T want you to go out and lick toilets to debunk their obvious farce. So you SHOULD go out and lick toilets.
The only silver lining is you in denial retards get blown the fuck out in only a couple of days.
>want to people to film their dying grandparents in hospital beds?
They wouldn’t be able to anyway since they wouldn’t be allowed to visit
Since you post on here, probably the dark skinned ones
(there is plenty of evidence and proof, just spend like fucking five minutes googling)
If I don't start to see some ppl dying than I ain't buying. know what im sayin?
Reminder that these threads are intentionally made by shills (much like flat earth) to discredit pro-white movements.