How are states legally allowed to fine pepole for leaving their homes?
How are all these Governors going completely unchallenged? No lawsuits or court cases about this unconstitutional bs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>No lawsuits or court cases about this unconstitutional bs?
The courts are closed and will be for months.

>muh 2nd amendment

This isn't about the 2nd amendment, this is probably a bot.

GTFO with your retarded Twitter shit you ball gargling turbo niggerfaggot

Who the fuck shops at JCPenny? This parkinglot looks exactly the same every normal day too.

Why are you just stringing together buzzwords?

>Boomers yell about fighting tyranny with their guns
>Tyranny happens
>Boomers do nothing
It is about the 2nd amendment. Boomers just showed the government how unserious they are.

It’s here to derail a legitimate question. Class action lawsuit is needed, but everyone is still too brainwashed by the media to do anything.

>5000 dollar

I ain’t paying you fool

>more buzzwords
>It's about the 2nd amendment.
Man you kikes are stupid. The DHS already said that gun shops nationwide are considered ESSENTIAL. This is about STATE GOVERNORS FINING PEOPLE FOR LEAVING THEIR HOMES.

>bot makes bot-post
>monitoring software recognizes anti-bot post
>discrediting post engaged

hey glonigs come fix your bot it's having an e-stroke.

>Posts an RT article about Police States.
OP is a clueless dullard.

Well I've been going out every couple days in Maryland, I guess I'm headed for a FEMA camp soon. Goodbye goys....

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>Complaining about the news source
Go lick Brian Stelter's ass some more, kike.

That JCPenny's parking lot was probably near empty before the lockdown desu.

>twitter thread
>RT twitter thread


What does States' rights have to do with Governors implementing UNCONSTITUTIONAL policies?

I guess kikes really are afraid of the people challenging the implementation of these policies. Obviously they're scared of a good lawyer exposing this bullshit and limiting the power of the corrupt Governors.

Seriously, literally Russian propaganda. They portray this shit as totalitarian, whereas the soon to come news of their own quarantine and empty parking lots will be labelled as a heroic safety measure, from the oh so generous motherland, to protect its poor serfs. Double standard bullshit.

come on now user the Founding racists never could imagine the country facing a cold epidemic with a 0.02 fatality rate. It's time to let go of such archaic ways of thinking when faced with such a serious threat.

You're the third or fourth kike shill to come into this thread and say "REEEE RT" without actually thinking about the information beign presented.






To explain it simply:
>Trump says this is war
>States agree this is war
>Emergency doctrine allows suspension of certain constitutional rights by state authorities
>States restrict right during wartime
>They could technically quarter soldiers in your home, too

It ain't hard to see how they get away with it.

>Russia today
I don't care what Vlad has to say

No idiot they could not. You can't suspend constitutional rights. That's not how this works. Maybe meme flag kikes shouldn't post on Yas Forums anymore.
#5 now. This is all the shills do. Spam their script.

Which is tryannical. Thus its a 2nd amendment issue.

russia chiming in with the bantz





Deebly goncerned desu. We live in a world rn where people are being fined for having house parties. No church is allowed to have service with people there, no way that's constitutional.

Fuck you and the Russian government mouthpiece RT.

Shill #6 posting MUH RT REEEEEEE even though the news they're covering is truth and the state governors are using power they don't actually have to implement unconstitutional policies.

The fuck are you on about? Read the article, dimwit. If it was proper reporting, it would've said that Maryland is enforcing a quarantine with 5000$ fines. PERIOD. None of the police state bullshit. Remind me again how dear leader, Putin-sama, is going to be president for life? So fucking democratic. Not that the dual party system in the US, along with its deep state swamp is any better for that matter. Both sites are shit, but at least you could've linked to an unbiased source that simply reports facts without any propaganda attached.


You know when every single Russian flag on here somehow posts Zionist bullshit and is anti Russia it means your flag doesn't hide shit.

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The state owns the judicial system.

Oh my bad you're the slovenian kike

>The state owns the judicial system.

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emergency laws
your right dont apply in war and in state of emergency
cry more


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Nothing trumps the constitution.

I live in Maryland, and essential bussinesses are allowed to operate currently which means people are allowed to go to and from business.

The only businesses that aren't essential are malls, theaters, salons, barber shops etc. I was fucking golfing yesterday, this article is a joke

That's for the state or country to decide. Emergency powers in times of need supersede constitutional liberties if deemed necessary for the greater good. And I'm pretty damn sure that a lot of dumb normies, not just in the US, but elsewhere too, my country not excluded, would not give a single fuck about going outside and potentially getting themselves and others infected, worsening the situation. Worry about your liberties after the pandemic ends. If they make a push for a police state, fight it. Otherwise just fucking comply instead of being a dumb fucking imbecile. People like you remind me of morons that get pulled by cops and argue with them until they get arrested and fined. Go ahead, burger. Break that law. Get fined, bitch.

try to buy a nuclear weapon
try to buy a bio weapon like ricin

itt anons, who understand that the elites deliberately shifted wealth from West to East, flooded the West with oligarch-impoverished countries’ peasants who vote communist, and staged terrorist/false-flag attacks, all to convert Planet Earth into a high-tech surveillance gulag, cannot believe that the same elites would capitalize on (and maybe even deliberately release) an Eastern bioweapon to continue undermining the West.

