@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump on F&F 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/30/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 3/30/20
>AgSec Perdue on FBN 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on CBSThisMorning 3/30/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on GMA 3/30/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on (((FakeNews))) 3/30/20
>ArmyCoS Gen McConville on CBSThisMorning 3/30/20
>NORAD&NORTHCOM Comdr AFGen O'Shaughnessy on F&F 3/30/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/29/20
>Pres Trump/VP Pence meet w/Supply Chain Distributors 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FoxNewsSun 3/29/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FtN 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on ThisWeekABC 3/29/20
>NECDir Kudlow on SunMornFutures 3/29/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: chink masks.webm (505x720, 2M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: chink-beating.webm (204x360, 2.69M)

i got it
>there are people that don't believe i'm just manually this fast

Reminder that the Coronavirus can't kill you.

Attached: crucial_fact.png (577x1014, 258.13K)

The fuck kind of communist shit is that?

>just don't be poor bro lol

JEJ, same here, but in relation of making the OP webm after 285

Attached: chink momentum.webm (480x852, 585.65K)

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Attached: YamicheIsNoJournalist.jpg (1750x774, 696.33K)

those mask are defect

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Im just surprised there is anyone that wants to bake so bad.

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It’s the bacteria that kills you after coronavirus is done, so antibiotics should be used.

This but unironically

They surely mean cases

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i miss her bros

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I really don't see the appeal either

Thomas Friedman quotes from The World Is Flat that aged well:
> No matter what your profession – doctor, lawyer, architect, accountant – if you are an American, you better be good at the touchy-feely service stuff, because anything that can be digitized can be outsourced to either the smartest or the cheapest producer

brain dead leftists are stupid too
The US federal government doesn't have any money.
If the government "gives" Tax Payers any money, it is their own money.
Give me some of my money back!

Attached: brain dead leftists are stupid too.jpg (1024x736, 141K)

You would be surprised.

Attached: Screenshot - 2020-03-26 , 13_00_56.png (1068x928, 864.7K)

Baste. They like baking this shit. I mean I guess you could like anything if you were pathetic enough.

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they got rid of trish AND toothe?!

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COOMo doesn't look too well today.
Did the mask-mafiosi take his family hostage after Trump exposed them?

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Pathetic that even when nurses and doctors from your own country cry out for help you still won't take this virus seriously.

You people are absolutely delusional and dangerous for civilization.

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The discord isn't secret. Everyone knows you fucks coordinate.
> Still won't put the juden links in the OP and throws a hysterical splitting fit forgetting about IDs whenever it gets brought up


Attached: chinacelebrating.png (664x640, 935.21K)

I thought only Mayor Pete from South Bend liked getting pipe from behind like that.

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another word for those terms is
>job security
essential just means "very high job security to the point that a national crisis would not affect your ability to continue working." regardless of pay, job security is a perk of a certain position. there are essential grunts that work minimum wage and there are essential executives, and same for non-essential
so when people are bitching about
>my nonessential job was cut
they took for granted a certain level of job security and believed the risk they were under could never crop up. now that that risk has cropped up, they want to be absolved of it: just like the people that were asking for the market to be frozen or w/e. people took risk and lost, and then demand that they don't deserve that loss

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This thread is but a giant fidget spinner, every 300 posts someone gets to flick it again to keep it spinning.
Autism is what have people flicking it constantly and even rushing to be the one to flick.

Attached: fidget.gif (405x270, 3M)


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All original Americans had to be essential, only modern day welfare niggers think otherwise.

>He actually defends this.

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Reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with accepting trumpbux and unemployment payouts for being furloughed or laid off from the shutdowns.

tl;dr on the hashtag?

Imagine thinking manufacturing will ever return to America when your minimum wage is about to go up to $15 because of worker unrest.

Please watch American Factory. Mutts don't have the ability to work hard.

Attached: MV5BNWFkMDY1MjItZmNkOS00MDg2LWFlMjMtZWU3YmM0MmY3MWM3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_.jpg (1013x1500, 497.98K)

SOON, subhumans

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Trump announces another 30 days of stopping the spread and yet DOW goes up. That stimulus package is strong.

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bots are usually fast

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Did anyone listen to him sucking China cock today on Fox and Friends?

What the fuck

>inb4 shill

and don't understand food or sex

uh-oh he just put basketball americans on notice.

