Yas Forums humor thread
Yas Forums humor thread
you first
>still givin a shit about e-celebs
>bein OP
>just an hero
>hating on a honest way of living and making wages
did u make that yourself?
post her photos
The only ethot I've ever given money to is a cute tranny with a majestic 9" uncut cock.
I don't get OnlyFans. Why would you pay to see pictures of average looking women in their underwear? There's a bunch that do it for free.
i maed dis
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Why would you be proud of such an uncreative meme? You tried but whew lad
>Why would you be proud of such an uncreative meme
I just said that I made this and you already assumed that I am proud of it.
why are icuckzztv orbiters so stupid?
reddit is down the corridor, faggot.
>being that much of an idiot
too be fair, she is rather cute. and ians kind of a dicklord.
They should change the name to OnlyFriends lmao
Heres something funny
Isn't being Italian an illness within itself?
that nigglet deserved it
You meant to write 'Obese!'
there is a saying in Russia which goes
"If he hits you then he loves you"
>uh eceleb
This isnt politics stop posting it you schizo
Lmao you pathetic racists never fail to make me laugh with your "pol humor" threads
Face it, most poc will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
Who would pay for that ugly bitch
Why are americans so goddamn fat?
That's just brothers kek
Stop being healthist!
damn he got f'd in the a
Why do doctors greenlight hormones instead of pimozide.
This sounds old, is there a generic or offlabel pimozide we can obtain and slip to at-risk youth?
i dunno the context but the big dude fucking shit up there looks like one giant turbo-nigger.
Seething Turk
context ?
>I told you to use less teeth *SMACK now drink your water
>some guys going at it
>woman gets involved
>/ourguy/ pushes her slightly
Here you can even see him twitch a little. he wasnt intending for her to fall on her ass
>whiteknights come to help m'lady
ok poointhelooer
based and vikingpilled
Fuck off brit bonger, your government fines you 10 quid just for going outside. What's next outside licenses. Cuck = You.
Source on this madness.
Pushes woman down, gets wrecked....are you blind?
if he die holding that monster up, he would go to boomerhalla
studies find that actively seething are more effective in lowering suicide rates.
are you out of devices in your house, or you learnt how to delete cookies and change your IP?
Based fat
Needed room to share his message
Wew. Who is this CHAD? Story?
Yeah, generics are available. I'm guessing sex changes are more profitable.
Also, I don't want to sound antisemitic, but I think Israeli company Teva pharmaceuticals makes most of the sex change hormones...
Funniest part is people got triggered by her and his actions.
Funnies part is those triggered people, not him, not her making a bank, it's those triggered
top kek
These guys are full fucking retard.
You NEVER hit a woman in a situation like this. Every guy nearby might attack you for it.
It doesn't matter the situation, don't do it if you don't want to risk death. If you aren't going to kill the bitch quickly never hit her. Just get the fuck out.
The fact that those guys are white knight simps doesn't matter, most guys are like that.
This creature was masterbating in the living room when I went into the kitchen to get lunch. This is a Jewish person pretending to be my parent. They are trying to enslave the white people
>Knee pain
>High Cholesterol
>Mental Illness
These are all comorbidities. The chart you posted tells us very little.
You have a point mutt
God damn I hate niggers so fucking much, poor kids honestly...
I’m a literal refugee in the United States
Literally just a hard spanking on the glutes. Bet the little shit won't do it again.
Women really can't do anything right
fuck off fag I hope you get murdered by africans they then die in a river afterwards
What a legend
My parents werent niggers (not by the looks of it) but they used to beat the shit of me all the same. When the niglet grows up it will get revenge for all the beatings at once and it will feel great.
You're far more likely to meet an African mutt.
This is why people hate vegans
They will take that revenge out on others that's the thing, that and their IQ makes them more likely to chimp out. You have fucking degenerate parents by the way.
literal white nigger
Keep telling yourself that.
I will contribute with the thread but also SAGE
Kek, I'll have you know my cutlery loicence is paid in full so I am allowed to own butter knives, and I didn't get fined because I only went out once today for my daily government permitted walk.
how come americans go down so easily ? is it something in the water ?
I don't need to, it's statistically true in every sense.