70 million unemployed by the end of April

Trump presidency is over.

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Thanks Dr. Fuckface.

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Hey there shill. Trump isn’t going anywhere. Get over it. Once the reveal drops tomorrow, your bosses will be going to prison and your going to be out of a job again.

Yup, "It's the economy stupid" We are in for a hell of a recession and quick. By November, only his hardcore will support him.

You dont have to outrun a tiger just be faster than the other guy. Biden is literally a pedophile rapist dementia patient.

The election probably won't happen though.

Constitutionally it has to.

Yeah, blame the bureaucrats, not the leaders who tell them what to do

>Hey there shill. Trump isn’t going anywhere. Get over it. Once the reveal drops tomorrow, your bosses will be going to prison and your going to be out of a job again.

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Stock markets up 500. BTFO!!!!!

Just try not to be so shocked if the election doesn't happen.

NEET's were right all along.

>Stock markets up 500. BTFO!!!!!

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Fucking Qtards

Right, because no one can tell that the economy was hit by a natural disaster, something beyond Drumpler's control.

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The health of the economy depends on weatherweaselly money movers are nervous or not.

>highest approval ratings ever
>I-I-It's the end for drumpft this time
God, you people are pathetic.

They have created an entire alternate reality

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Even if it's not Trump's fault — it is — he's still toast, because he doesn't want to violate his free market principles and intervene in the economy to help others. Then, desperate trumpkins will vote Bernie because he will actually help workers get back on their feet.

70 million is 50% unemployment rate. And I agree with this, it’s going to be at least that if not more. Which is far worse than the actual virus

Why are trumpniggers so disingenuous?

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>80% of the workforce will be unemployed

That’s retarded

Presidency is a figurehead position. It doesn't matter much which of the two parties get it each election. The big news is the 50-70 million unemployed. People are gonna go nuts and riot.

>The Bernouts final cope

Lol imagine believing this

Millennials finna dab on the greatest generation. Lmao

Even now most ppl are to stupid to see how the measures against Covid19 will cause far more death and suffering than the virus, a virus that is overblown out of proportion. If we don't get society back to normal our world is going to collapse around us.

>Biden can win
>no guys, for real. He can win.
>he doesn't know where he is, but he can win

>Virus plague the lands
>thanks drumpf
>orange man bad

>If we don't get society back to normal our world is going to collapse around us.
What does a "world collapsing" even mean?

>tfw essential worker making over a grand a week
yike praying for you faggots


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Nobody will care.

Are you seriously blaming a medical expert for this user?

I wish I were unemployed

I hope Fauci gets sht.


liberalism is over

Fucking moron.

>Once the reveal drops tomorrow

But it will be worth it if we save even one boomer from the grim reaper. 20k dead or 50 million unemployed, I choose to prolong boomers parasitical existence!!!

>when all they have is disinfo and ridicule
wake up janny

Holy shit, Q-Boomers are literally niggers. I wonder if yelling "trust the plan" while you're being herded into Fema camps will pacify you too.

fauci is a hilldawg plant

trump knew this was a nothingburger but try telling the MSM that new york doesn't need 40k ventilators lmao

this depression will be so much worse than this meme flu

I'm not even liking Trump, but the problem isn't even Trump's presidency that you should be worried about if this happens if i'm honest...

He could win still since Biden is basically Hillary with a penis and going senile. But he needs to abandon traditional cuckservative thinking. Go in hard on the populism, fuck it, advocate for a UBI when debating Biden. His sundowning ass refuses to leave the center, which is the worst position to be in right now. Promising more Trumpbucks would unironically get him the win, voting is ultimately about choosing who gives you the most material gains after all.

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>the reveal
How many times are you Qtards have to be proven wrong before you realize nothing will ever happen

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55% of Americans approve of his handling of the pandemic. OP is secretly seething.

I think it actually helps his chances, and I'm someone who said Biden was going to win since 2019. He can seriously pull the wartime/crisis president angle to win. It's still probably Biden though.


Seems like it's very possible that the country that's gets fucked the most in this situation is the good ol US of A.

people wil blame trump even if it's not entirely his fault
After a crisis of this magnitude, they will want change
Biden would just have to promise more false thing, trump promises will be less impactful

We’ll never be at peace again

I know it’s hard to see becsude it’s a slow decline, everything is fine because we still have money food and supply chain
Weeks, months go by

Those jobs aren’t coming back, unemployment is going to run out of money
The Great Depression on crack is coming, get ready for pain

ok twitter

*Official Rodney Dangerfield OK Endorsement

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This means socialism. Hopefully there will be no way back after people enjoy the fruits of this progressive system.

My uncle works at Nintendo. He said the same thing, 50-70 million.

This is unironically good for the economy

Shit, America is over with numbers like that. And that’s a good thing

Lol leaders are all being advised by third party orgs. Medical boards, CFR, Trilateral, God damn learn how this works before commenting.


Only the religious and stupid which are one in the same will still support trump. Biden is going to win by a land slide.

Trump could have been a hero if he would have been honest and not attempted to protect the economy by lying to us. Donald dug his own grave and in record time.

Kill yourself kike shill rat