How long before people start really starving, and looting and going door to door for food?
How long before people start really starving, and looting and going door to door for food?
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I’m going to get the child molester first
>people starving
even the poorest amerimutts have three months of fat to live off of at minimum
He lost weight.
Anyone who comes to my house is getting 'nothin personal'ed
Every society is only nine missed meals away from anarchy, but it might only be one in Burgerland
There will be looting but it won’t be for food, it’ll be niggers stealing J’s essential to their survival.
My local store is stocked, only things missing are toilet paper of course and ice cream for some stupid fucking reason.
Is it worth investing into a air gun? I live in Cali and I figure the look of an air gun would put fear into most trying to steal my shit.
In the cities? 3 weeks tops. 1 week from now you'll start seeing supermarkets getting looted while cops do absolutely nothing.
Nice BB guns you faggot KYS
I have $50 (worth of toilet paper) staked on April 18th in the office pool
anyone coming to mine is getting personal'ed
Idk but if you come to my home you better bring a gun because I will cause massive pain or death
And the right one became darker...
Maybe these dumb ass consoomers should cancel their netflix, vudu, hulu, disney+, prime accounts so that they can eat during this lockdown. You fuckers should've saved money. The world is not your giant playground. Why would you spend $30 for a fucking mcdonalds sandwich through UberEats.
What's his name?
Dan Schneider
Someoned who steals shit all the time would know the difference. I think a crossbow would be more intimidating
does he have any nicknames?
Never. The UK is almost back to normal.
depends on the airgun
How bout I just scope you out, wait for you to make some careless move, and then off you from the bushes and take all your shit?
It's going to be a while, if there's one thing we have it's food.
If you are really worried about it, get a sheet of plywood, some nails, and a baseball bat.
Cut plywood into appropriate length to match windows and doors. make it wide enough to cover the floor out to three feet. Drive nails approx 2 inches apart into and through the plywood. Place in front of windows and doors. When thief enters domicile, beat to death with baseball bat.
Dan 'toe-jam' Schneider
Good youtube content with these things.
How about you get laid you fat piece of shit, I bet you never got laid, furthermore the only type of female in your envirconment that begrudgingly acknowledges thy existance is a Tranny camgirl incidentally
people have unemployment plus 600 a week plus 1200 check.
I expect riots when the virus goes away and people have to go back to work.
I have a Crossman that easily shoots 1000 FPS. I use it for small game and it's silent to shoot. I can hit targets easily at 100 yards with it. It would definitely fuck somebody up. Slow to fire. You have to load a pellet every shot and re calibrate your aim tho
We will slide into anarchy if we miss snack time.
Air rifle is only good for squirell and bunny huunting since its relativley silent.
Terrible for self defence. Better off with crossbow or bat
Learn how to diesel pellets for increased velocity.
oh that's pretty, going on my wishlist
Not at all. I see US Army Hummers driving around the city already
Is it happening?
Dan "The Man Inside Her" Schneider
This thread is full of actual brainlets. /k/ here. Ill straighten you out. You want a gun that isnt ATF certified and required? That can blow a hole inside someone the side of your arm? Then look no further than the Benjamin Bulldog .357. An air rifle that has pop in magazines that shoot .38 special rounds that are pellets. Yeah. Thats right, I said .38. You are in a thread filled with brainlets, so I figured I'd inform you correctly amongst this stupidty. Take this knowledge and use it well friend.
Please come to my door. Lost my job, gf stuck quarantined in another state. C'mon. C'mon come knock on this nigga's door I haven't shaved in 3 weeks I'll knock your FUCKING teeth in kid and then find your wallet and then go loot YOUR house for supplies (in minecraft).
how does he look even more like a pedo, now?
>Looting for food
>monkeyspeak nigger language
With pleasure.
You forgot the night vision goggles
Oh fuck this thing can do some fucking damage. I almost went with one of these.
Bring all my bitches back
Rhode island the governor is organising riots
She plans to give food stamps on the first but also limit access to stores on the first
It's a dangerous combination.
I think there are several. If only we had a list...
Dan “Hold her tighter, she’s a fighter” Schneider
Right about now, if u don't have food or money for food, u have to
The moment shops stop being restocked and closed down then the looting and rioting will begin
That’s Dan now? He must have been getting recognized too much.
Done did faggot
Who is that girl? She looks familiar
Dan “I Tried Her” Schneider
will literally never happen in America
>beat to death
Why would I waste a perfectly good slave?
>MFW I'm 29 living with my retired parents and got $1,000 from my tax refund just before this happen.
No worrying about buying food, paying for internet for me.
Dan "The Man from Cunny-chan" "Rough Rider" Schneider
It's from all that running from the law.
*produced air rifle
Gets shot
Shooting iguana in Florida with these is fun
Thank you for this.
against most people the sight of a rifle would be enough to intimidate them. most dindus aren't going to be able to tell a pellet gun from something that holds 5.56