How does one stop being depressed at the inevitable future of the death of white people.
How does one stop being depressed at the inevitable future of the death of white people
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By being a man
This why will the white race faster than mudsharks
but it's not fair on us
Realize that white people are just as shit as every other race and then stop caring. Having a higher IQ doesn't mean better, there were plenty of genius serial killers.
Become Mussolini
Oh wait it’s an Irish flag
Become a racemixer
*This will kill* Sorry typo.
Why do you care you will be gone in 50-60 years
Once you learn to accept that it has been set in stone since before you were born, you can learn to let yourself be happy again. It sucks, but even if every single poster on pol had 10 white kids it wouldn't offset white birth rates.
You can't blame yourself for not posting enough memes, or not redpilling enough people. This future was set before you or even your parents were born.
Call this defeatism or demoralization, I don't give a shit. You will drive yourself insane if you keep obsessing over it dude.
realise youll be dead either way
remove niggers and sandniggers from europe
deport them or slaughter them
Western nations are going to need more immigrants when this is over to replace the people who died.
what a beauty. thank you for not posting thot pics
We need more immigrants during this time of crisis:
We get to go first, then chinks kill all the niggers, or the Muslims take over France and nuke everyone.
Don't worry, after us whites die the rest of humanity quickly kills itself.
There was a recent article on Bloomberg that was really good. It made a compelling case for MORE immigration during this crisis:
"The National Pork Producers Council put in a request to members of Congress this week for MORE visas through the country’s guest-worker program, citing school closures that are preventing employees from going to work."
whites are only the best humans, humans are still a shit species overall and even if earth was only inhabited by white people we would still wipe each other out eventually. see: every european war ever
White people are scum. People who do nothing about their own demise deserve it.
Lol she ain't got no eggs
> Just relax as the poz load hits ur colon
Here's another article explaining why cracking down on immigration is a bad idea:
Why do you think whites will go extinct? We're currently having more whites in the world than we've ever had before. Sure nonwhites will continually outnumber us, but they always have. Just because there are more non-whites doesn't mean whites will be extinct. I'll have tons of white children and I only want to be with white women, there will always be people who feel the same.
Realize that it is not inevitable.
Realize that every breathing being can be turned into a non-breathing one.
Use this knowledge to protect white genetics from those trying to destroy it.
It's easy really. Be the change you want to see, faggot.
We need to protect immigration levels to defeat the coronavirus:
Everything has an end and we will be reminded as the people who were comfy.
built for bbc
Drugs and sex. Works every time as long as you keep up the supply.
A crackdown on immigration will hurt efforts to fight the virus:
Based. I can show you a good man-man time. Contact me: [email protected]
They're not gonna go extinct you dumb demoralizing kikes
They'll become a small minority but won't die out completely, worst case scenario
Shitskins rely on the generosity of whites to even survive so some kind of collapse is inevitable. Birth rates doesn't mean shit, we can deport them all.
I know you don't care to whom you shill but at least shill on topic. This is a feels thread, go be a faggot somewhere else.
The brightest flames burn the shortest. The white races are the last born, went above and beyond what all the other races could, and will dissapear before all the others. I Choose to focus on my own future, have as many children as possible and give them the best start I can.
At current rate they will become an insignificant minority. You can forget about all those by surrendering your anus to me. I can show you paradise with my 11 inch brown african cock. Contact me: [email protected]
>inevitable death
You have seen nothing. Whites will rise up and eradicate the inferior races in time.
>They'll become a small minority but won't die out completely
we're way past that line already.... wake up
White race has only 500 years of glory. Before that, Asians dominated the world in terms of everything. However white men have the most tightest anus. Penetrating a white man with my 11 inch pecker has been the greatest experience in my life. Contact me if you are looking for a good time.
[email protected]
It's easy to turn birth rates around
In the future whites will wake up and have racial identity and movements to self preserve
It's already happening
By doing what you did until now which is nothing.
Blackpill merchants get the rope.
No, I can't toally predict the future. If we just have a bunch of kids we'll be way better off. Instead of wallowing i plan on doing that. It takes one shift in what's going on for the future to change. Don't be such a defeatist
geez you,re fucking delusional or subversive I don,t really know anymore
If it makes anons feel any better the Amish, Hutterites and Old mennonites are always gonna exist and they have 7 babies each. So yeah it’s a grim future but we have the seeds to one day rebuilt
Beauty never dies user
>shills first day at work
very very pathetic. neck yourself you fucking nigger sucking whore
Shut up white boi. Us black bots have it hard. You white devils have been colonizing our women for years now. And they like it like the white mans whore they are.
show flag
I'm an American but I want to support my people because you fucking COLONIZERS are ruining us.
Im against mixing and for segregation but Im european anyway
>inevitable future of the death of white people
And wwhy is this a bad thing?
By realizing it isn't inevitable and that people like you who give up and accept death are the reason we are headed towards it?
Fucking colonizing bastards stealing our women. You're all white devils.
Fuck that's brutal. The worst what white women talk about white men is that we are oppressors and are privileged and whatnot. But never anything like this. It almost makes me feel bad for nigger men.
I met a 28yo Finnish girl recently, not bimbo tire but stil a 7/10 blue eyed blond.
She keeps telling me how she always liked dark and handsome men and how "our babies would look beautiful"
Does she want me to impregnate her?
And then everyone clapped.