Italy General

Not rolls please. Honestly, do you think the lock down will be extended? If so, until when?

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Other urls found in this thread:


One of my guilty pleasures is penned (Barilla brand) and kraft mac and cheese powder. You make the sauce just like you would normally but substitute heavy creme for milk and butter. Then I like to throw a little spicy aribattia sauce on top. It's basically delicious.

I plan to also throw in some thiccc cut ham and melt a little white American on top for goodness.


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All of April.

Looks good user. Can't go wrong with pic related. Just dontnigger it up with too many spices... as you know we real chefs have a saying in the kitchen. Spices are for niggar

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End of next month

>replies to self, begone kike

Cuor di mela master race reporting in

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Shitaly: locked until mid May
USA: locked until July/August

Don't listen to jealous cantcook user. The lobster mac&chee was getting me rock hard. Any other recipes u can share?

Quarantena pesante per altre 2/3 settimane
Quarantena "leggera" (quindi social distancing e me Maroni) per altri 6 mesi per evitare che gli italioti tornino alle abitudini pre-quarantrna e che ci sia una seconda ondata di infezioni

Why are you talking to yourself you new fag shill

OP here (had to reboot the router).

This is now a food thread, post it.

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I’d really REALLY love to have that salame inside me, if you know what I mean.

I can't help but feel you are wanting to indirectly shut on my cheese noodaz. What did dairy ever do to you?

They will extend it until there are no more cases confirmed in the world for two weeks. This means probably in may-june.
Also, rolling because fuck you OP


Posting fancy hammz

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If you haven’t eaten a plate of sciatt, then you’re not living the good life

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Based and cold cuts pilled

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>clothespin method
>bag isn't even folded
oh my god

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What's your problem user?

Go on

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Is that like gnocco fritto?

I don’t like the other cuor di mela imitations, I have a strong bonding with 90s Mulino Bianco snacks and cookies

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What is sciatt? Looks yumz

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>comes into thread expecting discussion
>gets hungry instead


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This must be one user with multiple browsers and vpns replying to himself

I was talking about the way you "closed" it.

The stringed potatoes one especially

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They’re a mixture of buckwheat flour (the same you use to make pizzoccheri) and casera cheese fried in oil.

The mixture is poured from a spoon directly into the oil and the balls who solidified have a “tail” and the finished product looks like tadpoles, which is the literal translation of the word “sciatt” from the dialect.

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Can a spaghett please Translate?
This appears very symbolic.

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The rules of Italian threads on Yas Forums:

>regardless from the thread’s topic there WILL be food
>if there are two or more Italian flags in the same thread a north vs south Italy argument is to be expected
>someone will post something against Napoli and Neapolitans

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This thread is but to get real comfy

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Don't show that to French people. They'll have a heart attack whilst shouting "sacrilegious".

Maial se mi ha rotto il cazzo il cibo italiano affettati e panini e pasta

Stai zitto negro

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Zitto frocio di merda

What kind of bread is that? I can almost smell the freshness

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How bad is it there, Pastabros?
I saw videos of people rioting and complaining about having no money or food.


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Is this... spam in lentils?

Prime meats.

Where are the kraut contributions? Lookin for the brats

It’s called puccia.

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Cotechino and lentils

Nooooo not another Bollettino!!!

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raga ma vi rendete conto che cazzo di paese di merda abitato da schiavi è questo?

sciatt vuol dire rospo nel mio dialetto lol

Whats that white stuff? Fancy Italian spermies?

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elabora, negro

And sounds like shat in English

Is that eggs or mozzerella cheese? Based either way.

Ti rendi conto che il tipo medio che si lamenta dell'italiano medio è esso stesso un italiano medio, ma il suo ego è troppo grande per comprendere cha anche lui è uno dei tanti tarzanelli contribuenti al problema?

Fresh mozzarella

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couple of weeks top

I had no idea mozzarella was so wet

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They’re little mozzarelle.

Pic related is a Burrata which is the queen of mozzarella, literally porn.

You can also buy the “filling” which is called Stracciatella and tastes like buttery heaven.

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non sto lamentandomi dell'italiano medio dalla prospettiva dell'italiano medio (corruzzzzioneeeeeeee pigriiiiii gne gne), il mio è solo una sfogo disperato di chi vede approssimarsi la totale sottomissione della nazione alla germania e all'ue, nel silenzio e nell'ignoranza collettiva.
many words in my dialect are close to english ones, like butter or tomato or cucumber, didn't know shat though.

stop being a tourist promoter FUCKING NIGGER

No culture from the german bros. They don't know food from poo

If dubz, Italy's government wiped by Corona and and becomes mega-cucked globalists ready to stamp out dissent with "EU support" aka German/French police..

Sti cazzi di quando finisce, pure se finisse domani staremmo nella merda economicamente parlando. Dio cancaro le picche vanno rispolverate.

Mah... non so, parlando con gente, colleghi e altri normies, sembrerebbe che stiano aprendo un po' gli occhi

Fun fact: there are italian deli shops in the USA which sells fresh mozzarella that comes by airplane from here.

No need to come here if you want the food.

Why would you lie to me you bastard
You made me look like a fool in front of my wife
She says it's poached eggs
She also showed me pic related
She also informs me if that was mozzarella it would be a bad sandwich

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Superb. Italians have easily /bestfood/ of europe.

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who cares, I hate people like you
Questa è soltanto l'alba degli ebeti, ma essendo che siamo in quarantena e i ritmi circadiani sono distorti torneranno a dormire appena i media confezioneranno loro un altro acronimo che sarà la copia sputata del MES ma non sarà più comunicativamente usurato come quello.

It’s mozzarella, ditch your wife

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STFU chink

Come to my house pasta cugini.

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i get the irony

Ebbeh, la colpa di chi è? Di colui che sacrifica nel breve termine per qualche stupido e banale proprio ritorno la stabilità nel lungo termine.

you're cugino to nobody disgusting mutt

Thank you user

Fuck off double nigger, we export a lot of these products and there are people who care about food.

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>Ebbeh, la colpa di chi è?
ebbeh, altre banalità?

Porco dio che buona la bresaola

STFU fucking salentino di merda, crepa tu e il tuo turismo dannato rovina d'italia.


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Vergognosi i napoletani

end of April

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As you wish chief!

Ma se sono Lombardo

Related: crostini with cured lard and honey

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Probably the most uncultured, plebeian opinion i have ever heard in my life. No, wait, I once heard someone claim they like Indian food. Italian “food” is a chaotic mess of cheese and tomato-based sauces. There’s no order to it, no artistry. Even an American chef (lol) could learn to cook Italian. You want real cuisine? France is unmatched. Honorable mention to the Balkans, who may catch up after several thousand years of evolution. FUCK you, FUCK Italian food.

So whats it like being around a real culture ahkmed?

How are you italian bros?

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