Anti-White Brainwashing

5 years of anti white messaging has really worn my patience and empathy away. May as well just start redpilling normies IRL on mass migration and Great replacement, Who gives a fuck if it sounds racist to people lmao. Anyone else?

Mods deleted the other thread even though it was about politics and on-topic. They delete ontopic posts with 6 threads but leave up bait posts hmm. Makes the brain strain.

^ Good source for making agitprop posters. What is agitprop? It's what lefties and now globalists do when they shove their ideology in your face. Agitation-Propaganda. Since they've censored all major social media sites and basically win the digital information War by default, you may as well start putting up posters, putting redpills on billboards, etc.


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Other urls found in this thread:

Literally built for BWC


There's no profit in helping people not end their own bloodlines

Realistically, what can you do about it when numerous generations have been bred to hate whites? It's now doctrine to see whites as automatically racists who desire genocide of all non-whites, yet still shitskins secretly desire to be white just to get special privileges. The hypocrisy and double standards are so firmly set in stone that there's nothing anyone can do to remove them.

Theres a lot of benefit when everyone in the country is redpilled on parasites like you tho

Nah. Not sure where you pulled that from. Statistics show the overwhelming majority of people are anti immigration, they're scared of being rejected by the social contract but that fear has been replaced with frustration for over 2000 days and nights. It's time to stop giving a shit and just redpill everything that moves. Force the Overton window back open to 1940s levels

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Kek, imagine unironically believing that whites will go extinct just because you're afraid of brown people coming to your country

Oh no, two news titles from different authors somehow prove that whites are being genocided and that there's a secret agenda against huwhites

Faggot detected

you can do it if you wan't guy in my corridor started speaking about us beeing replaced during a party, a feminist started bashing on him but the other 13 people seemed like they had heard it before and kind of agreed, it's not like people on more mainstream media doesn't discuse it, I see several threads on jodel about it every day

It’s funny because the more they push for tolerance the more I genuinely begin to hate these groups, /lgbt/, women’s rights and black activists. Spending time with them has given me a sincere and bitter hatred towards all the groups they represent. I genuinely say that at this point I had women and minorities. I also hate a large proportion of white men for being cucks as well but that’s another issue

> secret

Unironically this. If you don’t come off as a sperg people will actually respect you for your beliefs. I’m literally proud to be white and there’s no man that can take that from me.

>5 years

Try something like 45 years. It's been going on long before anyone on this board was even born.

Not a real ginger. That hair came from a bottle.

The white race won't even protect itself.

It should be replaced because it is inferior.

Those with more fit genes should take over the USA and other countries.

kill white people!

No joke iv'e already started doing this shit because of the Wu-Flu with my younger friends and have got them based on retard chinks by showing em the Chinese Food vods and Rekt. Now I tell em stats on black behavior;
>I'm no racist guys but these people commit over half the crimes but are only a minority!
>These Mexicans fleeing their country and being Mexican Nationalists here and crying when forced to go back? Pretty fishy if you ask me!
>Ever wonder why them Injuns (My friends already hate indians) always want reparations and then do what they've always done and by booze and die?

Shit works like a charm.

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show flag

Also a Meme we do when we play vidya or watch Movies and see anything left leaning is silently say
>Uh-oh.... Stiiiiiinkky!

awake white europeans!

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It’s not a secret. Your people talk about it openly. Show flag kikel.

I am there man. Mass immigration combined with affirmative action is a fucking attack on each citizen. It is an outrage and it will stop the moment citizens band together non-partisan against it.

The genocidal replacement is crazy and democrats\leftists are being held captive, many do not really want it, but their careers have depended on claiming to want it for decades.

For many being pro-immigration is now similar to Amazon employees being anti-union... They better be fucking anti-union or they are out of a job.

I have begun openly redpilling friends that I know are hard left... Because I used to be and they dont know I have changed over the lat 5 years. So far they are not very receptive. Some even accept everything I say is true, yet refuse to even consider there is any solution possible except being genocided. they are terrified. TERRIFIED of being called racist on social media.

I mean mortified...I of course have no social media because I have self respect.

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I don't really hide my power lvl anymore. I openly tell people I'm a national socialist and am globalism, kike banks, etc. You'de be surprised how many people sympathize with your beliefs once they understand them.

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>Behold, the antiburger
I hate my countrymen so much some times

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>agitprop posters.

Interesting you mention that. I have begun making agitprop posters, though many people here do not like the fact I wont stop calling out the right wing - to me they are our only hope, and they are selling us out, so we have to show them we are mad. Too many 4channers seem 100% unwilling to question authority. They are almost like, you know, a bunch of rebbit boomers showed up all of a sudden and brought their lawn chair, bud light, braindeadedness.

I think as we move messaging away from Yas Forums into IRL we need to be careful and really think about what we are about to do and say. we can smear ourselves as a racist, or be careful and convincing, without opening ourselves to direct attack.

Anyway. posters.

#1 - Greece

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>putting up posters

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kys r3ddit faggot

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Bro, Australia is like half-Chinese now

All of this is more evidence that whites are inferior.

They won't defend themselves.

Those with inferior genes should be eliminated.

Its all so tiring bros. I just want white California back. I miss when we were all about blonde surfer dudes and white nature loving hippies. Not fucking beaner central. Not china v2. Not niggerville. Not street shitters general. Just happy, naive whites enjoying beautiful nature and happy times. There wouldn't be a housing crisis if all of these beaners here. Los Angeles would be spaced out and comfy.

