What lesson can we as a humanity take away from this whole coronavirus shit?

What lesson can we as a humanity take away from this whole coronavirus shit?

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Dont trust china

The west sucks. Liberty is gay and kills you.

Never trust a chink again.

Never trust China or their mouth piece the WHO.
Vote Trump in November

Don't trust China

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Yeah its the chineses fault that the west is bad at dealing with crises

nuke china

>me chinese
>me play joke
Our ancestors, they tried to warn us. We should have listened.

That all viruses would go extinct in 40 days if Humans did not have cities and global travel and interstate commerce. A fully functioning first world economy even more efficient than the one we currently have could be set up based around towns of 5000 people each, in which everyone lived in close proximity and caught each other's viruses. After everyone catches each other's viruses, simply quarantine the town for 40 days.

All viruses are now permanently extinct for that population so long as new ones are not introduced in.

how easy they can control us

shut the fuck up eurofag

Fuck China

>Cope the post
Hilarious, if China told the truth the west would have been better prepared.
China wanted the west to be crippled by this which is why they lied and downplayed this shit.
Fuck off chang

We as humanity need to take away all Chinas assets and cancel all debts to the CCP.
Eat the Chinese.

>toasting French wine

We should pretend China and the rest of the world are in different planets and not interact

Vote for the guy that downplayed impending doom and screw you so dow jones could hit 30k lol

That everyone, whether they be white, nigger, Jew or jannie, male, female or otherwise, we're all equal and deserve equal respect. We also all deserve the same forgiveness we must offer China because we all make mistakes.

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Fatties contribute less to society than non fatties

Good. The west needs to die. Liberty is death.

That capitalism can win the cold war and collapse the entire communist block but has bat soups as Achilles heel.
Never thought that the system would have broken down with a sneeze

>Still coping
You're a shill cucklord you fucking faggot.
You've already exposed yourself with this post but you might as well keep going right.
60 fucking % approval, 4 more fucking years you absolute seething cuck.
Please continue to rage post in this thread cause it makes my dick hard

Who can win? Dead bat or a yellow snake?

The main silver lining of covid 19 has been to expose the EU for the self serving, morally bankrupt, ineffective, corrupt, evil leftist regime that it really is. It's falling apart in this pandemic, good riddance to the EUSSR!

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The CCP controls western leftists and there needs to be a major war.

At least you're admitting you're a CCP shill chang

I think we can all agree it's in the past now and time to move on. What did we learn? always make sure to wash your hands.

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Capitalism sucks

>Yeah its the chineses fault that the west is bad at dealing with crises
commies and their "not great not terrible" aproach create this problem user.
They now about this shit sience november and they did nothing.
Even argentina when we had the ande's hanta virus (an airborne hanta virus, an AIRBORNE fucking hanta virus) manage to contain it and we did not infect the fucking planet.

You know what makes my dick hard? American death count. Im sure americans appreaciate trump downplayed this till last week

That countries run by greedy and selfish politicians acted far too slow and far too weakly, you are really seeing the difference in governance and prudence between countries.

And you are a ZOGshill

Wanna see how mad leftist are? I saved a few tweets from the salt thread last night.
Leftist are so mad that they will deny a life saving drug just to hate the president

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That boomers will crash whatever rubble of a once functional economy they left behind to extend their own lives by a few more years.

Absolute fucking cope you fucking CCP faggot, not even reading your fucking chink posts you slat eye'd disease

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Boomers eating fishtank cleaner? Lets fucking goooooo

*Fart sounds*

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NEVER open up to communists

We're not equal though, the claim that all humans have equal worth by virtue of their humanity is wrong and gay

China is the one true superpower.

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Like fucking clockwork, I hope you catch it you fucking faggot, I hope you take the fucking pills and I hope they save your fucking life to force you to face reality that your ideology is absolute fucking cancer and that you fucking lost to orange man bad.

1-Don't trust China
2-Ship back our industry from China


Globalization = two huge recessions in just over a decade. Generation fucked.

No man should ever take advice from someone who looks like Daniel Ashley

China knew from August. Their official death toll starts from January, but I was in a seminar with the whistle blower dr. Li in September and he had confessed he was puzzled with sudden pneumonia deaths in July.

Nuke China first, ask questions later.

That the government can just shut you down at a moments notice and no one can do anything about it.

The 2nd amendment is a joke and will just be bulldozed over whenever the government feels necessary.

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>Capitalism sucks
you are alive because of capitalism you fucking faggot.
Liberty is like health, you will miss it when you lose it.

Key take aways?
>No country, not even the countries that are close with them, trust China.
>China is the only legitimate thread to the world at the moment. Not even authoritarian dictatorships or socialist infiltration tactics can do what china did in 3 months to lives and the world economy.\
>Chinese peasant citizens are 85-90% disgusting human beings without hygiene or common sense and the CCP relies on their stupidity and negligence.
>Don't buy or trust Chinese. If you have to buy from or go to Asia, go Japanese or S.E. Asian.
>Liberal and Socialized Medicine cannot compete with privatized health industries when there is high demand, it's not even close.
>S. Europeans are degenerates who all live with their parents and don't produce anything worthwhile for their economies. They also relied way too much on the Chinese.
>Africa is a hellhole that has no idea if they're being infected because of all the other diseases that are also infecting them and no one should ever go to Africa until the Africans die out and sanitation is brought to the continent.

