The Union are traitors to the white race

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Imagine sending your sons off to die for a bunch of niggers.

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>Wants to keep Nigs in America to take jobs from White people
>Wants to weaken the White US through shitty agrarian feudalism and splitting the country in two, preventing America's rise
>Jews in military and government
>Allies with Redskins
>Assassinates Lincoln who wanted to ship Blacks to Liberia
>South is the most mongrelized shithole part of the US excluding big cities

>imagine sending your sons out to die for niggers
That’s literally what the confederates did

If the Union didn't want to keep niggers in America then why are they still here? The Union are also the ones who sent soldiers down to force southerners to let niggers into white schools and give them the right to vote.

The Union gave niggers equal rights and the right to vote. The Union are cucks who love niggers. The Union made it legal for niggers to fuck white women. Under the Confederacy it was punishable by death. Please leave your pathetic delusions behind you nigger loving race traitor. The Union won and now niggers dominate culture. Union faggots died for niggers. Period.

>forced nigger politicians into southern government
>used nigger troops to occupy the south and rape white women
>had niggers steal jobs from white Americans

So why did the yankee filth have no problem killing their fellow whites to end slavery?

focking bamp

Both sides were retarded. They should have shook hands on sending them all back to Africa and enslaving the Irish instead.

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Humans are generally short-term thinkers. NO ONE in the 1800's could have predicted what niggers would do to America for the next 100+ years. They certainly couldn't have predicted the modern, (((globalized))) world. The Union was America - so was the South. Gas the Jews, race war now.

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>Imagine sending your sons to die for rich land owners

Plantation owners were the Jews of the south, they started the war to keep themselves rich. The civil war was about money.

All those were glorious moments.

You started the slippery slope. Immediately after the Civil War the 13th 14th and 15th Amendments were passed giving niggers rights. The Union are race traitors

Show me real stats that show the majority of slave owners being Jews. You can't cause it's a God damned lie.

Day of the yank when?

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So you admit you're a nigger dick sucking race traitor faggot?

>elites using identity to cement their interests
This. Based and classwarpilled.

>NO ONE in the 1800's could have predicted what niggers would do to America for the next 100+ years.
the people in the south who were around niggers fucking could

It was states rights too. Robert E Lee married George Washington's adopted son's daughter and got his slaves literally the week or day before he fought the civil war.

In fact Robert E Lee was a general for the union side but wanted to support his home state Virginia.

based man.

The conferdate flag literally is a big X with 13 states to tell the 13 colonies they don't count


They were killing the soldiers of the foreign army that had invaded their land.

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God damn you're dumb I said "The Jews of the south" as figurative term, not literal Jews. They acted like kikes.

This, but only because Lincoln was dumb and didn't just let NuAfrika secede and get overthrown by the ape horde it had cultivated.

>could have lived in a 99% white country
>instead ruined by beaners and niggers

siege of fort sumter worst day of my life

Because Lincoln was anti-nigger and A. Johnson and Grant weren't. Johnson wanted them as cheap labor and Grant was a sadist.

Nah. Niggers were pets and pack-animals. I imagine most people (south and north) figured they stay that way.

>the south is jewish

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Grant specifically wanted to annex the Dominican Republic and move all the niggers there as a nigstate, the leaders in the south at the time petitioned him not to specifically because it would have cucked their finances

At all points in time you're standing around deepthroating plantation owning jews when they're the reason the south is filled with niggers, the reason the south is the most pro-israel part of the usa and the reason the south has the most racemixing in the USA. Unironically believing the CSA was anything more than the final form of good goyism is a joke, but I really wish you'd secede because it would be great to see places like Georgia (53% white in 2020) leave the fucking union along with Tejas and Mexifornia.

hmmmmm what happens when you give dogs and horses human rights and paying for them to live in houses hmmmmmmmmmm

the civil war was the low point in american history, every evil in this country can be traced back to it, internicene warfare will be the death of the white race

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The south WAS Jewish. Why the fuck are a bunch of po' country boys gunna go to war to enshrine a system that they didn't even participate in. Don't let idiots fool you - the Civil War WAS about keeping niggers down, not "state's rights". It's a shame the Confederacy wasn't up to the task.

Slaves came from unknowing savage humans in Africa.



Blacks as a whole lack the nuclear family. One on one it's different.

Indeed. They started the civil war they're gonna start it again for communist interest

I am agreeing with you here. Separate the races. It makes sense. What I was trying to get at was this: Americans in those days couldn't conceive of a time where nogs would be as wild and protected as they are now.

