/TKG/ - Ted Kaczynski General #10 - Double Digits Edition

>Essential reading:
->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):
editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf (ONLY 30 PAGES)

>Further reading:
->Anti-Tech Revolution (ATRev):
->Technological Society by Ellul
->Ultimo Reducto
->Propaganda: the Formation of Men's Attitudes by Ellul

>What do?
Here is our 5 step plan:
->Step 1: Read and understand ISAIF (and ATRev)
->Step 2: Raise your powerlevel
->Step 3: /prep/
->Step 4: Spread the word
->Step 5: Revolution
Details: pastebin.com/VwqKYKpb

>Who is Theodore „Ted“ John Kaczynski?
->Confirmed 167 IQ
->Man of Action
->PhD in Mathematics

>The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>Last threads:
#1 (300+ replies)
#2 (100+ replies)
#3 (150+ replies)
#4 (250+ replies)
#5 (100+ replies)
#6 (150+ replies)
#7 (300+ replies)
#8 (250+ replies)
#9 (almost 100 replies)

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Other urls found in this thread:



FAQ nearly finished (first draft)

Only two questions left!

Will upload to pastebin right now, link available in the next post.

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Mfw jannies delete this thread

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>industrialization was a disaster
Have fun dying young boomer


Anons, please keep /TKG/ going, every day, at 2PM EST, the FAQ first-draft is ALMOST ready.

The very first goal of /TKG/, ALMOST accomplished.

No pussy-ing out now....

Someone please kindly confirm if they could acces the link supplied in this post.


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Link works, nice work user

Very descriptive .gif..... Fucking jannies try'na fuck /TKG/ up.

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Thanks for the confirmation, user!

You made a lot of progress, Argie. I like the way you reformed the questions to be less strawman-y. Good work!

almost missed it, because of time change


I was wondering why the thread was one hour off from the usual. Hah

May i sugest adding Manhunt: unabomer the recomende reading/viewing. It was my first Ted pill and inspired me to read ISAIF. It spends a lot of time covering Ted as a person, hes ideas and the events that shaped him.

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Thank you, that really was an important priority, leaving it for last was a stupid mistake given how easy it was to just change the wording. Anyways, it's done now, b&hanon.

The two unanswered questions are:

8. use bitcoin ->The common person could protect themselves from tech companies micromanaging their lives

9. Dude I'm so fucking past the whole save the world shit.

Admittedly, they are still strawman-y, didn't even touch them throughout this whole process; don't even know how to begin to answer them, tbqh....... Number 9 requires at least a litle bit of 'hope', and number 8 requires -imo- at least SOME technical knowledge of crypto AND ISAIF to reply properly.....

In any case, very confident that:


>dying young

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Ahhhh, the clock changed it up on you bois, was losin' it when 2:15 PM came and went without a /TKG/ thread in sight......

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I've asked this question in the previous thread, but I don't think anyone answered it.

I'm currently reading a survivality book. In the prologue, it talks about the flagility of the civilization, saying that it relies on thin copper wires and a few electric circles, and that a few targeted attacks are enough to throw Europe back in the middle ages.

He also mentions e-bombs (Electro Magnetic Flux Compressor Generators), saying that it can be made with some copper pipes, explosives and copper wires under voltage. Their explosion apparently creates a fuckton of EMP, enough to fuck up any electric device nearby.

My question: How do we use this knowledge to our advantage?

>use bitcoin
honestly, bitcoin is quite the white pill. proof of anonymity, ...
1) it uses a lot of energy for calculations alone
2) many times you don't know the downsides before hand

also: just saying 'haha bitcoin will safe it all' , no sane person would say that in opposition to everything else

I don't think this is a right platform to plan terrorist attacks if that's what you're up to.

>9. 'i don't really care about the world anymore'
is just feelings of inferiority


>Ted Kaczynski
fuckin hell i always confuse him with Richard Kuklinski

>Ted Kaczynski General

OH FUCK YES! I almost kissed this shithole post *eddit board goodbye

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Thank you for the recommedation user.

