Questions for people on /pol

Hello, I am Johm Green. I am the author of numerous young adult novels, most notably The Fault in Our Stars and Paper Towns. I am also a YouTube content creator. I am the host of VlogBrothers and Crash Course. I also am the creator of VidCon.

I am making a video on the Alt-Right and the rise of anti-egalitarian politics. I not here to antagonize you. I will try and accurately represent your views. If you post please be aware that you are consenting to your comment being used in my video. I must make clear I find this place to be horrifying and I find many of your views to be downright evil. But I pride myself on being fair and open to everybody I collaborate with so I do promise to not misrepresent what you post.

Tell me: What views do you hold that differ to the mainstream? What is the alt-right? What are your views on egalitarianism? What led you to these views? What media do you consume that shares your views?


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Other urls found in this thread:

dick or gtfo

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I was told to expect trolls. Would
you consider trolling to be a staple of alt-right online culture? Why does trolling appeal to people on the alt-right? Is it a way to vent views not accepted by the mainstream?

Fuck off and eat your Cheerios that have had someone’s dick in them

You're a really patronizing idiot and you seem to be completely unaware that its you and your ilk that are "horrifying and downright evil"

Get a life you sad cunt

screenshot this if real else fuck off

I'll surely help you, John.

But I am afraid I don't have any bowls of cheerios that have had 30 dicks dipped inside for you to taste its 'delicious sugary crunch'. I was hoping you'd settle with this clean bowl of cheerios that I've just made exclusively for you and that has never been used before, and that you would prefer it to any other alternative that has been previously dicked.

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I sincerely hope you do come to Christ one day.

Fucking talantless pedophile, read some real books and maybe you will understand life better, and stop being degenerate.

> What led you to these views?

Living by the proverb of "trust but verify". Turned out that when trying to verify the mainstream media.

Get the fuck out.

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Fuck off, kike.

Real thread

There’s no alt right fags here.

Only fag I see here is OP

This is how our views differ from the mainstream

hey faggot all your books suck kys

Go back to trolling /lit/ with this faggot.

half of us aren't even alt-righters you centrist half-baked liberal, don't you have some sick underage girl's death to romanticize or a shitty revisionist history video to produce?
btw great man theory is real, fuck you twinklet

I haven’t seen those films. Alt right is a made up term by scaremongers. They call anyone who disagrees with their ridiculous views alt right.

we don't hold opinions here, litteraly everything is satire. it's just that the idiotic boomers and actual married men fall for it and genuinely, unironically believe the bullshit said on here

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Anti-egalitarian? We are egalitarian. The left is the one who doesn't want people to have a fair shot. Just because some genetic dead end loser can't cut it doesn't mean they should have first round draft picks on college admissions. No, this side of the spectrum is about reality, and the inferior belong out of the way of the superior.

eat shit faggot

Hi John, how are you?

why are you a anti-american, globalist shill?

Get out nigger lover kike

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Hank Green is the superior Green brother.

Hi John. Be advised that you will be aggressively trolled until you provide some sort of proof that you are who you say you are.

the "alt-right" isn't a real thing, faggot. it's a label, given by people within establishment, that has been co-opted to discredit dissenters. if someone identifies as "alt-right", you can discern immediately that they're useful idiots at best.

I understand a lot of you are hostile to liberal views. But can we keep it civil? Are there any good faith alt-righters willling to engage?

My view are state mandated John Green eating nigger shit. By force of law John Green must eat nigger shit. Scoop it up, munch it mash it between your teeth. Gobble up all that nigger shit. A big load of nigger shit, for John Green's mouth, exclusively. Feel that niggery texture with your tongue.

John Green chomps on it

John Green's favorite dish

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we consume, Yas Forums - as media, red pill as we call it

>What views do you hold that differ to the mainstream?
Hitler was right.

That wasn’t trolling we really wanna see some cock op especially

Fuck off nigger

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>Yas Forums is one person
>what are Yas Forumss views?
This is a politically incorrect forum, where everyone discusses every potential political view imaginable despite what others may think. You're asking what Yas Forums's political views are? It's all of them. The only thing people here agree on is that OP is a faggot.

