White women are STILL the best women out there

Take away the mudsharks and you are left with the best women around: pretty, good body proportions, resourceful, kind, compassionate.

Asian women: docile and create weak sons
Latina women: nice bodies but breed lower IQ children
Indian women: too dark skinned
Abos/Sub-Saharan women: self-explanatory

But Yas Forums is full of shysters and trolls that only focus on the worst of the crops rather than celebrating white women who are helping white men

Attached: kaitlyn-siragusa-54[1].jpg (1080x1146, 184.2K)

Other urls found in this thread:


built for bbc


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OP is right

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It seems you homosexual white men love to promote muttsexuality. Do you actually think hetero white men will settle for you faggots because you are trying to propagandize them into thinking white women isn't an option for them?

You're right, but that is one ugly whore


Attached: 1579312785304.jpg (828x555, 88.82K)

99% of women look similar to men if you shave their heads and wipe off their makeup. But I guess you'd rather have a hyperfeminized East Asian tranny, you piece of shit

She looks like Skeletor

That's a tranny tho.

white women are shit and you are a cuckold that wants non-virgin coalburners

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Out of all those women I can’t see a single one worth a white mans time.

Chad’s law

>Indian women: too dark skinned
that's all reasons?

Attached: Jack_in_shock.jpg (1280x720, 53.4K)

brutal cope

user i....

Here's a version where you can actually read.

Attached: 1564002175242.jpg (2988x2561, 764K)

op pic before they had half their face shaved off

Attached: siragusa.jpg (500x375, 27.71K)

literally made for giving birth to half-black children


Thanks. I fucked up on my screenshot. I’ll try again

God damn I love pale women.

Never mind. It’s too big to fit in my frame

no one can stop him!

Yea we should just give up white bros, i'm gonna stick with my asian bugwomen it's the best i can do and i'm really desperate for sex.

Attached: 1585462132875.png (689x795, 66.6K)


There's nothing traditional about a woman who betrays her own race. Asian women are just opportunists who have for ages interbred with other races to created mutt mongoloid races like Tartars, Polynesians, Ainu, Amerindians and Uyghurs. Once they had a taste of mixing with whites, they will move on to black men.
Loyal white women will always be loyal.


Attached: 1585572835632.png (969x621, 894.2K)

Kaitlyn Siragusa (Amouranth) is Italian American. I'm guessing this is what they used to look like before the Moors shat all over them.

I don't want redheads to go extinct because I know we will eventually, but they are the most beautiful women I think. One of the hottest red heads I knew was a coal burner prone to abusive relationships, so there's no hope really. White women are just broken.


Italian natives were always tanned. The pale ones were Central European migrants first coming during the late Bronze Age.

He said it again hahahahahahahahaha

Attached: BBCchinkPoster.png (800x840, 95.97K)

That's right Blackboi.

Attached: 9CB421AA-E79D-47C5-AC0A-5A95025E0A30.jpg (1200x630, 90.78K)

I'd like to know where you're finding these white women that want to help white men because I haven't seen one

One redhead whore and you think there's no hope for millions of white women? Nice try shill

High quality white women aren't seeking out Yas Forumsizens. Improve yourself, stop being an otaku cuck and they will come to you

Of course, you just need to pass the basic requirement for all women, which is height

>Asian women: docile and create weak sons.

Meanwhile, Gennady Golovkin: Born to a Russian father and a Korean mother, has the highest KO-Win ratio of any middleweight ever, and the most uncrackable chin in boxing today.

Attached: 636611662363996118-AP-Golovkin-Martirosyan-Boxing-99662579.jpg (640x854, 103.1K)

I'm 6ft 2 and probably the most attractive male posting here

The absolute state of humanity

Attached: 1582251530927.jpg (500x629, 109.41K)

In your dreams pal. If you expect to marry a chick like that, you're delusional

There's many Asian men who'd kick your ass with karate. But then they'll obey like the communist party like good little boys and promote lack of freedom as a virtue. There's more to real strength than monkeying inside a ring.


Sex dungeons ?