Pic related is a letter written by Ted, in which he mentions the 'inaccuracy of the Discovery series' series'; have not seen 'Manhunt', don't know if it is actually the same thing Ted describes here. The letter makes for a very interesting read; in this letter he also addresses the whole MKULTRA thing.

The basis for the reply to 'the MKULTRA question' in the FAQ that /TKG/ anons are putting together comes from this letter.

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It was actually pretty decent even if they did go for the kissless virgin and MK Ultra meme.

I know little about bitcoin, so you can't rely on me to answer that. I'll do my research, but I guarantee nothing.

As for the ninth question, it seems to be a defeatist and an apathic position. Therefore, we should tacke it from both angles.

Defeatist context: show that the industrial system is more fragile than the reader thinks it is ( see ) and encourage him to revolt against it.

Apathic position: We are not "saving the world". We are hasing the inevitable. The sooner the system collapses, the better we will handle the collapse. If you don't care about it and will continue to live as a cog in the sadistic system, fine. We don't need you. People like you would only be a hinderance to the revolution.

Is terrorwave tedpilled?

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That's a very good angle, and it allows for bringing the whole ''feelings of inferiority/power process'' aspect of ISAIF into the FAQ.

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You secular clowns youtube.com/watch?v=CoagQn1MTjc

Super što si došo. Još nam samo Finac fali i svi smo na broju.

>MK Ultra

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humble contribution against the scam of modern technology - how to diy a house

>->Industrial Society and Its Future (ISAIF):

honestly his book isnt that impressive and seems like most of ideas in that book is underdeveloped. His idea about 2 types of technology is on the right track but also not very precise. Most problems with modern technology usually revolve around:

1. low durabitliy
2. high proprietarization
3. centralization
4. planned obsolence
5. low modification potential

all of it makes modern technology a thing that is making us poor


Im totally against it, if there was a choice I would return to gold standard.

jel ovo regularno? mogli bi na osam kun prebaciti sve u buducnosti i tko je finac?

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No, you are all a joke. You have not won the philosophical struggle what makes you think you can win the physical one? HAHAHAHAHA youtube.com/watch?v=wxJuwqIPxL4

There is a quote by Ted that reflects that, too.
"Never lose hope, be persistent and stubborn and never give up. There are many instances in history where apparent losers suddenly turn out to be winners unexpectedly, so you should never conclude all hope is lost."

And another one:
"The big problem is that people don't believe a revolution is possible, and it is not possible precisely because they do not believe it is possible."

boomer is a mindset not actual age
ya dumb boomer any zoomy zoom knows this

both are great.

One user pointed out before, that, as a general rule, we should use as much of Ted's own words as possible.

Jebački pic related. Momentalno sejvan.

Znaš Finca, bolan. To je onaj najjaktivniji user na ovom generalu zajedno sa Njemcem i Argentincem. Samo što još nije došo.

>honestly his book isnt that impressive and seems like most of ideas in that book is underdeveloped.

If you feel further development of the idead put forth in ISAIF is needed a legitimate sentiment, nothing wrong with that-, get your hands on 'The Technological Society' by Jacques Ellul and read it.
Prepare your anus to have your mind blown; no joke.

>Im totally against it, if there was a choice I would return to gold standard.

See point number 18 of the /TKG/ FAQ. It directly addresses the gold standard:

18. Why won't the gold standard or the Constitution fix everything?

Because the gold standard and the Constitution (democracy in general as well) are just techniques of economics and techniques of politics
and specialized management of human affairs within a vast and all-encompassing technical context. As such, these techniques have the
potential to 'fix'exactly nothing in the long run, on the contrary, they would just serve to optimize the system and its innate anti-human
and anti-freedom tendencies, thus perpetuating an absolutely self-destructive way of life. See Jacques
Ellul's 'The Technological Society' for in-depth analysis of the dubious validity of 'technical solutions to technical problems'. Briefly,
and just by way of example, multiculturalism constitutes a technical solution to technical problem, i.e. not enough workers in Europe to
sustain the birth rates and the economy long-term, so immigrants must be imported and the local populations must be made to feel this is
beneficial through human technique (diversity-oriented propaganda).