I won't answer until you show us your dick with a timestamp


Listen bucko you can not just go round calling people who disagree with you alt right

first of all were not Alt-Right or anti-egalitarian thats just corporate media propaganda

all we want is for government to stop raising our taxes,lowering our wages and talking away our rights

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I'm willing to engage once you provide some sort of proof of your identity. It is a major part of board culture to respond viciously to people who are LARPing (falsely representing themselves) as celebrities for attention.

I doubt you're really John Green, but if you are I really enjoyed Crash Course History. Are you aware that if you're trying to be fair and unbiased, then starting off with "I think you are evil" is kind of counter productive? Also, the "Alt-Right" is an umbrella term that has increasingly little meaning, I would simply consider myself as pro-white, and many of the alleged views we hold are slanderous lies pushed by anti whites. Here's a simple question, do whites have the right to advocate for themselves and to maintain their majority status in countries that have historically had a white majority?

>Are there any good faith alt-righters
no, there are no "alt-righters" at all, you're just dense.

6 million didn't happen and TRUMP for EMPEROR!!

>you consider trolling to be a staple of alt-right online culture?
I consider it a staple of my ass raping
>Why does trolling appeal to people on the alt-right?
Becuase we like ass raping
>Is it a way to vent views not accepted by the mainstream?
Is what comes before the ass raping

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Don't listen to Canadians, they don't know what what the fuck they are taking about.

my views is that all jews, faggots, and women should be killed and that romanians are the master race
my opinion about egalitarianism is that its a long word and i hate long words

John Green, I'm not even alt-right. But the rise of alt-right politics is a direct consequence of the political left deciding that white people in white countries aren't people. The left went nuts and started to laud total degeneracy (and I'm a tranny btw, so it's not like I want this but even I can see the trans demographic was totally co-opted by leftist nutjobs). The left wants white people to pay for every other race, while also rolling over and being stepped on and insulted, and it wants to fill majority white countries with incompatible people so that social breakdown takes place. So of course, the alt-right will rise, even just as a logical "immune reaction" to these invasive and harmful politics.

This good bait, but I'll bite just in case it's real.
>What views do you hold that differ to the mainstream?
I am white and don't feel that I should be ashamed of that.
>What is the alt-right?
A term invented by the media. Yas Forums is a National Socialist board with a large collection of libertarians and handful of communists.
>What are your views on egalitarianism?
Define egalitarianism.
What it means to you can be very different. It's far too general a question.
>What led you to these views?
The constant anti-white sentiment in the media.
>What media do you consume that shares your views?
I watch all kinds of media. There is not one source that really shares our views.

Don't confuse the jokes of board culture for official ideology. The internet is there to have a good time and that's what people are doing.

Nationalists aren't out to hate anyone. We believe that all people have the right to exist and we expect the same respect to be shown to us.

Watched your show throughout high school and graduated valedictorian mainly because of you so in the off chance this is real wanted to answer authentically and say thanks.

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"Alt-right" is a creation of the MSM and controlled opposition groups like Stormfront. We are mostly regular folks that come here to post anonymously in a place where political correctness is thrown out the window. The views you see as "evil" are in fact expressed by the same people whose views you embrace, and it's all designed to divide and conquer.

This should be a cartel violence/jihadi/world star thread instead.

lol, did you get BTFO by /lit/

Might is Right

anything/everything by Julius Evola

A History of Central Banking: And The Enslavement of Mankind

The Bell Curve

The Decline of the West

The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements

Mein Kampf

You'll get a good idea from that

>6m of difference

most of us arnt really right wing we just got sick of the blatant marxist propaganda in media now

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Can you rewrite this without the slurs?

I want to include what you say but you can’t use language like that.