That's it for the presidential aspirations.

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in 1775 there was no industrial revolution yet and there were billions of little jobs where you could make a living

>bro you should've known the government was going to shut down entire industries and planned accordingly
Kill yourself.

The nurses in my town have been crying out for help because they "only" make 35% more than the average nurse
They're gossipy fucks, that's why they go into nursing. They want to feel useful but aren't smart enough to do actual medicine so they misfill prescriptions and press the morphine button when people complain about treatment then go on social media and talk about what heroic badasses they are.

Didn't expect to see "muh dick" posting in real life.

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or bicycles or swimming

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>andrea tantaros
>aj delgado
>Michelle Fields
>Kimberl- nah
>trish regan
>Dana Loesch
>Heather Nauert
I miss them all

>watch jewpoganda
i literally hope you die soon, shitskin

He looks like the bad guy from the movie Mask.
On a different note,
Any good ideas for work you can get from home? Asking for a friend.

Attached: tfw.png (608x320, 253.63K)

>Mutts don't have the ability to work hard.
I actually agree with this considering the comments itt.
Become essential or die.

It's not hard, they should rename it from that to
> bullshit jobs / real jobs
Not even my term too
> In Bullshit Jobs, American anthropologist David Graeber posits that the productivity benefits of automation have not led to a 15-hour workweek, as predicted by economist John Maynard Keynes in 1930, but instead to "bullshit jobs": "a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence even though, as part of the conditions of employment, the employee feels obliged to pretend that this is not the case

> The author contends that more than half of societal work is pointless, both large parts of some jobs and, as he describes, five types of entirely pointless jobs:

> flunkies, who serve to make their superiors feel important, e.g., receptionists, administrative assistants, door attendants
> goons, who act aggressively on behalf of their employers, e.g., lobbyists, corporate lawyers, telemarketers, public relations specialists
> duct tapers, who ameliorate preventable problems, e.g., programmers repairing shoddy code, airline desk staff who calm passengers whose bags don't arrive
> box tickers, who use paperwork or gestures as a proxy for action, e.g., performance managers, in-house magazine journalists, leisure coordinators
> taskmasters, who manage—or create extra work for—those who don't need it, e.g., middle management, leadership professionals

This "shelter in place" came to show how society can easily continue functioning with only a fraction of the people doing productive work and it is not even the people you would assume.

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people waking up to media conspiracy

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> The film, coproduced by a Bejing-backed studio and former president Obama

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meme related

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Does anyone actually believe the numbers of a nation that still denies Tiananmen Square happened?

(unironically) learn to code
t. home office software engineer

Non-essential means all the excess population in cities that could die off and no one would notice

That would only work in Rhode Island if there are literally no niggers because they fucking take everything free that they can.


Derecognition S O O N

Attached: CommunistRebellionMap.png (1280x1019, 385.55K)

This alone would be reason to arrest him.

>not being for shit hitting the fan
unless you're still in school, super old, or have physical/mental ailments, at the end of the day you are responsible for your own well being.

>Trump announces another 30 days of stopping the spread
Those are just the social distancing measures. No governour is forced to close his state.

> "Nothingburger"; the hashtag
They predicted flooded hospitals with people dying in the corridors by now but it is not happenning.
The media started using other countries images to make up for the lack of local ones and people got fed up and started going there by themselves and filming the lack of action

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-30 CBS uses Italian hospital footage to describe COVID-19 condition in New York.png (802x701, 705.52K)

> Warrant
> For arresting someone breaking the law
Christ this is the next phase, isn't it? "You can't enforce the law unless Judge Benji Shecklebergerstienowitzgoldman signs a warrant"

>The film, coproduced by a Bejing-backed studio and former president Obama

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So you're saying these lazy niggers have less a reason for being unessential, damn.

>Xi calls him and apologizes and tells him to take it easy on calling "chinese virus"
>Trump agrees because deal on the line and doesn't want to cause any issues while lives are on the line
>all this couldve been avoided when Trump was being nice with Xi and they had to start the conspiracies

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fuck off to israel kike take your fake banking with you


Chinks are niggers and I don't like niggers.

Attached: Freebird.webm (640x360, 2.82M)

>It doesn't matter man. Biden has no path to 270 electoral l votes. He can't win the rustbelt, Florida is gone for the Dems, NH and Nevada will likely flip. The Dems are doing "soul searching" and have conceded 2020 and are looking to 2024.

lol Trump has all those states and the rust belt loss. A ton of people will die and be jobless after this. It is over.