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I think it was me who said that, kek

Let me guess, Kaczynski thought the Earth was a globe youtube.com/watch?v=xDc--FLl6m0

this, this is a good starting point for people that have not read the books or are on the fence about reading them.

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>honestly his book isnt that impressive and seems like most of ideas in that book is underdeveloped
t. incapable of reading a book through the proper contextual lense.
Reminder that it was released 2.5 decades ago.

I knew you were trouble.

>One user pointed out before, that, as a general rule, we should use as much of Ted's own words as possible.

On this point, ISAIF, ATR, and to a lesser but still present extent, Tech Slavery were heavily consulted in the preparation of the FAQ (pastebin.com/ewvudniz).
As a matter of near-necessity, Jacques Ellul was also consulted for part of the answers, (especially when 'propaganda' as a technique is mentioned) given his very very close 'ideological/intellectual' proximity with Ted, and also the regrettable fact that Ted largely avoids going deep into the matter of the technique of propaganda as a function of the system in most of his work.

You will find that the FAQ paraphrases Ted in many of the answers, on a few occasions even directly 'plagiarizing' ISAIF and Tech Slavery.

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>'The Technological Society' by Jacques Ellul and read it.

Ill look it up, do you have any technology related recomendation from Ernst Junger?

>18. Why won't the gold standard or the Constitution fix everything?

I dont think it will fix everything, but for society it is deeply immoral to have a value represented in nothingness. Gold is probably the only constant in the entire earth. Once you start present value with nothingnes (fractional reserve, infation...) overconsumption and/or technofilia starts.

fala, treba ga jos proširit, razumijes li se u građevinu? armiranje, geologija?

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So no internet after your teddyvolution right?

So apparently this Ted guy was Polish

Think of ISAIF like a pamphlet to raise awareness of a problem. It is not meant to be a complete study on the subject. It's just an essay.

There is no system it's just called life and you're outsiders, go live in the woods if you hate us so much youtube.com/watch?v=-2jdIwQTMjM


lowtechmagazine . com

this is the closest tedpill site Im aware of

>So no internet after your teddyvolution right?

there is nothing wrong with creating new and genuinely creative technology

>t. incapable of reading a book through the proper contextual lense.

his work is important and significant, but needs development

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The internet won't die forever when you guys win, right?

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Jako slabo. Drug mog oca je zidar, al to je otprilike to. Ne znam skoro ništa šta nisi naveo u svom screencapu, a ono šta znam van toga su sitnice i očite stvari.

We'll create our own internet. With leaf black jack cards and anprime hookers

who cares, post 2000 internet has been pure cancer.

Who decides what’s creative and new?

lets continue this in a positive light and give examples of good technology and explain why

Diana Citroen
>extremely primitive performance
>extremely reliable
>easy to fix
>easy to maintain

so exact opposite of most modern cars and most modern products. This is not a car for entusiasts and there is nothing wrong with spending money on car for enjoyment, but when you need a practical everyday car for utility today you cant buy one affordably

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totally off-topic. we don't do such shit

plus, comet atlas is gonna do a waaay better job than u ever cud

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Anons, should I post a normie-friendly essay I wrote? My intention was to get people to realise we're in a much bigger, structural problem instead of pointing fingers at petty things for internet points.

>asking people if you should post your shit, instead of spaming it 24/7
you are never gonna make it.

LMAO at the spergs trying to nuke civilization because they feel left out and would like more nature reserves youtube.com/watch?v=ZpBUvIJBiJo

I’ve had a vision of a society in which we are Anprim but we have a sort of monastic order of scientists who continue research and allow limited access to technology to benefit humanity. Thoughts?

You suck Satan's cock youtube.com/watch?v=QJ2BlD36U28

I only know about Kaczynski because of Yas Forums.
I know a lot of things only because of the internet

>monastic order of scientists who continue research and allow limited access to technology to benefit humanity.

that is what creates problems in the first place - ivory tower scientists.