Here's the thing John

A lot of people poke fun at fascists for being outright failures themselves and take that as an argument against fascism.
The truth is that like the coke addict telling others not to follow the same path they can clearly see the problems that (in part) lead to their failure.
The current world order is propped up by debt slavery to international finance that can't be sustained, our birthright robbed from us, our future forever cast in darkness.
The poorest and weakest see this first because they are most vulnerable.
They know it can't continue and are simply coping with the pain of knowing what that means.

>What views do you hold that differ to the mainstream?
the holocaust didnt happen but i wish it did, and gotten every single kike on the planet instead of only 6 million
>What is the alt-right?
a meme dreamed up by the clinton 2016 campaign
>What are your views on egalitarianism?
dysgenic. discourages the strong from breeding and encourages the weak, until theres nothing left but the weak and humanity is over. end all forms of welfare and foreign aid.
>What media do you consume that shares your views?
mein kampf

also fuck off simp. if a bunch of dudes stuck their dicks in a bowl of cheerios would you still want that bowl of cheerios? no? thats why no one wants used up sluts.

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I will use this but I will be blurring the photo. Thank you for being a good faith actor and collaborator!

>Here's a simple question, do whites have the right to advocate for themselves

Advocate for what exactly?

Kys faggot

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>Tell me: What views do you hold that differ to the mainstream?
I have evidence that Spurdo is - or was - real. Fossils. Would love to share this info with you, can we set up a skype conference?

lurk moar fag

This is now a ylyl thread

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"trolling" simply asks questions of people they would rather not deal with. we're modern day philosophers

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Is this a conspiracy theory?

>I will try and accurately represent your views

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You know John Green from the past? That's what current you looks like, to us.

Heil HItler

Go watch TGSNT

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Philosophers don’t need to be hurtful. I am curious why trolling must be in bad faith.

Why would you blur a photo on an imageboard? It's showing our views and you're censoring what we are showing you.
Do you have any questions about National Socialism or are you just here to ridicule us?

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And another thing John.

Most of the people here aren't fascists. They're just left leaning individuals who haven't sold out their principles like you have.
The alt-right doesn't hate the left (and the establishment right) because of their goals, but because of their outright lies.
The left doesn't actually believe in human rights, except to the extent they can take them away.
Those of us who believe in God given rights know it's wrong to take them from others.
What's currently considered mainstream is an explicitly anti-white anti-justice human extermination campaign.

Read someUncle Ted.

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*Ford Translation of Mein Kampf

>I find many of your views to be downright evil

>can we keep it civil
pro tip, if you want to start a dialectic, don't start off by casting your interlocutor as ebil

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this. and jon no woman truly respects you. they just use you buddy.

You are funny guy

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>Hi fellerionos its'a me Johm Green!!!! THE ONLI ONE !!!!!!!111shift1
kys bait nigger

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John if it is you get fucked you lefty whiny waste of data.

i like to think of myself as more of an antihero than a villain

What's the point of these slide threads?

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I was a hardcore liberal until I started getting told by our mainstream media that christianity is bad, I am inherently racist and evil for my immutable traits and I and my children will be replaced. That was before tranny library day. This is a war and it has been forced on us.
Hitler was right about everything.
Print it, faggot.

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why do you like cereals that had dozens of dicks dipped into it

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>Philosophers don’t need to be hurtful
Behold I present to you a MAN!
> I am curious why trolling must be in bad faith
Because you won't show us proof that it is really you, dick or otherwise

Eat a dick Johm.

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

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i think you're a giant faggot who probably lets his wife peg him

Fuck off faggot, we're full. You can crash on reddit if you want.

Built for BBC

ok this has to be a troll

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Eyy dawg y u stop payin me fo dat cuk sex

Fuck off to plebbit

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Your crash course lecture are pretty good but god dayuuuum you are a fag. Xoxo

Is this a conspiracy theory?

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to shame you for being willfully retarded, like you're being right now

John do you like traps? If not gtfo.

Boipucci or gtfo

How about this one?

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is this the guy who likes dick in his cereal?

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Yas Forums is not a person, so it's pretty impossible to label us as one thing or another. We have everything here from the authoritarian right to the libertarian left. Nothing is sacred, and all views are equally valid/invalid. However, you will never change this place. We will change YOU. Every time.

