How do women get jobs? Do employers fuck women? Do women suck dick to get to the top of the management of the business? I'm Genuinely curious guys
How do women get jobs? Do employers fuck women? Do women suck dick to get to the top of the management of the business...
The higher ups make sure they get hired for diversity purposes. At work on my team there are literally a few whites, blacks, browns, muslims, Asians, and Indians, male and female. Gotta make sure the diversity quota is reached. It's pretty sad.
They have their girl friends get them jobs.
As a boomer, wouldn't you just rather make passes at each other's daughters than allow another generation of manlets do the same.
how old are you man?
>built for bbc
>architected for africans
>erected for ebony
>stacked for black
>created for coal
>materialized for melanin
>slave for sambo
>spawned for spades
>anointed for niggers
>shaped for apes
>toned for Tyrone
no i think they suck dick at some point
The same reason you post a pic of girl to your inane question is why boomers hire bitches. They're attention getters and nice to look at.
Totally worthless, but most jobs are too.
Leading the topic with a hot girl, that will work. Know your clickbait.
checked, kek confirms
I work in marine transportation. Women are absolutely diversity hires, they know it, and they can skate by on the fact. Never trust an attractive girl on a ship, their game is to either fuck and marry the captain, or spend a few years onboard and get transferred to a cushy office job. Well, that's the attractive ones. The uggos can be a little more reliable but generally still a pain with the constant "STRONK WOWMAN BREAKING THE MOLD" mentality.
Sailors of old had the right idea, barring women from ships. Not because they'd curse the voyage, but because they're such a pain in the ass to work with
Corporate and government simps.
im sure the captains fucked the hot girls and they haven't told you yet
100%. That was like, 1/4 of my post.
i wouldn't doubt it
Some guy is scared to talk to girls bc mommy issues and dedicates his life to climbing the corporate ladder, he might have a wife and kids because it's the proper thing to do but she probably strong armed him into it. He eventually gets to a management position and some attractive girl gets hired under him. She kisses his ass and he loses his shit bc it's the first time in his life a girl that looks like that has ever given him respect. she takes his side on everything and sabotages other people in the office, she knows what to wear to get him off, she might even screw him if it can do enough for her. Meanwhile we can't talk about any of this, it isn't allowed. That's the current year.
>How do women get jobs?
By being the most qualified candidates.
>Do employers fuck women?
No. Extramarital sex is unprofessional.
>Do women suck dick to get to the top of the management of the business?
No. They do that because they like it.
we can talk about this
True as fuck.
it's not who you know it's who you blow in a womans world.
sometimes but it's not the norm. It depends on the business and the position. Important roles that require competency in order for the business to succeed rarely have dick suckers rising the ranks. A useless department such as HR is probably a lot more likely to have a hierarchy of cock knobbing sluts.
Then again I'm just guessing
I am pretty sure that pic related is the person that accused trump of sexual assault for the same thing in pic related
i also work in shipping
women are absolute cancer to work with
Women make great employees. Honestly, unless it's some really important job that requires a lot of creativity and initiative, 99/100 you'll be a lot better off hiring a woman.
I am a business PA. I ‘work’ for women.
The Hudson company made some study about women performing better in selection processes than men. But the thing is women represented less than 30% of the candidates, therefore more men were hired every year.
Extramarital sex is the fucking norm in some firms.
The third one is true though.
>fucking loser faggot kill yourself
probably, that's generally how it works
Yes yes and yes.
lol why do people say this? they pull some crazy black magic shit that convinces managers they are the dream employee and then when the company burns down the manager doesn't even know what hit them, i've seen it so many times. Even after the fact everybody knows what happened but the manager.
They are initially hired on looks but start sucking dick as soon as they make their first minor mistake.
Well given the new recession that won't last much longer.
Women get jobs through gf connections or men wanting something nice to look at. I’ve fucked female employees at work, it’s not uncommon. If your gf works, then there’s a guy at work she’s interested in.
>reading comprehension
The first question was not a yes or no question.