Cryptocurrency relies on the existing infrastructure of the technological system (internet, electrical grids, computer supply lines) in order to work. On this level it is untenable because this infrastructure is vital to the system, which must be done away with. (append reason that has been beat to death)
The problem with any other argument than this one is that it will probably attempt to argue a point based on the system's own values. (See 'The System's Neatest Trick')
Let's not lose sight of the FAQ. If you find yourself having to argue based on the system's values you will lose and ultimate fall prey to the Trick.

Based. Enjoy a bump for this blessed thread

Hey tedfag argieanon. Garden gang costanon here.

great, there was plenty of information on the web pre-2000. and none of the faggotry that is destroying everything in our society.

Teds manifesto was the first articulation of an inner melancholy and depression all humans and animals feel as the global natural ecosystem decays.

Reading it truly validated my isolated feelings and perception. The man is an angel.

>Cryptocurrency relies on the existing infrastructure of the technological system (internet, electrical grids, computer supply lines) in order to work. On this level it is untenable because this infrastructure is vital to the system, which must be done away with.

it also creates extreme centralization and centralization of control of power (inflation destroys the value you have). anything aside from gold standard is bizzaroworld where value is based on nothingness.

Kaczynski ultimately falls short with his analysis by falling into enlightenment thought, he uses vague definitions of freedom, and poses it as a virtue when it's an intangible concept with no metaphysical backing.

I disagree with his analysis that the industrial revolution is the point we should go back to, and pose that the point we should actually return to is pre-french revolution foralism (a-la-Spanish Monarchy) where local communities had the authority to revoke larger governmental edicts.

If this isn't done, "liberal" states will only grow like they naturally did in the liberal revolutions he speaks of in ISAIF, naturally ending up in more industrial societies.


Yikes and cringepilled

ted threads are based

He was just another edgy outsider impotently raging against the machine, Christ is king youtube.com/watch?v=ryr75N0nki0

The war if it ever comes will be in the streets against robocop.

>5 pointers
These. What about some type of "free-access" technology for comunal use? Still tech yes; but from the people, by the people, to the people.

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>Ill look it up, do you have any technology related recomendation from Ernst Junger?

No recommendations for now, but this matter was also mentioned in previous /TKG/ threads. Ellul himself cites Junger in the bibliography at the end of 'The Technological Society': 'Die Perfektion der Technik' and 'Maschine und eigentum'.

>for society it is deeply immoral to have a value represented in nothingness. Gold is probably the only constant in the entire earth. Once you start present value with nothingnes (fractional reserve, infation...) overconsumption and/or technofilia starts.

If you go to the supermarket and try to pay with a little hand-written note where you promise to someday compensate the supermarket for what you are taking, you will probably spend the night in jail. However, if you try to pay will actual US dollars, you will likely walk out of the place with food in your arms, almost anywhere in the world. Money (the US dollar) -no matter how bullshit the origin may be- is clearly an effective technique which consistently achieves a determined result every single time.

TL;DR: Money (US dollar) is a subjective representation of value, a symbol, and as such serves a definite purpose as a technique; a symbolic technique, -when widely adopted- becomes a highly effective technique.

>overconsumption and/or technofilia

Technophilia would still exist even in an imagined and (((utopian))) money-less system (actually, money-less systems are virtually impossible in an advanced technological civilization like the current one). Overconsumption is a function of surplus first, and human desire coupled with propaganda second. They do not depend on the cursory means of exchange themselves, but on the basic characteristics of tech-civ itself.

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Come on dude, let's go convince enough people to strategically and surgically sever key parts of the elctrical grid, that way we not only get rid of the normies but also the yids youtube.com/watch?v=QbJHkYYsBGc

What's your take on this?

whats the name of the book

tfw technophobe that can do nothing with his hands

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>his work is important and significant, but needs development

.....aaaaaaaaaaaaand that is where /TKG/ comes in!

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