That being said, here's something most of us would agree on. A "redpill" if you will. The intelligence communities of the US and israel have been meddling in world affairs for a long time. These are not the good guys, as the media would have you bvelieve. These are people who kidnapped their own citizens and performed biological, radiological, and chemical experiments upon them against their will. This isn't conspiracy theory, it is admitted fact. The CIA even had a program to mentally and physically abuse children in an attempt to study dissacociation with the eventual goal of turning them into mind controlled slaves. That's something they ADMIT to. God knows what they've done that we will never find out about. People who could do such things will NEVER be the good guys. They didn't have some change of heart. No, they retired with pensions and their work continues to this day.

We oppose these people and their banksstep overlords. You normies swallow every lie they put on your plate. You're useful idiots, and you keep them in power with your ignorant faith in "the system" they've built. Blinded by bread and circus. You swallow capeshit blockbusters and baww over your baby yodas while we see a world that has been twisted to serve only them... and we hate it, and you for participating.

but go ahead and write up how were all evil nazis or whatever your intending. I expect no less.

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Based leaf

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lol didn't read

include me in le epic screencap

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Nice larp faggot.

Or this one?

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John green how does it feel like being constantly under a political cog where you just help contribute to the mass civil unrest of other people, leading them to believe something that isn't necessarily true, painting a false bogyman just to fear monger while profiting off it, truthfully speaking most political points and situations that people talk about aren't real world situation or are 0.001 chance of happening, it's all a false narrative to keep people under control just to have them believe in something, truthfully speaking we could live a peaceful life without politics always being forced down our throats just to give us a narrative both sides are wrong, but both sides also have a right i feel like we need to work on the positive aspects that move our society forward from both spectrums rather than just looking at the bads and making this into a turd fight.

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for themselves retard
theres nigger advocates, spic advocates, tranny advocates. it means asserting needs specific to your group and trying to get them addressed. like whites not wanting to be bred out of existence in their own countries
>burger education

Advocate for their rights. Whites are actively discriminated against in employment and college admissions. Also, what is other group can be sued and charged with a crime for not renting to a tenant who will likely damage their property and not pay rent? What other group will face legal action if they do not hire an employee who is not qualified and doesn't do their job, or can be sued for firing a bad employee?

Top kek argi bro

Ok groomer

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Somebody copied it as some sort of joke. Check the time of post

And I don't suppose you've seen this either.

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selfie with timestamp on a note

truly fucking despicable...
How can a human even do this?

>inb4 edgy replies

are cartel troops mentally disturbed?


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>Alt right.
Are you retarded or... is this a LARP?
Its 2020. There is no alt right you fucking dumbass.

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I can smell your cunt.

Evidence for that:

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Can't wait to see the episode.

>mr green! mr green! isn't the nazi's really ebil? wasn't Hitler trying to rule the world!?!

"Shut up me from the past, you naive little jew lover."

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>Hello, I am Johm Green.
It's spelled "John". And prove it.
>What views do you hold that differ to the mainstream?
Assuming you are actually JG (1% chance), try using that big creative noggin of yours to gauge our opinions. Post a mainstream opinion on the /pol main page and watch it get torn to shreds. In fact, post any opinion on here and watch it get beat to shit. But the mainstream ones will be especially eviscerated. Thinking that /pol has a solitary opinion on any topic is stupid. /pol is basically an immune system against untested opinions.

Lurk moar faggot

At least those knives are sharper than usual

you're looking for a right good crack in the knackers m8?

Who told you the Alt-Right was here? You're not going to get any data from this post. A thread died for this, faggot.

>what is cynical philosophy
read up on Diogenes. the original shitposter

and it doesnt hurt that it gives us a chuckle

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A girl I dated was obsessed with "Looking for Alaska". I think she was trying to be that tragically doomed type. She was pretty obsessed with Bukowski, too. I found the whole thing to be overly melodramatic and stunted in development.

Why the John Green posting? Did something happened recently that i am not aware of?

are traps alt right?