It will drop once polls start polling the days after we overtook china in cases. His approval will drop like a stone once people know we have great depression levels of unemployment.

won't be surprised if the mafia has more respect for Trump & giullani than cuomo at this point

The “warrant” is being an illegal alien no matter how hard they kvetch

People seriously believe and want this

It's literally their form of copeposting. I was reading something on Twitter about a crime or something, somebody made a 13/50 joke.Then a nigger literally posted "You might have FBI statistics but I have a BBC!" It's pathetic, muh dik is all they have.

The Trump show is coming to an end in a few months. How will you celebrate?

Attached: asscuntTrump.jpg (900x665, 56.51K)

Just two more weeks bro

The goal is to turn judges into the highest law of the land. Talmudism rising. Look up "kritarchy." But for now illegals don't have rights. Warrants are because you're a citizen protected by the 4th, supposedly.

This. I had the misfortune of choosing a job where your performance can be measured (e.g write 300 words an hour) so you can never really slack off. Others have something like
>write this report in 3 months.
and end up doing it in 2 weeks.

>Higher Grounds production
>King Nigger's personal production company
Does he realize he can't just take a magic wand and make those jobs disappear anymore since his legacy is all but a faded memory?

If they ever dare build a fucking library for this upjump yard ape I'm going to take a fucking shit in the middle of it.

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> Context?
Chink gets cocky, forgets Hong Kong is still China and, unlike Taiwan, has a land border with mainland.
Goons then remind him in a very kinetic manner

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And I have no problem with that. This is not getting fired/quitting. I've done both of those, and never gone on welfare. This is the government stepping in and shutting down thousands of businesses and putting millions of people out of work for a month or more. To act like the people who want MAGAbux for this unprecedented situation are just welfare leeches is disingenuous at best, unfathomably retarded at worst.

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I will be sad when Biden takes over. Trump did a great job ruining the USA.

Let's say that China lies about their numbers at every opportunity. That said, we'll use the US numbers to estimate what's happening in China (a best case scenario as their medical is far inferior to ours).

US Population
US Cases
US Fatalities

US Population to Cases Ratio
147,465/327,000,000= .0004509633
US Population to Fatalities Ratio
2,602/327,000,000 = .00000795718

China Population
Estimated Cases (using the US ratio)
Estimated Fatalities (using the US ratio)

China's Reported Cases
China's Reported Fatalities

I think that China is covering up their actual number of cases and deaths and that their real numbers are much worse than this best case scenario.

Attached: china virus.jpg (530x298, 14.95K)

I freelanced for 4 years writing/editing SEO content. Shit's easy as hell. I was making about $300-400 per day I actually worked (only really worked 3-4 days per week) before one of my clients offered me a permanent position.
But that was a while ago, back when Craigslist wasn't fucked and Elance/Scribendi offered reasonable rates. No idea what it'd be like now, four or five years after I stopped freelancing.

this but unironically, for multiple reasons
1. for all the "let's burn the world down, chaos, civil war" posts in Yas Forums, a lot of people here seem awfully dependent on the system
2. there is a level of risk associated with everything. something with a 99% chance of success has a 1% chance of failure. if you accepted that 99% chance and then bitch about when that 1% turns up, you should've opted for better
3. as i've pointed out last thread, most people have plenty of wealth but are shitty about using it, and so they have no one to blame but themselves for their inability to handle a crisis
the thing is i'm not even about to suggest everyone should only have essential jobs, but being enterprising and forethinking is how you survive in a non-essential position. going back to musician because i have familiarity with that, it's definitely a "nonessential" position but you can make a good amount of money as one by hitting the pavement, by putting in the work and time, and by being smart about where you go and whom you appeal to
there are musicians i know right now who are sitting around bitching that they can't make any money. and there are musicians i know right now who are finding ways to get around that problem: either temp work in a different field, leveraging the internet to put themselves out there, or simply just doing work at all - even playing in the street

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> There is still no library because they spent all the money bribing officials but neighbors got the federal government to declare the park they were going to develop a historic site

Can I join the awoovement?