Whaddyahmean? It ain't ever going away
Usually someone who is in charge of hiring has their performance reviewed from time to time. Theres the company owner, then manager, then some kind of shift supervisor. Larger companies might have more middle management..
Basically if you hire someone then promote them based on cock skills and they just scrape by and fucking up work the guy above you will look into it, then fire everybody involved.
At the end of the day the owner wants more money, not less.
Simple: they put an application in and get hired. Just like you and me.
Doesn’t exist
They mostly get jobs like the rest of society except they're underpaid and the not ugly ones get harassed.
Personally, I prefer working with women. They're more agreeable, easier to bully, get paid less than I do and are generally less threatening to my position than a man would be. Also, they tend to cry when under pressure and that makes me semi hard.
Any nonsense about their intelligence be less than a man's is just non-normie Yas Forums incel nonsense. Decent people don't believe that creepy pseudoscience. The one difference in the workplace that matters is women are less aggressive than men and that keeps them out of positions of power.
Girls that look like that don’t need jobs. Being hot is their job.
>built for bbc
>architected for africans
>erected for ebony
>stacked for black
>subordinates for sub-Saharans
>created for coal
>materialized for melanin
>slave for sambo
>spawned for spades
>anointed for niggers
>shaped for apes
>toned for Tyrone
>engineered for Njambo
>vanilla for gorillas
>groans for negros
>gives her moon to the coon
>born to please chimpanzees
>she's all for Jamal
>unfrocks for black cocks
>always agog for the gollywog
>tight for the Hamite
>soaking wet for Mehmet's Minaret
>throbbing for a nignogging
>How do women get jobs?
This is the most incel post i've seen in months.
Image was cut off.
How can women maintain eye contact and give a firm handshake, though? They're naturally weak and submissive
Yes and yes.
>that crucifix
this clown world is too much for me sometimes
No one shakes hands anymore, goy.
I come from the future where bacon is good for your heart.
>Man hiring
Wants pussy or diversity points
>Woman hiring
Wants a gossip buddy and someone cute to poach men from
You don't live in reality, that's for sure. You've probably fried your brain permanently through brainwashing yourself online. Congratulations.
bernie lost,
bidens going to lose
must be demoralizing being a loser
how many dicks you sucked? were they good?
No corona yet? I haven't stepped foot in a Walmart to shop since the emergency declaration. The place has to much infected riffraff in one place.
The only reason there are "women in science" (not women scientists) at all is because your team only gets grants if it has a woman pet, so that the fake news media can pretend she's the one that did all the work.
Nigga what?
>At the end of the day the owner wants more money, not less.
If you are the CEO of a middle-to smallish company, lets say 50 people, I'd definitely say employing the blonde bimbo 9/10 slut that sucks cock like a porn star and might work as well as 50% of a proper employe would be worth it. It's not that much money. Just give them no brain jobs.
it's not every woman but if you don't think it happens you are fucked in the head
how does canada donate guns to saudi arabia?
Thats not how you greentext boomer newfaggot
>believing in this obvious media hoax
Oh well. It's keeping me employed. I'm not an immunelet, and Walmart ain't paying me to sit at home to play with my pud, so I'm here, and will forever be here.
>Do employers fuck women? Do women suck dick to get to the top of the management of the business?
Interesting. I'm a captain on a super yacht and there's a real divide between deck crew and the interior staff. Boys go on deck, girls go inside. There are exceptions but that's how it generally goes. Furthermore, and I count this as a good thing, the superyacht industry is fairly de-regulated and diversity hiring practices are a totally foreign concept
Say hi to Ghislaine and Jeffrey for us.
How young DOES Andy go, though?
Haven't got a fucking clue mate.
Women are good account managers, marketers, and sometimes managers depending on their temperament. Asians/pajeetas are perfectly capable when it comes to things like SQL queries. It's obvious that people who think women are useless in the workplace are earning close to minimum-wage and associate exclusively with retards
Hot women have a superiority complex from all the attention, so they have no shortage of confidence.