>if you post you’re consenting
Can’t tell if warning or challenge to Yas Forumstards

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>But I pride myself on being fair and open
You're here forever

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this could have been prevented, he tried to warn us

Dude fuck off no one cares about your quirky witty ideas

Now we start the real shit

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Hey, I'd be happy to write some answers to your questions. I've been using Yas Forums for more than 10 years. Send me an email at locutus and then word veritas written together without spaces at Google's email service.

>If you post please be aware that you are consenting to your comment being used in my video
Prove it in court when I sue your ass faggot

Post wifes tits or gtfo.

Go brush those corn kernals you call teeth, you ugly cock smoking quadruple faggot.


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If you’re john greene then whats your brothers name and what does he do?

>are cartel troops mentally disturbed?
dog eat dog user, as soon as civil society breaks down people revert back to basic instincts and out the pitchforks come

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no such thing as the alt right
its a strawman term
so people like you can associate anyone who is conservative leaning and against the establishment as being also horrible nazis. and the nazis like it because it makes them feel like they are less alone. in reality most of us who once called ourselves alt0-right don't anymore because we caught on to that demonization and association campaign.

Yeah I'd LOVE to see this faggot address this but you know that's not going to happen. Lol.

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Anti-egalitarianism is true diversity and realization of realization of differences through action rather than system is the path to true equity. Far-left and Alt-right work upon each-other dialectically.

For example, Islam can be taken to be activate a purging process in the West whereby corruption and hypocrisy are destroyed, while Christianity can be taken to activate a purging process in the East whereby atheism, polytheism and pantheism are destroyed.

But if you dissociate theory from practice or insist on stability and temporary justice rather than the realization of the divinity (which implies things you might find unsavoury) you won't understand this.

Life and Death are on the table and these are things you can't oblige people to set aside for the sake of a logico-mathematically juster world, otherwise known as the liberal world order, which is entirely abstract and even in its concretion makes life abstract.

The pragmatist heritage of that imperialist hegemon, America, the belly of which beast you live in, has likely blinded you to this, in a way that ebil nazis (who hate America the Idea) are not.

He should post his wife's boyfriend black cock

Yes, here are the facts. Upon appeal, the court overturned the initial verdict of forgery.
Spurdo deniers don't want you to know about that, and continue on with their lies.

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Explain to young white straight males what society has to offer them when the left wing establishment lists them as enemy#1

Fuck off, LARPing faggot.
The """alt-right""" doesn't exist, it's a media bogeyman.

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Time stamp your post and we'll believe you, otherwise nice larp faggot.


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His brother's name is Henrietta and his pronouns are they/them and they like to suck cock.

>I must make clear I find this place to be horrifying and I find many of your views to be downright evil.
You're living an illusion John

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timestamped pic or gtfo

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Egalitarianism is a religion by proclamation.
UNESCO 1950.
It's claims are faith based like dogma.

We are the atheists of scientific bullshit.


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>8 posts by this id
Expect knocks on doors guys. He got what he came for, and it wasn’t discourse

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Epic larp bread in.

John, many such of yourself have attempted this only to do what you already did in OP.

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I know this is b8 but being purpose hurtful is absolutely necessary. It tears down your ego until you are a blank slate willing to believe and consider everything and anything. Only then are you truly free. If you see conflicting information, your ego will prevent you from truly assessing it.

Imagine the sound of crackin bones, his screams are you bludgeon through major nerves, having to hit multiple times per limb...

Those men must be truly unhappy and should hate their own life... or i hope so at least

fake and gay if true

You seem to have an extremely inaccurate perception of the tone of this board. Furthermore, the alt-right doesn't exist. Anyone namefagging as alt-right is controlled opposition. Have you ever even come across that term, civilian?

Yas Forums is a containment board for people who despise your downright evil views for 150+ IQ reasons that your 126 IQ intellect cannot understand. My best advice to you is to give up on outcome-egalitarianism and embrace opportunity-egalitarianism. I know 126 isn't that high but with time, you may be able to at least partially digest that morsel of wisdom.

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