5 years of anti white messaging has really worn my patience and empathy away. May as well just start redpilling normies IRL on mass migration and Great replacement, Who gives a fuck if it sounds racist to people lmao. Anyone else?
^ Good source for making agitprop posters. What is agitprop? It's what lefties and now globalists do when they shove their ideology in your face. Agitation-Propaganda. Since they've censored all major social media sites and basically win the digital information War by default, you may as well start putting up posters, putting redpills on billboards, etc.
>start redpilling normies IRL on mass migration and Great replacement Im doing that as well, dumped that shit to 30 young people in a discussion on demographic few days ago it was well received by those who replied.
Abolish the White Race >The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists. Of course we expected bewilderment from people who still think of race as biology. We frequently get letters accusing us of being "racists," just like the KKK, and have even been called a "hate group." ... archive.is/fq7IA
I dont know user, all european people have some percentage, jews usually have larger, also I guess it depends what you inherit, some neanderthal genes are linked to high intelligence. Do you have a boney lump on the base of your skull before the soft neck part?
There is also more to Jewry than ethnicity and religion. It's also a mindset. The best descriptor is malignant narcissism, and while not all narcissists are Jewish, the overwhelming majority of Jews are narcissists. This is why you might get an instantaneous, visceral reaction of contempt when you come across most Jews: You're reacting to their psychopathy. Whether or not this trait has genetic components is a moot point; the trend exists, and if it is wholly environmental, it is hammered into their heads at such an early age that it might as well be genetic.
Because of their psychopathy, they are drawn to power, fame, and influence like moths to a flame. This desire, combined with tribal nepotism, is why you find an over-representation of Jews in positions of power. This happens at every scale of society, from the federal chambers of Congress on down to moderators on a fucking IRC channel. Once one of them gets in, he starts tagging and recruiting others of his ilk until they've monopolized all avenues of power.
They have done this for centuries; they haven't ever stopped doing it; and until they excise that Judaic identity of the "chosen" from every aspect of their culture, they never will. And this is why you absolutely cannot, under any circumstances, allow Jews (or their psychological workalikes) into any positions of influence. No matter how noble their intentions may seem or how good some of their ideas might be, they will always, *always* destroy, because this is the root essence of their nature.