>library named after a nigger

It’s no different than the government using eminent domain, you would never hear sane people say “you shouldn’t be compensated for the government seizing your property”

got em

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Notice how the "trumpbux bad" argument is espoused exclusively by outside agitators and three specific regulars. Really cogitates my coconuts.

Attached: trumpbux to mars.jpg (5400x7200, 2.22M)

> The Great Library of Okie-Dokie

300 words per hour is nothing. Is that enforced on an hour-by-hour basis, or do they just check at EOB? Cuz I used to write like 5k-10k words per day, and was able to do that in a few hours. It's my only marketable skill; I'm not bragging or anything. But I'd legit love to hear more; maybe I can pick up a side gig.

Isn’t the king nigger center already in Chicago

Based locals.

>I think that China is covering up their actual number of cases and deaths and that their real numbers are much worse than this best case scenario.

No they acted very fast and viscious when considering they didnt even know what they were dealing with.

Your country though knows what they are dealing with and act very slow.

thats some final destination shit. what did the driver look like afterwards?

> there are musicians i know right now who are finding ways to get around that problem: either temp work in a different field, leveraging the internet to put themselves out there
This is important. There is ZERO shame in stacking boxes, replenishing shelves or drinving a van / truck around delivering even if you are a super duper music genius, programming genius, super model or soccer player.
It if pays and it is honest work people shouldn't be the least inclined to perform it even if in a temporary capacity.
Had things turned sideways for me right now I would be calling in favors and knocking doors for any job at all

> They still think this kind of shilling works in free countries

China lies about any stat that could potentially make them look bad... but they only fudge the top line numbers. It's the same thing with GDP versus manufacturing orders, energy usage, steel shipments, etc.

According to brain dead commies, ICE raids are exactly like WW II Nazi raids; because the evil Nazis were attempting to evict jews from their homes in the prison work camp network.

Attached: ICE raids are exactly like WW II Nazi raids.png (606x910, 401.16K)

Yeah, that's pretty much the point of it

It's not final destination it's common fucking sense and US truck drivers are trained for exactly these situations and the trucks are build not to let them do it

Just because it is non-essential doesnt mean it has no value. We are human beings after all not meat robots

> Hitler actually did try to round up jews and send them to the levant to farm but they refused because they wanted free interest money from skimming the crashed economy

>espoused exclusively by outside
There is no outsiders, because there is no barrier to entry.

>what should i do with this corner of my tasteless house
>lets put a tiny potted plant on the floor

An expected average for the day. But it's not mindless typing. Sorry don't want to go into details.

>1. for all the "let's burn the world down, chaos, civil war" posts in Yas Forums, a lot of people here seem awfully dependent on the system
If it was a real SHTF situation, you would be the first to be a rape slave and then dinner, after your butthole lost all semblance of elasticity, you hypocritical faggot.
>2. there is a level of risk associated with everything. something with a 99% chance of success has a 1% chance of failure. if you accepted that 99% chance and then bitch about when that 1% turns up, you should've opted for better
There's no preparing for something as completely unforeseeable as the unprecedented actions the government has taken in the last month. You might as well say people should be prepared for a world in which communism works.
>3. as i've pointed out last thread, most people have plenty of wealth but are shitty about using it, and so they have no one to blame but themselves for their inability to handle a crisis
You've provided no citation, just one shit graph that shows that people don't have enough money to handle a crisis at most income levels. You are a massive, retarded faggot, and I hope the shit does actually hit the fan, so I can come and rape you to death.

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I wish I could take several hundred million niggers from Africa and flood China with them. I'd chop off my left hand if it meant a neverending floodgate of NIGGERS would befall on China.

Attached: Murderous desire intensifies.gif (650x450, 192.62K)

you can take your intrinsic specialness that all humans supposedly possess and see what the market will give you for it, but i wouldn't hold my breath for a good sum

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Now that Blimpfbux are a reality and more or less the whole of /ptg/ will be comprised of NEETs once those checks arrive, is there any going back, /ptg/???

Attached: BLIMPFBUX45.jpg (852x372, 51.9K)

> Trying to claim borders and identity don't exist
> In a Trump thread
Good god where are they FINDING you people?

> final destination
Nah, that's predictable as fuck
> unsecured 10 tonne mass travelling at 40mph
> static friction coeficient of the surface is X
> what is the deceleration rate needed for the mass start moving?

Now **this** is some final destination shit

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is report of the week OURHOST