Why isn't Ireland doing more to promote the Irish language as a day-to-day language?

Why isn't Ireland doing more to promote the Irish language as a day-to-day language?

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No one wants potatoes anywhere near them

Why would they? English works fine


Because it's dead, no one understands it and if you want to communicate with others, you'll need something more than ten people speak.

It's quite hard to learn and nobody else speaks it. They do teach it in schools but few people carry on with it.

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Fuck off, faggot. Nobody even likes the mods as it is. Stop promoting things that don't interest you to other boards like a sniveling little cunt.

because new language of ireland will be nigerian.

Because it's a shitty language and the only one more dead or irrelevent is Welsh.

i'v been to Ireland people were lovely but everything else is dreadful. food, wether, architecture, history.. There is literally nothing else to other other then to drink yourself to sleep hoping the next day will be shorter.

the way its taught in school is a disgrace, makes most people resent the language, its also not very useful outside the gaeltachts, and even in them everyone still speaks english.

i think if the reformed how it was taught in the schools, it would blow up way more, but still, to get fluent at a language you have to really commit to it, and not may people have the time or desire to learn it.

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That's the national pastime.


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sounds like someone got banned

did you know the irish language has 36 words for potatoe?

>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Irish government policies on the language is pretty on-topic.

And no word for "yes", interestingly

Sounds like somebody likes to post stupid things that make it look like they know something.

An appeal to the mods, especially for something so stupid as not liking the subject matter of something, is what a little bitch does. You are the kind of whiny little bitch that always runs to mommy when things aren't the way you like them. You're a bitch and probably a know-it-all. No one likes your kind.


Lol, who hurt you?

>>muh taigs
>>muh Huns
>>whites infight and die in carbombs as paki rape gangs steal kids.

>And no word for "yes", interestingly
Isn't it the name in Latin? No words for "yes" and "no".

No real reason or incentive to.It's nice to show off with I guess, and it sounds kind of nice to listen to. Other than that, it's not got a lot of utility.

The truth is that most Irish are actually anglos larping as celts.

>it would blow up
get IRA members to teach it?

yeah, but it's got fuck all to do with you. mind yer business.

It's got everything to do with every person here. You're an idiot with a stupid opinion. Go away.

>you have to be interested in only things that are local and directly connected to you

Young Irish people think it's "gay" and go as far as to hate their Catholic heritage, and vote heavily to displace themselves every election for the past 2 decades. I don't expect much from a country whose largest export is people, instead of actual goods/services. The Irish love leaving Ireland. They hate living there. Ask any Irishman about his country, he'll bitch/moan for hours about it.

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lol seething

unironically this, i dont give a fuck about bulgaria and probably never will

1847 called, it whats its current events back

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I actually looked into this a week ago and why the celtic language family isnt being learned as much. I've been meaning to make a thread on this. The facts were interesting. Irish, Welsh, and cornish languages were on the decline while manx is slowly being revived on the isle of mann. After some of the research I did I'm certain that the preservation of keeping unique languages alive is vital to combatting globalism and elites want to get rid of smaller languages. Language death erodes cultural identity as well as other things but language is integral to cultural identity.

Because you spent 14 years in school learning it with little fluency

School makes you hate it. Imagine taking a dozen years of calculus, but the symbols are all different or something. I mean, seriously...an bhfuil da fuck?

tha thu idiot

It's not dead
The main problem is that even though Irish is mandatory in schools it is taught poorly
A little under half of Irelands population can speak Gaeilge to a certain degree
The future of Gaeilge is actually bright though because Irish first language schools are increasing and have a good reputation
Irish is available on Duolimgo now making it more accessible *I'm learning it there as a Heritage language and intrest as I work on my Spanish*
And groups like TG Lurgan are making the language more appealing to young people by translating popular Bearla songs into Gaeilge
Mé Grá Gaeilge, Éirinn go Brách

Mo cara
You're looking for: Tá tú amadán

lmao that's about the same amount of potato's the Irish had in 1845

Yeah and none of them are spelled "potatoe". Dumbass.

Arent they normally just called: Pratá? Or Praties in English

The biggest reason English is maintained as the main language is business. After Brexit, we're the last 100% English-speaking country left in the EU; a market of 500 million people, plus a dozen of the world's richest countries. American corporations love this, and that's the reason we have so many corporate HQs, like Apple, Google, and Facebook. If everybody magically switched to Irish tomorrow, the government would lose billions in tax revenue, tens of thousands of jobs would disappear, and nobody would give a shit about us anymore once the IT sector moves to somewhere that's cheap enough to counter the language barrier. Irish culture is simply not profitable anymore. At least you can impress a few tourists by speaking Irish.

The problem also lies in the way Irish is taught in schools. It's a mandatory subject for secondary (high school) students. Unlike the other languages they teach, you mostly memorise chunks of text and do repetitive monkey work in class. You're expected to have the ability already, which is why they don't teach grammar and vocabulary in the same detail as, say, German. Instead of building a house from the ground up, they patch pieces onto an ever-growing scaffolding. This method of teaching is boring, non-engaging, and makes students not want to learn the language for themselves. Eventually, young adults resent the classes and have no interest in wanting to learn Irish anymore.

Adding to this, the idea that we should "speak OUR OWN language" is one of the few nationalistic ideas that is still acceptable to publicly talk about. If you go on too much about how the language is dying and how we should implement it as the main tongue, you'll be accused of discriminating against foreigners. Accommodating everyone is more important than national identity. Our politicians love bending over backwards for anyone who complains loudly enough, so they wouldn't do that out of fear of being called racist.

the niggers are doing it - make fun of the irish for not speaking irish lmao

A chara, sin breagach. Is amadán thú.

