Brit/pol/ no fresh fish and chips edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hi tweeple. Whats your flavour of outrage this evening?
>The economy
>Staying in (WHAAAA I only get to go out once)
>Clapping for care workers ( days old but still crying )
>Social distancing
>Queueing to get into a shop
>Have to cut my own hair REEEEE
>Other peoples homes
>Working from home and not getting the 80%
>Not working from home getting 100% but wanting the 80%
>Sports cancelled
>Corona virus might delay the release of the next gen consoles
>Using projectors to show slides on the news
>Womens eyebrows

legalise prostitution and cocaine

Nadiya Husseins willy

Ireland sees sense and stops banning walkies

Bet you live in Brighton, you little poofter

Wtf bros just got this is it legal???

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if all of africa's problems are caused by colonialism how do they explain ethiopia?
never colonised
still a shithole

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ram him

>move out whitey

Hipsters are, as always, shock troops for capital and encouragement for darkies to move out to harm a new area, creating a fresh wave of sales and then hipsters move in....

The nig-paki-barrett cycle must be feed

>Just got this
Fake and gay
Was posted yesterday

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What sort of cunt would spit in a nurse’s face? What is wrong with this country?

Jesus someone make a decent thread and stop posting in this bait thread by the fish obsessed gook retard.

What country is it, also can you provide a proof that youre chinese national?

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Sick to death of this fucking static, had it for days now, pull a top away from my body and it just sticks right back on, just took it off and its zapped up into my hair

a based one. british nurses are ugly and rude and fat.

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this conversation should have never ended

Nurses fucking deserve it, they are the online shock troops calling for stricter and stricter lockdowns and posting made up stories to shut down any criticism

Ffs wrong vid

Sort yourself out you yellow bastard

Managed to get some booze in, lads. The bad news is it's Cors Light since they didn't have anything else.

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3/7 would bang

you poor cunt

nurse detected

The lockdown is necessary. It’s either that or a boomer holocaust.

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Aye, but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

Wanna go for a walk but don't want to be told off.

two bottles of wine and some shit cider. henry westons vintage has been battered.


you should be shot for cowardice desu.

London was established by Jamaican rastas before white people turned up

Me and me nan are hunkered down here in Bristol and we are running out of food. I physically can't go outside and nan can't risk getting infected. Can anyone close please stop by and bring us supplies if I post my address? Nan will reward you handsomely for your kindness, cheers.

I've worked in the NHS, I can think of one ginger slag who deserves to have her face spat in.

m8 kim posts here we have a banter just get over it

Edgy, you, lad. I bet the birds just fall all over themselves for you.

Holy based

say something funny you're boring me to death.

You seem a little outraged mate, you OK?

how do you turn a fruit into a vegetable


fresh fish has never existed inside a british fish and potato emporium.


Lockdown isn't necessary for working age people. Shutting the country down for 6 months will destroy jobs and livelihoods for decades

based uk column poster

2 cod wars and one world cup

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hi kim

Fucking hell Kim un Nigger, how are you on the internet?

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you dont have to type using your stupid accent. just stick to using it verbally. when typing just type normally so you dont look like a twat. thanks.

Ask the EU you queer


Rakesh my son

This thread has dirty chink aids and needs to be disinfected.

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hit him over the back of the head with a hammer.

Post your real flag, lad.

how's your day going, Best Korean?

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stop saying "lad" you're making yourself look stupid.

based and scalloppilled

shame they couldnt stuff one of those up your mum

I will, lad. As soon as you post your real flag.

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the non-whites in it

Not the heckin economicerino

The guardian reporting from the french boat. Of course.

Does that actually work?

you're jobs and livelihoods were all worth less than a fart in the first place. at this point the UK and its so called people should just be abolished entirely.

Are the morgues open? I want to make an essential journey.

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Fucking kek


You slitty eyed nigger lad

I don't like the EU either lad.
I tried calling 999 but they say its not an emergency until nan is at starvation level.

Jesus someone needs a new phone.

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Top lad but I already stitched her up with my coom inside.

Still learning English I am learning world politics heard about this website from a CNN website they being told us to translate they spoke about how this website has to do something with trump...
I am working for the korean news
***"AmericanKorea" is good*** funny joke

she'll be cold by now.

fuggin' frogs i swear

along the right lines

I must be bored, I'm watching that new King Kong film.
Is there some kind of sexual thing going on with the white women and the gorilla in these films? Like are they getting wide-ons thinking about taming this big black beast with their charms or something?

Well then, starve your nan

yes officer this post here

Yes, King Kong is essentially a subliminated mandingo fantasy

Reheat setting in the microwave should do the trick

can you glass london pls?

CNN is fake news, North Korea user. Don't trust them.

Is American Korea what you guys call Worst Korea?

Can you tell us some jokes from North Korea?

Where's the doommong? I'm starting to worry about him.

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You say that like it's a bad thing.

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We only have enough food to last us three more days and that's including the sweets. I'm begging someone anyone to help us because they won't.

fuck off you LARPing Basildon mong

If he's died of the coof it will absolutely serve him right, but I expect his mum's called him down for his tea

How many bags of rice does it take to feed a North Korean family

[spoiler]none because they are dead[/spoiler]

Lads, I feel like making some oven chips, does anyone want some?

Be funny if he caught it.

Literally as fake as pic related.

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lads hey lads LADS you going down me ol chippy to get a coupla frozen fresh fish and chippies me lads. also fried breakfast. fried breakfast yeah look lads a picture of a fucking fried breakfast also i said the word paki