That multiculturalism will literally kills us all
We've allowed it because we were a passive aggressive empire and we ended up being soft to those we subjugated in the past.
Our political class is a meme.
When you think it's a blight we came up with nuclear, nothing surpasses it and creativity can no longer provide the upper hand, which is what allowed us to impose ourselves in the past.

Imagine not nuking every foreign threat as soon as you can. Imagine being so fucking passive you let it slip to something like a cold war.
By the time the passive man reacts the active man has already killed him.
Our political class is a meme since the institution of liberal democracies.
Aka the foundation of muttland is flawed, there was no golden age to look up to, fite me mutts.

Based leaf

don't give up all of your rights and civil liberties for the flu?

Nuke china

chinks are soulless

flip post best post

fucking chinks are everywhere
everybody knows you eat dogs you fucking insect

weird thing to call a chink

this but unironically

That everyone is retarded for giving in to fear and despair. That, without faith in God, people act like dumb animals whenever the boomervision talking heads start screeching about muh scary thing. That all of the "Russian Bots" on twitter dont exist and are actually Chinese shills. That the average human being is so retarded that they buy up all the toilet paper they can instead of a bunch of reusable rags and water. That the average human being is so retarded that they immediately snatch up all the short shelf life junk food in times of distress instead of fruit/veggie seeds to plant a garden or long shelf life foods.

We need to view China through the prism of Starship Troopers. Chinks are just bugmen. They are a hoard of malicious bugs aiming to overrun and destroy our planet. The only way forward is extermination of the bug race.


Alway Boycott China

that the world should collectively sanction china into oblivion and when it's back in its mao levels poverty begging for mercy, we simply tell it to eat a bag of dicks and leave it its doom

>That everyone is retarded for giving in to fear and despair.
is that how you deal with the exponential casualties in america LOL

chinks eat dogs, westerners eat cum

Nuke China.

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chinks and commies are lying sacks of shit and should be permanently socially distanced

central banking user, the central banks create this economic shit.

We learned that:
1.Eco-fascism might be a valid ideology.
2.The Chinese aren't people.
3.The west is to dependent on Chinese manufacturing.
4.There is a dark side to globalization.


don't eat random animals don't fry your food with shit oil

>Chinks are just bugmen.
says the guy whose presidents told him to get back to work so the BIG RED LINE GOES UP, yeah dude, you people are such freedom loving ubermensch

how come japan, south korea, taiwan, prevented it then?

I-I like to know m-more

but thats what americans do everyday

Globalism is all dark side, milquetoast. This was the endgame all along.

You're a stupid brain dead idiot schizophrenic if you think that during a virus outbreak, hospitals would be over ran with people. I mean, how stupid can you be? Wow. Trump and the US government bungled this response, and China told them about it ages ago. China begged the US and Trump to do something, and Trump, over the phone just yelled
At the Chinese people, and then hung up.
I mean, good lord, this is almost as dumb as the threads about the unused ventilators sitting around in a hospital that has people dying by the literal truckload because they don't have ventilators.
Grow a brain, mutt.

The world should have a coordinated day where they just publicly recognise the existence of taiwan and tibet, wear winnie the pooh masks and shout "Tienanmen square" to their heart's content. Encourage people to record these acts and spam social media about it.

And it will all be forgotten and back to business as usual unless the death toll goes high enough to drive it home good.

Yas Forums is flooded by Amerimutt proxy shills like this fag who is alone responsible 15% of all China threads on Yas Forums

Never expect that an Amerimutt shill posted twitter link will lead to some real account

Never trust that an Amerimutt posted screenshot of a tweet is real

Never trust that an Amerimutt would have the decency to not blatantly lie about a video that shows something obviously completely different

Every commie shill on Yas Forums is an Amerimutt larper

1. Stop trading with China.
2. Bring manufacturing back to western nations.
3. Buy fewer of and more high quality/expensive items (Clothing/Household items/technology .etc
4. Bring back the stitching and repairs industry for maintaining them.
5. Stop buying new phones every year and make technology upgradable akin to PCs or ICE cars to lower cost and prevent waste.
6. The majority of TSA precautions are just for show and we should return to a more streamlined airport system.
7. We need clean power.
8. Do away with single use plastics. (Buy a high quality reusable container that you fill up with whatever drink you want from the supermarket using dispenser machines).
9. We all depend on each other to keep this shit running, so act like it.
10. Bring back a mineral based monetary standard to prevent national debt from growing exponentially in our current debt-based economy.
11. Don't needlessly expect everyone in your country to reach a high salaried position by devaluing essential unskilled labour and giving it to desperate migrants.

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Best not make enemies with the only country that could save you from Russian occupation.

punctuation sentence

it's not going to reach spanish flu levels but people will not forget the numbers. And political party members are slowly wanting a "reckoning" against china to happen once everything clears up. In the uk there's already pressure growing to remove huawei from 5g networks. I hope so

one gutter fried pangolin burger with bat innards

>Reddit spacing
>still cope posting
Jesus christ chang just go to a new thread

Fuck chinks, fuck the rich, and most of all FUCK JANNIES

>reusable rags
What the fuck is wrong with you?

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