>imagine not speaking Gaelainn

At least I'm trying my man

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Fuck the Irish and their potato language.

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An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas, mais e do thoil e

This is far too intellectual a question for Yas Forums.
We should be talking about niggers and trannies and reading pro american propaganda.

Normally called spuds or potatoes.

Americans must have thought the Irish were pretty cool to portray us that way.

They’re apathetic cunts that think letting their language die isn’t a big deal or even important to their culture because they were forced to read some boring books back in gradeschool. Love Ireland and the Irish language, but the Irish themselves are spineless shadows of what they could be and should be.

Surprise, now you're
*smacks lips profusely*
*rapes you*
And your mother will cry in her sleep tonight

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Based as fuck.

>Because it's a shitty language and the only one more dead or irrelevent is Welsh.
As someone who lives in Wales I can confirm how utterly worthless the Welsh language is - practically only used for a job in administration nowadays, and a handful of people who live outside of Cardiff.

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It was mostly just Anglo asspain that we never really fully assimilated into Anglo-American society and kept at least part of our own identity

>fiddle dee dee
>these questions three
>huwat're'y'h'awn aboot?
>pessin aboot
>shite in a booket

Why would I care about, let alone become proficient in, a language that fucking nobody uses. Its not my fault things are this way but there's no going back.

The Irish are niggers of the British Isles. Even lower than the sheep-shagging Welsh. And lower caste than the tight fisted skirt wearing Scottish pansies.

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Literally the best paid part of the British isles. Lel.

Because like everywhere else in the West their local culture is on its last legs in favor of English-speaking globalist culture where all the music is a cross between hiphop and Indian shit and all the visual media is just extended anti-white male CBT on the big screen

reddit: the post

Because every Western government hates their population and they probably love to suck the English cock to make their country more "international".

Btw you guys are waaaaayy more fucked than we are so stones/glass houses and all that.

Please stop projecting. By the sounds of things the US and Canada are 5 years away from a race war where whites lose.
The rest of the world is not like this.

They have spoken English in Ireland for hundreds of years as a first language. Like Scottish and Cornish most of it is made up by LARPers. Welsh is the only distinct language in the UK

i told you, we have been watching you.
you are a disgusting human being

Why are you even here to begin with then? Nobody ever discusses Ireland.

Because you're irish. Because the irish language is unique and shouldn't die out. I get that no one speaks it as much anymore and that capitalism rules it out due to it not be as economically viable. But cultural identity is everything no matter how bleak the situation is

Yeah alright mate. Is that why millions of you live in England looking for work?

I'm quite safe in mid Wales, unlike you potato headed cretin in gormless Ireland, you have all the pubs shut. moron.

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my god, you HAVE been watching

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They actually had a far higher proportion of fluent Irish speakers under the British empire. They had an incentive to keep their language alive in order to keep themselves seperate from the British.
Since then the common folk no longer felt compelled to learn it themselves what with them having their own country now, and the government failed to set up a decent way of teaching the language to them.
Kinda sad desu.

>we hate you!
>please join us!

My salary is paid as I have endless weeks off matey... the UK govt pays 80% of my wages and my firm the remaining 20%...... you Americans don't have shit.

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British scumbags exported all the food and forbade Irish from fishing In their own waters under penalties ranging from fines up to death
It was a Genocide, if you are really Welsh you should be on our side not the Anglos considering they have fucked up your culture too, albeit not as bad

It's got fuck all to do with capitalism. About 800 years ago the Pope told England to invade Ireland. Later some other English people did. Then we let the Scottish loose on them. After a while Cromwell came along, who wasn't very nice, and he changed a lot of things. It's nothing to do with capitalism, but a fairly complex historical and religious relationship.

Nigger what?

>Our side

Haven't seen many half Jewish half Mexicans in the Republic

That pope just so happened to be the only English Pope in history
You forgot the part where Jews funded the Anglo-Norman and Cromwellian invasions

Englishman living in Mid Wales. 100% white, no pakistanis no niggers no indians, no irish....paradise.

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That doesnt negate my point of letting your cultural language and identity die off.

I did French and Irish in school and was quite good at both. Now I can't remember a thing because I simply didn't use either since. Do you speak the language of your ancestors?
What's that got to do with anything?
Idgaf about pubs, I don't drink pal. I'd say Wales is pretty comfy, would like to visit it. I live in cavan so it's probably not much different.

>eternal Anglo has posted

That's basically what's outside my door, apart from all of the houses. Dairy farmland. My kids schools are 100% white.

Wouldn't surprise me. William fucked over England hard, it took us 200 years to get ourselves out of serfdom, and Cromwell was a cunt that banned Christmas and allowed Jews back in the country after they had been banned for centuries.

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The crops failed you fucking retard, potato blight specifically course we didn’t do much to help the situation but maybe the Irish should’ve learned to farm something else

>t. memeflag
Reveal yourself rabbi.

Well at least you learned it at one point. Shouldn't be hard to refresh on it. And yes I do

Hysterical, but I am whiter than you Brithammad
Just another Anglo colonist

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Welsh actually has way more native speakers and daily use than Irish

Mid Wales is comfy. But the pubs are shut. I go to England for my beer because of Wales Govt.
minimum alcohol pricing.

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One word: Rotherham.