White men should be able to tell the good white women from the whores. Example of whore

Attached: beautiful-blonde-woman-in-bohemian-dress-enjoys-the-beach-and-caves-picture-id951832210[1].jpg (1024x682, 217.71K)


Attached: snowspiketvccbe01[1].jpg (2336x3504, 1.38M)

good white woman

Attached: women-beautiful-blonde-blue-eyes-wallpaper-preview[1].jpg (728x455, 68.99K)

Most Asian countries aren't communist, retard.

good white woman 2

the whores have the typical 'hunter' eyes

Attached: 1be460a6ff855d788721206bebdab075[1].png (706x1083, 779.21K)

>caked with makeup
>not a whore

Jesus that's a lot of makeup. She doesn't even look real

American Indians are their own race retard.

It literally says ''cosplay'' in the pic, are you retarded?

It's a model, that's what they do
dumb faggot

>Asian women are the best

Attached: Screenshot_20200330_140230_com.zhiliaoapp.musically.jpg (1080x2340, 903.47K)

False dichotomy. Next.

>not whores

white woman

Attached: 1585575283376.jpg (750x693, 79.27K)

So true

Attached: Screenshot_20200330_140222_com.zhiliaoapp.musically.jpg (1080x2340, 808.38K)

now post the numbers that don't include mostly boomers or girls locked in 95% white high schools.

Fuck off meme flag

Attached: Screenshot_20200327_165003_com.zhiliaoapp.musically.jpg (1080x2340, 757.58K)

Doubt it lad

In heaven she'll be her beautiful self again, just as the creator intended.

The bullying of our american friends has to stop. Mutts law has gotten worse.

>False dichotomy

Do you know where we are?

Fuck white women.

It's just a VPN shill bot


It's only homosexuals, jews, black and middle eastern men telling white men to stay the fuck from white women. Dont fall for it

But how will the kids look?

they are so fucking subverted its not even funny anymore.

That is the most attractive woman I have ever seen

trips of fuckt

>using Asian girls in Asian countries as your example
Yeah anywhere our degenerate values haven't reached will look based in comparison, meanwhile Asian girls in the US vote 80% Democrat, dumb ass

Unbelievably based

Attached: mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.u1.jpg (550x507, 50.42K)

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terrible shoops kys

Attached: 500pxShopped.jpg (500x500, 57.9K)

speak for yourself

wyte whaman

Attached: 1585574009785.jpg (2353x2613, 397.82K)

>le I prefer Asian wimmin face

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Carisha Maja


Attached: Screenshot_20200330_203803_com.zhiliaoapp.musically.jpg (1080x2340, 790.54K)

Based white women.


>white women are the best!
>posts the most vile, greedy, soulless whore on the internet

Have a (YOU)

Attached: germanflag.jpg (800x450, 37.16K)

>White women are STILL the best
>Posts whore who's half plastic on her primary value regions
>Who has taken at least a dozen dicks.

>Those old lady elbows.

Nice shave. What kind of razor does he use?

Lost all his belts to a 130 lbs Mexican.
> Got ass wooped by black guy, Serbian and now has Corona


No they are not, asian women are the best pair for white men.

Armoranth is so fucking cringe

I only go for the whitest.

Attached: 1576282793312.jpg (807x538, 75.06K)

>Crushing on whores
Your not gonna make it

Sorry, no bat eaters for me.

English men look incredibly inbred and unhealthy

Father's create weak sons you faggot mother's take care of childhood, father's prepare children to become man

Attached: changslaw.png (1248x768, 196.45K)

I wonder what the name Siragusa means. I shall google it and see...

Nobody cares what you as an individual want, all that matters is what statistics show.

If you want to be adopted by the Mongoloid race they are a good option for YOU and your fellow otakus

Stop posting trannies

Attached: 1585569862346.jpg (640x480, 21.88K)

She’s really sexy, any name?

Statistics show that whites are the pinnacle of humanity and the only thing gooks do is lose wars, create pandemics and make shitty cartoons for millennial subhumans.
Not that you'd know anything about white people, gypsie.

she gets changed daily

Attached: whites vs asians.jpg (1198x1837, 732.51K)

They will not adopt me but assimilate me and my children, they have 2x the number of all white people combined.

How can us black bros compete with BWC?

Attached: da925f676650c0b16b302b0460fc25f3.jpg (1500x1279, 463.56K)

y'al know that Amouranth is a tranny though right?

Attached: tranmouranth.png (1280x800, 1.44M)