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>Who gives a fuck if it sounds racist to people
True, though our strongest messages will inevitably be totally non-racist, especially at first, or whatever. Gotta be gentle with newborns..

Have you heard of laura towler? She is a pretty rational UK nationalist. Here is her documentary which I find to be a B+ or B- for DIY millenial anti-globalist agitprop. I admire her effort at this point and may do the same in USA. I am capable of such a production quality no problem.

Her documetnary:

More posters I have made recently. each time I get mad, I make one.

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Not everywhere, just the US and some of the Western Europe


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I have been trying to redpill leftists and bluepill libertarians... I am convinced both sides have vital ideas, and they are purposefully kept separate.

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The white guilt will run out. Then you have to go home, Pedro. Dumbfuck. The whiteguilt is manufactured, and finite at that.

It will run out, and the people tryting to keep it going will get huge targets placed on themselves for doing so.

10s of millions of hispanics will be deported. This is not wrong. It is required and justified. We are not tax slaves for brown people. Access to white people and our tax money is not a human right.

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the only good thing aboit nigger israeliti is that they know who is in charge

Another poster. In this one we see the GOP calling our wages a 'wage bubble'.

That is the most libertarian shit you can fucking imagine - and saying it openly on twitter. Bragging about harming american workers, openly, and with no fear of fallout.

We need to wakeup.

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>tfw considered both the book smart and common sense smart one in the family and my friend group
>college degree, solid job, homeowner, fit, etc.
It's amazing how much people respect and agree with my ideas no matter how racist or whatever they are. The only boundary comes with trying to deal with older age groups. The older they are the more programmed they are. Boomers literally only believe the screen and spit out what the screen says verbatim. Gen X will agree with you after taking with them a while but they will slowly go back to being screen/radio zombies the more time away from them you are. Younger than that and you can generally get through to people and have it stick if you know what you are doing. Women are similar to gen x due to their female brains always seeking authority. If you are the authority in their mind due to high status they agree with you. Absent your constant guidance or if you are much lower status than the screen people, then they go back to being screen zombies.

Lol. What?

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You wont do shit so stfu

I have pasta that goes with this one:

Anyone who has looked at the numbers understands legal immigration [white genocide] has been the primary tool used to replace us. Over a million a year pouring in decade after decade since the 1980s. They have already replaced us. Our children are under 50% of the students under 18 now. We have quite literally already been genocided and it is now a slow decline, managed by opportunist psychopaths such as obama or trump. It is over. We lost. More legal immigration is just nails in the coffin.

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Since Mexico is producing so many refugees, I think we are justified in invading that shithole and making it safe for beaners so they can all go home. We can keep Baja California as payment.

I agree. They need to be stopped..

But of course they wont be.. The white genocide is real.

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Instead we are fucking with venezuela.. bullying them it appears to me.. Fuck USA. The jews and neocons that run USA fucking hate us, want us dead, etc. It really is infuriating. And then we get these fucking empowered hispanics telling us they are going to take over, which is probably true.

For fucks sake.. Then we pay for it all!!!!! I hope coronachan lasts 4 more months and absolutely forces a major change. I really do. This is fucking it. bring it on. 6 months of pandemic to sort out whats important.

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Yes, lefties fucked themselves.

Producing agitprop is easy if you have something to say.

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The Jews always overplay their hand. That’s why they are cursed to forever exist at the fringe of society. They are running out of good will and the backlash will be extreme. What’s coming will make the Nazis look like foreplay.

Producing what now?

you guys havent been doing this for years already?

The Jews are going to rob the boomers of their retirement and the boomers will finally see the truth about them. They will be so angry that they will be begging us to take out the trash. There will be no Russians to save the kikes this time.

>The Jews always overplay their hand.
Thgeyve been overplaying it for 100s of years in the west. They killed JFK and did 9/11, USS Liberty, etc.

It also isnt just them, which is a problem for us, because we do not really have the ability to so easily attack everyone else without a lot of effort. Research, agreement, etc. There is little resources left in the hands of nationalistic whites. We are going to get wiped out at this rate. There is no reason to hold false hope. We need to hit rock bottom.

COme on coronachan. Utterly and completely destroy the economy. Do it. Take it out. Decimate it. Leave it in such ruins, no one responsible for building such a unreliable system will ever be trusted again. Not after what the melt down reveals about the nature of globalization.

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What the FUCK did she drink?

It is a huge risk for some people to say anything remotely non-globohomo'd to the max.

A lot of us work in creative or international industries, and our bosses expect total allegiance to the cult of globalism...

>falls for anti-white propaganda in a thread about anti-white propaganda

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ALso, WHO is the only one who is right now trying to address the "jew" problem in corporations?

trump? clearly not.

PELOSI actually wanted diversity ALSO BASED ON ETHNICITY in company boards.

This thread isnt about anything. The OP was unqualified to make it, and then abandoned it.

Now it is a Yas Forums free for all thread.

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Fair enough

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>trying to address the "jew" problem in corporations?

Elon Musk?

He was probably so un jew-pilled, he actually just meant rich people.. Seriously.. He seems semi-retarded to me.. Like legitimately sort of slow. An actor.

I have never heard him say a single actually unique and insightful thing that wasnt basic-bitch PR hyperbole and grandstanding. Not once.

do you even know your home country you son of adultery

nudes?? plleeeaasseeee.


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imagine if they found out 90% of the white are actually (((white)))

Stop whining. You're actually falling for that shit? Gullible asshole.

why she drink?

Fight against it gringo!You can!

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