Who is right? The WHO or Austria?
Austria introduces mandatory mask wearing, WHO says “don’t wear masks”
Girls will flock to the unmasked chad...
We know what you're doing, Mohammed.
We are
Because the droplets dont get past the mask, which in turn, when everyone uses it reduces the amount of the virus in the air extremely. It is important to keep distance tho.
The argument that you infect yourself when taking off the mask is dumb, because only your droplets touched the masks. The mask also hinders you to touch your mouth or nose, reducing the infection risk.
The mask is better than nothing, and if everyone wears it, droplets from another person will not come into contact with you or your mask
Who is controlled by China.
isn't who controlled by chinks? fuck them.
Both are retarded. Why is this news to you?
should wear a clear plastic face shield/hat thing.
who is always wrong
They tell you for 2 reasons, 1 so that the supply doesn't disappear since medical staff need them for routine surgeries, 2 they aren't very effective, n95 or p3 filters are required for proper protection, note that this does not mean they are useless, but if youre in a crowded bus it probably wont help much.
>mask doesnt confirm to the face to seal
lol she's got coronavirus
Then why does WHO tells people to NOT wear masks?
Both are correct.
Austria need to protect its citizens
WHO need to protect health industry workers by making sure the supply of mask is adequate seeing there is a pandemic, supplies are low and suppliers are working a quarter capacity due to quarantine issues.
That makes me think...
The Who
Won't get fooled again
like I pet goat II, can't get fooled again, can't get fooled again
>mandatory mask wearing
because the CCP told them to say that so the rest of the world gets fucked by the virus
Three-layer surgical masks have been shown to be 90% as effective as N95 respirators in preventing seasonal flu.
The research is out there.
WHO discredited itself so hard in the previous months I don't even know why would anyone ask that question
WHO is dogshit tier at this point. Just look at the director's history lmao
Yea it needs to be a negative pressure seal. If someone sneezes and you walk by 10 minutes later it can still be somewhat airborne.
Also wearing masks promotes carelessness.
Places like s korea, taiwan, etc are all basically conditioned to how to stop shit like this from spreading since they have been hit many times with shit like this.
This. All of your SOPs in the hospital include facemasks for close contact and transport of suspected COVID patients.
A little of both.
1: We should reserve masks for healthcare workers.
2: If you're as ugly as an Australian, you should probably wear a mask.
It's a double edged sword.
why would anyone take the WHO seriously?
They are giving one of the greatest rock bands of all time a really bad name. I’d sue their socks off.
reading comprehension KEK
WHO are kikes who are always wrong, in every fucking situation.
When was the last time the WHO was right?
Retards simply don't understand asymmetric probability distributions. Because virus can live on surfaces the efficacy of a mask on reducing spread is exponentially higher when the sick wear them than when the non sick wear them, if all the sick people wear masks then you're stopping the disease at the point of origin, it never gets on other surfaces. Based austrians understand this and are acting accordingly.
misreading a word doesnt amount to reading comprehension...
I mean, at this point, might as well get everyone wearing a mask. Especially with it's rather long incubation period. Keep your germs to yourself.
this is such a delightful hysteria
Oh shit.
I feel bad for burgers, the mask doesn’t seal around fat.
>When was the last time the WHO was right?
If everyone wore surgical masks, the infection would already be contained. Fuck WHO and fuck "experts"
Who's on first
good luck buying N95... dental masks are burkah tier
I fucking hate chinks, how can they eat these awesome animals?
The WHO are a Chinese organization and not to be trusted.
or if everyone just refused chinese goods and sent back its people
your idea works too
Forgot your meme flag,Ivan.
>the literally WHO
Literally WHO??
well you know ... it's chinks. shrug
Wearing a mask is useful but using it can't prevent you to got infection in general. Social distancing, care and cleaning are more effective. Doing both is better, obviously.
But it's important to notice that masks are a quite a rare commodity now. Maybe in Australia they have enought for theyr population but here in Italy we have not enought so for us is better to use them only for people who are working hart to clean this mess.
Even haveng a lot of masks it's probably better to give them first to people wo work with public all day more than other people than can be safe just keeping other measures.
Some other countries already do enforce mask wearing in public during quarantine.
Which is why supplies are running low and for hospitals with hard contractual terms to secure necessary masks from currently understaffed factories that is also low on necessary raw materials, they would simply shut the place down than risk getting defame and sue in quick successions.
Everyone should wear them, retard.
>The research is out there.
right here
A great man was born in Austria.
the WHO is pretty damn jewish
self explanatory
The WHO don't have your best interest in mind, they just socially manipulate people to be most favourable to the government
she makes me hard.
Hospitals aren't buying masks from retail stores.
There are 2 kinds of masks. The kind in your pic keep you from spreading your germs when you coof.
The N95 masks filter the air and keep you from inhaling germs. These are listed in supply though so should be reserved for healthcare workers who don’t have the option of distancing themselves from sick people.
If you don’t understand still you are a braindead retard and should hurry up and kill yourself.
Why does the WHO say otherwise?
Where the fuck can I find mask these days
Depends, does Austria acknowledge Taiwan? If Austria acknowledges Taiwan, then they are right. After all, CHO doesn't.
Probably seals better around chubby faces actually.
Everyone should wear them because we don't know who is or isn't sick. But if no one else is wearing them you wearing one isn't gonna do shit.
They come from the same place retard, there have been supply shortages all over the place , more retail demand = less available for order
Because there's a shortage and they don't want boomers buying them all up.
>See their last announcement when the said 'Masks don't work... but our doctors really REALLY need them for unrelated reasons'
Why do you pretend to be stupid just for your 5 seconds of MUH CHYNA WHO BAD?
You know that supply is limited and countries already hitting the limit would be fucked if the sick and doctors dont get the masks because every bumblebee retard starts depleting and stealing mask supply as it already happens in smaller scales even without nobody really wearing them.
The WHO is controlled by the chinks and they want to kill as many people as possible.
They just mandate home made face masks or three layer surgical masks.
Assuming people wash their hands and practice social distancing. If you’re still bumping shoulders with crowds of people at a bar and taking your mask on and off to drink/eat then the effectiveness drops to zero or less because you’re touching your face more to adjust the mask.
Basically westerners are too retarded to use them properly and it’s only effective for insectoids like gooks because they will mindlessly follow instructions perfectly.
It would have to be a chink that would look at a cutie at this and think it's delicious, wanting to eat it for the sake of getting a hard dick as though China needed even more overpopulation.
Japan is right, they are not the WHO, they are the CHO, China Health Organization. WHO clearly censored itself for China's sake. Why else did they do this?
just dont buy them from china, with wu flu ready
kek CIA bitch got REKT
Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask.
WHO told to everyone in February to let the borders open
Her expression on that last frame of her, that's the face that's saying "fuck you"
Stop it with this obvious bullshit.
Hospitals DO NOT buy gear from the fucking pharmacy or from home depot.
So that leaves us in the awkward position of hospitals choosing to not be prepared. They had fucking months of watching this and not one hospital ordered anything extra.
Anything that is on the market available to people for personal purchase is there because hospitals CHOSE NOT TO BUY IT.
I get that China stole everything while infecting the world but anything going to market now is prioritised to hospitals first, construction and fabrication second and only then does an average pharmacy get their stock.
>Amerimutts seething this hard about some obvious joke with some leftover trash literally aimed at those same butthurt Amerimutts seething all day about China
Haha, you nailed it! Yeh , we just got FOOLED AGAIN!