>to decide
Actually no you stupid kike. Emergency powers don't usurp the constitution's authority. It's amazing how desperate you jews are to get people to accept these ILLEGAL draconian policies.

or maybe they are taking the quarantine seriously because they don't want to die. you fags forget just how fragile the average boomer is. they are on so many medications on a good day...

>or maybe they are taking the quarantine seriously because they don't want to die. you fags forget just how fragile the average boomer is. they are on so many medications on a good day...

You stupid kikes on Yas Forums trying to manufacture consent and pretend like all these politicians know what's best. It's beyond desperate.

Actually, yes, they do. The constitution can be rewritten if need be to supplement it for situations such as these, because that dumb ass piece of toilet paper was written at a time where such a thing was impossible. Shit needs a windows 10 update and you need a stethoscope up your butthole.

>muh piece of paper
state power trumps the constitution. any "rights" you have come from the state. the only check on state power is popular will and resistance to it. time to live in reality.

As long as people have food and internet nobody cares.

>Actually, yes, they do. The constitution can be rewritten if need be to supplement it for situations such as these, because that dumb ass piece of toilet paper was written at a time where such a thing was impossible. Shit needs a windows 10 update and you need a stethoscope up your butthole.
>state power trumps the constitution.

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there's no popular will to violate a quarantine for a REAL PANDEMIC (yes schizos, it's real) just because of MUH LIBERTYYYYYY. it's time to stop being stupid for once.

>the mall
1984 called, it's been longing for someone like Russia to adopt.

Responding to Russian propaganda machine

>there's no popular will to violate a quarantine for a REAL PANDEMIC (yes schizos, it's real) just because of MUH LIBERTYYYYYY. it's time to stop being stupid for once.

This post, right here, is why we left Europe 300 years ago, and why we ought to remember we are NOT like all Europeans, and damned if that's not fucking excellent.

>try to buy a nuclear weapon
our nuclear weapons are privately owned and leased by the government. bad example.

Oh, boo-hoo. That's too bad. What are you going to do about it? The emergency measure is already in place. Go ahead, break the law. Go outside. I dare you. Go argue with the authorities over how your freedom to spread the virus and endanger everyone is more important than the safety of society. Do it instead of arguing with me over the fucking internet, bitch. See what happens to your dumb ass freedom.

>state power trumps the constitution
It most certainly does not.

Imagine thinking this shilling pilpul works. It's really pathetic how bad you shills are at your job.

Here ya go, aggressive retard.

>The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.

>with the authorities
Sorry that you think you're a subject. That's a personal problem, you should reduce your projections and try to be happy where other people have successes. In any event, you're a faggot.

maybe not in your fantasy libertarian world where the non aggression principle reigns supreme. in reality, it does.


Been doing that since it started. No one is following these bullshit orders. Also, go duck yourself with the kung flu hoax.

That's the 5th Amendment, yeah, we've all read it. But you've failed to read the first sentence of the Charter which We created.

i hear bitching on the internet, but i don't see you going outside and breaking the quarantine. hmmmm, it's almost like you are submitting to authority.

No sweetie, it doesn’t. The states cannot take away any guarantees rights. Sorry Bernie lost, faggot.

We don't have any freedom left but I'm still going outside. Adios amigos shitposting with you was fun.

Will I have internet access in Auschwitz-- oops I mean FEMA camp?

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It's part of the United States Constitution.

>when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it.
>the public safety may require it
>the public safety

you meant the 1A, but honestly america has always been a police state, no knock warrants and civil forfeiture

Interesting bot.

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>fining people who have no job

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the only thing stopping them is popular will against it, which they are working on undermining everyday. time to live in reality

>live in reality
Something bernouts still can’t grasp.

>submitting to authority
I've been self-imposed for nearly 2 months now. I quarentined myself back in January when this looked like it might be a bioweapon.
It's apparently not, it's just another SARS, and chest infections are a bitch, but nothing more than what happens every 3 years or so.
In the US, the people are the authority, all powers Granted to our Servants are given only for the sake of easing justice and watching each other's backs when we can't all be on the line.
The powers we Grant are revocable, otherwise they're not granted.
The 10th Amendment says as much, as Article 6 section 2.

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness what?

bernie has nothing to do with this, but it's cute watching your dumb brain erect strawmen.

>RUSSIA Today talking about a foreign country being police state
slurp it up mutts

It's a communist takeover they're traumatizing the population voluntarily in under a year this shit will be totally normalized and enforced by the group think effect.

Oh look. Another kike shill posting the same stupid complaining about MUH RT REEEEE. Fuck off and come up with something new.

You’re probably right. Dumb bot.

No courts. State of emergency. They can do as they please.

Stay indoors, coofer.

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I’m sure there will be plenty of support groups for you faggots.

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You children are pathetic with your ignorance. It's a scare tactic during a time of crisis. Nobody will actually be cited for this.
Inb4 boomer

What does the 2nd amendment have to do with this, you degenerate imbecile?

>probably a bot

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