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Oops meant to reply to OP. My autism is showing

>imports millions of niggers to a white country for the Jews


So why didn't he do it then you stupid faggot?

It's your own fault for shooting Lincoln. If he were still alive the Radical Republicans wouldn't get so much influence.

>give niggers rights and make it legal for them to vote and fuck white women
Thanks Union faggot

As I said just a little bit ago, it's your own fault for killing Lincoln and allowing the Radical Republicans to take power.

There were laws against miscegenation well into the 60's. You're either a shill or a retard. Don't hate northerners for race-mixing; hate kikes.

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The foreign army which was genetically and culturally identical to the people they "invaded"?

Culturally? Eh... Still, I agree with the sentiment.

sorry but southerners are subhumans that are responsible for nigs being here.

And who are the ones who pushed to legalize it? Northern cucks whilst southerners were the last hold outs against nigger rights.

Same language, same religion, same values, only minor regional differences. It's like trying to separate Germans and Austrians based on the fact that they have a somewhat different dialect, cuisine, and clothing based on their location rather than being from a different group. Both Austrians and Germans are Germans, both Northerners and Southerners are Americans.

Actually Union faggots setting niggers free and letting them come to the North and settle in their cities are you fucking moron. There's nothing wrong with niggers in chains doing our bidding.

Southerners probably have some of the purest white culture in America, except for maybe parts of the south-west. Confederates and cowboys are going to make America great again, friendo.

Confedaboos wanted to spread niggers throughout the west, yankfags said no, because no one (except southerners) wanted to be around niggers. Now we have niggers everywhere. Both sides were gay.

>(((Northern cucks)))

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Why did you import them, it's still your fault.

>the leaders in the south at the time petitioned him not to specifically because it would have cucked their finances

How can you still be an illiterate hick in CURRENT YEAR

Truman from Missouri was the first guy to push for desegregation, retard.

We have niggers everywhere because Union faggots freed them and gave them the right to move anywhere. Explain why the North harbored niggers and gave them refuge if they wanted them out?

Like I said, bro: I agree with the sentiment.

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why won't you take responsibility for importing them? This wouldn't have happened if white would just work the plantations. But they refused to.

Show me who voted for equal rights. Are you really so deluded you don't think the North is more left wing?

>implying the modern US doesn't import shitskins by the millions
At least in the Old South they were subservient. Fyi the Confederate constitution banned the further importation of niggers.

Okay so once they were here was it better for them to be free to wreak havoc and fuck white women or was it better for them to be slaves and lynched whenever they came close to our women?

work harder not smarter --> losers

The Civil Rights act was proposed and passed by Texan LBJ you fucking tard

Which senators and congressmen voted for it?

Stfu democrat

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Imagine sending your sons to die for jewish slavery, war never changes eh mutt?

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>"I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years."
> "We must open the doors of opportunity."
>"A man without a vote is man without protection."

One man and who voted for him?
What about all the Northern Democrats who vote for nigger welfare today?

Literally was listening to this before I saw this thread;

>niggers being subservient is bad
Okay nigger loving Nordcuck faggot

imagine being this retarded

>One man
He was the president of the United States of America, you fucking brainlet.

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Niggers are bad regardless if they're subservient, equal, or dominant you fucking Dixietard. If they're here at all it's shit.

He also LOVED Israel and kikes.

>wall of text
the left can't meme

LBJ was a shapeshifted jew

>When the kikes turned a conflict about states rights into 100% a slavery thing even though Linclon himself didnt even claim it was about slavery until the second half of the war

How very Southern of him

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>LBJ was a shapeshifted jew

It was Yankee slavers that brought them here.

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Wow one man. How many Jews are im the modern US congress?

Okay cuck faggot.

Yeah bro niggers are awful so we should just put our dicks in cages and get fucked in the ass by them right? It makes no difference either way right?

it was about slavery not ? money. the north was about money as the slavery wasnt enough nor was a country of people enough to stave the appetite of the bankers and you disinfo shills

Says the nigger infested states.

In ships mostly owned by Jewish interests, operating mostly for Jewish interests. Wake the fuck up man. After the 18th century or so, global mercantilism/ capitalism was pretty much dominated by kikes.

So niggers are no worse when they're fucking white women and destroying the white race than when they're slaves with zero rights?
The Union put nigger politicians in place in the South post civil war. Defend that race traitor faggot.


So was Obama thanks to the Northerners who voted for him.